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05x31 - The Dark One Cometh, Part 1

Posted: 08/20/22 14:26
by bunniefuu
Yami-yugi, voice-over:
previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

is something the matter?

The millennium ring--

We are in the presence
of pure evil.

Pardon the interruption,

But apparently
someone left me
off the guest list.


Now, if you wouldn't mind,

Hand over
your millennium items!


Let me introduce my friend.

Diabound meet the pharaoh,

And pharaoh,
meet the instrument
of your demise.

Now, any last words
before I end this shadow game

And seize control
of your millennium items?


Then, diabound,
bring me victory.

Stop right there,

I summon obelisk
the tormentor!

This can't be happening!

Obelisk, attack!

Fist of fury!

Now, diabound,
use the power of blue-eyes!

White lightning attack!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

this is impossible!

Their power
is equal!

He withstood the as*ault
of an egyptian god.

Bandit-bakura, voice-over:
had I not acquired

The attacking power
of kaiba's blue-eyes,

My diabound
would have been destroyed.

I'd best be taking
my leave...

For now.

This isn't over, pharaoh.

And you,
I believe it's mahad?

Don't grow too fond
of that item
around your neck.

I have a special,
shall we say,

Attachment to
the millennium ring.

At one time,
it was mine.

This item was
created for me,

So you lie.

But it is destined for me.

In fact,
all millennium items

Have been fated
to fall into my hands.

Just you wait.


We mustn't let him escape!

Guards, after him!

Yes, master.

You can't contain me.

'Til we meet again.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
so I was sent back in time

To relive these events
all over again?


Tell me,
what is that strange
object in the sky.

What do you mean?

Up there, that pyramid.

I'm sorry,
your excellency,

I don't see anything.

But it's right there
in plain sight.


Let's go in.

It's been a long day.

Very well.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
I'm sure it has something

To do with
bakura's shadow game.

But why can
no one else see it?

Seto, voice-over:
is he truly
the chosen pharaoh

The scriptures speak of?

My king,
you fought bravely.

Yes, thanks to you,
we can all rest well.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
if only kaiba were
able to see himself

Fighting boldly
by my side.

Can't these people see
this is only a card game?

Whatta you looking at?

You think I'm gonna let you
change my mind?

I am not flying to egypt.

Look at me.

I'm talking to some
golden antique eyeball.

Hold on.

What's that?

No way.

It's a trick.

Kaiba, voice-over:
I've been hearing about
this ancient nonsense

For too long,

And the only way
to shut these people up

Is to prove them all wrong.

This is kc-
setting course for
cairo, egypt.

any word on bakura?

with an entire squadron
of guards his trail,

He will not get far.


After seeing
his frighteningly

Display of power,
I disagree.

Listen, seto,

We're not dealing
with any
ordinary thief.

He's harboring
a creature

With a strength
that rivals that of
the egyptian gods.

Master aknadin,
you've just given me an idea.

This tablet sanctuary
is full of creatures

We've pulled from
the hearts of criminals.

Surely there must be
other evil-doers

Harboring as much darkness
as this bakura,
wouldn't you say?

I would.

Your king wanted power.

That's why
he devised a plan

To use the items
to control the entire world.

The secret lies
in the village
of kul ellna.

Aknadin, voice-over:
perhaps bakura escaped
from that village

Before it was destroyed.

That would explain
the incredible power

Of the beast that
dwells within him,

For his anger and hatred
would be immeasurable.

All we need to do
is find these criminals.

Then we simply
use the millennium items

To harness
the evil creatures

That dwell within
their hearts.

Yes, we'll have
an unstoppable army
of shadow monsters.

what you're suggesting
is completely immoral,

Not to mention
quite dangerous.

With all due respect master,

Would we not be reducing
the amount of lawbreakers

That wreak havoc on
this kingdom every day?


And in the end,

We'd be creating
this monster army

In order to protect
the people of egypt.

Is that not what
we all promised to do

The day we took our oath
as the sacred guardians
of the pharaoh?

Millennium necklace,

Show me what
dangers lie ahead.


Ever since
bakura arrived,

My vision of the future
has been clouded.

