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04x40 - Rise of the Great Beast – Part 2

Posted: 08/20/22 13:24
by bunniefuu
previously on "yu-gi-oh!..."

The tale of my past

Directly affects
the fate of your future.

Thanks to the stones
of the orichalcos,

The people of atlantis
made advancements in technology

That were never before imagined.

However, with progress comes
greed and eventually v*olence.

I knew what had to be done,

But my father,
former king ironheart,

Had different ideas.

And so,
the battle of atlantis began.

Today, history
repeats itself.

Not another w*r!

I won't let you!

Man: a strange
underwater disturbance

Has triggered
a giant hurricane.

It's over , miles
in diameter

And heading towards
the atlantic coastline
as we speak!

The great leviathan
was created by the hatred
and rage of humans!

So as long as mankind exists,
so does the great beast!

That creature
was created
by the orichalcos.

Human beings aren't
the evil ones!

It's you.

So if you want
to wipe out mankind,

You'll have to go
through me!

I'm going to enjoy this!




Farewell, pharaoh!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

now, great leviathan!

Crush the pharaoh
with his own darkness!


Let him go!

No! Get back!

This is my fight now!

I must prove that
my rage is gone.


Pharaoh, no!

We must do this.

Now let me go!

Now I activate...

The seal of orichalcos!



When I played that card,

I unlocked the evil
in my heart!

Ever since then,

I've been fighting
the anger within me.

And now,
it's destroying me.

But you stopped it...

Didn't you?

No, yugi!


Facing you in that duel
was the first step,

But there's
a long way to go.


The darkness...

Its power knows no bounds.

Without your light
to keep me pure,

I'm becoming evil,

You need to be a man
for once

And face me
in a duel now!

Yugi, nooo!

Queen's knight, attack!

I activate
the trap card...

Divine wind!

What have I done!?

You passed the test,

By defeating me,

You were able to
defeat the darkness

That was inside
your heart.

You did what was best
for me and for mankind.

I'm always...


Pharaoh! Be strong!

Focus on the good
inside you!

Think of your friends!

Of course.

As long as I'm filled
with the light
of friendship,

Dartz can't win.

Not bad.
But what's the point?

Just look around you.

You're all alone.

Your friends
are no longer able
to support you.

And the scoreboard
doesn't exactly point
in your favor,

Now, does it?

So why drag out
this torment

When all you
have to do is forfeit?

Accept your destiny

And join your friends
on the other side.

maybe he's right.

He does have
, life points

And indestructible

Perhaps I can do
more for my friends

By surrendering
and allowing
the orichalcos

To take me
where they are.

Don't you want to be
by their side?

Your friends
are completely lost
without you.

Don't turn away.

All you have to do
is place your hand
over your duel disk

And submit.

Declare defeat,
and you'll be free,

Free to see your friends
one last time

Before the rise
of the beast.

It's about time
you accepted
your true destiny.

You've returned to earth

To pay for the wrongs
you once committed!

You know it's true.

You nearly
destroyed the world.

So in order
to compensate

For the misdeeds
of your past,

You must join me
in ushering in
the age of the future!

Surrender your spirit

So that I may
rebuild paradise!

Just give up.

I must
surrender my soul.

It's my fate.

Yes, pharaoh.

Keep listening to
the voice of reason
inside your head.

I must...give up.

You're almost there.

Give in
and join your friends.

The time has come.


Sacred seal!
Encircle the pharaoh!

Ha ha ha!

Just relax.

Let the darkness
consume you.

Reach deep
within your core

And set your spirit free.




No one can
overcome the power
of the orichalcos!

Thanks to my friends,

I have enough light
to banish the darkness!

So with the power of
everyone in my heart,

I shall seal you away!

Be gone!


Dartz: great leviathan,

the pharaoh's spirit

For all eternity!

Get out
while you still can!

You must trust me!

This is impossible!

The hurricane--
it seems to be gone!

Are you sure you're
reading that thing right?

the darkness is lifting!

Yugi: you did it.


Are you all right?

I'm fine.

The great leviathan
is gone.

Yeah. Thanks, pal.

It's over now.


but what about dartz?

Look. It's ironheart!
And chris!


Chris, it's you.

Dad, you're back!

at long last.

And you have
the great pharaoh
to thank.

He drove out
the evil force
that controlled you.

I knew it.

Deep down,
you're a noble ruler, dartz.

And a great father!

I've missed you
so much, dad.

Your work here
is now complete.

You may go in peace.

Great things await you.

So return now
to your world

By stepping through
that portal.


But what about

Are you guys
gonna be ok?

Yes, for the first time
in centuries.

All right, yugi.
Let's go back home.

Hey, dad.
We should go, too.

After all this time,

We have a lot of
catching up to do.

Kaiba: mokuba,
start the engines!


We have to
get out of here.

Without yugi? No way.


Don't you know
where he is?

Don't tell me.

Tea: you mean
he's still in there!?

Time's running out!

Mokuba's right.
We can't wait.


Are you nuts,

Getcha hands off
of me, tristan!

I'm not leavin' here
without yugi!

Joey! We have to trust
that he found a way out

On his own!



Kaiba: good riddance.

I just hope yugi
wasn't in there.

Me, too.

Where am i? Mommy?

Hey! Who said that?



What are you doing
in my bedroom,

Your bedroom!?

You're in a hospital!

You dimwit!

What happened!?

I know
whose fault this is.



Both: you'll pay for this!
You hear me!!?

Now let's blow
this taco stand!

Huh? I thought
this was a hospital.

Oh, never mind!

where am i?

It's dyna dude.


Alister: you still
have that thing, mikey?

Yup. I know
it's just a toy,

But soon
the real dyna dude

Is gonna show up
and beat up
all the bad guys!

Well, then,

What's taking him
so long to get here

And save the day

Don't worry!
He's gonna be here soon!

Come on.
It's not safe
in here anymore.

Let's go.

Mikey: you sure
about this!?

Would dyna dude


Mikey: where's mom?

She's gone.

I know.
Where'd she go?

She was captured.


But I promise that
won't happen to you.

And soon
we'll find mom.


But until then...


It's the tanks!

Quick, follow me!



Where are you, pal?!

They took him!
They got my brother!


I know you're
out there somewhere,

And I'm not gonna stop looking
until I find you.

I'm home.

was that all a dream?

[Breathing heavily]




It's my fault.

Don't be silly, mai.

I caused
my own downfall.

I thought if I won

I could make you
forget about joey wheeler.

But now I understand

Why he meant
so much to you.

The guy's got heart.

Hey, wheeler!
It's up to you now.

Save mai.





I'll never forget you.

Thanks, mai.

I'm glad that mess is over.

Now to pick up the pieces.

I've been expecting you
for some time.

Don't you see that
this is where you belong?

You've come home.

No longer will the cruelty
of the outside world

Feed your loneliness,

You've been lied to
for too long.

Those who called themselves
your friends

All turned on you.

Those scoundrels
left you all alone

In that
terrible place

While they soaked up
all the glory.

And you deserve
so much more than that.

You deserve to be
the greatest duelist
the world's ever seen.

That's what I want!

Trust me,

And the ultimate power
shall be yours.

I trust you!


The power you desire
is now yours.


Please, mai,
tell me this
is all a joke!

You're on our side,

I was never a part
of your little
play group.

And now I'm gonna
break you apart
one by one.

And wheeler,
I'm starting with you!

You win.

Joey! No!

[Breathing heavily]


You're wrong!

I never att*cked,
so you didn't lose the duel!

I'm too exhausted...
To finish.

I won't let
the orichalcos
take you away, joey.

I'm just glad dat
if one of us had
to lose our soul,

It didn't have to be
you, mai.

Don't say that!




sorry joey...

But I can't face you yet.

So I'm gonna hit the road

Until I'm ready to own up
to everything I've done.

But I'll be back.

Girl: yugi, wake up.



Any idea where we are?

It seems
we've washed up
on shore.

But I wonder how.

Someone must have
guided us here.


Hey, look!

dark magician girl!

And she's
brought with her

The legendary knights.

We are forever
in your debt.

Not only have you rescued
your own world,

But you've saved the creatures
of our world as well.

Thanks to your fearlessness,

The dominion of the beasts
can once again flourish

Just as it did
so many years ago.

And by breaking the evil spell

That imprisoned
the legendary knights,

They can continue
to protect our land.

I'm just glad
we could help.

Thank you both!
You fought bravely.


You two will never
be forgotten...

For as long as we reign.

Well, we couldn't
have done it without you!

In the face of
ultimate darkness,

Your courageousness
sparked a light
so incredibly strong

It will burn
for all eternity.

Thank you!

We shall meet again!

The time may come that
we need each other again.

If so,
you know where I'll be.

Right there in your deck!

Tea: look. Those
weird lights are back.

dat explains why.

dark magician girl

And the
legendary knights.

they're going home

Now that their world
is safe again.

there goes hermos.


Oh, well...
No big deal.

My deck's still

I hope yugi's all right.





Tristan: hey! It's yugi!

Pharaoh! Over there!

They made it out!

You're right.

Yugi! Ha ha ha!

I knew
we'd find you.

Hey, man!

[Joey giggling]

I'm neva lettin'
dis spiky head
'a yours

Outta my sight!

Is it really
all over?

Yup. We're safe now.

Hey, yugi!

Let's hit
da high road, folks!

I'm sure there's someone else
tryin' ta take ova the world

Back home!

You know,
the scary thing is,

He's probably right.


Tea: yugi,
is something wrong?

I'll be right there, tea.

we may have
stopped dartz,

But the pharaoh's
not done yet.

Now he has to pick up
where he left off

Before all this
craziness started

'Cause the biggest
adventure of all
is still ahead.

And it won't be over
till the pharaoh

Unlocks the secrets
of his past.

He needs to learn
who he really is

And why he was
sent back here.

Maybe then his spirit'll
finally be able to rest.

Well, no matter
what happens,

One thing's for sure...

Whatever he
finds out there...

And whatever
he needs to face...

He won't have to
do it alone.