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05x15 - Tomb of the Nameless Pharaoh

Posted: 08/20/22 13:33
by bunniefuu
What is this place?



Unh! Hey! Who's there?

Huh? Pharaoh!
It's you!

Where are we
and what's with
the weird getup?

[Monster growls]

This isn't the best
time for questions!


Run while you can!


Hey! Let go
of my friend!

Your "friend"
belongs to me, now.

And who are you!?

It will all become clear
in good time...

Just as soon as you join
the game, that is.

What game!?



These nightmares are
getting to be a pain.


That's strange!

What's up
with my millennium puzzle!?

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Gramps shoulda
been home by now.

See ya next week!

Where are you
off to!?

Oh right.

I'm going on
a secret expedition.

You never told me
anything about that!

Ha ha ha!

That's what
makes it a secret.

But his flight was
supposed to have
gotten in last night.

How much does it cost?

Just give the wheel a spin

And win an exotic trip
for four to india!

Around these parts
they call me
"lucky left-arm."

Ah, that's
your right arm.

I know dat.

Ha ha ha!

Nice pants, geek!

[Bell ringing]


I'll play...
This capsule.

Awww. Isn't he so cute?

You're s'posta play
your strongest

Not your cutest
ones, tea.

I assume that means
your soldier-guy's

Gonna fight
my little flying guy?

But trust me, tea,

There's a lot more
to this board game

Than just
battling monsters.

The main goal
is to capture

Your opponent's
symbol game piece.

And to do that you
need a really strong

Offensive strategy.

Got it.

But cute monsters
never hurt.

hey, what-up dudes?

Hey, how's it goin',

Ya feel like
taking my place

Before I get
my butt kicked?

So this is that capsule game
you were tellin' me about.

Aw yeah!
Who's da man!?

Hee hee hee!

Why don't you get
a hall pass

To the little boys' room
before you have an accident.

You'll neva guess what
I have in my hand!

Tea: before you pop
a blood vessel...

Try taking
a deep breath.

Aaand exhale.

Now hold your breath
and you'll be back

To your old self
in no time.

Keep holding...

Are you crazy?!

That's the joey
I know.

Ehh! You betta be nice!

If you want these
three tickets
ta paradise, that is!

Ha ha ha!

Do ya hafta walk
like a freak?

I know you're excited
about winning this trip,

But it's
a little embarrassing.

You're the one who
should be embarrassed

For not thankin' me!

You're right.
Thanks a lot joey!

And do you have
somethin' you wanna
say ta me, tristan!?

Yeah, I call dibs
on the aisle seat!

Should be fun.
Right tea?

I guess.

for some reason,
I have a weird

about this trip.

Every time
the four of us
go somewhere,

We end up in some
kinda trouble.

For once I just want
things to be normal.

No magic...
No pharaohs...

Uh, tea?

Oh, hey pharaoh.

Ready to do this?

Joey: it's party-time, t!

Up high!

♪ We're go-in' on vacation

♪ Time for relaxation

♪ No more aggravation

So you made
the reservations,
right, tristan?


Just kidding.

hey! Slow down!

This isn't a race
ya know!


Who told ya to pack
everything you own
for a six-day trip!?

A boy scout always
comes prepared!

Ya never know
what we might
need out there!

I'm gonna regret this
but what'ja bring?

Ironing board...

Hair dryer...

You're worse than me!

Man: if I had to guess
I'd say you're

The lucky
prize-winners, right?

Just follow me.

Hey try ta keep up,

Here we go.

Hey, wait for me!

I'm da prize-winner!

dude! We get our
own personal plane!

Aw yeah!

I was kinda hoping
for something

A little bit bigger.

Next stop: india!

♪ We're go-in'
on vacation ♪

♪ Time for relaxation

Pilot: we're almost there, kids.


There's noting but
nature for miles!

Ya think we can
bungee jump

Over that river,

Sure, why not?

I think tea's more
excited about this trip

Than any of us!

I knew she'd come around!

This vacation's gonna
be unforgettable!

Tristan: hey! You messed up
my photo, man!

We're experiencing
some minor
engine trouble,

So please remain
in your seats,

Keep your seat belts

And don't panic!


Joey: heads between
your knees!!!

Pilot: may day! May day!

Our engines are down!


I lost all my stuff.

That was enough
excitement to last
the whole trip.

The pilot sent
a distress signal,

But he said it
may take a while
before help arrives.

Well I dunno
about you...

But I'm not wasting
my free trip

for a rescue team.

I'm with ya dude so let's
check this place out.


Yugi: wait! We don't
know the first thing
about this place, guys!

Oh right, as if being
totally clueless

Has ever stopped those
two knuckleheads before?!

Tea: so am I the only one
who thinks walking aimlessly

Through an unknown jungle
that's probably filled

With wild man-eating
animals is a bad idea?

Nah, they're
more afraid of us
than we are of them.


Please tell me it's
not a wild animal!!

It's not
a wild animal.

It's a person!

Is he okay?

I'm sure he's
seen better days.

Someone was thirsty.

You feeling
better now?

Much better in fact.

I'm quite lucky
you all came along.

Here ya go. Huh?

My grandpa has
the same bandana!

Wait! Are you
dr. Muto's grandson!?

As a matter
of fact, yes.

Is my
grandfather ok?

He's how
shall I put this?

Dr. Muto is
a colleague of mine,

And on our latest
expedition together,
he disappeared.

Oh no!
Grandpa's missing!?

We hafta find him!

My name is
dr. Alex brisbane,

And your grandfather is
my archeological mentor

As well as one
of my dearest companions.

Now come and I'll show
you where I last saw him.

Let's go.

Yugi, wait.

Is something wrong,

Wouldn't you say that
this is all a bit strange?

Whatta ya mean

We just happen
to win a trip...

Our plane happens
to crash...

Then...we happen
to meet the last man

To see your grandfather
before he disappeared!?

If you ask me, yugi...

It's all too convenient.

Perhaps that's
why our puzzle's

Been acting so strange.

There it is.

The reason your grandfather
and I came here.

[All gasp]

call me crazy...

But aren't pyramids
usually in egypt?

Good point.

Dat makes this
even cooler!

Yeah, but it makes
it creepier, too.

Alex: dr. Muto and I were
as fascinated and confused

By this finding
as you are.

But nothing could have
prepared us for what we were

About to discover!

so spill it, doc.

What's the deal
with this thing?

Alex: well,
if my theory is correct,

It's the legendary
"pyramid of alexander."

I'm gonna need
a little more info.

For starters, who's
this alexander guy?

Alexander the great,
of course.

About two thousand years ago,
he was the leader

Of the greatest
empire ever known.

This masterful warrior
and brilliant strategist

Conquered nation
after nation.

At one point in history...
He controlled egypt.

Making him one
of the great pharaohs.

Ooooh. Well I guess
that explains

The whole pyramid

Tea: but it doesn't
explain why it was built

In the middle
of a jungle

Hundreds of miles
from egypt.

Indeed it is that
very mystery

That led yugi's
grandfather and I

Halfway around the world
in search of its origins.

And when we entered
its walls,

one of us emerged safely.

So grandpa's
still in there!?

Yes now if you'll
please follow me,

I'll show you
where I last saw him.

Everybody stay close.

We must remain
together as a group.

Some trip this
turned out ta be.

Well you can't say
it's boring, right?

Hey. Hey!

Are you alright!?

Did I mention?

There're dangerous
traps at every turn.

Ya coulda
fooled me!!

Careful! If you touch
the stairs they'll collapse!

Can't we ever
just hang out
like normal kids?

Ok. This isn't
exactly what I meant
by "hanging out!"

It isn't too far now.

You know an awful lot
about this pyramid.

Are you positive you've
only been through

This thing one time?

Yes. I've learned
to pay close attention
to my surroundings.

This is where I last saw
your grandfather, yugi.

Hey, grandpa,
are you
in here!?

Mr. Muto!

It's no use, my friends.

I did that for hours,
and there was no reply.

Yugi: did you see
him disappear!?

No. We split up.

Why don't I
see what's up
these stairs.

In the meanwhile
you check
this level.

You sure about this?

Alex, voice-over:
I came to a locked door

And couldn't proceed
any further.

So I returned
to join dr. Muto.

However, when I came
back down...

My colleague was
nowhere to be seen.

Just then I noticed
a stairwell leading below.

So I followed it
down one level.

But when I reached
the bottom all I found
was dr. Muto's headband.

And just like that,
he was gone.

Yugi...your grandfather
seems to have evaporated

Into thin air!

Look...i may not have
a college degree yet...

But I know this much!

People don't just
vanish into thin air!

Joey's right. He must
be here somewhere!


Let's go.

Yugi: grandpa!
You down there!?

[All gasp]

Hey, doc, did you
forget to mention

There's a room
the size

Of cleveland
down here!?

And check out the floor.

It looks like
a map or something.

Yeah. But of what?

I wonder if mr. Muto
found this room

Before he disappeared.

Well it's
big enough

To get lost in.

A'right. Then let's
stop standin' around

And look!

Yugi: joey! Come back!

Huh? What's goin' on!?


Look he's gone!

Joey! No!

Where'd he go!?

I guess the same
place yugi's
gramps went!

And where's that!?

What's up, man?

The tile
that joey stepped on

Looks like a mountain.

And that's a jungle!

And there's
a desert

All the way
back there.

A map with
different land-types.

Where have I
seen this before?

Well, according
to my research...

This pyramid is
supposed to contain

Some sort of ancient game.

Yugi, thinking:
an ancient game?

No wonder gramps came here.

He loves games.

Alright, guys...
I have no choice.

I'm going in there to
rescue joey and grandpa!

You can't mean you're about
to step on that map!

I need to.

And so do i!

Me three!

Thanks a lot.

But I've been leading
you guys into danger

Week after week
for way too long!

You should just-- gotta
stop talking us out

Of helping you.

She's right.

It's getting
real old

And it never works.

Now let's go!




Where are we?

Looks like
we're back

In the forest again.

Hey, where did this
thing come from?

I've got one too.

And what's with
the freaky belts!?

Guess we'll find out.



Are you guys
out here!?

So I think maybe we
need a plan

Other than just
yelling their names.

Maybe we should look
for clues or something.

Like that?

What'd you find, yugi?

I'm not sure.

But they're everywhere.

Hey you're right!

Well they must've
been put here
for a reason.

Hey, pharaoh, I wonder if
there's something inside.

Tristan: wait!

I hear something,

It's getting closer.

I don't hear it.

Neither do i, tristan.

Maybe it's nothing.


It's definitely
not nothing!

Let's go!

I recognize
those things!

They're from
the capsule monsters
board game!

That looks
familiar, too!

Let's not stay
and reminisce!


Tea! Tristan!


Wait a sec.
That sounds like yugi.

You out there!?

Unh! Put me down!

They're gaining on us!

I've never been
a big fan of bugs

And this definitely
isn't helping!

Duck in that cave!

Who knows what's
in there!

It can't be
much worse

Than what's
out here, right!?

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.


Not really! Aah!

That was way too
close for comfort.

I just hope tea
and tristan are okay.



I think
the coast is clear.

Cool! What's next!?

Hey speaking
of the "coast..."

How did we end up
on a beach?

Why you wanna grab
a board and hang ten?


I take it you're
not a surfing fan?


We've got company.

Should we run
or help them out?


Hey! I know you!

Friend of yours?

Uh-huh. It's that monster
from the board game.

Isn't he cute!?

Sure. But
the stubby,
mutant lizard...

Not so much.

Tristan was just
kidding, wasn't he?

Of course.

Ya see.

Tea! Tristan!

Are you guys out there!?



Nice mantis?


What have I done!?

Celtic guardian!?
Is that you!?!




why is this all
so familiar?

Hold on!

You're s'posta play
with your strongest

That board game!

Can this be?

For the duration
of this game,

I shall protect you,

I was right.

I don't know how
or why but...

We've entered the world
of capsule monsters!!!

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!