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05x07 - Down in Flames, Part 2

Posted: 08/20/22 13:28
by bunniefuu
Yami-yugi, voice-over:
previously, on "yu-gi-oh"...

spectators and duelists!

If you can't stand the heat,
get out of the volcanic pit!

'Cause it's here that
trendsetter zigfried lloyd

Squares off against
jumpin' joey wheeler!

you gotta relax, bro.

Kaiba: not until
we find that hacker.

I have a bad feeling
that the person
we're after

Is already
on the inside.

I thought you'd be on
to me by now, herr kaiba.

Perhaps you just need
a little hint.

This is impossible!

Mr. Kaiba!

We've got trouble!

The entire unity
system is down!

Now I activate
the magic card...

Ride of the valkyries!

Auf wiedersehen,
herr joseph!


♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-duel.

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Would you like
to meet my friends?

They'd "lava" to meet you!

Oh, giiiirls!?

Give herr joseph
a warm welcome, won't you?

You see,
this magic card allows me

To summon every valkyrie
I hold in my hand!


Yes, and unfortunately
for you, I have four.

Four monstas
at once!?

Because that's going to get
irritating rather quickly.

[Horses whinny]

Now, if I may continue...

My fraulein foursome has
some business to take care of!

Let's begin with
my favorite valkyrie,
shall we?

She's known
as valkyrie zweite

And she has quite
the special ability.

Whenever she's summoned
to the field,

One of my opponent's monsters
is automatically destroyed!

Now if you'll turn
your attention to
bachelorette number two!

Her interests include
horseback riding

And long walks
on the beach.

Oh, yes...and stealing
other monsters'
attack points!

Zigfried: monsters
that have been removed
from play, that is.

And since your jinzo had a
strength of ,

So does my valkyrie!

Now for the fun part.

Attack his life points
with galloping gash!

Yugi: oh, no!

One more attack
and he's done!


right you are!

So let's finish this off
with my triple threat!

[All yelling]

Thanks for playing!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Oh, man!

Joey lost the duel!

Look on the bright side.

Kaibacorp may have some
lovely parting gifts for you.

I don't think that's
gonna be necessary, pal.

Joey's still
in the duel!

But how!?

No one could survive
that onslaught!

Unless, of course,
they happen to have

A handy little magic
card in their corner!

Like hyper refresh,
for instance!

It doubled my strength

Right before
your little pony
sisters att*cked me.

[All yelling]

So my life points
never hit zero!

Which means...
I'm still in
the game, zig-freak!

Yes...but that won't
last long.

I place one card facedown
and end my turn.

Luckily for you,
my valkyries must now
clear the field.

And back
in my deck they go!

Thank you, ladies.
It's been such a pleasure.
We must do this again soon.

You can talk to
your cards 'til
you're blue in the face,

You're still not gonna
win this duel, ziggy!

You're wide open
and it's my move!


Roland: mr. Kaiba.

We've isolated the virus
and rebuilt the mainframe
hard drive.

If you'll do the honors,
we'll be back in business, sir.

Initiating back-up system.

Hey, it's fixed!

now where was i?!

The heat's off.

I'd hate to see
the gas bill!


I should check
with seto and
see what's up.

herr kaiba.

You stopped my virus
and saved the day.

Or so you think.

it looks like the
computer whiz kid

That broke into my father's
company is all grown up...

And he's back
to his old tricks again.


Run another
background check
on zigfried lloyd.

I need to know
if he's connected to
the schroeder family.

You think he planted
that virus?

I don't know what to think,

But right now, that freak is
my number-one suspect.

He reminds me of
a kid that I once met.

a kid

With the most dangerous
programming skills
I've ever seen.

Let's go!
Time is money.

And talk is cheap.

Look out!

First I'll summon
my swordsman of landstar
in attack mode!

Attack his life points
directly, buddy!

Did you really think
it would be that easy?

I activate
fricka's mediation!


all I had to do was remove
a card from the grave.

Now...your swordsman's attack
has been neutralized.

Big deal.

I'll place
one card facedown
and end my turn.

I'm in shock.

And why's dat?


Beating you is more fun
than I thought!

Just go.

Fine. I'll begin
by activating
this magic card.

Nibelung's treasure!

This affords me the ability

To extract another
magic card from my deck

And place it on your side
of the field.

So I present...
Nibelung's ring!

And I also draw
five cards!

So what's da deal
with the ring!?

There's no need
to thank me,

Just consider it a gift.

But we'll talk more about
my generosity a bit later.

Now I must call upon
the three divine sisters!

The goddess urd!

The goddess verdande!

And the goddess skuld!

Now it's one underdog...
Against three divas.

You mean four divas.

Now let the fun begin
with the goddess skuld!

Activate your scepter
of revelation!

And foresee the future!

Each turn from now on,
I'm able to see the top
three cards in your deck,

And rearrange them
any which way I please.

Huh? Dat's not fair!

Joey's future's isn't
looking too bright, guys.

Interesting cards.

Let's start by placing
the middle one on the top.

Then the first card
and then the third.

Huh? I don't see what
good dat's gonna do,
but it's your call.

You'll understand
once I call upon
goddess verdande!

Her scepter
of guidance gives me
the opportunity

To guess what type
of card rests
on top of your deck.

If I happen to guess

Then you're forced
to play that card

Face down on the field!

No way!

Now I will go out
on a limb here

And say...your top card's
a monster!

Since you're the one
that put it there,
I'm not too impressed.

Well, either way, you have
to summon it face down,
so let's have it.


Finally, I call
upon goddess urd!

Each turn, she gives me
the opportunity

To guess the identity of one
of your face down cards!

If I'm right,
it's removed from play.

Say what!?

Let me take a wild guess.

It's panther warrior.

Looks like I'm right!

Awww, parting is such
sweet sorrow, isn't it?


First he took out jinzo,
and now it's panther warrior?

But those are joey's
best monsters!

Not anymore.

I think I've done
enough damage.

So go.

And if you could,
step it up a bit.

I'm getting bored.

It's official.

He is the most
annoying opponent
I've ever faced.

Now look out--

Hold on!
I almost forgot
about my gift!

Huh? Your what!?

Have you forgotten
about the ring I gave you?

It allows you to draw
an extra card each turn.

Any reason why
you're helpin' me?

Well, it also prevents
the monster wearing it
from attacking.


How'd I guess?

on with the duel!

Now where was i!?

Getting intercepted
by me again!


You've activated
the curse!


The curse
of nibelung's ring.

If either of the two cards
you just drew is a monster,

The ring forces you
to send it straight
to the graveyard!

Wait, hold on!

There's no need
to check.

Thanks to my goddesses,
I already know you drew
a monster!

Namely, knight
of dark dragon!

You're right!


Now off to
the grave it goes.

He's eliminating
joey's best monsters
one by one!

I have a feeling that's
been zigfried's strategy

Since the beginning
of the duel!

He's using his magic ring
and his three goddesses

To dismantle joey's deck
one card at a time!

thanks to those
three goddesses 'a his,

Zigfried knows
what card I'm gonna
draw before I do!

But not for long!

I activate dangerous
machine type- !

This should keep
things interesting.

See, I'm gonna give
this little gadget
a spin

Before each one
'a my turns.

And what it does to you
depends on what numbers
come up.

So you're depending
on lady luck to win
this duel for you.

Well, I guess
you can't depend
on skill now, can you?

It took more
than luck to get me
where I am today.

And I'm about
to prove it!

Hold that thought.
My move.

This is the part
where you show me
your top three cards.

Excellent. Now place
the second card on top.

Then the first,
then the third.

Now to guess
your top card.

I'll say goblin
attack force.

Looks like lady luck's
on my side.

Yugi: if he doesn't
stop zigfried soon,

He'll run out
of monsters!

Zigfried: I place this
face down and end my turn.

Ya think
you're so cool?

Watch this!

Ah, ah, ah.

Thanks to my ring,
that monster in your hand
is destroyed!

Dat may be true...

But now it's time
to give the old
one-armed bandit a spin

And see
where things land!

Come on...big bucks...
No whammies...


Looks like I can
activate special effect
number three.

This lets me draw
an extra card, so now
I get ta pick up two!

So please give
a warm welcome
to my sasuke samurai!

Mmm mmm mmm.
Your samurai shrimp
is useless!

That scrawny swordsman
can't possibly get past
this card!

What's that?

It's my loge's flame trap,

And as long
as it stays in play,

Monsters with , points
or fewer can't attack me!

Oh, well.
Guess I'll play
my face down card.

Go, graceful dice!

Now I get to multiply
my samurai's
attack points

By the number I roll!

He needs a five
or a six.

Come on.

Oh, no!


You are so terrible
at this game, I actually
find it frightening.


[Ethan shark groaning loudly]


Ya beat me fair
and square, mate.

Good on ya.

Rebecca: I just wanna say
to my adorable boyfriend,

Hey, yugi! I did it!

A'right, ziggy...

Before you start
guessin' all my cards...

I'm gonna pick out
a mystery card just ta
keep you on your toes.

So I'll just place
this little numba face
down, and that's all.

Then it's time
for my goddesses
to do their thing,

So show me your cards.

Place the middle card
on top of your deck.

And yet another one
of your monsters disappears,
never to return.

This seems like
a good time to play
my magic card.

Swan maiden!

This lets me summon
one valkyrie from my hand.


She's too powerful!

He'll lose
the duel!

Zigfried: attack now!

It's not ova yet!

I play my silver
dollar trap!

It can protect
any monster

With one thousand
attack points
or less!

I love it!

A rich snob gets stopped
by a measly dollar!

I see you did
something right for a change.

Enjoy it,
because I assure you,

This brief streak of luck
won't last too much longer!

well, here goes nothin'.

I'll kick things off
by activating

My dangerous machine
type- .

Now show me some love.

Aw, yeah!

Dat means I draw
an extra card, baby!

And it looks like
I'm on a roll!

No pun intended.

'Cause now I get
to activate my magic
card roll of fate!

Now whatever number
I roll,

That's how many cards
I get to draw
from my deck!


Check this out!

My giant trunade
blows every magic
and trap card

Off the field!

Zigfried: I play apple
of enlightenment!

Hold on!

That trap card shoulda
been blown off da field!

Apple of enlightenment
automatically activates

When it's taken
off the field,

Which allows me to draw
one more card form my deck.

Plus, when my loge's flame
leaves the field,

It allows me
to activate this card!

Valkyrie brunhilde!

She gains attack points
for every warrior

And dragon monster on
the field, including yours.

Not for long!

I sacrifice my swordsman
of landstar

To summon maximum six!

Now whatever
number I roll

Is multiplied by
and added to his
attack points.

Looks like he gets
an extra , points!

And since I'm feelin'
lucky, I'll play my
star blaster magic card!

The higher he rolls,

The stronger a monster
I can play.

But first,
I hafta sacrifice
my sasuke samurai.

And away we go!


Since my samurai had
two stars and I rolled
a five,

I get to summon
a seven-star monster!

So go!
Red-eyes black dragon!


Now, maximum six,

Take out his valkyrie
with lightning fist

No way! Why wasn't she

It's called
a special ability.

Brunhilde avoids

By giving up
, defense points.

A'right, red-eyes...

You get rid of her!
With inferno fire blast!

Then I'll activate
my type six
machine again!

I've embarrassed you

So I'll place this
face down and call it

With only points
left, this is
your last shot!

Nice comeback, dude!

You rock!

Good job!


You should have ended
this duel when you had
the chance.

Now prepare
to pay the price!

This duel's gone
on long enough!

So...i activate
the magic card

Enchanted sword nothung!

It raises brunhilde's
attack points by !

According to
the legend of nothung,

It was the world's
greatest dragon-slayer!

Say what!?
It's true.

With one fell swoop,

This sword can remove
every single dragon from play!

Next I play my final card
and the key to my victory!

Rainbow bridge bifrost!

So my valkyrie gains
attack points

For every monster
I removed from the game!

Now I get it!

He's been planning this
from the beginning!

That's why zigfried removed
all of joey's monsters!

To power-up his own!

Yami-yugi: now his valkyrie
is strong enough

To wipe out
joey's life points!

Hold your horsey!

I play compensation
mediation!'re relying
on luck again?

Look, pal, I think
you're scared

'Cause I never lose
at these things!

Now choose any two cards
from your graveyard

And shuffle 'em together
with my mediation
trap card!

Joey: then I get
to pick one card.

And if I choose mine,
I'm saved!

and should you fail,

Then I win the duel!

I know you can do this.

And the card
I pick is...

The middle one!

Oh, no!

Hmm. It looks like
your luck has run out.

Now, hilde, my dear,
end this duel!


No way!

This can't be!
He lost!


Herr joseph,

Some things in life
just never change.

A rose is a rose,
and a loser is a loser.

Rolan: and the winner of
this bout is zigfried lloyd!

And with that, the grand
championship is down to
its final four duelists!

big deal.

So you blew
the entire

On a lousy game
of chance.

I guess you must've
just run out of luck.


Joey wins
his duels
with talent,

Not with
luck, guys.

Tristan: oh, so joey
didn't lose 'cause
he has no luck...

He lost 'cause
he has no talent.

So dat's how you
cheer me up!?

Then it's time for me
to spread a little cheer
'a my own!

[All laughing]joey: come here, you!
If I get my hands--

joey did a great job.

And sooner or later,
he's gonna learn

To control
that temper of his.

Probably "later."

I tell ya...i get
no respect at all!

[Laughter continuing]

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!