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09x21 - The Will/Deja Vu/The Prediction

Posted: 08/20/22 07:22
by bunniefuu

♪ Love ♪

♪ love exciting and new ♪

♪ come aboard ♪

♪ we're expecting you ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ love is life's
sweetest reward ♪

♪ let it flow ♪

♪ it floats back to you ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ soon will be making
another run ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ promises something
for everyone ♪

♪ set a course for adventure ♪

♪ your mind on a new romance ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ love won't hurt anymore ♪

♪ it's an open smile ♪

♪ on a friendly shore ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ soon will be making
another run ♪

♪ welcome aboard,
it's l-o-o-o-ove ♪

♪ welcome aboard, it's love ♪

♪ ♪


Oh, welcome aboard,
Mr. Stanton.

You know me?

Of course, a captain has
to be well-informed.

And it helps that the
new magazines have arrived

and your picture happens to be
on the cover of one of them.

I never miss an issue
of new millionaire.

I was on the cover
of big business.

-I never miss that either.
-[ Laughs ]

What a success story.

You invented a computer
that made your rich and famous.

Well, all it takes is
a lot of hard work,

a little luck,
and a stroke of genius.

Are you working on any
new million-dollar ideas?

Well, uh, right now I'm working
on a big merger in Mexico.

Well, what industries?

Uh, petrochemicals,
uh, textiles?


Oh, well,

We've kept it a secret
to avoid publicity,

but I'm meeting my fianceé
in mazatlaán,

and we're finally tying
the knot.

I'll share a little
inside info with you.

Be careful -- I've had
four of those mergers,

and I'm still trying
to buy out my partners.

[ Laughs ]

Let's see,
Nancy brown, aloha .

Thank you.

Oh, you're welcome.

Listen, we have a
lot of activities
on this cruise.

There's a gym, a pool,
a lot of deck games to play.

I know exactly what I want
to do on this cruise

and with whom.

Thank you.

Of course, a lot of people
just like to wing it.


I'm Mrs. Roland Whitney.

Welcome aboard,
Mrs. Whitney.

Let's see, Whitney.

There must be
some mistake.

You and your husband are booked
in a single cabin.

Oh, that's correct,

but I'm not traveling
with my husband.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I thought that man you were
speaking to was Mr. Whitney.

Oh, no.
I just met him.

You see,
my husband is --

oh, please.
You don't have to explain.


When you're raised
on a cruise ship,

you grow up fast.

Uh, let's see.

You are on the aloha deck
in cabin .

Enjoy your cruise.

Well, thank you.


Oh, have a good time
without your husband.

Right through there.
Have a nice cruise.

Hi, welcome aboard.

I get the picture
of a rat.

I beg your pardon?

No, no, it's a --
it's a groundhog.


That's it!

That's amazing.
That's my name.

Oh, I'm delighted
to meet you.

I am Leila Kane.

Well, how did you --

you're Leila Kane?


Oh, you're the psychic
from the world informer.

I read your column
all the time.

[ Laughs ]

I bet you read it
at the checkout counter

at the supermarket.

You know, I have never met
anybody yet

who admitted buying it.

I subscribe.

You are kidding?


I was very impressed
with the way you predicted

mount St. helens
to the exact minute.

Oh, thank you.

You bet.

Hey, goph.

Oh, Ms. Kane,

I would like you to meet
our ship's photographer.

Hello, ace.

Did you see that?


With her incredible
psychic power,

she figured out
your name.



And I thought she just looked
at my name tag.

[ Laughs ]

Gary Samuels,
Samuels -- ah.

Here you are,
Mr. Samuels.

You are on the promenade deck
in cabin .

Thank you.


Uh, has Rhonda Whitney
come aboard yet?

Rhonda Whitney --
yes, she has.

Uh, how long ago?

You just missed her.

Great timing.

"Timing"? got here
before the ship sailed.

I love it.
Life is just like a soap opera.

I wonder
what's going on.

With whom?
What are you talking about?

Uh, I'm sure
I don't know, ace.

But even if I did,
it would be none of my business.

[ Air horn blows ]


Woman: Four and five, six,
seven, eight.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.

Ms. Kane, cablegram for you
from the world informer.

Oh, well, thank you,
but I already know what it says.

Of course you do.

I bet you save a lot of time
never having to read your mail

that way.

No, I've got five cables
like this,

and they always
say the same things.

"You better come home
immediately and do your column."

but you're on vacation.

Uh, actually,
I didn't notify them.

Oh, well.

Doesn't matter.

Nothing matters now.

Life is a cabaret, right?


Come on, gopher.
Sit down.


I'll let you in on something
big -- something very big.



What is it?

I had this dream

where I saw this red glow
surrounding the earth,

and eventually the glow

enveloped the entire earth
until it was gone.

I don't get it.

tomorrow at : P.M.,

the world
will come to an end.

The end of the world?


So, you see, we might as well
enjoy the little time

we have left.

That only gives me a day to make
something out of my life.

Every time Joan and I planned to
get married, something came up.

She's an international

and it seems she always had
a monetary crisis to deal with

or I was fighting
takeover bids.

Still, if my fianceée
was in mazatlaán,

I'd be flying there
to meet her.

And I wouldn't need
an airplane.

[ Chuckles ]

Well, there's no rush.

Joan is attending a symposium
on friends of the peso.

She's gonna be tied up
for a couple of days.


So you decided to take
a slow boat to mazatlaán, huh?

Eh, I thought a little time
by myself would be nice.

It'll be my last chance.

There you go.

Why do they always put umbrellas
in those drinks?

Because a raincoat
won't fit.

I asked
a silly question.

I'll have the same,
hold the umbrella please.


This may sound corny,
but you look familiar to me.

Have we met before?

Nancy brown.

-Jim Stanton.
-Nice to meet you.

-Oh, excuse me.
-Excuse me.


Gary Samuels?

I don't believe it.

You look terrific.

Well, so do you.

How long has it been --

At least.

It -- it -- it's so good
to see you.

Oh, look out.


We better get off this field
before they start

using those things
as frisbees.

Yeah, um, uh...
How's Roland?

Oh, you didn't hear?

Roland passed away
months ago.

Oh, Rhonda,
I'm so sorry.

-He'd been sick for some time.

Changing ends.

So, uh, tell me, uh,
how you been doing?

-Are you making it okay?

I'm doing -- doing all right...
-Excuse me.

...besides for Roland.

He thought months
was enough time to mourn,

so he left instructions
with our lawyer.

Two weeks ago,

I got the ticket for this cruise
in the mail --

a ticket
and a dozen roses.

No kidding.

He had arranged
for everything in his will.

Roland always was
a long-range planner --

a romantic
long-range planner.

Two and two.
Oh, I'm sorry.

Well, you know,
I always liked Roland,

even though
he stole my best girl.

Oh, your best girl?

Aw, Gary,
you went off to Europe.

I didn't hear from you
for a year.

I had to find myself.

Rhonda, you could've
waited for me.

Well, "see you,"
wasn't exactly commitment.

Anyway, you knew
I was dating Roland, too.

Yeah, but I didn't know
about his long-range plans.


Uh, we don't seem
to be having too much luck here.

Uh, you want to go
someplace else?

-Sure, where?
-I don't know.

Uh, maybe the board room
is less crowded.

Here you go.
This is the Isaac eye-opener.

Drink it slowly.


You know that psychic,
Leila Kane?


She predicted
the world's going to end

tomorrow afternoon
at : .

That's ridiculous.

-Yeah, that's what I said.

Yeah, I mean,

the fact that she predicted
the exact number of votes

that Ronald Reagan
got in the last election

doesn't mean
she's right all the time.

I was really upset
at the time.

You got back from Europe
and never tried to win me back.

Sure I did --
plenty of times.


That night
at Emilio's restaurant.

I don't remember.

Sure you do.
You were there with Roland,

and I was there
with a big group of people.

Remember, I kept trying
to pull the tablecloth

from under the dishes?

Oh, yes.

What was that all about?

Well, I was just trying
to show you

how much fun
you were missing.

I was touched when you sent
the wine over to Roland and me.

Well, that was to show
that I also had style and flair.

That was the night
Roland proposed.

Oh, sure -- my wine
put him over the edge.

Oh, don't blame yourself.

I'm sure Roland would've
proposed without the wine. come
you never got married?

Well, I guess I never
got around to it, uh...

Well, you make marriage sound
like cleaning out your garage.

Well, I guess I'm --

I guess i'm
just a one-woman man, Rhonda.

Say, uh,
hows about dinner tonight?

-Well, I don't think --
-come on.

Let's pretend
it's Emilio's.

Maybe I'll get it right
this time.

Okay, but no more pulling
tablecloths off the table.

I've gotten better at it.

Now, I take the dishes
off first.

[ Both chuckle ]


All right, here we go.

Big smiles.

That's it. Great.

Okay, ladies,
look for this in the ship's

paper tomorrow.
-Okay, thanks.

Ace, ace, I am worried
about gopher.

-Leila Kane, the psychic,

predicted the end of the world
tomorrow at : ,

and I think
he believes her.

believes anything.

Isaac, these psychic things
are all fake.

Ace, she also
predicted every winner

at last year's
academy awards.

You read that stuff?

Well, only
in the checkout lines.

-Hello, Isaac, ace.


Good news, gentlemen.

You are going to get
into some money.


See what I mean?

We're gonna get
into some money?

Come on, we're in the middle
of the ocean.

Where is this money
gonna come from?

Here we go, fellows,
your paychecks.

Oh, there's a company bonus
this time.

Every single Oscar?

And the country music

Vicki, why do you
suddenly need a car?

Because Marsha belman's
father's buying her a car.

Marsha belman
lives on land.

[ Scoffs ] So?

So Marsha belman
needs a car to get around.

You have a ship
to commute in.

Next time I go to the market,
I'll take the ship.


Adam, I just
don't understand teenagers.

One day, they're sweet.

The next day,
they learn how to drive.

Then it's downhill
from there.

I may be able to put
your problem into perspective.

Gopher says
there's a psychic onboard

who predicted the end
of the world tomorrow at : .

Ms. Kane said that?
[ Chuckles ]

Well, she's gonna feel pretty
silly tomorrow night, isn't she?

Yeah, we'll all have
a good laugh.

She was dead wrong
about last year's world series.

Well, there you go.

Well, you'd expect
her to miss one

after nailing it years
in a row.

Well, Adam,
uh, don't tell Vicki about this.

You know how impressionable
young people are.


years in a row?


Well, hello again.

It looks like we've been
assigned to the same table.

Oh, I thought
I was eating alone.

I have some things
to think about.

Oh, well, I don't want
to intrude.

I'll find another table.

No, please.

I've been sitting here
for minutes

and I haven't thought
of a thing.

Maybe what I need
is someone to talk to.

Well, it would be better
than mumbling to yourself.

Would you like some wine?

Oh, that would be nice,
thank you,

but I'm allergic
to red wine.

I know that.

How did I know that?

What else do you know
about me?

Well, let's see --

you have brown hair
and, uh, blue eyes.

And, um --
and that's about it.

Well, what a relief.

I was afraid
you knew about my tattoo.

[ All laughing ]

Oh, looks like
our business tycoon

is trying to make the cover
of real romance.

Judy: He's stolen
one heart already.

Do you know she asked
to be seated at his table?

Do you know
he's engaged to be married?

Merrill, you're a captain,
not a marriage counselor.

Besides, by tomorrow at : ,
it may all be academic.

[ Knocking ]

Can I talk
to you a minute?

If it's about that silly
prediction, I'm not interested.

Okay, I don't believe
that stuff either, all right.


Just makes you think,
that's all.

Just makes you think
about the stuff

you've done in your life.

Makes you think about the stuff
you've left undone.

That's all.

I think I'm gonna send my mother
a dozen roses.

So you want to borrow $
from me, right?


That's it?

I ask you for money,
and you give it to me?

Hey, gopher, I don't have time
to lecture you.

I ask you for money,
and you give it to me?

I know that I have been tough
on you, gopher, at times,

but that's because I don't want
to see you messing up,

just like I don't want to see
my kid brother messing up.

You don't have
a kid brother.

But I always wanted one.

See, when I was
a little boy,

I used to pretend
like I had a little brother

and that he would get
into trouble and come to me.

And I'd help bail him out, kind
of like you're always doing.

That's very touching.

Well, thanks for sharing
that with me.


I want you to get a dozen roses
for my mom, too.

And it's not because
I believe in the prediction.

It's because I love her.

Oh, okay.

I understand.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Thank you.


Say you're in a situation
that will change your life.

It seems right,
but there -- there's

something wrong,
something missing.

What would you do?

Well, based on the wealth
of information

you've just given me,

I'd say I'd try and find out
what was missing.

