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04x37 - A Duel with Dartz – Part 5

Posted: 08/20/22 13:21
by bunniefuu
previously on yu-gi-oh...

behold the ancient magic
of my orichalcos tritos!

When used properly,

The seal of orichalcos
is unmatched

By any other card
in the game!

And due to
its third layer,

Your magic and trap cards
are useless against me!

each layer of the seal

Is more powerful
than the last.

If we don't think
of something soon,

Kaiba's going to
lose the duel!

Gentlemen, I'd like you to
meet orichalcos shunoros!

Did you see
what I see!?


Orichalcos shunoros,
remove kaiba's life points

So the orichalcos
can remove his spirit!

Photon ring blast!

kaiba, no!


Dartz: orichalcos ,

Seto kaiba zip.

Oh, no!

I'm not done.


Kaiba: it converts
every one of my
dragon's attack points

Into your
life points, yugi.


kaiba, wait!

That's enough!

Soon you'll get
what you deserve,

When I feed your soul
to the great leviathan

And complete that
which I started centuries ago!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ It's time to d-d-d-duel

♪ Yu-gi-oh

Dartz: do you know
why you were sent here, pharaoh?

It was no fluke.

, -Year-old spirits
don't suddenly return
for no reason.

Fate brought you back
so you could save the world...

By offering your power
to the great leviathan!



I've had some weird dreams,
but dis one takes da cake.

Wait. Hold on.

I remember being trapped
in a duel, but...

How did I end up
floatin' around in here?

Yugi: joey?!
Is that you!?

Long time no see!

I'm glad
you're all right!

Please, bubble boy!
You call this "all right"?

Yugi and joey:

If we don't
escape soon,
we never will!

Hmm? Where exactly
are we, anyway, huh?

Wait! Everyone in here
had their soul captured!

Dis must be where
the orichalcos
spits you out

After you lose
a duel!


Calm down.
Maybe it is
just a dream.


It's no dream.

and take a look!

Things are about
to get worse!

[Leviathan snarling]

Man: save me!

Woman: save me!

What's dat!?

Pegasus: don't you
pay attention!?

That's the great

And it's using
human souls
for power.

It's doin' what!?

But I don't wanna be
turned into soul food!

We can still get outta this mess
if the pharaoh defeats dartz!

Huh? But how'see
gonna do dat?

Rich boy's
wit us now.

Dat means...

The pharaoh's
facing dartz
alone out there!

Yugi: wrong.

Kaiba may have been knocked
outta the fight...

But the pharaoh's
not alone, joey.

I'm afraid
I don't follow, yuge.

He's still got all of us.

Sure, we're not
right there next to him,

But we've never let that
stop us before!

Yeah, but I dunno
if dat's gonna work
dis time,

'Cause dartz is playin'
by a whole new set
'a rules.

And nuthin'
can take down
dat orichalcos card.

Pegasus: there is
one thing that can help.


It's the card
I gave him.

And if the pharaoh
draws it,

He'll be able to unleash
a force like no other!

N' dis card can beat dartz?


You see, it was during
a trip to egypt

That I was inspired to create
the game of duel monsters

After making
an astonishing discovery.

Ancient kings and sorcerers
once performed dark rituals

To conjure real monsters.

These creatures were believed
to have lived

In a universe parallel to ours,

And guarding the gateway to
this dominion of the beasts

Were legendary dragons

Known as timaeus, critias,
and hermos.

But you already know
about them, right?


what you don't know

Is that these dragons
aren't what they appear to be.

They were buried
with a dark secret.

So I created a card
that unlocks this mystery.

Yugi: I don't get it.
What's the secret?

I spent many years
scouring the globe

Trying to find an answer
to that very question,
yugi boy.

First I searched
the microscopic world

For the tiniest clues.

Then I scanned the vast reaches
of the universe,

And still nothing.

Other than one stone tablet

Hidden deep beneath
the sands of egypt,

There was no record of
the existence of these dragons.

Then it dawned on me.

What if these dragons
aren't dragons at all?

What if they're humans!


But how is that
possible, pegasus?

And what does it
have to do with
that mystery card

You gave
to the pharaoh?

During the battle of atlantis,

Dartz transformed
brave knights into dragons

In an effort to weaken them.

Now the pharaoh must restore
them to their original form...

Before we disappear forever!

Don't you see what's
happening here, dartz!?

The orichalcos
has corrupted your mind!

It's been filling
your head with lies

For over , years!

Ha ha ha ha!

You should talk.

You've been lying
to the world for
almost as long,

Trying to
convince everyone

That fate sent you here
to protect us from evil.

And you think
that's a lie?!

Yes. In fact,
your very heart is
filled with evil--

The same evil you claim
to be fighting!

To me, you represent
the darkness that's
inside all humans!

And for that,
every one of you
must be punished!

For today,
history repeats itself,

And the battle of atlantis
shall begin again!

You can't!
Not another w*r!

I won't let you!

Too late.
It's already begun.

Well, if that's
the case, dartz...

Then I'll end it
here and now!

It's my move!

So...i'll begin
by activating
my pot of greed!

This lets me draw
two more cards.

Then I'll summon
my obnoxious
celtic guardian

To the field!

all I can do for now

Is try my best
to avoid his att*cks

Until I draw
the right card.

I'll place
one card facedown
and end my turn!

Your move, dartz.

And you know
what that means.

I automatically get
another , life points!

Yes, I know.

And then there's my dexia's
special ability,

Which ensures that
its strength is always
points higher

Than the monster
it's attacking.

So your only defense is
as good as gone, pharaoh--

Leaving your life points
wide open for annihilation.

It's over!

Orichalcos dexia!!

Destroy his obnoxious
celtic guardian!

Hold on!
Reveal trap!

All I have to do now
is give up half
my life points,

And my soul shield

your attack!

Not bad.
But what's the point?

Just look around you.
You're all alone.

Your friends are no longer
able to support you.

And the scoreboard
doesn't exactly point in
your favor, now, does it?

So why drag out this torment

When all you have to do
is forfeit?

Accept your destiny,

And join your friends
on the other side.

maybe he's right.

He does have
, life points

And indestructible

Perhaps I can do
more for my friends
by surrendering

And allowing
the orichalcos to
take me where they are.

Don't you want to be
by their side?

Your friends are
completely lost
without you.

Don't turn away.

All you have to do
is place your hand over
your duel disk and submit.

Declare defeat,
and you'll be free--

Free to see your friends
one last time

Before the rise
of the beast.

It's about time you accepted
your true destiny.

You've returned to earth
to pay for the wrongs
you once committed!!

You know it's true.

You nearly destroyed
the world.

So in order to compensate for
the misdeeds of your past...

You must join me in
ushering in the age
of the future!

Surrender your spirit
so that I may rebuild

Just give up.

I must surrender
my soul. It's my fate.

Yes, pharaoh.

Keep listening to the voice
of reason inside your head.

I must...give up.

You're almost there.

Give in
and join your friends.

It converts
every one

Of my dragon's
attack points

Into your life
points, yugi.

Yugi: I'm going!

Are you sure?yes.

Then I'll be right there
by your side, pal!

So let's go do this!

It only needs one of us,

So I'm letting the seal
take me instead.

Noooo! Yugi!!


The time has come.


Sacred seal,
encircle the pharaoh!

Ha ha ha ha!

Just relax.

Let the darkness
consume you.

Reach deep within your core,
and set your spirit free.

Aah! Impossible!


No one can overcome
the power of the orichalcos!

Dartz: you should have
lost the duel!


What's going on!?

Why didn't the seal
take your soul!?

Tell me!

You forced me to gaze
inside my heart,

Thinking I would find
only darkness.

But you were wrong.

Then you gazed
in the wrong place!

believe what you wish,

But I know the truth.

My heart is filled with
the light of friendship,

And no magic
can take that away,

No matter
how strong it is.

So thank you.

You reminded me
that my friends
are always with me.

And we're going to
win this fight and
take you down together!


It all ends right now!


Thinking: it's the card
pegasus gave me.

I can sense it!

well? Get on with it.

Do you know
what's in my hand?

The key to
unlocking the secret

Of the legendary

[Gasp] what!?

You heard me.

Legend of heart!

I give up ,
life points...

And remove
my obnoxious
celtic guardian

From the field!

This lets me summon
critias, hermos,

And timaeus
in their true form!

Legendary knight timaeus:

After millennia
in captivity,

We've been set free!


No! Not them!

I am he who was named timaeus!

And I am...
Sir critias!

I am known as...
Sir hermos!

in the name of atlantis...

We have been reborn!!

I thought I took care
of you centuries ago!

What have you done!?
My precious seal is gone!

Your ring of darkness
is useless in our presence!

Did you forget
our last encounter?

I certainly did not.

And I've a score to settle
with you!

The time has come to
weaken your defense!

Timaeus, attack his
orichalcos aristeros!

I'm not done.

Now, critias,

It's your turn!

And with that,
I shall end my turn.


Orichalcos shunoros,

Attack critias
with photon ring blast!

Hold on!
Critias, defend!

Your attack
won't work,

Thanks to his
special ability!

His what!?

He can bring back
one trap card!

And I choose...

The reflecting power
of mirror force!

Now critias
can stop your attack

And send it right back
at your monsters!

Oh, no!

I'm afraid so.


Excellent move, pharaoh.


Oh, by the way,

Did I mention shunoros has
a special ability as well?


what's going on!?


The moment
shunoros was vanquished,

My divine serpent was born!

Of course,
there's a price to pay.

First, I must send
every card in my hand
to the graveyard.

After that, I'm required
to give up every one
of my life points.

Oh, well.

Ha ha!

That means you lose!

Under normal
conditions, yes.

However, as long as
my divine serpent
is on the field,

I remain in the game.

But if you destroy him,
you win.

[Gasp] his strength!
It's infinite!

Which means there's not
a monster in your deck
that can stand up to it.

And once it strikes
your knight...
Your soul is mine.

Dartz: staring at
your deck won't help.

You have to actually
play something.

Is that so? Fine!

dark magician girl.

both of our worlds
are in great danger,

For soon, the great
beast will awaken.

You're our only hope!

I made you a promise,

And I won't go back
on my word.

I place one card

Now it's your move!

Very well. First...

I discard cards
from my deck

So my new monster
can attack.

Divine serpent, go!

Strike down
one of his knights!


Timaeus! No!

Dartz: and then
there were two.

But more importantly...

You just lost the rest
of your life points,

So the duel is over!

As is your existence.

So fare thee well!

What's this!?

You should be gone!

Tell me!
How did you survive!?

It's simple.

You told me to play
a card, so I did.

It's a powerful trap
known as relay soul.

When my life points
hit zero,

It allowed me
to stay in the game

By summoning my
dark magician girl

And putting my fate
in her hands.


So you and I
are in the same
situation now.

Each of us
has one monster.

You have
your serpent,

And I have
dark magician girl.

When one is destroyed,
the cardholder will lose.

All right!

Let the final phase

Yes. But understand this.

You may have altered
the rules of our battle,

But your chances of victory
are just as slim!

I have the spirits
of my friends to
support me, dartz!

But you,
on the other hand,
are completely alone!

I possess more power
than you or your friends!

And I'll prove it
by playing this!

Impact revive!!

It brings back a monster
that was destroyed this turn

And gives it an extra
attack points.


That's my card!
Why did you
revive timaeus?

I thought it would
be fun to prove

How powerless
you truly are.

Oh, and one more thing.

Impact revive also lets
my monster attack
one more time.

Oh, no!

I send cards
from my deck
to my graveyard.

Now, divine serpent...

End this duel!

his soul is mine.

if she's destroyed,

All hope is lost!