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05x19 - The Intruder, Part 2

Posted: 08/20/22 13:35
by bunniefuu
previously on yu-gi-oh...

I've gotta open that tomb

Before the sun sets!


We did it!

And just in time, too!



It's some kind of armor.

Joey: not another
egyptian tablet!

Grandpa: it reads:

"Pass through this doorway,
and thy journey shall start.

" Trials will follow
to test thy heart.

"But I warn you
this journey
is not for the weak.

Only a true warrior
can unearth what you seek."

This is crazy, guys!
I'm not a warrior!

Taking this journey
is our only way of escaping.

He's right, yuge.
Let's do this!

I don't know what
this game is all about,

But if we expect to win
and get back home...

We need to press on.

And we're gonna do it together!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to

♪ Yu-gi-oh!


Joey: looks like
that passageway

Dumped us off
in the middle
'a nowhere.

So now whatta we do?

standing around here's
not gonna help.

Tea's right.

If we wanna
get back home,

We gotta press on,

it would help if we understood

What the riddle
on that tablet meant.

It said something
about "passing tests."

[Grandpa groans]

What's wrong,
mr. Muto?

Are you ok, gramps!?

I'll be fine.

It's just this old ticker,
that's all.

Oh, yeah?

Well I've got just
the medicine you need!

Go, heart-beam!


So, is that
doin' the trick?

Takes the edge off...

But this old man
doesn't heal
like he used to.


Poor grandpa.
That battle wiped him out.

Summoned skull!
Lightning strike!


Come on,
we've gotta find a spot
where mr. Muto can rest.

Oh, sure.

Why don't we just
drop him off
at the nearest health spa

For a seaweed
body wrap?

Look, there hasta
at least be
some sort of shade

Or an oasis
around this place.

Hey! Eat my dust,
ya slow pokes!

Huh? Hey!

Joey! No!

What was that about
us eating your dust?

Looks more like
he's the one
who bit the dust!


Actually, it's more like
I bit the sand.

Hey! Look, guys!

All: huh?

Joey: either that's a mirage,
or we're not alone!

who would live
in a village

In the middle
of a desert?

apparently no one.

Look closer.

There are people here.

Hey, you're right.

Hidey ho, neighbor!


This town could use
a welcoming committee.


I think she's it.

We've been waiting for you.

Whatta ya mean

Follow me,
and you'll find out.


Joey: ya sure
we should trust
dis pipsqueak?

got a better option?

Good point.

The visitors are here.

The elder wants you
to have this.

It will guide you
on your journey.



"Trial number one.

Silence the whisper
that rides
the desert wind."

This must be
the first test.

to make sense.

Is this one of
the " trials"

That tablet
was talking about?

somethin' tells me

The old guy's
not talkin'.

Gee whiz,
captain obvious,

What gave that away?

Female voice:

All: huh?

so that's...

The whisper that rides
the desert wind.

Guess we should find out
where it's coming from.

I was afraid
you'd say that.

Come on,
whatever's out there,

It can't be any worse
than the other freaks
we've run into,

Right, guys?


Any last words
of advice before
we go out there?


As we have learned
from our last visitor,

The answer lies
in the eye of the storm.

Hold on a sec.

Whatta you mean,
your "last" visitor?

Yeah, are you saying
there were people
before us

That had to face
these challenges?

Only one other person
has ever come through here.

But that was
a long time ago.

So what happened?

Tristan: we're probably
better off not knowing.


Take this.
You'll need it.

but what does it do?

It'll become clear
when the time is right.



Let's save the chit-chat
for later.

Come on, guys!

Yugi: right!

How the heck
are we supposta find
some wandering voice

That travels with the wind?

Sand-witch: leave this place.
Ha ha ha!

Tea: listen, guys!

Sounds like
it's getting closer.

Which way's
it coming from?

[Cackling continues]

Down there!

Wait! Watch out!


It's a medusa worm!

We'll take care of
this thing, gramps.

Be careful, yugi!

Don't worry, we will.


Load capsule!

All: now fire!

Yami-yugi: dark magician,
come forth!

go, flame swordsman!

Tristan: you, too,
thunder kid!

Tea: dark witch,
it's your turn!

A'right, old pal,
mince this maggot now!

Aw, man.

My flame swordsman
struck out!

That worm has
a strong advantage.

We're fighting
in its natural habitat.

Stay alert.
It could be anywhere.


Dark magician, attack!

Not bad.

You did it!

So we passed
the first test,
right, yuge?

Uh...right, yuge?

Wrong. Listen.


Eh! The sand!

I can't...see.


that doesn't
sound good!

Told ya!

Joey: worm puke!

Flame swordsman,

Dark witch!
Behind you!

Thunder kid! Attack!

There's just too many
'a those things!

Yeah, and this sandstorm's
getting worse!

And that creepy voice
is still out there, too!

How're we supposed
to fight against
an enemy

We can
barely even see!?

Oy! The storm is too strong!

They'll never defeat
that sandworm army now!


give up, pharaoh.


Not only can't I see
those sandworms...

I can barely see my friends!

where'd everybody go?


Flame swordsman, quick!

Whoa. That was too close.

This storm
is ridiculous!

Is anyone out there
or what!?


Who's there!?

Thunder kid!


I hear you, ya freak!

Joey: tristan,
what's the deal!?

Tristan: I thought
you were the enemy!

I'd appreciate it
if you didn't mistake me
for a worm!

Everyone, listen to me!

Hold your fire
until this storm lets up,

Or we'll destroy each other!

Sand-witch: the sands
shall swallow you all.

No! I can't see
my flame swordsman,

And he's right next to me!

We need ta come up
with a plan,

Or we're done for!

You're right!

I can't see my dark witch,

Same here, dudes!

Hang in there!

We'll get through this somehow!

Sand-witch: give up.

Fighting me is futile.


That voice!
It's getting closer!

Sand-witch: you fools!

Turn back!

I'm invincible!

Remember, pharaoh!

The solution
to this test was in
that ancient scroll!

We need to silence
the whisper

That rides
the desert wind!

We should be focusing
on that voice!

You're right!

The sandworms
are just a distraction!

Our true enemy is
the source of the whisper
that rides the desert wind!

But where's it
coming from!?

We better find out soon!

Yeah, 'cause if not,
we're gonna be
a worm feast!

you're too late, humans.


[Sand-witch cackling]

If you have something to say,

Then why don't you
say it to my face!

Hey! One a' those worms
just barfed on me!

Unh! Me too, dude!

Ugh! Gross!

What is this stuff!?

Our friends
are in trouble, yugi!

We've got to
put a stop to this now!

Oh, no!

Dark magician!

Behold, the source
of the storm!

Yami-yugi: it's a tornado!

Sand-witch: ha ha ha!

That's it!

Remember what that
little girl said!?

As we have learned
from our last visitor,

The answer lies
in the eye of the storm.


You're right.

Dark magician, let's go!


We must get to
the eye of the storm

Before everyone turns to stone!

We've all been
slobbered on by those worms,

So it's up to you!


Dark magic attack!

Good work,
but I can't afford to lose you.

So, dark magician, return to me!

you'll never find me.

Yugi. With no monsters
to protect us,

We'll end up like our friends.

True, but on
the other hand,

If we summon
our dark magician again

In the middle
of this sandstorm,

We risk losing him

So our only hope
is to somehow get
to the eye of the storm.

I agree, but how?

We can't even see
what's in front of us!

Well thanks to
our dark magician,

We know how to
find the center
of the tornado.

So I say we just walk.

And then hope that
by some strange miracle,

Those medusa sand-worms
don't turn us
into statues

Along the way?

We just hafta have faith
in the heart of the cards,

Or, uh...

The heart of the capsule,
I guess.

I know it's a gamble,
but what other choice
do we have?

It's the only way
to pass this test!

You're right.

And there's no time
to lose.

So let's go.

[Sand-witch cackles]


Sand-witch: pharaoh.
Turn back.


We're almost there.
Don't give up!

It's too strong.

But remember...

The eye of a storm
is always calm,

So we just hafta
get inside!

Yes, but...
I can barely stand.

You can do this!


Yugi! I see something!

Come on.
Just a little closer.


Man: ye who draws near...

The secret to this trial
lies within the sacred armor
you now wield.

Who goes there!?

Are you
the whispering voice!?

I am here to guide you.

Then tell me what to do!

I need help.
Please, sir.


Merge together with
your most trusted creature

To become the dark warrior!

Very well!

if my instincts are correct,

Then I know what I need to do.

And now, dark magician,

Show yourself!

Join with me to become one!

Activate duel armor!

Now it's time to silence
that evil voice!

then come and get me, pharaoh.


Here goes.


Sand-witch: you'll need to
get past my worms first!

Fine, then!

All right, yugi,
the time has come.

Right. Then let's go
into the eye
of the storm!


[Sand-witch cackles]

Yami-yugi: so you're
the voice who whispers
in the wind!

Very well, then.

Prepare to be silenced!

Strike him down!





Never again shall you
utter a sound!



They must've done it.

We're free!

Tea: I'm glad that's over,

'Cause stone was not
a good look for me!

Well, it's good to see
the storm's blown over.

Now all I need
is the feeling
back in my legs.

Hey, guys?
Anyone see yugi?

Hey, yugi!



Nice get-up!

Yeah. How'd ya
get those

I merged with dark magician.

How'd ya figure out
how ta do that?

I was guided by a man
wearing a mask.

At least, I'm almost sure
he was in there with me.

Knowing this place,
I'm sure he was.

So ya think this
masked man 'a yours

Has some cool armor
for me, too?


Oh, no!

Say something, yugi.

You all right,

He's exhausted!

Tristan's right.

Why don't ya
get some rest

And let me take it
from here?

thank you, yugi.

Yugi: wow.

I didn't realize it
at the time,

But I guess that battle

Really took its toll
on me, guys.

Yes, and if I
had to guess,

I'd say that
activating that armor

May have drained
some of your energy
as well.

hey. Is it me,

Or did that village
somehow evaporate
into thin air!?

Maybe that sand storm
blew it away.

Oh! Look, guys!


Tea: those statues
look oddly familiar,
don't they?

The visitors are here.

The elder wants you
to have this.

If this whole thing is a game,

Maybe those two were just here
to help us win or something.


That's weird.

One of the shapes
on this pendant just lit up.


not another worm!

Tristan: nope.

It looks more like
a giant elevator.

And if I had to guess,

I'd say it was here
to take us to
the second trial.

Guess that means
we passed
the first one, huh?

That would explain
why the jewel around my neck
started glowing!


One level down
and more ta go!

If we keep kicking butt
at this rate,

The of us'll be back home
in no time!

Yeah. There's not
a monster around
we can't crush,

Thanks to you
and this suit
of armor!

Don't forget the masked man!

I am here to guide you.

The secret to this trial
lies within the sacred armor
you now wield.

All right, guys,

Time ta move on to level two!

Joey: whoever designed
this game

Had a thing for walking
into bright lights.

Well, you gotta admit,
it is dramatic.

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!