It's as if the kingdom
is shrouded in
a blanket of shadows.

But I must continue
my efforts to see
through the darkness.

You should preserve
your energy.

This evening's battle
with bakura

Has taken its toll
on all of us, !sis.

When he returns,
we'll need our full power
in order to face him.

So listen to shada
and get some rest.

I appreciate your help,
both of you.

But my millennium
necklace may be
our only hope

Of knowing what bakura
is plotting next.

Since the well being
of the citizens of egypt
is at stake,

I'm afraid rest is
a luxury I can't afford.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
if I'm unable
to save mankind

From the evil that's
about to unfold,

What will become
of the future?

The safety of my friends
depends upon my victory.

Yugi, I'll do whatever I can
to protect you.

Every doorway
in this place
looks the same.

No joke.

We'll never find
the right one.

And every time I open one,
I find more of them.

Even the doors
have doors?

Hey, guys,
either the batteries
on my watch just died

Or time is somehow
standing still.

Hey, she's right.

Dudes, this place
is starting
to freak me out.

If we don't find
the pharaoh soon,
I'm gonna lose it.

Hold on.

That's the one.

I don't have
a millennium thingy,

But I do have instincts.

Then I say
we bust that sucker
down on .


Guys, wait.

here we come.

So much for
your instincts.

That's weird.

How can they be up there
and down here?

Let's ask questions later.


Many doorways
within the chasms

Of the millennium puzzle
contain traps.

You might wanna tell us
that sooner next time!

Certain doorways
contain traps...

I thought he was
s'posda find this
doorway for us.

Hey, wait a sec.

There's no one
who's closer to the pharaoh
than yugi is, right, guys?

So maybe if you
concentrate hard enough,

You can figure out
what door he's behind.

I'll try.

it's worth a shot, right?

Well, I suppose,

But ever since
his spirit left
the puzzle,

I haven't sensed him
at all.

Just try, yuge.

It may be the only
chance we've got.

can you hear me?

We're all inside the
millennium puzzle

And we're trying to
find you.

are you out there?



Yami-yugi, voice-over:
it's strange.

Everyone here seems to
know me quite well,

But I have no memory
of any of them.

What did all these
people mean to me
when I was pharaoh?

Did I consider
them my friends

Or were they merely
my servants?

Pardon me,
my pharaoh.

How can I help you, ah...

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
what's his name?


My king, please
accept my apologies for
the interruption,

But it is not wise
for you to be
outside alone.

Perhaps you're right.

It's not safe here.

We should go.

Yes, stay close--

Especially after today.

One can never be
too cautious.


Did you hear that?

Stay behind me.

Mana, what are you doing?

What, I can't pay a visit
to my oldest friend?

I just miss him that's all.

Ever since he's become
the new pharaoh,

We haven't been able
to talk at all.

It has only been
one day.

You're mana,

And you and I grew up

I know we haven't spoken
in a whole day,

But you didn't
forget me, did you?

After all these years
of practicing magic together,

I mean you and I
are practically family.

Yes, of course.

Hold on.

You haven't been
walking around in the desert

Without wearing a hat again,
now have you?

Mana, that is enough.

It is not like
it used to be.

Do you not see, he's
the king of egypt now,

And does not have
time for--

Is that why
you've been doing all
the talking for him?

That is not true.

How did you get past
the guards anyway?

Well, my magic's
been improving.

Do not tell me
you used your
freezing spell.

We need them to
guard the palace.

Oops, sorry.

I release thee.


Your magic's improving,
is it?

Let me try that again.

It's in here somewhere.

Just hurry up.

Let's see,
turning humans into toads,

Getting rid
of bad breath...

Ah, the freeze spell!

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
its good to know
I had friends.

perhaps trying to acquire

All millennium items
at once was a bit ambitious,

But no matter.

They'll come to me
in time.

So for now I'll focus
on one in particular--

The millennium ring.

Once I obtain that,
the others will soon follow.

Sleep well, pharaoh.

The damage looks
quite extensive,

Seto, voice-over:
you will not get away
with this, bakura.

Excuse me?


Are you here to protect us
from that scary guy?

Yes, we are.

I promise
he will not scare
anyone again.

Aw, good!

Seto, voice-over:
the millennium ring.

How strange.


Know this,

I shall do everything
in my power

To keep your darkness
far from this kingdom.

Mana: so tell me,

Is everything really
gonna change

Now that you've
become this big
important pharaoh?

To be honest,
it's hard to remember
what life was like

Before I was king.

You must have
a lot on your mind
these days.

Yes, I do.

But you still have time
for me, right?

Of course.

Mana, would you--

Could you tell me
more about us?

Wait, you're serious,
aren't you?

This pharaoh thing
has made you weird.

Oops. Did I say that
out loud?

It's fine.

I guess now that you're
the king of egypt,

I need to start
calling you things like
"your highness."


Mahad, you startled me.

Greetings, !sis.

Have you discovered
what the future holds
for our kingdom?

No, I have not.

My millennium necklace
has been acting

I see.

So has my ring.

It's bakura.

You need not worry.

I have faith that
our new pharaoh will lead us
from this darkness.


!sis, voice-over:
please, millennium necklace,
I beseech thee.

Pierce the shadows
and show me the light
of the future.


What is this?

I see something...

Jumbled pieces of events
yet to come.

I sense a great evil.

I must tell mahad.

Mahad: my pharaoh,
rest assured,

The sacred tomb of
former king aknamkanon

Will never be disturbed

My team of sorcerers
is casting a spell to secure
its walls as we speak.


Yes, but I'll
believe that tomb is
safe from intruders

Once I have tested
it for myself.

After all,
we've seen what

Your magicians
in training
are capable of.

I would say
a bit more training
couldn't hurt.

Alright, seto,
that's quite enough.

I agree.

Good luck to you, mahad,
and thank you.

My king.

Mahad, wait!

Please take me
with you, master!

I've been
practicing my spells
and I can help!

Come back here,

I'm afraid
it's too dangerous.

And you're merely a student.

I'm mahad's
top student.

I have twice the skills
of any magician
he's leading to that tomb.

My master needs me!

It seems to me you
underestimate the skills
of your teacher.

Mahad is
a strong wizard.

In fact,
you would not find
a more powerful magician

If you searched
the entire world.

He'll be fine.

Yes, I know.

Shimon, voice-over:
what she doesn't know

Is that mahad's
true power
was so great,

He had to lock
a portion of it away
for his own safety.

If he were to release
his full ability,

Mahad's strength
could exceed that
of any guardian

In the pharaoh's court.

Mahad: !sis.


What's wrong?

I'm not sure
you should go through
with this.

So you were able
to read my future,
weren't you?


Actually, I would
prefer not to know.

!sis, keep an eye
on the pharaoh.

Please wait.

Just know
that in my vision,
you do return.

Thank you.

Mahad, voice-over:
it has always been
my duty to protect you,

My pharaoh.

Here, mana.

Thank you, prince.

there you are.

Let me guess.

My father asked you
to look after me.

Watch out! Behind you!

No, mahad!

My prince,
are you all right?

I am fine.

What about you?

Forget about me.

Don't move.

No, my prince.

The future pharaoh
needn't do this.

You were bit by a snake,

And I'm getting
the poison out.

If it were
the other way around,

You would do
the same thing for me,
and do you know why?

Because we're friends.

Yes, we are.

And someday,
when I become pharaoh,

I know you'll be
standing right there
by my side, mahad.

I would not have it
any other way.

Mahad, voice-over:
even as a child
you protected me

More than I could
ever protect you.

So know this,
wherever destiny
may lead me,

I promise to return
that favor.

The valley of the kings
isn't this way.

Quiet back there.

Our orders are
to follow master mahad.

Mahad, voice-over:
I swore I would
never do this,

But I do not see
any other way.

In order
to defeat bakura,

I must release
the power I sealed away
so long ago.

Sacred millennium ring,
I call upon thee.

Unlock the great force
I buried here.

He's backed himself
into a corner.

Follow me.

Man: now!

Best of luck,
master mahad.

I guess it's just
you and me now.

Come out, come out,
wherever you are.

Well, what do
we have here?

Let the festivities

I have been
waiting for you.

Let's duel.

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh