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05x04 - Let the Games Begin!, Part 2

Posted: 08/20/22 13:26
by bunniefuu
Yami-yugi, voice-over:
previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

Duelists and spectators,

Let the first round
of the k.c. Grand
championship begin.

Prepare to be
unmasked, old man.

Both: let's duel!

Now I play a magic card
known as ancient city!

Next I sacrifice
wandering mummy

In order to summon
my ancient giant.

I'll activate
a magic card known
as ancient key.

This key lets me
unlock the power of
my stone giant tokens!

Why, I oughta...

You're no match
for an old pro like me.

We'll see.

With no monsters
to protect you
from my giants,

You won't make it
past the next turn.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

I'd suggest
summoning a monster

If you'd like to stay
in the game, joseph.

I can arrange that.

In fact, I'll play
for the price 'a one.

Go, goblin attack force!

Now knock his
ancient giant right
outta da ballpark, boys!

Not so fast, slugger.

Activate ordeal of
a traveler.

This card is about
to make the game
more interesting.

I choose a random card
from my hand

And you have to guess
whether it's a magic,
trap, or monster card.

If you guess incorrectly,
your monster is
returned to your hand.

Guess correctly,
and you can attack.

So what type of card
do I have in my hand?

Let's go.

You've got
a in chance.

Yugi's grandpa
is beating joey
at his own game!

'Cause he knows
joey's strategy.

He did teach 'im
how to duel, after all.

Well, here goes.

It's a trap card--

Or a magic card.

Nah, it's a monster.

I need more time.

I'm not getting
any younger.

All right,
my answer is...

You're holdin'
a trap card.

[Imitates buzzer]

Survey says,
"monster card."

Dat was my next guess.

I'm afraid your goblins
will have to wait.

Now, my eyesight's
not what it used to be,

But it looks to me
like you're defenseless!

I end my turn.

Sounds good to me.

Ahh, this should help--

A little later, that is.

But for now, ancient giant,
attack him directly!


Go, scapegoat.

Activate now!

Nice try,
but I'm safe.

So next turn,
I can blast you
with my goblins.

As usual,
you're one step behind
the rest of the class.

See, as long as ordeal
of a traveler's in play,

You have to guess
my mystery card every time
you want to attack.

What? No way.


You wanna play tough?

I'll play tough.

I already know
one 'a your cards.

Joey, voice-over:
all I hafta do
is get dis masked misfit

To play his other card,

Den I'll know
what's in his hand.

I activate the card
ancient tome.

Joey, voice-over:

Dat means da card
left in his hand
is a monsta.

By the way,
I assume you know
that ancient tome

Allows me to switch
the card in my hand

With a new one
from my deck, right?

But I had it
all figured out!

You'd like to think that,

But old apdnarg
was way ahead of you.

Now I'll switch
my stone giants
to defense mode

And end my turn!

Your grandfather
just lost life points

For not attacking
with his stone giants.

Plus, he switched them
into defense mode,

Which could cause him
to lose more
points next turn.

but that doesn't
make any sense.

A'right, pops,
it's go time.

Let's do dis!

Joey, voice-over:
what am I supposed
ta do now?

Well, I can summon
my goblins again,

But as long as
he's got dat trap card
on da field,

I can't attack
unless I guess what's
in his hand.

And these scapegoats
won't last much longer.

In fact, if he draws
a monster next turn,
I'm gonna lose da duel.

A'right, pal,
let's try dis card
again, shall we?

I summon
my goblin force!

Care to attack me?

Nope. I'm done.

Thought so.

Guess his
strategy worked.

Grandpa moto has joey
in the palm of his hand now.

What is grandpa's
strategy anyway?

Do you know, yugi?

No, but I have a feeling
professor hawkins does.

Well, let's just hope
joey figures it out soon.


I lost.

What time's
my next appointment?

It's at : ,

Man, voice-over:
and the winner is
leon wilson.

I'd like a second opinion.

Weevil: I'm hot.

Rex: I'm hotter.

I'm tired.

I'm tired-er.

That's not even a word!

Just a few
more steps.

I thought this day
would never come.

You're the one that said
it was a short stroll
to kaibaland,

And that was weeks ago!


The important thing
is I was able
to get us here.



Now all we hafta do
is figure out a way
to enter that tournament.

Don't worry.

I've got a few ideas
up my sleeve.

That's what worries me.

Ya know,
for some reason I feel
like we've met before.

I get that a lot.

But enough small talk.

In order to keep
my ancient tome
on the field,

I need to send
my sinister serpent
to the graveyard.

This activates
my card's special ability,

Allowing it to immediately
return to my hand
with no questions asked.

In case I'm going
too quickly for you,
let me simplify.

My magic card is safe,
and I didn't have to
give up a thing.

I've had about enough
'a you.

Sick of me already?

But I haven't
even unleashed my most
devastating card.

What would dat be?

My prized possession,
my pride and glory,

The thing I've been
preparing for since
I played my first card.

Whatta you
talkin' about?

Locked away in
the ancient city behind me

Lies a powerful creature
known only in legend,

And I will set it free.

Wake me when
storytime's done.

Every card I've played
is an element needed
to let loose this beast.

Only a few steps remain.

First, I move
my two stone giants back
into attack mode.

Every move he makes
must get him closer to
unlocking that door.

Next, I'll activate
the magic card ancient key.

The ritual
is almost complete.

Next, I'll use the power
of my ancient key,

Along with my stone giants
and my ancient tome,

In order to unlock
the ancient gate!

What's behind dat?

You're about to find out,
as I complete the final step.

I sacrifice my ancient gate,

My ancient giant,
and my ancient tome,

In order to bring forth
my ultimate monster.

Now, ancient dragon, arise!

No way.


It's breathtaking.

Coulda fooled me.

Check it out.

So that's what
he's been waiting to summon.

It's awesome.

For once it looks
like joseph wheeler is
at a loss for words.

I should enjoy this
while it lasts.

You know, yugi,

Your grandfather's
not the only one
with that card.

Yugi: you have an
ancient dragon too?

Yes, but I've never
been able to summon it

Because I don't have all
the necessary components.

In fact, your grandfather
is the only duelist I know

Who possesses all cards
needed to call forth
this divine creature.

So I hope you kids
appreciate the rare event
you've just witnessed.

Over the past few years,

We've been involved
in a friendly competition
of sorts--

Both hunting down
the same cards.

Until recently, each of us
had in our possession
of the cards,

But that would soon change.

Grandpa: oh,
and by the way, arthur,

I have some interesting
news to report.

Looks like you owe me
a chocolate shake,

'Cause I managed
to track down
the fifth card.

You did what?

Now I can finally
summon the ancient dragon.

I must see it.

Of course.

Yes, but when?

Did you forget?

I've joined
kaiba's tournament.

What better way to show off
my new card?

That was the cheeriest
I'd heard him
in a long time.

It was?


Your grandfather is happiest
when he's dueling.

I think it keeps him young.

I guess he's just
a kid at heart.

Guess so.

Just look at him.

He's managed to summon
a card he's been waiting
to play for years,

And he's about to use it
to win this duel.

You should consider it
an honor to be att*cked by
my ancient dragon.

You spent
the entire duel

Settin' up for one card.

If ya ask me,
dat's a huge waste
'a time.

I'm disappointed.

You seem to have forgotten
everything that I taught you.

Well, suit yourself,
because either way
you're about to be wiped out.

Ancient dragon,
destroy his goblin attack force
with legendary blaze!

No way.

What happened to
my scapegoats?

I see my dragon's
special ability
threw you for a loop.

Whenever it defeats
one of your
monsters in battle,

It also destroys
every monster that's
in defense mode

On your side of
the field.

That's not cool.

I'll never let you win.

Dis tournament
is my chance to finally
make it big

And get some respect--

Like yugi gets!

I gotta be number one.

I gotta.

Joey, try to
lighten up
a little bit.

You're so
caught up in
winning the duel

You forgot

You forgot
to have fun!


Dis is serious, yuge.

Chill out!

This tournament's
no big deal.

It's just a cheap way
for kaiba corp
to get some publicity.

You realize
I'm standing right
next to you, right?

Just be yourself
out there, got it?

Thanks, guys.

You kids are so supportive.

I'm so proud of you all.

Yer proud?

Whatta you talkin' about

Now back to da duel,

And from now on,

You're not gonna be
the only one havin' fun,
tough guy.

All right,
that's the spirit!

Who cares if apdnarg
is more skilled than you?

So what?

Sure, he'll probably
win, but--

Dat's enough motivation.

I'm waiting.

A'right, you wanna see
some mad skills?

Bring it on, kid.

Here goes.

Look out!

Time ta give my luck
one more shot

With a magic card
called roll of fate.

This card allows me to
draw up to new cards

Depending on
what number I roll,

Just as long as I remove
da same number of cards
from the game.

Now, legendary gambler,
cancel out his roll.

Wheeler gets a ,

And the freak in da mask
gets a .

He sh**t, he scores,
he draws cards.

Dat's what I call
a hand.

Please tell me
you're bluffing.

You're about
to find out pal.

I activate
landstar forces.

This card lets me
automatically summon

Every landstar monster
I'm holding in my hand
directly to da field,

No questions asked.

And whatta ya know?

I happen to have :

Brigadier of landstar,

Knight of landstar,

And grappler
of landstar.

And now I'll sacrifice
my landstars.

Dis lets me summon
gilford the lightning.

What's going on?

By sacrificing
my landstars,

I activated gilford's
special ability.

So all your monsters
are goners.

Not my dragon.

What a remarkable display.

And I'm just
getting warmed up.

Now attack him directly,

You'll have to guess
what card this is first.

I been payin' attention,
so don't be so smug.

That, sir,
is a monster card--

More specifically,
sinister serpent.

Well done, joseph.

Now where was i?

Oh, yeah.

Gilford, attack
that masked man now.

Dat'll do for now.

Your dragon's back,
but how?

Quite simple.

My ancient city
is still in play,

And as long as that card
remains on the field

I can continue
to bring my dragon back
from the graveyard.

You might say
it's indestructible.

You should have known
a monster this special

Can't be gotten rid of
so easily.

We'll see, pal.

Now make your move.

Don't mind if I do.

Now, ancient dragon,
attack gilford the lightning!

Their monsters'
attack points are equal.

Then they'll both
be wiped out.

But not for long,

'Cause that dragon
comes back.

Ah, man, not my gilford.

Not only is
your best card gone,

My best card's back!

The odds are against you.

Dat may be, but my cards
neva let me down.

C'mon, deck, let's rock!

First, I'll play
a magic card known
as pot of greed,

So I draw two cards.

Joey, voice-over:
I just drew
giant trunade.

Dat sends every magic
and trap card on
both sides the field

Back to
the players' hands,

So I can use it
to get rid of
his ancient city

And prevent him
from bringing back
his dragon.

Hold on.

Giant trunade
also sends my magic
and trap cards

Back to my hand.

I can't believe
I'm about to say this,

But you're thinking
about it too much!

Keep your comments
to yourself!

I may not have a deck
full of rare cards
like yours,

And I may not plan out
my strategy step by step
like you do,

But I think pretty
quickly on my feet

And I always
trust my instincts
no matter what.

I guess dat's
'cause I had some
good teachers.

Thank you, joseph.

I mean, good for you.

Yeah, I was taught to
play da game with heart,

And above all,
always have fun,

And dat's just
what I'm doin'.

Are you ready, pal?

Fire away.

Da first thing
I'm gonna do

Is activate
my premature burial
magic card.

All I hafta do is
give up life points

To bring one monster
back from my graveyard,

And I choose
my goblin attack force!

Den I'll activate
another magic card
called giant trunade.

Oh, no!

Now all our magic
and trap cards
return to our hands.

My city!

Without that,
I have nothing to protect
my ancient dragon.



If he doesn't screw this up,

Joey may actually
have a shot of
winning this duel!

I'm afraid there's more
where dat came from.

Now dat premature
burial's back
in my hand,

I can activate it again.

Oh, boy.

Dat means
gilford the lightning
comes back, too.

A'right, gilford,

Slice and dice
his ancient dragon.

I'm wide open.

Dat's right.

Any last requests?

Did joey just win?

It would appear he did.

I don't know how.

Nice duel, stranger.

I just wish I knew
who you were.

Actually, you already do.


No way!


Pretty good disguise, huh?

That could be my new look.

There's somethin'
I don't get, mr. Moto.

Why'd ya join dis tournament
in da first place?

You should be resting.

Tell ya the truth,
I was hoping to duel you.

Why me?

I did teach you
everything I know,

So I thought
it was about time
to test you.

And? Did I pass or what?

Let's see.

If I had to grade your duel,
you'd get "a plus."


I aced the test.

Well, I guess
there's a first time
for everything.

Pinch me, 'cause
I must be dreaming.

Hey, it's a figure
of speech!

What a way
to kick things off.

Your grandfather
dueled quite well.

Yeah, and you know
what else?

I think he had more
fun than anyone.

So why'd you pick
the name "apdnarg"?

It's "grandpa"
spelled backwards.


I don't get it.

[Theme music]