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05x18 - The Intruder, Part 1

Posted: 08/20/22 13:34
by bunniefuu
Narrator: previously
on "yu-gi-oh"...

I have a theory
that we've become part

Of some sort of
real-life version

Of the capsule
monsters board game.

Hold on. I found somethin'
that just might help us.

It looks like
some kinda map.

Follow me.

If we truly have become
part of some ancient game,

Then we need to play along
if we expect to escape.

Joey: not another
egyptian tablet!

Hey, gramps.

Aren't you the one
who always knows

How to read this junk?

Before the shadows
blanket the land,

Go to the fortress of fear.

Locate the place
where the spirit sleeps

And the pathway
you seek will appear.

If that's true, then we
need to find this fortress
before the sun sets!


That house.

Ya think
that's the place?


But dat building
doesn't look too close.

Come on, we've gotten
way too far in this game

To start doubting
ourselves now.

Now let's find that
fortress so we can go home!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Joey: ya know, whoever
designed this place

Picked a really bad spot
for a river!

Now we'll never make it
to that fortress in time!

Well, I suppose
we could all just
dive in and swim for it.

Tea: yeah, but who knows
what's lurking in there!

Hey, guys. I searched
the entire area

And there's nothing even
resembling a boat around here.

Joey: well, we betta
think a somethin' soon.

The sun's about to set
and according to dat tablet

If we don't get there before
nightfall we can't get home!

Guys, you might
wanna see this!

Did you find a way
over the river?

It's not a way
over the river,

But I think it may be
a way under it!

Well, it's the best
option we've got!

Grandpa: wait up!
We mutos have short legs!

Joey: look up ahead!
I see a light!

Does anyone else
find this place creepy?

Tristan: no. After everything
we've been through,

It'll take more than
a bunch of rocks
to creep me out.

So guys...
Where are we anyway?

I wish you didn't
just ask that.

See! I knew it!

According to this map
we're at some kinda...

Ancient graveyard.

[Bird caws]

Aah! It's a ghost!

How about it's
a bunch of crows.

What're you
so scared of?

If I had to
guess I'd say
rocks and birds.

I had a bad experience
with birds, ok!?


Listen. Do you hear that!?

All: huh?

Maybe it's just
more crows.

Be cautious
just in case.



Follow my lead
and stay close.

Whatever's out there
doesn't sound
too friendly.

[Squealing laughter]

Oh, man!

They don't look
too friendly, either!

Joey: so you guys still
think I'm paranoid?!

Dude...not a good
time to fight!

Tell that to
these boneheads.

Let's go!


All: load capsule!

And fire!

Yami-yugi: come forth,
celtic guardian!

Joey: I play
baby dragon!

Tristan: go thunder kid!

Tea: and don't forget
happy lover!

Fiddle sticks!

I still can't summon
that monster of mine!

Watch out!

Let's go! There's just too
many of them to fight off!

I'm all for a quick exit!

There's one
problem, guys!

We're surrounded!

I think we need
some back-up help!

Tea's right!

We gotta release more
'a these capsule
monsters and fast!

It's flame swordsman!



Nice work!

You did it!

Now we have more
monsters to kick
some keister!

Joey: fl

Tea: all right,
dark witch...

Shed some light
on these numbskulls!


we did it, yugi.

Yugi: let's go!

Tristan: to the fortress!

Grandpa: short legs...

Tristan: would it
have k*lled them

To install an escalator!?

Yugi: we're almost
there, guys.

Tea: wow!

Yeah? Well it would've
been just as amazing

At the bottom
of the hill.


Come on, this was
a piece 'a cake.

Actually, with our luck
I guess it coulda been worse.


As usual we
spoke to soon!

Tristan: now we'll never be able
to get into that fortress!

The of us
could easily

Push that
wall down!

Ready? On !

All: !


Oy! My back!

Not again!

Whose idea was this!?

Yugi: I've checked all sides
and there are no openings.

Any thoughts, tea?

Yeah. This statue
gives me the creeps!

Now that you mention it,

I have a feeling
these statues are
here for a reason.

[Thinking] they may hold
the solution to getting in!

Hey guys.
Any luck over here?

Nope. There's not even
a crack an ant could
slip through.

We can't climb it either.

Too bad we can't just
fly over this thing.


It's a bird!
It's a plane!

It's flyin'
joey freewheeler!

Way to go!

Here I come to save
da daaaay!


No! Please speak
ta me, pal!

The old invisible
force field trick.

I'm sure you'll save
the day next time.

Does someone wanna tell
me why we didn't try
the "front door"

Before I risked my life!?

We did.
It wouldn't budge.

Step aside. I may
have a bad back...

But my summoned skull

Yugi: way ta go,

Let's see how strong
that door really is.

Summoned skull!
Lightning strike!

Joey: it's still standin'!

What! But how?

Summoned skull can
blast through anything!

Apparently not.

Face it. We'll never
get in before nightfall.

[Thinking] if this
really is a game,

Then there's gotta be
a solution.

But how can I solve
the riddle

If I don't even know
what the riddle is!?

Now, think.



What's up, yugi?

Look, guys!

See how that square
is glowing?

Well, I think I may know
what's going on here!

Joey: then tell us!
What's the deal!?

Huh? It went out!

Did you guys
see that!?


You really know
what this all means?

I think.

Well? Spit it out
already, will ya!

Drop him,

As I was saying,

I think that design
on the door

Is the key to
getting it open.

The rectangle in the middle
represents the fortress.

And the outer rectangle

the surrounding walls.

Tristan: it's interesting,
but what does it tell us?

It tells us that
the little squares

Represent the statues

Standing in each
of the corners
of the fortress!

Wait--so when all
glow we can get in!?

Hey, grandpa.

Do you remember what
position you were standing
in just a second ago?

Wait! I was standing
with my arms folded
just like this statue!

It just lit up again!

Of course.

Whenever someone
mimics the stance

Of one of those

The corresponding square
on the door lights up.

Oh. All we have to
do is strike a pose

Like the other guys
and the door will open!

Yup. I feel
like an idiot.

Good work, tea.
Another light went on!

How long do we
hafta stand like dis?

Anything happening, yugi!?

Yup! Both of your
lights are glowing!

It actually worked.

Well done.

Now hurry up and find
that hidden casket

So we can uncover
the pathway home
before the sun sets.

Yugi! In order to keep
that door open

We need to stay
in these positions.

So you'll have to enter
that fortress

And locate the hidden
casket on your own.

Our fate's
in your hands!

'Cause we
can't move ours!

You can do this, yugi!

All right, here goes!

I promise I'm gonna
get us outta this place!

That must be what
we're looking for!

But it was way
too easy to find.



Yugi. It seems we
ran right into a trap.

I wasn't thinking.
Sorry about that.

It's fine.

What we need to do
now is figure out

How to get back
where we were.

And we don't have
much time.

Help! I'm cramping!

And I used to think
you were such a poser.


Oh, no! They're alive!



All right! It's go time!

Load capsule!
And fire!

Flame swordsman,
you're on!

your turn, thunder kid!

Tea: don't forget dark witch!

Grandpa: and last
but not least...

Summoned skull!

Joey: let's get
ready to rumble!

Getting out of this pit
before nightfall
won't be easy.

And it just got tougher!

Yugi! If you have
any ideas,

Now would be the time
to speak up!

is all a game.

There's always a way
out of these traps.

We just need
to figure it out!

All right.


It looks like he wants
to get our attention.

Here goes!
Loading capsule!


Kuriboh! Come forth!

He must be trying
to tell us something,

But I don't know what!

Look. Over there!

A capsule!

Do you mean we need
to release the
monster from there?


Kuriboh! I can't
reach the capsule.


Got it!

Dark magician!

Is that really you?

Oh, no! The sun's
about to set!

We have to open
that tomb now!

Wait! Our friends
need help!


It's no use.

Are you thinking
what I am?

This just might work.

Go magical crossroads!

What's that!?

Ya got me!

It's gotta be yugi, guys!

By attacking with
magical crossroads,

Dark magician is now
able to eradicate

All monsters that fall

Within this crisscross
of light!

Summoned skull!

Finish him off
with lightning strike!


Whatever that was,
it worked!

There go the walls!

[Thinking] I've gotta open
that tomb before the sun sets!




No way! We did it!

And just in time, too!



It's some kind
of armor.

Joey: yugi!

What's wrong?

Gramp's monster
got blasted

By one 'a those
statue freaks!


We've got more important
things to worry about,

Like deciphering
this message.

It reads: "pass
through this doorway

"And thy journey
shall start.

" Trials will follow
to test thy heart.

"But I warn you
this journey is
not for the weak.

Only a true warrior
can unearth
what you seek."

Tristan: dude...what's
with the armored vest?

Tea: whatever
that thing is,

I have to say it's quite
the fashion statement.

Don't you see what's
going on here?

It mentioned
a "true warrior."

So you can't enter
without wearing that armor!

This is crazy, guys.
I'm not a warrior!

Yugi, please.

Taking this journey is
our only way of escaping.

He's right, yug.
Let's do this!

Are you sure?

Of course not,
but what the hey, right?!

Oh, well. What are
you gonna do?

To tell you
the truth,

It wouldn't
be normal

If we weren't
on some crazy
adventure, anyway.

That's right!

So what do you say we get
out there and do our thing!

Yeah! Thanks guys!

And since you're the one
with the suit of armor...

You go first!

Tea: joey!

[Thinking] I don't know
what this game is all about,

But if we expect to
win and get back home...

We need to press on,
and we're gonna do it together!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh!