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05x29 - Village of Vengeance, Part 5

Posted: 08/20/22 14:24
by bunniefuu
Narrator: previously
on "yu-gi-oh..."


He who holds
the millennium puzzle,

Holds the legacy
of the pharaoh.

You're the one person
with the power

To help him regain
everything he lost.

Woman over p.a.:
Attention, passengers,

Flight flying
non-stop to cairo, egypt,

Is now boarding.

hey, yugi!
Tea: yugi!

Joey: hey!
Yugi: huh?

What're you guys
doing here?!

What do you think,

We're all coming to
egypt with you, dude!

I hope we're ready
for this, yugi.

For it's so much more than
just a trip to my homeland.

It's a journey into
my ancient past.


I hope you find what
you're looking for.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Man over p.a.:
Thank you for flying,

And please enjoy your
stay here in cairo.

I just flew all
the way to egypt,

And, boy, are
my arms tired!

Spare us, huh?

Hey, hold up a sec,
I'll be right back.


We haven't even
left the airport

And she's shopping


I think I'll take....

That snow globe
with the pyramids.

Oh, great!

Everyone here knows
we're tourists now!

So are they.

Man: yugi! Over here!

All: huh?!


Hey! It's marik!

What's up?!

Joey: long time
no see, guys!

Yeah, there's so
much to talk about.

Where do we begin?

Well, let's start
with lunch.

How are the burger
joints out here?

May I speak with
the pharaoh?

My king, welcome.

You've finally
come home.

You have quite
a long journey ahead.

And we're so honored
to be your guides.

The pleasure's mine.

Check it out!

So, that's what
a great pyramid
looks like.

Hey, look!

That must be
the sphinx.

Tristan: what happen
to its nose?

Joey: you don't know?

Oh, like you do?!


Ishizu: beyond this door

Lies the tablet
of lost memories.

all the secrets of my past

Will finally be revealed.

You must enter
without us.

And when you
reach the tablet,

Hold up
your egyptian
god cards...

And the gateway to your
lost memories will open.

Ishizu: from here on,

You must forge your
own path, my pharaoh.


I understand.

Joey: I've got
a weird feeling.

Tristan: that's
'cause you ate all
those falafels.

Marik: well, I guess
our job as tomb keepers

Is finally complete.

Our ancestors
have awaited this

For , years.


There's a place
where every soul

Must eventually return.

And the pharaoh has
just begun the journey

To his resting place.

That's right, pharaoh.

Open the gateway
and seal your fate!

Tristan: you'd
think they could

Spruce this place
up a bit.

Tea: hey, for a ,
year old sanctuary,

It could be worse.

Yugi: there it is.

The tablet of
lost memories.

poor guy.

His spirit's been around
for like centuries,

But his memory only
goes back a few years.

I mean, he had
this whole other life

In ancient egypt

And he doesn't
remember any of it--

Not even his
own name.



I want you
to have this.

What is it?

It's a cartouche.

The guy in the store
said ancient pharaoh's

Used to carve their
names on them.

But this cartouche
is completely blank, tea.

I know.

That's why
I bought it.

I figure that when you
get your memory back...

You can put
your name there.

That way,
you can be sure

You'll never
forget it again.


I remembered seeing
a picture of one

On that tablet,

But the name on
it was worn away.

But, hopefully soon...

Your life won't be
a mystery anymore.

I don't know what to say.

I'll never take it off.

according to
the prophesy,

As soon as I raise
the egyptian god cards

Before the tablet
of lost memories,

My mind will be unlocked

And the secrets of my
past will be revealed.

This is it.


The portion of my spirit

I once infused within
the millennium puzzle

Will finally be released!

And then the shadow game
can begin.

Joey: go for it, yug.

And no matter
what happens,

We're right
behind you.




what's going on?


Where are the egyptian
gods taking me?!



It looks like
my plan worked!


[All groaning]

I take it that was
supposed to happen?

I don't know.

But thanks
to that light,

I think I'm gonna be
seeing double for weeks!


You all right?!

Hey, pal,
can ya hear me?

He's gone.

Say what?

Who's gone?

What are you
talking about?

It's the pharaoh...

He left.

you're kidding!

Man: the boy
is correct.

The pharaoh is now in
the world of his memory.

Who's there?!


Is that you?!


You're that guy
in the bathrobe

battle city!

Tristan, we're done for!

It's all right!

Someone's got my hand!


I told you
guys I didn't
imagine him!

Joey: yeah, well
how do we know

We can trust this guy?

It's all right.

Shadi's the guardian of
the millennium items!





Crowd, chanting: pharaoh!

Pharaoh! Pharaoh!

Pharaoh! Pharaoh!

We are your
loyal servants!

Pharaoh! Pharaoh!

Pharaoh! Pharaoh!

Pharaoh! Pharaoh! Pharaoh!

Where am i?


Man: your public
awaits, my king.

The citizens of egypt
are quite anxious

To pay respect
to their new pharaoh.

Did you say...

Their pharaoh?

Pharaoh! Pharaoh!

Pharaoh! Pharaoh!

Pharaoh! Pharaoh!



We've prepared
a lovely ceremony

In your honor,
my king.

Might I suggest
you settle down

In your throne and enjoy
the festivities?

[Gong crashes]


It's the, uh, big gold
chair straight ahead.

Did I actually travel
back in time?

All hail
the new pharaoh,

Exalted ruler of egypt!


Kaiba? Ishizu?

And grandpa?

Who's grandpa?

My pharaoh,

Perhaps we should
postpone the celebration.

That won't
be necessary.

carry on.

Very well.

The time has come!

Let us all welcome
his excellence

To the throne of egypt

With the ceremonial
festival of the pharaohs!

[Music plays]

[Thinking] all of these
people work for me?

What's this?!

Each one of you holds
a millennium item?!

Have you forgotten?

These are the members
of your sacred court.

They were chosen

By the millennium
items themselves--

Each one destined
to wield its power

In the name
of the pharaoh!

Man: keep moving.

There's no rest
for the wicked.



Hold on.

It seems our
little friend

Has collapsed again.

Just my luck.

There's a grand
at the palace...

And I get stuck

Hauling a petty thief
to the dungeon.


What's that?!



It worked!

Of course, by the looks
of these chains,

It appears my timing
could've been better.

But regardless,

My journey into
the ancient past

Was a success!

[Horse whinnies]



You're free, my lord.

I see that.

Now, if memory
serves me,

There's work
to be done.

It's been a long time,

But I remember this day
from my past quite clearly.

It's the day
the great pharaoh

Inherited the throne
of egypt.

And he and I have
some catching up to do!

have I actually been
transported back in time?

Or is this all
happening in my mind?

The people here
seem so familiar.

Perhaps my experiences
in the st century

Have somehow affected
my memories of the past.

Or could it be
that these people

Really did live
, years ago!

Take kaiba, for instance.

He always seemed to
have a connection

With ancient egypt.

And the fact that
his image was etched

In that tablet can
hardly be a coincidence.


Mahad, quick!


[Crowd gasps]

Man: did you
see that?!

Guards, stop that
intruder now!

He is getting away!


Bring this scoundrel
before the pharaoh!

the king of egypt

Is an inexcusable crime!

We're in the midst
of a sacred ceremony.

Cast this man
to the dungeon.

Wait. Not yet.


I have a better idea.

Let us use this rogue

To demonstrate for
the new pharaoh

The full extent
of our power!

Don't you agree,
master aknadin?

Master shimon?


Very well.

So let it be written...

So let it be done.

Let this man's
judgment begin.


Commence with
the millennium trial

Of this man's soul!


A millennium trial?

Yes, my king.

With a position
of great power

Often comes
great danger.

And criminals that
thr*aten the ruler of egypt

Must be dealt
with accordingly.

But you need not
be alarmed, pharaoh.

We, the members of
your sacred court,

Are here to
ensure your safety
at all times.

Thou shall now be judged

By the dark magic of
the millennium items!

[Thinking] what
does he plan to do?

Shada will start.

Now with the power
of the millennium key,

I shall read your mind.



The shadow of
an evil creature

Lurks inside
his heart.

I shall now invoke
the energies

Of the millennium eye,

Thus revealing
and extracting

The being that
dwells within.


What's happening to him?

The millennium items
have detected

A shadow creature
dwelling in the heart

Of this criminal.

Little is known about
these beings of darkness.

Only that they feed

On the anger
and hatred of humans.

Once a shadow
creature is born,

It forces its host
to commit acts of evil,

Creating even more
darkness to feast upon.


So, the guardians
of the sacred court

Use the millennium items

To seal these monsters
within stone tablets.


could those be
the same tablets

From my visions?!

Master seto!

Call upon the power
of your millennium rod

And seal the fate
of this shadow beast!



A creature from
the realm of darkness

Has no place
in this kingdom!


Now, millennium rod,

Relinquish this beast!

I beseech thee!




[Thinking] wait!

Can this be the origin
of duel monsters?

So, now what?

The pharaoh
must relive his
ancient past.

It's the only way
he can fulfill
his destiny.

But this journey
is a gift as well
as a curse.

Yugi: what do
you mean, shadi?

The pharaoh will finally
learn about his past.

But he must defeat

The great evil
all over again.

That's not fair!

We have to find him

And bring him back
to the present!

You cannot.

Now that he's
in the realm of
his memories...

The only way
he may return

Is by reigning

Joey: victorious at what?!

The ultimate
shadow game:

A battle that decides
not only his own fate,

But the fate of mankind.

Hold on!

The pharaoh came
here to find out

Who he really is,

Not to put himself
in danger again!

You mean to tell
me you knew

What he was getting
himself into all along,

And you still let him go!

Huh?! Hold on.

This guy's some kind
of a hologram!

No, actually
I'm a centuries-old


Why am I the only
one who's freaked out

That we're talking
to a ghost?!

Tea: joey, let him speak!

My earthly body
was destroyed

By a tomb-robber
named bakura.

All: bakura?!

Are you sure?

He, too, is
an ancient soul,

A wandering spirit
if you will.

But he wants to use

The millennium
items for evil.

To do what?

To release a creature
of ultimate darkness.

And so, when the pharaoh
began his journey

Into the realm
of his memories,

The spirit of
bakura followed him.

Wait, so bakura's back
there with the pharaoh?!

That's right.

He plans to use
the millennium items

To dominate
the planet!

No! He can't!

Well, the pharaoh beat
him the first time...

Right, yug?


Just 'cause it
happened in the past...

Doesn't mean
it's guaranteed

To happen the same
way again.

That's true.

And I hate to
say it, guys...

But if the past
is destroyed,

So is the future.

She's right!

We have to go
back to the past

And make sure
the pharaoh
defeats bakura!

There's only one
way to enter

The realm of
the pharaoh's memory.

The doorway lies in
the millennium puzzle.

How are we supposed
to find it?

Trust me,
my young friends.

And I will
be your guide.


One can never be
dressed too formally

When visiting the palace.

And since I wouldn't want
to show up empty-handed,

I'll bring this sarcophagus
along as a peace-offering.

Now, the king awaits...

And we mustn't be late.

Well done, seto.

Thanks you,
master aknadin.

Now that we're
done with him...

Let us banish this
fool to the dungeon.

We have expelled
the darkness
from his heart.

it is the duty

Of the pharaoh's
sacred court

To let this
man walk free.

Release him!

If I am not
mistaken, mahad,

Palace security is
your responsibility.

Perhaps you'd like
to shed some light

On this afternoon's events.

How did that intruder

Make it past
the royal guard?

Master seto
is right.

Please accept my
apologies, pharaoh.

The millennium ring
has been behaving

Quite strangely
as of late--

Making it difficult to
detect criminal activity.

May I have your permission

To increase security forces

To fortify the city,
my king?

Uh, yes,
of course.

Please do.

Now, store that creature
in the tablet sanctuary.

[Men groaning]

who was that intruder?

And will there
be others?

Pharaoh, might
I suggest

That we move on
and continue

With the coronation

As quickly as
we possibly can.


I was just att*cked!

That's true.

However, if your loyal
followers sense your fear,

They, too,
will feel unsafe.

And the best way
to hide that fear

Is with merriment
and laughter!


Well, I'll try.

Let the festival of
the pharaohs continue!

Woman: wait!

Is there
a problem, !sis?

My millennium necklace

Senses an evil force
approaching the kingdom.

How close?

what's going on?

This being lurks just
outside the palace walls!

And he bears
a great power!


I think it's time we
made our presence known,

Don't you agree?

Yes, my lord.

Then let the ultimate
shadow game begin!


♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh!