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05x02 - Unwanted Guest, Part 2

Posted: 08/20/22 13:25
by bunniefuu
previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

Mokuba: ladies and gents,
welcome to kaibaland!


We call that
the kaibadome!

It's the world's
largest indoor stadium.

And that's our new
duel monsters platform.

Female machine:
initiating game play.

Let's duel!

Commencing duel sequence.

Stay calm, everyone!

I'll figure this out!

Looks like my plan's
in full bloom.

Ah the sweet smell
of revenge.

Ha ha ha!

Cool! The game's
back on!

Ohh! We're trapped!

I've lost control!

Step aside, mokuba.

What's the deal?

Your computerized

Is being controlled
by an outside party.

The only way to get
outta here

Is to defeat
that computer in a duel!

Yugi, you know
what we have to do.

Hold on.
I'll take
it from here.

I don't know
who's behind this,

But whoever it is,
they must be

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Rick: how are we
s'posta beat

An expert dueling

There's no way!

It's the person controlling
it that worries me.

Yeah kaiba's got some
pretty scary enemies.

No joke.

I mean, who
would hack into
an amusement park

And trap fifty
innocent people!?

Good point.

I want my mom!

I promise as soon
as yugi wins this duel

We're all gonna
get outta here!

Cheer up, sam.

Yugi's the number one
duelist in the world.

There's no way he's gonna
lose to some machine!

You sure?


No contest.

Dat hunk 'a junk computer
is gonna be running home

To its motherboard after
yugi's finished with it.

Well put.

Duel computer:
make your move.

I think I will.

Yugi, thinking:
with rick's deck
of all dragon cards,

This isn't
gonna be easy.

I'll begin with petit
dragon in defense mode.

But that thing's
only got points!

That's 'cause he's using
that kid's amateur deck.

He doesn't even have
any magic or trap cards
to choose from!

[Intercom buzzes]

Man: mr. Kaiba.
We have a bit

Of a situation
on our hands.

Someone's infiltrated
the kaiba dome's

Central computer system!

No way! But how?

We're not sure.

But everyone inside
is being help c*ptive.


Man: have a safe
flight, sir.

Danke schoen, ludwig.

Now see to it that
the swimming pool
is filled

With fresh milk
upon my return.

It does wonders
for my complexion.

Of course, sir.

Ahh, I see we'll be taking
the lavender jet today.

I thought it matched
your wardrobe
quite nicely.

Commence turn.

Draw card.

Activate cost down magic card.

Cost down reduces
the level of every monster

In my hand by two stars.

Therefore no sacrifices
are necessary in order
to summon

Airknight parshath
in attack mode.

Now activating trap card.

Robbin' goblin.

As long as goblin
remains active,

You must delete one card
from your hand

Each time a monster
inflicts damage
to your life points.

Airknight parshath,
destroy petit dragon!

Airknight's special ability
will now activate.

Because this creature
att*cked a monster
in defense mode...

The difference between
monster's defense points

And airknight's attack points
are deducted

From your life points.

And one additional
card is drawn.

Now initiating
the special effect
of robbin' goblin.

Remove one card
from your hand.

Deposit in card graveyard.

Last move.

Berserk gorilla att*cks
opponent directly.


Yugi! Are you alright!?

Ohh! We're off to
a bad start, guys!

Come on! Haul
dat scrap heap
to da dumpster!

Duel computer:
special ability
of robbin' goblin

Is once again activated.

Opponent must delete
one card from hand.

Turn complete.

No! If it weren't
for my dragon deck,

You'd be
winning now!

Be patient.

Your deck is strong.

But how?

Because it has heart.

And there's nothing
more powerful than that.

So there's still
a chance we can win?

Yugi, thinking:
in order to unlock
the true power

Of rick's deck,

I need to draw that
card I gave him!

It's my move!

Here goes!

Yugi, thinking:
rick did have a magic card!

Yami-yugi: I summon
luster dragon in attack mode.


Next...i'll play this card!

Dragon treasure!

This magic card raises
the attack and defense strength

Of every dragon on the field
by three hundred points!

And now...luster dragon!

Attack with breath of fire!

Take dat!
You cyber-geek!

I'll take good
'ol fashioned brains

Over microchips
any day!

That ends my turn!

Drawing new card.

Next phase...
Due to special ability,

Sinister serpent is returning
from card graveyard.

Now summoning
slate warrior in attack mode.

What!? What's dat
computerized chump doin'

Playin' a monsta
dat only has

Nineteen hundred
attack points?

He must have
short circuited

After that last

I doubt it.
Watch this.

