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05x10 - One Step Ahead, Part 1

Posted: 08/20/22 13:30
by bunniefuu
previously on "yu-gi-oh..."

my dear friend herr kaiba

Is throwing another tournament,
is he?

How charming.

Everything seems to be
running smoothly.

I would've expected my little
hacker friend to strike again
by now.

Unless he's already
in kaiba land!

I thought you'd be on to me
by now, heir kaiba.

Perhaps you just need
a little hint.

It's show time!

Ah! This is impossible!


Mr. Kaiba!

The entire unity
system is down!

We've completed
our investigation
of mr. Zigfried lloyd.

And your assumptions
were correct, sir.

your little game's over.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

ladies and gentlemen!

The kc grand championship
is proud to present

Two duelists who have
ridden the wave of victory
all the way to the finals!

First, the debonair
billionaire--zigfried lloyd!

He'll face the rookie who's
one tough cookie--leon wilson!

The winner of this bout
is bound to make a splash

When he faces yugi muto
for the championship crown!

That's right, folks.

History could be made
in the next few hours

If this coveted title changes
hands here in the kaiba dome!!

Now without further ado,

Let the kc grand championship
finals begin!

For those about to duel,
we salute you!

What's he
doin' here!?

Just dropping by?

Yeah, but why!?

wasn't scheduled
to be here!

What an unexpected treat!

You're mine, zigfried.

Stop the duel!

As president of kaibacorp
I declare this match invalid!

Come on!

Gimme a break!

He can't rip us off
like dat!

I think
he just did.


I don't get it.

As the result
of a disqualification,

The winner of this duel
is leon wilson!

What!? I won?!

Any particular
reason for this?

Humor me.

You broke your
tournament contract!

By entering the event
under a false name!

Zigfried lloyd.

Or should I say
"zigfried von schroeder!"

Of the schroeder

Is he serious?

Schroeder corp!?

Wasn't that an old gaming
company or something?

Actually it still is...

You just don't hear much
about it anymore.

Once kaibacorp
became number one,

Everyone sorta forgot
about the schroeders.

[Collective gasp]

So, you think zigfried
joined to get revenge?

I never trusted you
from the get-go, zigfried.

And my instincts
are never wrong.

It all makes perfect sense.

Kaibacorp's biggest rival joins
the tournament, and suddenly
everything goes haywire.


I think not!


Ah! Ah!

But since I'm a nice guy,
I won't have you arrested
for trespassing and fraud.

Under one condition:
you get out of my life!

And take your bad hair
with you!

And mark my words--
if your overpriced shoes
step anywhere near me again,

I'll destroy what's left
of your pathetic company!

Ha ha ha!

It looks like you've
finally been exposed to
the public for what you are:

A complete coward!


The truth is you're afraid
of my superior skills.

So you're hiding
behind a technicality
instead of facing me.

And now the whole world
knows it!

I don't blame you
for throwing me out,
herr kaiba.

You know that if I
won this tournament

And became
the world champion,

You would never win
that title back!

I'm throwing you out
because I don't like you.

Not 'cause I'm scared of you.

You know, I promised
myself I wouldn't duel
in this tournament.

But since I have the chance
to embarrass you,

Those plans have changed!

Kaiba's gonna
duel zigfried!

Well, there's never
a dull moment.

Fine. But if I win,
I get to stay.

And if you lose,
you disappear, never
to be heard from again!

I don't know about this.

Yeah, well I do!

Seto's gonna blast 'im
to the minor leagues!

Here, hold this.

Yes, sir.

This shouldn't take
too long.

Last chance.

You sure you wanna
go through with this?


How could I ever
pass this up?

It's not every day
I get to destroy
my arch-rival

In front of
the entire world!

But who should
go first?

I guess there's only
one fair way to decide.

Alright, zigfried.

Your call.

I think I'll go
with heads.


Hurray for me.

But I think
I'll let you
go first, herr kaiba.


I never knew
you were so kind.

I guess I'll hafta
return the favor.

There's no need.

I insist.

Roland: alright, there's been
a slight change of plans!

Now your tournament host seto
kaiba will face-off against
zigfried von schroeder!

Seto, time ta show
this circus freak
who's boss!

How's it goin',

Hey, leon!

So what's next?

I mean am I gonna duel against
you or against zigfried?

Well, I guess
it all depends

On how well kaiba does
in this next duel.

I hope he wins.

I wouldn't worry
about it,

'Cause I'm sure
no matter who wins,

You'll get your
chance to duel yugi
for the championship!

Unless of course
you wanna give me

Your space
in the tournament.

I think I'll pass.

Ya know, as much
as I can't stand kaiba,

Anyone's better
than that pink-haired
sideshow freak zigfried.


Roland: the grand championship
bonus match is about to begin.

And my most devastating flower
is about to blossom, herr kaiba.

competitors take your marks
and ready your decks!

I don't know what it is
you're after zigfried,

But I do know
it all ends here.

Let's duel!

Now to kick things off
with a bang, go!

X-head cannon
in attack mode!

Next I'll place two cards
facedown and end my turn.

You sound so confident.

But I'm afraid those little
mechanical toys of yours

Are nothing but
insignificant seedlings

That are
about to be uprooted by
my raging wildflowers!

Are you done?

These people came here
to see a duel, not
a bad poetry reading!

So let's move on!

Perhaps you're right.

The true beauty of
my maidens of mayhem

Can best be appreciated
if I simply call them
to the field!

So witness
poetry in motion

As I play ride of
the valkyries!!!

This allows me to
summon every valkyrie
in my hand!


Give a big kaiba
land welcome

To valkyrie zweite,
valkyrie erste,
and valkyrie dritte.

Thanks to my valkyrie
zweite's special effect,

Your cannon goes straight
to the graveyard!

But that's not all.

Next my valkyrie erste
removes your cannon
from the game for good

And gains the equivalent
of its attack strength!

And finally my valkyrie
dritte's special effect!

For each opposing
monster removed
from the game,

Her strength increases
by one hundred!

He summoned monsters
at once!

And kaiba's life points
are defenseless!

So if zigfried att*cks
with all three valkyries,

The duel's done!!

C'mon, bro!

Looks like we've
reached the finale

Before we even begun.
Auf wiederssen!

Valkyrie zweite!

Attack his life points
directly with
galloping gash!

I activate
my facedown card!

Go negate attack!

Looks like you're
out of luck.

And you're valkyrie's
out of steam.

[Horse neighs]


Thanks to kaiba's card
zigfried's turn is over!

So his three valkyries
go back to his deck!

Well, what are you
waiting for, zigfried?

Call off your ponies!

Their moment in
the spotlight is over!

Ha ha ha!

Thanks to this card,
they've added a
second performance!

Oh, no!

Oh, yes!

Time for an encore!

So why don't you just
sit back and enjoy
the show!

Valkyrie zweite!

Attack him directly!


He's cheating!

Yeah, those valkyries
should've returned
to zigfried's deck!

Hey, watch out!

Whatta you think
you're doing!?

Winning of course!

You see, mischief
of the time goddess

Allows me to skip
your turn!

Then I can pick up
where I left off!

Wiping out the remainder
of your life points!

So let's try this again.


Seto! No!

Not so fast!

I reveal my
magical trick mirror.

Here's the deal.

It activates a magic card
from your graveyard!

And I choose mischief
of the time goddess.

Not that!

Let's see how
you like it!

Now your turn
is skipped!

[Crowd roars]

He just bought himself
a second chance.

Don't screw this up,
rich boy.

If you thought you could
win this duel in one turn,

Then you don't know who
you're up against!

I've come a long way
since we were kids, zigfried,

So check this out!

I summon z-metal t*nk
to the field!

In defense mode!

And next I'll summon
my clone dragon card!

It becomes an exact duplicate
of the monster I just played.

Which gives me two tanks!

That ends my turn!

[Crowd roars]

What a duel!

The action hasn't stopped
since kaiba made
his first move!

Unfortunately most
of the action's been
at kaiba's expense!

And it's gonna
get worse.

Cause zigfried's valkyries
are still on the field!

Do you plan to do
something besides stall?

Because quite frankly

becoming something
of a nuisance to me.

We both know you're
going to lose, so why
not get it over with?

That way I can win
and still make my
eight o'clock massage.

You nauseate me.

Now just make your move!

Now you're making sense.

Next I activate
my valkyrie's embrace!

Then I switch
my valkyrie dritte
to defense mode!


By activating
my magic card

And then switching one
valkyrie to defense mode

I was able to remove
one of your monsters
from the game.

And since another
one of your monsters
left the game,

Valkyrie dritte's
attack strength goes up

By another
hundred points!

Now valkyrie erste
attack his clone dragon!


Valkyrie zweite
end this duel!






This is bad, guys!

He lost almost half
his points!

Yeah, and there's
more where dat
came from.

Huh. That's all?


Trust me, you're not
fooling anyone.

The whole world
can sense your fear.

And what do you think
I'm afraid of?

Your ferocious
galloping girl scouts?

Let's see how they hold up
against my pitch-dark dragon!

Then I place one card
face down and end my turn.

Very well!

Let's see.

I switch
my valkyrie dritte
into attack mode!

[Horse neighs]

And now,
go, valkyrie zweite!


Oh, man.

Every single time
kaiba summons a monster,

It gets crushed!

Just hold on
a second, guys.

Let's not
lose hope yet.

Reveal facedown card!

Flat level !

Here's how it works:

Now that my dragon
is gone,

Each of us is able to choose
a four-star monster
from our deck

And summon it directly
to the field!

And I choose
my y-dragon head!

And I think I shall
summon another valkyrie
to join us.

Of course she gets
an immediate power boost

Since two of your
monsters have been
removed from play!

How kind of you
to invite

Another one
of my friends
to the soiree!

That makes four!!

Well, the party's over!

First I activate my pot
of greed magic card!

That lets me draw
two more cards!

Next I'll activate
my dimension fusion!

Now once I give up
two thousand of my life points,

I'm able to bring back
my x-head cannon
and my z-metal t*nk!

No! Not those!

Now he'll be able to
combine them together!

But he paid
two thousand points!

It wasn't worth it!

Next I activate
the magic card
soul absorption!

This gives me an additional
five hundred life points

Each time a card is
removed from the game.

[Collective gasp]

So I'll remove
my x-head cannon,

My y-dragon head,
and my z-metal t*nk

In order to play this card--
xyz dragon cannon!

Not only was he
able to summon

A really
powerful monster
to the field,

He was also able
to gain back

Fifteen hundred
life points!

This could be just
the break kaiba needed
to make his comeback!

Let's hope so.


Alright, zigfried!

It's time to get rid
of your little friend,

Along with the horse
she rode in on!

Dragon cannon attack!



Way ta go, seto!

Nice move.

He totally caught
zigfried off guard!

That's my bro!

one step ahead!

One step ahead?

But I swore that would
never happen again.

Nice work!

Thanks to him,
the gaming industry
will never be the same.

Seto kaiba's
a genius!


I'm too late!


That kid's
gonna be famous!

Oh, wait.

You can't.

That idea belongs
to me.

He's beat me
to the punch
for the last time!

Kaiba's not outta
trouble yet.

And now it's
zigfried's turn again.


How to destroy you?

I think
nibelung's treasure
is a good start!

Hold on a sec!

Isn't that the
same card he used
to do you in!?

That's it.

And it's not
a fond memory!

This lets me play
nibelung's ring

And since
I'm feeling generous,

I'll give it to
your dragon cannon.

I also get to draw
five new cards.

And my ring
stops your monster
from attacking me!

So much for your
big, bad dragon cannon
saving the day.

And it gets worse, guys.

Next kaiba has to draw two cards
from his deck.

And if either one
is a monster card,

He hasta remove it
from the game!

Now I sacrifice
my valkyrie dritte!

That lets me call
forth the instrument
of your destruction!

[Collective gasp]

What's that?!?

Why, it's my
fortune chariot!

And it's come
to cart you away
into oblivion!

Ha ha ha!

[Horse neighs]

Now that my valkyrie zweite
has taken the driver's seat,

The real fun can begin!

By reducing my monster's
strength for one turn,

Fortune chariot allows
her certain, shall we
say, privileges?

For instance,
my valkyrie can
bypass your dragon

And attack
you directly!

Oh, man!

Now valkyrie zweite--
attack herr kaiba's
life points!

[Horse neighs]

Seto! No!



Hang in there!

As a rule,
I usually refrain

From kicking a man
while he's down,

But for you
I'll make an exception!

So go, mystical
space typhoon!

Next I'll play this
and end my turn.

Did you see
what I did there?

Since I just destroyed
your soul absorption
magic card,

You can't replenish
your life points.

And as long as
my fortune chariot
is in play,

I can
continue to chip away
at your life points

Until you have nothing!

Now who's one step
ahead, herr kaiba!?

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh