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05x06 - Down in Flames, Part 1

Posted: 08/20/22 13:27
by bunniefuu
Yami-yugi, voice-over:
previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

My dear friend
herr kaiba

Is throwing another
tournament is he?

Well, like I always say,

Every rose
has its thorn.

So, you'd better
be careful,

For even the most
delicate flower can be
quite dangerous.

Kaiba, voice-over:
everything seems to be
running smoothly.

I would've expected
my little hacker friend
to strike again by now.

Unless he's already
in kaiba land!


The most dazzling
creatures in
duel monsters!

And also
the most dangerous!

Weevil, tell me that
didn't just happen.

That didn't just happen!

the winner of this bout,

After only one turn,
is zigfried lloyd.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to d-d-duel.

♪ Yu-gi-oh

Spectators and duelists.

Roland: round one
has come to a close

And half of our
super competitors have
been sent home.

So now I give you
the elite .

And first up,
it's our boy-wonder,

The undefeated leon wilson.

But someone's looking
to take a bite out
of leon's winning streak.

So evacuate the beach
and call in the coast guard,

It's the man-eater,
ethan shark.

Come on, enough with
the fancy intros.

Let's get to
my duel already!

That's joey,
always a model
of patience.

You know you might wanna
take this time

To run through
your game strategy.

Some last-minute
studying couldn't hurt.

Joey hates cramming.

Which is too bad,
'cause he's about
to get schooled

By that freakazoid
who took out weevil
and rex in one move.

Only thing I'm scared of
is dat hairdo.

Hey, buddy,
pinky the clown called!

He wants his wig back!

Like you're in any position
to be making fun
of anyone's hairdo.

I heard dat.

Take it down a notch,
will ya?

You're too
high strung to duel.

Who are you callin'
"high strung"?

I'm cool as a cucumber.

Oh, yeah, real cool.

I'm not in da mood.

You want a piece
'a me?

Tea: can you two
grow up for, like,

I need some
female friends!

Both: he started it!

You ok, leon?

I guess I just have a case
of the pre-duel jitters.

We can't all be
as calm as joey.

Hey, sure ya can.

You can't be too bad
if you made it to
the final , right?

You just gotta do
what I do and believe
you're gonna win.

Well, that's just it.

I'm afraid to win,
'cause then I'll have to
face off against yugi.

Just thinking about it
freaks me out.

Listen, pal,
just take this one duel
at a time, ok?

Joey's got a point.

It's too soon to worry about
the championship duel now.

Besides, you're gonna
hafta duel against me
before you can get to yugi.

Well, just make sure
you go easy on me, ok, bec?

I've seen you in action.

You can be brutal.

Ok, let's get this show
on the road.

It's "wheeler time," baby.

Hey, it's zigfried, right?

Just wanted to wish
you luck out there today.

Unlike you,
I don't rely on luck.

I was tryin' ta be nice!

Where I come from
ya show your opponent
some respect!

Hey, zig-freak, maybe
you didn't hear me!

Don't touch
the suit.

Oh, I'll touch
more than that.

Joey, don't!

if I were you,
herr joseph,

I'd listen to
my little friend.

Well, I got news for ya,
you're not me!

True, because if I was,

I'd be a worthless
street punk with no talent,

And not to mention
appalling taste
in outerwear.

Dat does it!

No one insults
my fashion sense and
gets away with it,

So bring it on!

I've wasted
more than enough time
on you already.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have a duel to win.


Hey, man,
save it for
the game.

Get off 'a me!

It's time to
beat da designer pants
off 'a dat chump.

Be careful,

He better
get a grip
or he's history.

The match didn't
even start yet

And joey's
letting this guy
mess with his head.

Well, I guess
I should be heading out
to my match now, too.

Are you ok?

It's just that
I know joey really

Needs you out there
to cheer him on,

But that means
you won't be there
to watch me duel.

My heart goes out to you.

But ya know,
there is a bright side
to this whole thing.

I'm planning to
stay in this tournament
'til the very end,

So you'll have
plenty more chances
to root for me.

Go get 'em, rebecca!

Come on,
joey's gonna need

All the help
he can if get

If he plans on
beating zigfried.

Tea: yeah,
no joke.

Yugi, wait.

I need to speak to you
right away.

so have you noticed
any strange behavior

Coming from any of
the competitors?

I don't think so.

What's going on?

You have to promise
not to tell anyone.

If any word
of this gets out,

It could ruin the
grand championship

And our whole
company for good.

Remember when
the dueltek computer
went berserk

And locked us inside
the kaiba dome?

I've lost control.

Step aside, mokuba.

you gotta relax, bro.

Kaiba: not until
we find that hacker.

Isn't the system
secure now?

Well, I reinforced
the kiaba corp firewall,

So no one should be able
to break in from
the outside again.

I'm not worried about

Someone sabotaging
this tournament
from the outside.

I have a bad feeling
that the person
we're after

Is already
on the inside.

You're kidding.

How could someone
have snuck in
without us noticing?

I never said
they snuck in,

We invited them.

And when I find out

Which one of
those competitors
is out to ruin me,

They're gonna pay.

Right now
I'm conducting
background checks

On all duelists.

And I'm counting on you
to keep an eye out

For any suspicious

so who do ya think
it is, mokuba?

I don't have
the slightest clue,

And that's why
I need your help.

You gotta let me
know if you notice
anything strange.

Sure, but you do realize

That strange things
happen to us

All the time, right?

she's got
a point there.

But I was hoping
this time would be

But so much for that, huh?

Just once I'd like
to duel in a tournament
for the thrill of it

And not have to worry
about who's trying
to take over the world!

Yugi, please.

Why can't things
just be easy for a change?

We should be having fun,
not hunting down bad guys.

Don't worry.

We'll find him soon!

I'm not gonna
let some punk ruin
this tournament!

Oh, yeah!

You can count on us
to help out.

Now whatta ya say
we get out there,

Watch joey's duel,

And do what
we do best--

Cheer from
the sidelines!

Tea: look at
the bright side.

There's never
a dull moment, right?

Yugi: that's for sure!

Let's get ready to duel!

The next
championship bouts are
now underway, folks!

Facing off in
the house of horror,

Where the ghouls
come to duel,

It's wonder boy
leon wilson versus
man-eater ethan shark.

Then it's showtime
at the kaiba land theater

As the duelist detective
faces the master of magic.

Now let's move on
to the wheel of wonder

As the grand championship
takes to the skies.

In this bizarre match-up,

Regional champ
rebecca hawkins faces
abe the monkey boy.

And finally,
if you can't stand the heat,

Get out of the volcanic pit,

'Cause it's here that
trendsetter zigfried lloyd

Squares off against
jumpin' joey wheeler!

Love what you've done
with place.

Now whatta ya say
we get down ta business,

Tea: don't start
without us.

Hey, we're here
for ya dude!

Yeah, now rock
his world.

'Bout time
you guys showed up.

May the best-dressed
duelist win.

I'll have you shakin'
in your patent
leather shoes,

And the whole world's
gonna see it.

Ah, I think
they're shuffled,

So quit stallin' pal.

Take them.

Tea: so much for
keeping his cool.

Don't let him
get to ya, joey!

Yeah, just stay
calm, pal!

Ready to roll up
those frilly sleeves
and get dirty?

Please, I won't even
break a sweat on you.

All: let's duel!

All right, herr joseph,

Since you're clearly
at a disadvantage
in so many ways,

Why don't you make
the first move?

He's just messin'
with your head, man!

Yeah, don't
freak out.

stay focused.

Try to keep up!

let's see here.

Gee, I wonder if
he's got a bad hand.

I'm gonna say "yes."

Joey, voice-over:
I can't play
a single monsta.

you're beginning to sweat.

Is the molten lava
getting to you or is it
something else?

I'll place
one card facedown
and end my turn.

That's all
he's gonna play?

I have a feeling
that's all he can play.

I can't watch!

This is how it's done,
so watch and learn.

I'll start by activating
a magic card,
graceful charity.

This lets me draw cards
as long as I discard two.

And then I'll wrap things up
by placing one card facedown.

Looks like zigfried
doesn't have such
a great hand either.

Oh, yeah!

I told ya we had
nothing to worry about.

Very strange.

I don't trust that guy.

Something tells me
that he's setting joey up
for some kind of a trap.

Yes, I agree.

Let's just hope joey
figures it out.

Why, I actually
thought you might
win in one move

Like you did last time,

But you couldn't even
summon a monster.

Now dat's funny.

The guy can't even
summon a monster...

Zigfried: I thought
you'd be on to me
by now, herr kaiba.

Perhaps you just need
a little hint,

So allow me to
shake things up a bit.

It's showtime.

It's time
ta turn up da heat.


Not dat hot!

this is a little
too realistic.

Yeah, why don't ya
turn down the flames?

One small problem.

This isn't part
of the attraction,
you guys!

That's not

If kaiba corp's
not controlling
those flames,

Then who is,

That's what
I'd like to know.


If you wanna be top banana,

You gotta stop
monkeying around.

Now then, monkey see?

what should I do?

A'right, you're
the smart one, pal.

Rebecca: hey,
what's the deal?

Help us!

I'm clued in to
your strategy balfry,

But this is a mystery.

This house,
it's haunted--

For real!

What's happening?

ladies and gentlemen,

We're experiencing
technical difficulties.

Please stand by.

This is impossible.

Mr. Kaiba,
we've got trouble.

I'm on it.

How could this

The entire unity
system is down!

Computer: virus alert!

Virus alert!

Kaiba, voice-over:
but I secured the entire network
after the last attack.

There's no way someone
could break in again,

Not even a computer genius.

Was it that cyber-geek
rebecca hawkins?

No, not even she
could pull off something
of this magnitude.

The only person I know
who could accomplish

A brilliant scheme
like this is me.


Thank you for
the invitation, mr. Kaiba.

As I'm sure you know,

Your son seto
is talk of the town,

And believe me,
I can relate.

My son, too,
is a child prodigy.

You look like
you're about as thrilled
to be here as I am.

Whatta you say
we spice things up a bit?

Woman: oh, dear,
the lights
are flashing!

Man: that's strange.

There must be a short.

Our mainframe
is infected, sir.

No, there must be
some mistake.

Check it again.

The k.c. Mainframe
is protected by
a failsafe system.

No one can get in.

Let's just say
I dabble in technology.

I guess when you spend
all your time alone

You tend to tinker
in your own
little projects.

You know how it is,
herr kaiba.

Kaiba: no, it can't be!

I guess now's
as good a time as any

To try and get
my "a" game
back on track.

Here goes.

Now I summon
brigadier of landstar
in attack mode.

Next, I think
I'll juice him up

With a magic card
known as landstar shot.

Not only does dis card
give my brigadier
a fancy new musket,

It boosts his power
by .

A'right, little buddy,
show 'im what ya got.

Attack zigfried

Hold your fire,
you little munchkin.

I have a trap.

It's called
wotan's judgment,

And it stops
your attack instantly.

That's because
it lets me switch

Any magic card
I hold in my hand

With the top card
of my deck
and then reshuffle.

If that's what
you consider
your "a" game,

Then you're not going to
last too much longer.

Zigfried: is it me,
or is it getting
hot in here?

Just make your move,
wise guy.

Well, someone's
all fired up.

Perhaps this
will cool you off.

I play pot of greed.

You know what that means,
don't you?

I can draw
two additional cards
from my deck.

Next, I play
erda's guidance.

As the goddess of knowledge,
she controls the past,
present, and future.

The hand is the future,
the field is the present,

And the graveyard
is the past.

Now, thanks to
my fraulein friend...

I can move one card
from my hand
to my graveyard.

And in exchange,
I can transfer one trap from
the grave to the field.

Dat's weird.

He went through
all 'a dat just to play
some trap card?

That'll do for now.

Dat's it?

He's not even gonna
summon a monster?

Whatever zigfried's
strategy is,
I don't get it.

What strategy?

the second time

He left himself
wide open.

Perhaps zigfried
is just waiting for
the right card,

Like that magic card
he played in
his last duel.

You mean the one
he used to beat rex
and weevil in one turn?

Oh, no.

I know you're watching,
herr kaiba,

So enjoy the show
while you can,

Because soon it will be
curtains for you.


I don't know
if you noticed,

But da duel's ova here!

You could at least
have the courtesy
to look at me

When I'm about
to kick your butt,
wise guy.

You'll have to
forgive me.

I forgot you were
standing there.

But with an opponent
as dull and forgettable as you,
can you blame me?

What'd you call me?

Dueling you is
about as interesting
as watching grass grow.

Don't listen to him!

So this duel's
too boring for ya, huh?

Then I'll just have to
make things more
interesting, won't i?

Now, I sacrifice
my brigadier of landstar
so I can summon jinzo!

And thanks to my jinzo's
special ability,

All 'a your trap cards
are useless.

Oh, no.

Now, jinzo,
attack this chump

How's dat for
a little excitement?

Maybe now you'll
show joey wheeler
some respect.

I'm not just another
pretty face.

That's showin' him,

You da man, dude!

I think I've embarrassed
you enough for now.

So go ahead, ziggy.

You were much better off
when I was ignoring you,

But that's over,

Because now you've
gotten my attention!

So not only
will I defeat you,

But I'll send you
down in flames,

And it all begins now.

This card should
look familiar.

It's the same one
I used to devastate
the last two fools.

Oh, no, not that.

We were right.

Now I activate
the magic card
ride of the valkyries!

Auf weidersehen,
herr joseph!

Ha ha ha ha!

Zigfried, voice-over:
and I'm afraid your end
is only the beginning.

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh