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05x26 - Village of Vengeance, Part 2

Posted: 08/20/22 14:23
by bunniefuu
Previously, on "yu-gi-oh"....

You now stand
at the threshold
of a power greater

Than anything
you could imagine.

You must both participate
in one final test!

Dr. Alex brisbane
shall face yugi muto,

In an all-out
capsule monsters w*r!

Now, begin!

Well this isn't going
to take very long.

All right!
Activate duel armor!

Merge with
black luster soldier!

Two can play at that game!

Merge with reshef
the dark being!

All right, magician
of black chaos
and celtic guardian,


Chaos blade!

My fiend is gone.

But how?
That's impossible!

Now let's settle this
once and for all.

Come down here
and fight me

If you want
your precious reward,

Then prove
that you deserve it
and defeat me!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Joey: hey, alexander!

Looks like you're not
so great after all, are ya?

Alexander: on the contrary,
my young friends.

You may have destroyed
my seven-armed fiend.

However, my trusted
servants have returned,

Along with their respective
capsule monsters, of course.

And might I remind you,
I've merged

With the most powerful
creature on the field--

Reshef the dark being!

Now, my vassals, it's time
to prove your loyalty to me!


Destroy these amateurs
and end this game!

In the name
of king alexandros,

Go, firewing pegasus!


Garma sword, attack!


Tristan! Tea!

I'll teach ya to mess
wit my friends!


[Alexander laughing]

Are you just gluttons
for punishment,

Or do you honestly think
you can win?

Go ahead,
attack me again

So I can finish you off
and claim what's mine!

That's easy to say from
where you're sitting!

Join the rest of us
and let's see how tough
you really are!


How are we supposed
to win this challenge

If we can't even
get near the guy,
let alone defeat him?

Leave that to me.

All right! You four need
to lure away
the monsters

In the front line
so I can move in
for a direct attack!

A'ight!sounds good ta me!

I'm in.
Me, too!

Joey: you know
what ta do, red-eyes!

Now's our chance!


quickly! Up there!


Pharaoh, now!


Your armor may have
offered a strong
defense from afar,

But now that I'm
close enough, I'm afraid
it's useless!

Wrong. As you're about
to witness firsthand,

My reshef offers mores
than just a strong defense!

Activate omni directional
laser as*ault!

Sorry. Slight
on my part.

Surrender now,
or feel the wrath
of my sabers!

Ya can't slay a dragon with
a few measly steak knives!

we'll see about that!

Razor fire blast!

Blazing breath attack!


[Grandpa groaning]

Have I mentioned I'm
getting too old for this?

I don't care if it's
seven years' bad luck!

Shatter dat mirror!

I guess I shoulda seen
dat comin'!

Hold on!
If you continue to fire,

You'll be endangering
your own team as well!

That's the difference
between you and me!

I don't belong to a "team."

I have a staff of subordinates
who service my every need,

And like most things,
when I'm through with them,

I destroy them!

Ha ha ha ha!

I think I've found
a weakness in his armor.

It has a blind spot!

There's nowhere to hide!
Just accept your fate!

Your lust for power
is so great
that you don't care

Who you hurt,
as long as you get
your hands on it.

However, in the end,

The person you wind up
hurting the most
is yourself!

Now observe
your fatal flaw!

Huh? Pharaoh?
Show yourself at once!

Careful what you ask for!

How dare you!

I'm afraid the worst is
yet to come!


Hey, look!
His just lasers turned off!

Yes, we must have
damaged his armor.

And now that we've
his weak spot,

We can finish
what we started with one
last sneak attack!

I'm afraid you can't fool me
with the same trick
twice in a row!

Now watch and learn!

Here we go, pal!

Let's try this

Oh! My reflect bounder!

Hey, did I do dat?

Not quite! They're
all disappearing!

Behold my armor's
ultimate form!

Now no one can escape
its rampage!

Uh, someone wanna
tell me what's going on?

Incredible!he sacrificed
his servants' monsters!

Just ta strengthen
his own!

Ha ha ha ha!

your highness, please!

You've left us
with no monsters!

How can we possibly
defend ourselves,

Hmm, I guess you can't.

But what you can do is donate
your energy to a worthy cause

By helping your king return
to the throne!

Now attack
with projectile pummel!



Hey, red-eyes!
It's our turn!

Dat's weird. When we
attack alexander,

His servants take
all the damage.

He's using
those guys
as human shields!

So how do we beat him
if our att*cks don't work?

Pharaoh! Are you beginning
to understand

The proper way for a king
to utilize his underlings?

Grr! You couldn't be
more wrong!

A true king respects
his subjects!

Look out behind you!


All: yugi! No!

You were saying, pharaoh?

take a good look
at yourself.

See what happens
when you waste your time

On such nonsense
as kindness and respect?

That's enough!

actually, there's more.

A ruler who refuses to make
good use of his subjects

Doesn't deserve to have any
in the first place!

You can't!
Not my friends!

Ha ha ha! Go!

Projectile pummel!



Leave them alone!





You'll never get away
with this!



Ha ha ha ha!

All that worrying

About the well-being
of your so-called friends,

And in the end
you couldn't do
a thing to save them!

Now to finish them off!


What are we gonna do?

We're going
to protect them

With everything
we've got!

What about tea and joey?

Remove armor!

Loading capsule!

Show yourselves, now!

Hinotama soul
and kuriboh!

Our friends' safety
rests with them.

Please do whatever
is necessary

To shield them
from harm!


I see you've stayed back
to protect me.

Well, what have we here?

The mighty pharaoh has
given up his own protection

In the name of friendship.

A true king would
never value the lives

Of his servants
over his own.

I hate to admit it,
but he may have a point!

Forget about us, yuge!

No. I can't.

If dat walkin' trash can
defeats you,

Then dat means alexander
the-not-so-great gets

The power to control
the entire world!

he's right, man!

You've got
bigger things
to worry about!

Don't waste all
your energy on us!

Stop it!
You're wrong!

Listen to reason!

If you don't save yourself,
then we all lose!

Now take your monsters back!



You have to win this fight
no matter what happens to us.


Look, guys! There's no way
I'm going to desert you!

But wait.

I know there's a lot
at stake, but you're
my best friends!

Fine. I've given you more
than enough opportunities

To prove you have what
it takes to be a true king.

Hmmph! But no!

You insist on putting the needs
of your friends above your own!

And for that you shall pay!

All: yugi!



No! What's going on?

[All gasp]

check it out, guys!

Somehow yugi merged together
with each one of our monsters!

It's true.
Thanks to the strong bond

We share with our friends,
we now possess...

The armor of unity!

Hey, yuge, I'm likin'
the new look.

Thank you. I owe it all
to you four.

The combined strength
of your monsters rests with me.

And together,
we shall take him down!


I am the most powerful
being on earth,

And I will not be stopped!

This can't be!

He survived
my mightiest attack
without a scratch!

Now it's time to end this!

Never again shall you harm
a single person,

your own disciples!

Your reign of tyranny
is done!

You can't do this to me!

I am the true king!

Dragon force attack!






Everything's gone.

Oh, man!
Did we just lose?

No! Yugi blasted him
into next week!

Be patient.
I'm sure there's
an explanation.

Right on cue.

Your final test is

The battle to determine
which challenger is worthy

Of the greatest power
known to man has ended.

King alexandros chose
to sacrifice his allies

In order to further
his own strength,

While the nameless
pharaoh sought
to protect his friends

Even at the cost
of his victory.

This difference decided
their fates.

The pharaoh has proven
that he is the only one worthy

Of being called
the "true king."

This belongs to you now.

Simply put, it contains
the power necessary
to rule the entire world.

Thank you, shadi,
but I have no need
for this power.

I realize that.

You see, the paradox
of the true king is that

"He who is deserving
of the power to unite mankind

Can do so without it."

Tea: check it out, guys!
We're back in the pyramid!

You're right!
So is it over, guys?


Grandpa: dr. Brisbane!

Are you all right?

Tristan: he's probably
just exhausted.

It's alexander
the great!

Yeah and it's
his good half, too!

Nice ta see ya, pal!


The dark side
of my spirit is gone,

So after , years, my soul
can finally rest in peace.

Say what?

Like, do you guys realize
we're talkin' to a ghost?

Considering he was born
in bc,

It doesn't exactly come
as the hugest surprise to me.

Had it not been
for your bravery,

I would have been trapped
in that game for eternity.

Thank you
for setting me free.

Farewell, pharaoh.

Like you, I also sat
on the throne of egypt,

And your reign was
an inspiration to me.

It's an honor to have
finally met you.

I hope that someday
you too can return
to your resting place.

My vassals, I am not worthy
of your loyalty,

But I shall cherish it always.

Now, let us take
our leave, my friends.

That was pretty cool.

Yeah, it's not
every day you meet
alexander the great!

I'm gonna miss him.

Come on. You still got
"joey the awesome."

It's an earthquake!

This pyramid is
about to collapse!
Now let's go!

[Earth rumbling]

What caused this
to happen, mr. Muto?

Grandpa: shadi's test is
finally over,

So I guess the pyramid
served its purpose.

Man: hey! You there!

Were you kids in that airplane
that crashed about an hour ago?

Uh, yeah, but I think
it was more than
an hour ago.

Huh. Actually, they're right.
Time must've stood still for us.

come on, alex.
Naptime is over.


Alex: dr. Muto?
Is that you?

Where are we?

Last thing I remember,
we were inside of a pyramid.

And who are you people?

I'll explain it all
on the way home.

Now let's move out.
There's a long trip

Wait. But I thought there were
only four of you. Huh?

Four, six.
What's the difference?

[Helicopter whirring]

Joey: think I can get
my money back for
those plane tickets?

they were free, dummy!

Anyway, the important thing
is we're all safe.

Yugi: tea's right.
We're lucky to be alive!

"He who is deserving
of the power

To unite mankind
can do so without it."

Hey, pharaoh.
Whatta ya think
shadi meant?

You know, about
"uniting mankind"?

I'm not exactly sure, yugi,
but if I had to guess,

I'd say shadi was telling us
that our adventures together
are far from over.

Hey, yuge! You plannin'
on comin' home with us
or what?

You bet I am! Ha!

Joey: so, ya think
there'll ever be a day
when we just get ta hang out

Without having ta save
the world?

Others: nope!

Yeah, I didn't think so.

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!