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05x28 - Village of Vengeance, Part 4

Posted: 08/20/22 14:24
by bunniefuu
Yami-yugi, voice-over:
previously on "yu-gi-oh"...


Stop it.

Stay away from me.

we still have a mission
to complete.


Does the term
"millennium items"
sound familiar?

Well, you promised
to help me obtain all ...

I gotta have a look
at these things.


Who's there?



Who are you,

And what did
you do to them?


Is that you?

Guess again.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

Bakura, what have
you done to them?


Answer me!

These two delinquents
received exactly
what they deserved, yugi.

They took possession
of something

That didn't belong
to them,

So I banished their souls
to the shadow realm,

And I'd say the punishment
fit the crime.

You sent them
to the shadow realm?

You should be showing
a little more gratitude.

After all,
I've returned
your belongings.

Well, most of them.

What's that mean?

Take a look.

There was one item
in your bag of tricks

That I'm not quite ready
to part with.

it did belong to me
at one time.

Give it back.

The millennium items
belong together.

they will be.

In the meantime,
why don't you concentrate on
gathering the other items

Instead of pestering me?

And when the time is right,

I'll give you
the millennium ring.

We may not
be fond each other,

But we do share
a common goal.

We both want
all items returned to
their resting place,

United once again
within the millennium stone,

Just as they were
so long ago.

I don't trust you,
and I never will.

I'm collecting
the millennium items

So I can help the
pharaoh save the world
from destruction.

And I gather you think
that I have
a different goal in mind?

Believe whatever you wish.

But remember,
I know things about the past

That your pharaoh friend
seems to have forgotten.

Oh yeah?

And what kinds of
things are those?

I know that when
the millennium items
are returned to the stone

A doorway
to the spirit world
will open.

The spirit world?

If that exists,

It could be where
the spirit of
the pharaoh belongs.

Are you saying that
when this doorway opens,

The pharaoh will be
set free?

You're catching on.

So don't you want
to help your friend?

After all,
his spirit's been trapped
in that puzzle

For , years.

Of course I do.


That's enough!

Stop poisoning
yugi's mind.

Ah, pharaoh,
to what do I owe
this honor?

Did you come here
so we can bury the hatchet
and join forces?

You know
better than that.

I know why you hate me,

Because when
you get right down to it,

You and I are more alike
than you'd care to admit.

Isn't that right, pharaoh?

We are nothing alike.

We're both
, -year-old sprits,
aren't we?

Each one inhabiting
the body of
an innocent civilian?

The only difference is
I remember my past.

All your mind contains
is an endless labyrinth
of questions.

Your whole life
is nothing more than a puzzle
wrapped in a game,

And I happen to know
the solution.

It's quite ironic,

The only way
you can solve that game
is by playing a game.

I don't know
if you speak the truth,

But I'll do whatever
I have to.

Game or no game,
I will unlock my mind.

Well, then best of luck.

You're going to need it
when the ultimate
shadow game begins.

Enjoy your travels,

Yami-bakura, voice-over:
that encounter
went exactly as planned.

Now, on to phase two.

Oh, great.

The power's
completely dead.


It's been quite awhile,
hasn't it?

Can I help you
with something?


I don't think
he can hear you, kaiba.

But perhaps
if you came up here

With your cards
and your duel disk,

You'd have a bit more
luck communicating.


If that freak wants a duel,
I'll give him one
he'll never forget.


I would tell you
where his soul is,

But you don't believe
in the shadow realm, right?

Whatever you did
to my brother,
you better undo.

Did you understand me,

As soon as I defeat you,
I want him back.

Now let's get
your little game
over with.

As you wish.

You're about
to regret this.

We'll see.

Both: let's duel!

Now for the fun part.


What's wrong?

There's no such thing
as magic, right?

And all of those
ancient visions
you've been having,

They don't exist either,
do they?

Not that egyptian
speech again.

When are you people
gonna realize

That I focus
on the future?

I don't waste my time
worrying about the past.

That attitude of yours
hasn't changed
in over , years.

That's enough!

Yami-bakura, voice-over:
just give me a little time,
seto kaiba.

I'll make a believer
out of you.

Before this shadow game
comes to a close,

Not only will you accept
your ancient heritage,

You'll long to return
to your roots.

Let the game commence.

My move.

First I'll play

Fusing my earl and my knight
to form the duke of demise.

But the rules forbid me
to attack you.

I suppose you got off easy
this time, kaiba.


It'll take a lot more
than a rotting carcass
with a sword

To intimidate me.

Now watch how it's done.

I summon my vorse raider
in attack mode.

Sorry, but it seems
your monster's
a few points short.

I'm not done.

I'll activate this.

It's my shrink card,

And it cuts
your corpse's
attack points in half.

Vorse raider,
attack now!

My attack
may not have destroyed
your monster,

But it did remove
of your life points.

And you think
that worries me?

I wouldn't be laughing
if I were you.

And why is that?

Well, for one,

You're about to lose
of your life points

Thanks to your friend
the duke of demise.

Is that reason
enough for you?

No, because I have something
far worse in store.

First I'll sacrifice
my duke in order to summon
my diabound kernel.

Then I activate
the magic card
spirit illusion.

It creates what's known
as a doppelganger,

An exact duplicate
of my monster,

Complete with all the power
of the original.

Wow, so now you've got
two useless monsters.

We'll see about that.

Go, doppelganger diabound.

Did I forget to mention
my doppelganger's
special ability?

Whenever it strikes,

Your monster automatically
loses attack points

Equal to those
of my doppelganger.

That leaves
your vorse raider in quite
a compromising position.

Now, diabound kernel,

Next, I'll place
this face down.

That ends my turn.

No more mr. Nice guy.

I play this,
lord of dragons!

It's just as I planned.

As long
as my lord of dragons
is on the field,

Any dragon I play
is safe from all magic
and trap cards.

I activate the flute
of summoning dragon.

When both of these cards
are on the field,

I can summon
any two dragons
from my hand.

Yami-bakura, voice-over:

now that I think of it,

There's only one dragon
that I need--

My blue-eyes
white dragon!

Yami-bakura, voice-over:
that's just the card
I hoped you'd play.

Now it's time
for a little stroll
down memory lane.

Kaiba, voice-over:
what's going on?

What has he done to you,

In the name of the pharaoh,
I will save thee.

Oh, no.

It's that vision again!

My mind's playing tricks
on me again,

Just like when
I dueled against yugi.

Neither of our god cards
will give up!

You're right.

It must be
a holographic malfunction!

This can't be real!

My millennium puzzle
transported us
to another place--

Perhaps another time.

What? But how?

This hasta be some
kind of an illusion.

We were just in
the middle of a duel.

Something about
this place seems
familiar to me.

Could it be possible
that we're in
ancient egypt?

Kaiba, voice-over:
I'm not falling
for that nonsense.

Whatever happened
in the past has nothing
to do with me.

Kaiba, something wrong?

Are you feeling all right?

I've never felt better.

Now let's
get back to the duel,
shall we?

All right, blue eyes,
destroy his diabound!

White lightning attack!

Not so fast.

I activate
my spirit shield!

No way!

I'm afraid so.

Thanks to my shield,
your attack didn't get
anywhere near my diabound,

And all I had to do
was extract one monster
from my graveyard

And remove it from play.

So as long
as I can keep a fresh supply
of creatures in my graveyard,

Your att*cks are useless.

In simpler terms,
my life points
are untouchable.

Yeah, maybe for now,
but that won't last.

I place
one card facedown
and end my turn.

Yami-bakura, voice-over:
soon the power of kaiba's
blue-eyes white dragon

Will rest in my hands.

I'll begin my turn
by activating the magic card
pot of greed.

That allows me
to draw two more cards
from my deck,

And one of them
happens to be
grief tablet.

What'd you do
to my monster?

Your lord of dragons,
along with all of its powers,

Has been sealed away
in that stone tablet,

And there's only one way
to set it free.

You must shatter the stone.

once my grief tablet
is destroyed,

You'll receive
points of damage.

Now, my doppelganger,
weaken his dragon.

