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05x03 - Let the Games Begin!, Part 1

Posted: 08/20/22 13:25
by bunniefuu
♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

[Crowd cheering]

Roland: ladies and gentlemen!

Duelists of all ages!

Kaiba corp is proud to present

The kc grand championship


We've assembled
an outstanding lineup
of first-class duelists

From around the world
just for you!

One of which will be
crowned world champ!

I think we know
who dat's gonna be!

Wow! Can you believe
this crowd?!

It's huge.

Look. Joey's
trying to scare
the competition

With his weird
chicken dance!

Hee hee hee!

I need some female friends.

peace and love, baby!

Ha ha! Oh!

Try acting normal...
Just this once.

Roland: and now...
Make some noise

For our master of ceremonies!



Tristan: do they always
have to be so dramatic?

So are you people ready
to get your duel on?!

I can't hear you!

I said are you people
ready to see some
dueling or what?!


Good! 'Cause it's time
to kick off

The greatest duel monsters
tournament ever organized!

And before the week
is through,

We may have a new international
duel monsters champion!

So give it up
for the current
titleholder yugi muto!

[Crowd chanting "yugi!"]

Give a shout-out
to your fans, yugi!


Mokuba: all right.
Maybe later.

So now, direct your attention
to the kaibatron!

'Cause it's time to kick off
our all-star tournament

With the first-round match-ups!

Starting with block "a,"

The first competitor to strap on
a duel disk will be...

Joey wheeler!

Aw, yeah!

I just wanna say
ta my adoring fans...

Dis one's for you!

He'll be facing off
against our mystery duelist!

All: hmm?

A man whose true identity
remains unknown--

Apdnarg otum!


Hey, pal!
I dunno who you are,

But when I win,
dat mask is comin' off!

Where do we
know him from?

I dunno.

I do.

Mokuba: now moving on
to block "b."

Up-and-comer leon wilson
faces the good doctor...

Richard goat!

Cool. Leon's in
the first duel, too!

Hey leon! You go, boy!

But before the duels
get underway,

There's someone
we all want to hear from!

So let's try this one more time.

Yugi, come on up here
and say a few words!


pharaoh, I need you.

No. You can do this.


Ya can't let
your fans down.

He's right.

[Crowd chanting "yugi!"]

What am I supposed to say?

hello, kaibaland!

Mokuba: uh, yugi?

I meant come up
on stage!


Oh, no one said
there'd be public speaking!

[Crowd continues chanting]

Oh. Uh...

[Crowd gasps]

it's kaiba!

Hey, bro!



All right...
I'm gonna make this brief.

This is not a show.

It's the ultimate test
of survival,

And it will push everyone
involved to their limits.

If you came
for a friendly game,

Then I'd suggest you go home.

This is a ruthless battle!

And in the end,
only one duelist
will remain standing!

Now, if everyone's clear,
let's move on!

From this moment forward,
kaibaland is a b*ttlefield!

So trust no one!

And may the best duelist win!

[Crowd chanting "kaiba!"]

Dat show-off!

He's just lucky
he's not duelin'!


I know one of these punks
is out to ruin me,

And before this
tournament's over,

I'm gonna find out who.

Duelists and spectators!

Let the first round of
the kc grand championship begin!

All tournament matches will
be held on kaibaland grounds,

But only the two remaining
finalists will be invited back

To duel right here
in the kaiba dome!

Match number one will take place
on our amazon adventure trail!

And match number two
will be held beneath
the dragon's lair flume.

Now, competitors, please report
to your designated locations.

Yugi: it's leon!


Richard goat:
the doctor is in.

I guess you should've
eaten your apple today

'Cause this doctor
is here to stay.

Heh heh heh.


These cards
are unsanitary, young man.




Draw cards and call me
in the morning.

It's a doctor thing.


This won't hurt
a bit!

Both: let's duel!

Aw, man.

This dude in the mask
looks so familiar.

Wait...isn't that
our gym teacher?

Yugi, is that--


Where is this young

Hey, where is joey?


Joey! What are you
doing here?!

Eh? Hey!

There's a two-for-one sale
on wienies!



You should be
on the amazon
adventure trail!

Guess again, pal!

Joey doesn't duel
on an empty stomach.

I gotta bulk up
for my first match.

Wake up!

Your first match
has already started!


And if you don't
get your butt over

To that dueling site
in the next minutes,

Then you'll be

Aah! You wouldn't!

Hold on. Minutes
is a piece 'a cake.

You'll never
make it.

The amazon adventure
is a -square-mile
virtual jungle!


Drop the dogs.

I have no choice.

I'm gonna have to--

Wait! Come back!


What a spaz!

Oh, well. Suit yourself.

All right.
According to this map,

We should dock
the boat right here.

After that,
the quickest route
seems to be--

Land, ho!


Tristan: joey! Wait!

Slow down, man!

This jungle is loaded with--

Joey: hey!


Tea: you ok?

This place is da pits.


nice crocs.


Now what?!

Break left!


your other left,

Yugi: oh, boy,
that's probably
gonna leave a mark.

Tea: poor guy.


Anytime you guys
wanna jump in and help!

Should we tell him
they're only holograms?

and spoil
the fun?

How much time do I have?

Duke: seconds.


Yugi: be careful, joey!


Almost there...

Mokuba: if you're not here
in seconds,

You're disqualified.


, ...


I...made it.

[Heavy breathing]

With seconds
ta spare!

Hey! How'd ya get
here before I did?!

I tried to tell you!

There's a secret passageway
for special guests!

Oh, no! It's not fair!

I fought off giant snakes!


At least you
made it on time.

Man: joey wheeler!

All: huh?

It looks like the student

Is finally going to face
his former duel instructor!

I mean, it's time
to teach you a lesson, kid!

I don't think so,
mystery man!

Now let's rock
and roll!

Listen, guys...

We know that voice.

We do?

I was a duel monsters

While you were still
running around

In a dirty diaper,
sonny boy!

You don't scare me,

Tea: yugi, that
mystery duelist

Sounds just like
your grandpa!

It is.

Tristan: but why
the disguise?

Perhaps I should explain.

professor hawkins!

You mean
you knew about this
all along?

I tried to talk him out of it,
but he wouldn't listen.

Arthur, I'm joining
the tournament,
and that's final!

I need to get back
in the action and relive
my glory days.

I was quite the card shark
in my younger years.

Of course,
I'll need a disguise.

I don't want anyone
going easy on me.


I can't believe he
actually had us fooled!

I mean, it is
a pretty lame disguise.

Well, it looks to me
like joey is
still clueless.

What else is new?

We should probably
tell joey to go
easy on him.

I'm sure
he's a bit rusty.

No, duke.

Gramps is gonna be
just fine.

let's just hope so.

Hey, you invited him,


Actually, mr. Muto
begged to be let in.

All: huh?

But he taught yugi
everything he knows,

And that's
good enough for me.

I just hope he doesn't
hurt himself.

Yugi: I'm more worried
about joey.

Prepare to be
unmasked, old man!

Both: let's duel!

I'm showin'
no mercy today!

And I'll start...with dis!

I summon my swordsman
of landstar in attack mode!

Den I'll place these two cards
facedown and end my turn.

Interesting choice.

Now watch and learn.

I also place
two cards facedown.

Then I'll call
my wandering mummy

To the field
in attack mode!

How do ya like
them apples?!

Ah, dat saying went out
about years ago.

And while we're at it,
so did dose overalls!

And now...
I'll attack your mummy

With my swordsman
of landstar!

Joey! Your monster
is weaker than his, man!

Thanks. You don't think
I know that?!

I activate...

Graceful dice!

Now my monster's
attack points
will increase

Depending on
the number I roll.

Aha! I had a hunch
you might try that!

And that's why
I played this.

Legendary gambler!

No! What was dat?!

This trap card
automatically activates

Whenever my opponent
rolls a die.

So if I roll a higher
number than you,

Your card
is canceled out!



Too bad!

So what!
Joey always has
a back-up plan!

Now skull dice
will lower your
monster's strength

Depending on
what I roll!

The legendary gambler
is a continuous trap card

Which means
I also roll again!


Oh, well!
Read it and weep!


Looks like we're back
where we started!

So, wandering mummy,
attack his swordsman!


I know you, joey!

Better than
you know yourself.


mystery meathead,

You just got lucky,
dat's all.

So I'll switch
my little winguard

To defense mode
and end my turn.

Go, short stuff.

Joey's getting schooled
by his teacher.

He sure is.

Poor guy.

My move, sonny!

I reveal my trap card!

Non-aggression area!

Of course,
in order to activate it,

I need to discard one card
from my hand.

Sorry, but I've
rendered you unable

To summon any monsters
in your next turn.

No way!

I'm afraid
it gets worse, junior!

I play mirage
of nightmare!

This lets me
continue to draw

Until I'm holding
cards in my hand!

It won't be long
before your keister

Is removed
from this tournament!

No one can survive
the wrath of grandpa!

I mean, apdnarg!

So consider yourself
warned, whippersnapper!

I don't think so...pal!

I hope this
isn't a bad time,

But I should remind you
that my magic card
activates now!

This lets me draw

Giving me a total
of in my hand.

I know how your
magic card works,

It also means
you have to throw out
cards next turn!

Or do i?!

Ta-da! Reveal
emergency provisions!

This allows me
to send one magic
or trap card

On my side of the field
to the graveyard!

Oh, and I gain ,
extra life points
for good measure.

Why I oughtta...

And, of course,
the card I'm removing is...

Mirage of nightmare!

Not only to I get
to keep my hand,

But I get some
bonus points to boot!

Ah, so you wanna
play rough, do ya?!

Well, wait'll ya see
what I've got!

Oh, uh-uh-uh...

How quickly we forget.

My trap card
is still in effect,

So I'm afraid you can't
summon a monster,
my adolescent friend!

Ya don't hafta
remind me how to play
the game, just go!

Apparently I do,

Now I play...

A magic card
known as ancient city!

What is dat thing?

Well, as the card's
name suggests,

It's an ancient city,

But that's just
the beginning

Of my archeological

Next I sacrifice
wandering mummy...

In order to summon
my ancient giant!

Of course, it comes
with a slight catch.

As long as it remains
face up on the field,

I have no choice
but to attack you with it.

And if I don't attack,
then I lose
of my life points!


Joey doesn't stand a chance
against that thing!

Next I'll activate
a magic card

Known as ancient key!

This key lets me
unlock the power

Of my stone giant tokens!

And they come
with a twist, also.

If I leave them
both face up
and don't attack,

Then ,
of my life points
get taken away.


Now, ancient giant,
attack his little winguard!

Ugh! Unh!

That's not all!

Next my stone giants
will attack your
life points directly!


You'll be happy to know
that I'm done...

For now.

So I'll place one card
facedown and end my turn.

Not too shabby, huh?

One more direct attack,

And your life points
go down to zilch!

I'd suggest you come up
with a strategy
pretty quickly,

Or I'm afraid
your tournament days
are over!

Oh, no.

You're no match
for an old pro like me.

We'll see.

With no monsters
to protect you
from my giants,

You won't make it
past the next turn!

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!