Tristan: watch what?

Everything's fine!

Activating special effect.

When slate warrior
is wiped out,

The monster responsible
for it's destruction

Loses attack
and defense points.

Yugi, thinking:
that computer just sacrificed

Its own life points
just to weaken my monster!

Berserk gorilla attack.

Target: luster dragon.


Robbin' goblin's ability
will once again activate.

Opponent will discard
one card from hand.

That's not good!

Yeah if this keeps up,
yugi's gonna lose
his best cards,

And then it's
all over, guys.

Hey! Dude!

How about
a few words
of encouragement!

Turn has concluded.

Very well.

Now...i summon my cave-dwelling
dragon in defense mode.


I'd like ta see
'ol motor mouth

Get through that!

counter strategy.

Drawing card.

berserk gorilla.

Summoning jinzo.

All trap cards
are now useless.

You mean to tell me
dat computer has
jinzo in its deck?!

Come on. I told you
that the kaiba corp
duel system

Has access
to just about
every card

That was ever
created, didn't i?

Jinzo will now attack dragon
with cyber energy shock.

Dragon destroyed.

Your move.

Very well.
Stand back!

Heart of the underdog.

The card you
gave me!

This will bring out
the true strength
of your deck.


Tea: what's
that card do anyway?

Let's watch.

First I'll summon
baby dragon in defense mode.


Next I'll activate
this magic card!

Go, heart of the underdog!

Yugi, thinking:
I hope this works!

Joey: I don't get it.

What's that dog under?

If anyone should
know that card, it's you.

They should just call it
"heart of the wheeler!"

You go, yugi!

It's your move.

Commencing turn.
Drawing card.

Summoning sinister serpent
in attack mode.

Now jinzo
att*cks baby dragon.

Sinister serpent will now
strike opponent directly.


Turn complete.

The time has come...
To end this duel.

Now I activate
the special ability
of heart of the underdog.

If I draw a monster
from my deck

Then I'm free to draw
another card,

And if that's
a monster, as well,

Then the cycle continues.

And now
for my first card.

I've drawn
curse of dragon!

So I draw again.

Koumori dragon!

Winged dragon
of the fortress!

I'm not done yet!

I draw crawling dragon...

Followed by
blackland fire dragon!

I now play spirit ryu!

In attack mode!

Now, spirit ryu...

Attack his jinzo
with sonic flash attack!


Thanks to its
special ability,

The attack power
of my spirit ryu

Increases by one thousand
points for every dragon

I discard from my hand.

And I count six dragons.

That means my spirit ryu
gains an additional

Six thousand
attack points!

Now, my spirit...

Destroy his jinzo
and the rest
of his life points!

Game over.

Aw, yeah!
We're free!

Told ya its bark was
worse than its gigabyte!

I knew he'd
save us!

So did i.

Yeah, right.

[Kids cheering]

Well done.

In the end,
it was your passion

For your cards
that saved us.

It was nothin'.

Your deck rocks!

I'll trade

For a few
'a those

That's the coolest
deck I've ever seen!

I'll give you six
kuribohs for one dragon!

Rick: one at a time.

Man: this duel was merely
one rose in my garden of mayhem.

So enjoy yourselves
while you still can!

Boy: this place
is awesome!

The good guys
win again!

Nice how it always works
out that way isn't it?

Thanks for the card,

I'll take real
good care of it.


See ya!

Mom! Dad!

You'll never guess
what happened.

Uh, about dat
"underdog" card...

You said it
reminds you
of someone right?

I did?

Oh, yes.

Ahhh...a little help here.

Oh, yeah, well that's
really mature, pharaoh!

Well, yuge?!

'Cause everyone
else ova there
seems ta dink

That I remind you
of dis "underdog."

They do, huh?

Well, lemme think
of the best way

To put this, joey.

That card makes me
think of you

Because even when
the odds are against you,

You always pull through.

I can see your
business cards now...

"Joey wheeler:
executive underdog."

Hey! Watch it!


Hey, seto!

So is everything

Joey: you're a bit late ta
save da day doncha think?!

Yugi already did dat.

But since you're
finally here,

Maybe you could fix
that wacko computer
of yours, rich boy!

Settle down,
you underdog.

Listen. There's nothing wrong
with that computer.

It's the hacker who
broke in that's the wacko.

Mokuba: who was it?

I don't know, mokuba.

There's a long
list of suspects.

As we've seen many times
in the past,

The kaiba corporation has
its share of enemies,

So it doesn't really
surprise me

That someone's
out to sabotage
my new tournament.

But mark my words,
this punk will be
found and punished!

In the meantime,

I want security

For the tournament

We can't afford
any more unexpected

The only att*cks
this week should
be in the kaibadome.

Yes, sir. Of course.

And anyone who's late
for registration
will be disqualified.

Mokuba, make sure
wheeler's late.

Hey! Hold on!

I know an insult
when I hear one!

Look at me when
I'm yellin' at you!

Whoa. Who are all
these people, mokuba?

Mokuba: we're trying
to create a big buzz
about this,

So we invited every
newspaper and tv network
we could think of.

Tell those reporters

And the whole world
hears it!

Ha ha! Hi, world.
Tristan here.

No one cares!

Joey wheeler.

Two time finalist.

I think it's obvious
who they all came to see.

Chow time! Whoa!

Hey, shrimp!
The kiddie park's closed!

Oh, is that right!?

You want
a piece 'a me!?

Rebecca? Something wrong?

Yeah, tea. Her!

Yugi moto!

Uh, yeah?

I knew it.

I'd recognize that adorable
spiky hair anywhere!

Uh, thanks.

The name's vivian wong.

But call me viv.

Ah, hi viv.

Let go of him!

Listen, I know once
the competition starts

You and I are gonna be
archrivals, right?

But that doesn't mean
we can't be buddies

When we're off
the playing field.

You're a quiet one,
aren't you?



Hey, break it up.

Yeah, you might
wanna let him come up
for air, viv.

Hey! Is that seto kaiba!?

Yoo hoo! Kaiba poo!

What was that about?

Scuse me.

You're leon, right?

What are you doing here?

I'm in the kc grand
championship, too.

Wow, you're kidding me.

It's true.

In fact...
It's been my dream

To duel against you
ever since
duelist kingdom!

Well, ya never know,
it could happen.

Let's get started,

Time is money.

But, mr. Kaiba,
we're still waiting
for one more challenger.

Then he's

Didn't I make
that clear?

Uh, yes, sir.

Pardon my tardiness.
Traffic was
a nightmare.

But I rose
to the occasion.

By the way, herr kaiba...
I'm zigfried.

I don't care who you are,
you show some respect

If you wanna stick around.

Heh heh heh!

May I have your
attention please?

This day will go down
in history.

For today begins
the most prestigious

Duel monsters tournament
ever to be organized!

Welcome to the kaiba corp
grand championship!

Let's strut
our stuff!


Roland: we've circled the globe

To bring you this all-star
congregation of duelists.

First up...the new
boy-wonder of dueling...

The prodigy who's yet
to be defeated,

The one, the only...
Leapin' leon wilson!

No way. Who knew
dat kid was
such a big shot.

Roland: he's a mystery
wrapped in a riddle

Wrapped in a bathrobe--
fortune salim!

And straight
from the wild west,

Please welcome the lone dealer--
shane jordan!

Next, it's the siberian muscle--
sergei ivanoff!

And always clued in
to his opponents' strategies,

It's the calm and collected

Detective paul mcgregor!


And of course
our very own wild child--

Abe, the monkey man!

He extracts points
from his opponents

With surgical precession--
dr. Richard goat!

Next it's the master
of the magic cards--

The always debonair
balfry ginger!


Seeing isn't always believing.

Just ask the duel-lusionist--
totani ialos!

And the thunder
from down under,

Here to duel and plunder--
ethan shark!

He thinks,
therefore he is--jafar shin.

And don't be fooled
by vivian!

Hey! It's her!

This delicate flower
packs quite a kick!

And of course
the youngest regional champ--

Rebecca hawkins!

Next it's joey wheeler--
our overwhelming underdog!

Aw, yeah!

Hey, how 'bout
a little respect!?

And hailing
from parts unknown,

The masked duelist--
apdnarg otum!


Don't we know him?!

Roland: and our final

The always stylish
zigfried lloyd!

[Women gasping]

And our defending champion--
yugi muto!

Whoever wins this duelist
elimination competition

Will go on to face yugi

For the international duel
monsters championship crown!

I gotta say
dis looks like
da toughest bunch

'A competitors
we ever faced, yuge.

Uh-huh. Me, too.

To ensure fair play,
match pairings will be

Randomly chosen by our computer
just before every duel.

That means you won't
have a chance to prepare

For your opponents
ahead of time.

Yeah, and it means
that none
'a these guys

Will have
a chance to prepare
for me either!

Roland: once again, on behalf
of the kaiba corporation,

I'd like to wish you all
the best of luck.

You represent
the top-ranked duelists

From across the globe...

But only one of you can be
crowned the world champion!

[Theme music]