My blue-eyes!

All right, diabound,

I activate
attack guidance armor.


You're safe for now.

I'll end my turn
by placing two cards
facedown on the field.

It's all over for you.

Yami-bakura, voice-over:
I can sense your fear, kaiba.

Kaiba, voice-over:
you're gonna pay

For what you did
to mokuba, you rat.

No one messes
with the kaiba family
and gets away with it.

It's time to turn
this duel around by
playing card of demise.

It lets me draw

And after turns
my hand goes
to the graveyard.

Are you forgetting
about my spirit shield?

Nothing you draw
can damage me.

I'm afraid
I'm gonna hafta

Now I activate
soul release.

You know
what that means,
don't you?

I can remove
up to cards from
your graveyard.

And without
your monsters
to fuel its power

Your spirit shield
is destroyed.

I'll use silent doom

To bring back a monster
in defense mode,

And I choose
vorse raider.

Then I'll sacrifice
vorse raider
and my blue eyes.

Kaiba, voice-over:
that's the only way

I can get my dragon's
strength back.

Blue-eyes white dragon,

So what's your point?

The mighty blue-eyes
has been reborn

And I'm supposed
to run in fear?

You will,
when he att*cks your
little snake-boy

With white lightning!

Not bad,

But not good enough
to defeat me, kaiba.

I activate
my mirror tablet
trap card.

Then I activate
my rebirth tablet,

So say hello
to an old friend.


My rebirth tablet
was activated as soon as
my diabound was destroyed.

That allowed me
to immediately bring him
back the field.

But wait, there's more.

After you sacrificed
your blue-eyes white dragon,

My mirror tablet
was able to absorb half
its attack points.

Then they were
graciously donated
to my diabound,

Making him the strongest
monster on the field.

Say farewell
to your blue-eyes.

destroy him now!

Sorry, but no dice.

I activate
monster reborn.

Blue-eyes is back!

Yami-bakura, voice-over:
oh, if he only knew

What my diabound
has just accomplished.

By destroying his blue-eyes,

It was able to duplicate
and absorb its attack power.

I'd say mission accomplished.

Oh, well,
I guess you're in luck.

You see, kaiba,
I have some other business
to attend to.

You're joking!

You're leaving
in the middle of a duel?

Trust me,
I'll return soon enough

To finish
what I've started.

In the meantime,
take this.

Hold on,
didn't this belong
to pegasus?

Why, yes.

I believe he once used it
to capture your soul.

The millennium eye.

Excellent memory, kaiba.

It's a wonder
you don't remember anything
about your ancient past.

I'll tell you what.

Bring the millennium eye
to egypt

And I'll give you
a little history lesson.

Sorry, but I don't
have time to run halfway
around the world

Chasing a fairy tale.

I have a company to run,

So you're not interested
in learning

Why you share
such a strong bond
with your blue-eyes?

And what's that
supposed to mean?

The answer lies
in the sands of egypt, seto.

Kaiba, voice-over:
like I'm going to egypt

'Cause some lunatic
told me to.

Woman, on pa:
attention passengers,

Flight flying
non-stop to cairo, egypt,

Is now boarding.


What're you guys
doing here?

Whadda ya think,

We're all comin' to egypt
with ya, dude.

You don't hafta do that.

You kiddin'?

We wouldn't miss dis
for the world,

And besides,
tea paid
for the tickets.

Try "I lent you
the money,"

'Cause you two
conveniently forgot
your wallets.


Dat's what I meant.

And tristan
and I are gonna pay back
every penny.

Yeah, in fact,
my check's in
the mail already.

The important thing
is we're not
lettin' ya

Take this trip
alone, pal.

We know how much
this means
to you,

And we wouldn't
miss it.


You guys are the best.

Well, what are
we waiting for?

Let's go.


Yami-yugi, voice-over:
I hope we're ready
for this, yugi,

It's a journeych more than
into my ancient past.

Man, on pa: on behalf
of the flight crew,

I'd like to
welcome you aboard
flight to cairo.

Yugi, voice-over:
pharaoh, I hope you find
what you're looking for.

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh