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05x01 - Unwanted Guest, Part 1

Posted: 08/20/22 13:24
by bunniefuu
♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

[Birds chirping]


Okay you slackers
rise and shine!


All you guys do is
eat and sleep.

and? Your point is?

That reminds me
what's for

I rest my case.

[Groans] well,
wake me up when it's
chow-time will ya?


I give up.

Huh? Where's yugi?

Boys: huh?

He took off!

I hate when he does that.

[Birds chirping]


Finally some peace and quiet
for a change.


We needed this.

Yeah, after everything
we've been through

It feels nice
to just kick back.

Is something
on your mind?

As a matter of fact yugi,
there is.

It seems every time
we restore peace
to the world...

...a greater evil
is waiting for us.

Yeah you've got
a point there.

Hey...look on
the bright side.

Every battle that
we fight together

Also brings us
one step closer

To finding out
the secrets of
your past.

The three egyptian
god cards.

Yup. They're back in
our deck again.

Which means it's time
to pick up

Where you and I
left off.

As soon as we
get back home

We're going straight to
that history museum.

And these three cards
are gonna give us
some answers!

Well...let's hope.

There he is!

I was worried
about you!

Oh! [Laughs]


I was even more worried
about you than tea was!

Thanks I think.
Can we get up now please?

I can't breathe.

Come on you two
love birds.

Everyone's waiting.

Let's go!

Ah, sure.

But I get to
hold his hand tea.

Ya know hawkins,
for an old stuffed shirt

You make a mean
dish a' pasta!


There's a lot more
where that came from

If you kids
want to stay.

Thanks a lot professor but we
should all be getting back home.


How can you leave when we
haven't even gone out on one
single date yet!

Beck is right.

Well not about
the date part.

What I mean is it's
too soon for you to leave.

Yeah. Ditto!

We should stay
and relax for once.

Hey if every meal
is like dis...

I'm movin' in wit
da professor for good!

So whatta ya think yugi?

It is kinda nice here.

Kinda nice?
It's perfect!

[Cell phone rings]

Excuse me for a moment
won't you?


You're doing what?


But why!?

C'mon yuge.

Gimme one good reason
why we should go.

Ah, well...

Wait I know.

You need to get back
to help the pharaoh right?

I understand dude.

Yeah, you guys have important
stuff to deal with.


I've waited five
thousand years to
find out about my past.

I really don't think
another day or two
is going to hurt.

You mean we should stay?

Thanks pharaoh.

On second thought guys let's
stick around!

Aw yeah!

I call dibs
on the lounge chair!

I get the hammock!

Why am I not surprised?

Don't you guys get tired
of being tired?

Duh, dat's why
we need a nap!

Isn't this romantic yugi?

Alright, that's enough
vacationing for me.

When is your
flight home anyway?

Someone did
make plans right?

What's wrong?

Pegasus flew us here.

We can't afford
a return flight!

Oh no!

You're kiddin' me!

And you didn't think
about this before today?

Obviously it didn't
occur to you either!

Now what?

Way to plan ahead

Now we're
all stranded.

Just peachy.

Looks like we'll
get some quality time
together after all!


I wouldn't count on that
short stuff!

That's kaiba's chopper!

But what's he
doing here?!

Looks like you guys
could use a lift.

Nah, I'm sure there's tons
of taxis out here in the
middle of nowhere.

Wanna fly in style with us?

You mean it?!

I call dibs
on an aisle seat!

Of course there is one catch.

In exchange for
the door-to-door service

You'll hafta enter my brother's
new dueling tournament!

New tournament?!

A'right, lemme fill in
a few 'a the details.

Have you guys heard about
our new theme park?

Who hasn't heard about
kaiba land!?

It's only been in every

That's true.

Then you know it's
about to open.

And my brother wants to kick
things off with a bang!

Thanks to that lunatic dartz
and the stunt he pulled,

Our company's
reputation is shot.

And now it's up to you
to fix it.

Yes sir.

Hey seto!
I have an idea!

Let's plan a big event to
celebrate kaiba land's
grand opening!


Something that'll grab the
attention of every news
station in the country.

And I think I know what.

The ultimate tournament.

That's it!

We'll gather the greatest
duelists from around the world

And let them duke it out for a
shot at the championship title!

It'll be the biggest thing
since battle city!

Let's hope so.


Update these
tournament contracts.

Yes sir!
Right away!

And if you don't mind
my asking mr. Kaiba sir,

What are you planning
to call this new

Call it...the kaibacorp
grand championship.

An excellent choice sir.

Let's get this show
on the road!

Good idea.

Fire up the chopper

It's time to track down the
best duelists in the world!

Seto's expecting to see you
right away, so let's go!

Say what!?

You might wanna try
askin' us first.

Your brother may think
he's got the whole
world on a string

But he's not
the boss 'a me!

Although..since we can't
get home without 'im,

He does have
the upper hand.

Yeah but you'd think kaiba
would have the decency

To come here
and ask us for himself.

Hold on!

My brother's
really busy right now!

In fact he's so wrapped up
in his job these days

That he won't even be
participating in his
own tournament!

So rich boy's
not gonna duel?

That really doesn't
seem like kaiba.

Oh...i get it!

Your brother's afraid
'a getting his butt

Kicked in public
again right!?

One more
humiliating defeat

And his reputation'll
really be shot!

That's not fair!

He can't duel.

He has too much to do.

Why don't you try opening up
a chain of amusement parks

Believe me it wasn't
an easy decision for
my brother to make.

Of course not.

Way to sh**t off
your big mouth.

Who? Me?!

Well maybe I did get
a bit carried away
back there.


Let's get down to business
and talk about this
tournament shall we?

We're inviting the
top-ranked duelists from
every corner of the globe

To battle each other
for a shot at the world
championship title!

But in order for us to do
that...we need the world champ!

Whatta ya think pharaoh?

Should we do it?

Wow, the best duelists
in the world?

How could I say no?!

you can count me in!

That is awesome!

I knew you'd join!

If you get yugi,
you're gettin' me too!

And what about me?

I'm the youngest regional
champion to play the game.

Plus anywhere
yugi goes, I go.


It just so happens
I was told to invite
all three of you.

So I have a ticket here for
yugi, rebecca and joey.

As we say in da biz...
It's time to duel!

The next flight to
kaiba land is boarding now!

So, my dear friend
herr kaiba is throwing
another tournament is he?

How charming.

Well, like I always say...
Every rose has its thorn.'d better
be careful.

For even the most
delicate flower can be
quite dangerous.

And I wouldn't want you
to hurt yourself.

Leave that to me!

Auf wiedersehen,
herr kaiba!

Ladies and gents
welcome to kaiba land!

It's huge!

Dude, you're foggin' up
the window.

We plan to open tons of these
all around the world.

Looks like they've got every
ride ever invented.

Oh, yeah.

I just hope they've got
a tunnel of love don't you?

Before we get the full tour...
I gotta use da little boys'

First door on the left.

It's blue-eyes!

That would be a statue.

I want a monster balloon!

This place is awesome!

Suzy, hold on tight!

Look no hands!

I thought you said the park
didn't open yet.

It didn't.

These are
special guests.

Oh and did I mention
every ride is free today?

You guys rock!

I love dis place!

Let's tilt n' whirl
'til we hurl!

Oh yeah!

I need some
female friends.

I saved the best part
for last.

We call that the kaiba dome!

Is that a blue eyes

We're not dealing with
normal people here.

No...we're not.

It's the world's largest
indoor stadium.

And that's the kc dueltek .

Not too shabby.

It's our new state-of-the-art
duel monsters platform.

Rip that blade knight
to shreds now!!

In your face!

Revealing magic card.

Activate scapegoat.

That's weird.

That move
makes no sense!

Why activate
scapegoat now?

Looks like your
state-of-the-art computer

Just made a rookie mistake.

Just watch and see.

I have a feeling that
facedown card's a trap, joey.

You're right.

Revealing trap card.

Activate dna surgery.

As long as card
remains in play...

Every monster
on the playing field

Will be transformed
into a dragon.

Say what!?

Did you see that!?

They're all dragons!

Now activating the magic
card polymerization.

Dat computer
did have a plan.

Told ya.

Now fusing together all
creatures on my side
of the playing field

In order to form five headed
dragon monster.

The poor kid.

There's no way he'll beat dat
digital duelist now.


There's not
a chance.

Our computer was
programmed to mimic
the strategies

Of the world's
best duelists.

We've imported seto's
deck... And yugi's too.

And it's got mine, right?

Yeah so it can lose too.

Just to be fair.

But what fun is it to duel
against a computer that
always wins?

We thought about that.

So we let players choose
one of five levels

From "beginner"
all the way to "expert."

What an awesome way for kids to
practice dueling and improve
their skills.


A few more duels like this,

And I think luke there
could be a world champ.

Commencing attack.

Game over.

Nice try luke!

Looks like you owe me a
blue-eyes burger!

You put up a good
fight, luke!

You just set your level
a little too high.

Hey isn't that yugi
muto over there!?

It's probably just one 'a those
theme park look-a-likes.

That's gotta be him!

I'm getting an autograph!

Me too!

It looks like someone's a


I wouldn't go that far.

I can't believe
it's you.

I've been a fan of yours
since duelist kingdom.

By the way...i'm leon.

Hi leon.

Heeey, anyone want
my autograph?

Are we supposed to
know you or something?

Come on kid, jumpin' joey
wheeler, battle city finalist?

Joe who?

I'm sorry but do I know you?

I tell ya,
I get no respect!

Scuse me!
Mr. King of games?

Over here sir!

Ah, yeah?

Can you take a look
at my deck please?

No matter what I do
I can't seem to win
a duel.

I see da problem.

All ya got
are dragon cards.

Yeah, dragons
are my favorite.

I traded all my
magic and trap cards
to get 'em.

Sure dragons are powerful but
you'll never win with this deck.

Why not?

Ah...that came out wrong.

Here's the's obvious
that you value your cards

And that respect is
gonna take you far.

But you also need to balance
your deck with magic
and trap cards.

I do?

Matter a' fact...
Take this card.

You mean it?

Of course.


of the underdog?

It reminds me of
a good friend of mine

And it could be
just what you need.

Ah can I keep it?

No way!


Who does dat card
remind you of anyway?

I'll...tell ya later.

I'm gonna test it out now!

Good luck!

I wouldn't set the level too
high if I were you!

Good call.

Let's try level two.

Looks like my plan's
in full bloom.

Ah the sweet smell of revenge.

Initiating game play.

Let's duel!

Commencing duel sequence.

Looks like the kaiba boys
forgot to pay their
electric bill.

Either that or there
are still some kinks
in your system.

That's impossible!

We worked out every
possible bug.

Well apparently
ya didn't.

One bug musta somehow
slipped through the cracks.

Stay calm, everyone!

I'll figure this out!

Hey look!

It's back on!

We're trapped!

Now altering original
duel sequence.

It's not responding!

I've lost control!

Step aside mokuba.

Just as I suspected!

What's the deal?

According to this analysis
your computerized card-shark

Is being controlled by an
outside party.

But we're not dealing with
any ordinary hacker.

This is a high-end job!

Who would do this?

It's pointless.

It's just an amusement park

Why would someone want
to break into it?

Well my guess is that
they're using it

To get something
they want from you.

What makes them think
it's gonna work!?

They got your attention
didn't they?

I say we tear dat
scrap heap ta shreds!

I'm with ya bro,
let's go!

Hold on!

If you do that we may never
get outta here!

Then what're we
supposed to do?

The only way to get outta
here is to defeat that
computer in a duel!

So what you're saying is
our fate is in the hands
of that kid up there.

It is time to duel.

Oh no!


I can't do this alone.

Now summoning berserk gorilla
to the playing field.

Attack points: .

Supplementing monster
with one facedown card
and concluding turn.

That chimp's
gonna crush him!

He needs help!

Hey, look!

More bad news.

The computer set itself
to the toughest level!

Oh man, I'm toast.

He's right.

He'll never survive
level .

He's just a beginner.

No way.

And if junior loses the duel
to that rustbucket,

We're gonna be trapped in this
place for who knows how long.

Yugi, you know what
we have to do.



Hold on.

I'll take it from here.

Is that all right?

It's cool.

Very well.

I will bring
your deck to victory.

But you need to
have faith.

Sounds good.

Now, let's dismantle
this thing!

Go yugi!

We're all
behind you!

All right, let's duel!

I don't know who's behind
this, but whoever it is,

They must be stopped.

Duel computer:
make your move,

Or forfeit the duel!

[Theme music]