You've tried.
You haven't been able to.

Is this one of those riddles
where the m*rder victims

turn out to be goldfish?

I wish it were
that simple.

Well, you'll know what to do
when the time comes.

I'm sure of that.


- red. Winner!

How did I know
was your lucky number?

Well, it's probably a lot
of people's lucky number.

Change, please.

You know, it's funny
how things work out.

I thought it would be nice
to spend some time alone,

and the reverse
seems to be true.

Well, we can always
lock the door

from your cabin
if you like.

This will do very nicely,
thank you.

You know,
it's such a lovely evening.

Why don't we take a stroll
on the deck?

-Uh, that could be dangerous.

This is one of those nights
they promise you

in the travel folders --
tropical moon, balmy breezes,

a hint of Jasmine in the air.

Well, I thought that was only
on the Mississippi cruises?

Let's go find out.

[ Chuckles ]

Oh, it's wonderful running
into you again.

It must be kismet
or Karma or coincidence.

One of those "k" words.

I don't know what I would've
done if I hadn't.

The idea of cruising for guys
really didn't appeal to me.

You know, I've missed you
all these years.

You know, Roland
was always jealous of you.

Uh, really, uh...

Well, I guess that trick
with the, uh, tablecloth

wasn't a total waste
of time.

He knew
how much I liked you,

and he was glad
when you took off.

A major mistake
in my life.

What's wrong?

It's just
that Roland's gone,

and here I am alone
in the moonlight with you.

I feel guilty.

Well, I think Roland
would've understood.

I mean, isn't that why
he bought you the ticket --

so you could go on
with your life?

I know.

And I loved today.

I feel like I'm again.


But I feel like I'm betraying
Roland by being happy.

I know
it sounds crazy.

No, it sounds like
a woman who was

very much in love
with her husband.

Rhonda, we've got
a whole lot of time.

And I am not going back
to Europe again.

Thanks, Gary.

Uh, can I walk you back
to your cabin?

Better not.

I'm afraid
of what might happen

if I find myself alone
with you in my cabin.

Uh, well, how about, uh,
breakfast tomorrow?

You see, I'm afraid
of what might happen

if I have to eat alone.

I'd like that.


-Doc, doc.

Did you hear
about this lady --

yeah, tomorrow at : .
It's improbable.

You mean impossible?

No, improbable.
I'm a man of science.

I have to accept
that anything is possible.

I'll see you later.

I have to send
these cables.

What are they for?

I've written to all my ex-wives,
telling them all the things

i never had a chance
to say when we were married.

You do believe we're gonna
buy the farm tomorrow.

Well, let's just
say I'm not prescribing

any time-release
cold pills.

Oh, good evening,
Mrs. Whitney.

Oh, good evening.

Mr. Samuels found you
all right?

Gary's been asking
for me?

When was this?

During boarding,
he came on right after you.

I thought our meeting
was supposed to have
been a coincidence.

Uh, as far as I'm concerned,
that's all it was.

Don't worry,
your secret's safe with me.

These kind of things happen
all the time on cruise ships.

Not with me, it doesn't.

Excuse me.

Listen, don't worry.
I won't tell anybody.

I've got a terrible memory.

Me and my big mouth.

There it is, as advertised,

one tropical,
gorgeous moon.

You know what I always thought
the moon sort of resembled?

Together: Jackie gleason.


I thought I was the only one
who thought that.

Maybe we were
in another life together.

Well, we certainly
are on the same wavelength.

That's for sure.

In Mexico,
they call it simpatico.

So I'm feeling pretty simpatico
right now.


Why did you stop?

I'm -- I --
I didn't want this to happen.

Why not?

Because I --
I better just go.


I, uh, usually don't interfere
in situations like this,

but, uh, maybe I can save you
a little heartbreak, Ms. Brown.

What do you mean?

Jim is engaged.

When we reach mazatlaán,
he's getting married.

Well, that's impossible.
He can't.

Why not?

Because Jim Stanton
is already married, to me.


[ Knocking ]


How dare you?

How dare you take advantage
of me that way --

that we met accidentally

when all along you knew
I was on the ship?


What do you do,

check obituaries so you can date
grieving widows?

Rhonda, please.

I can explain.

I don't want to hear it.

I don't ever
want to see you again.

[ Door slams ]


I've been looking for you
all over the ship.

I thought the mermaids
had a late show tonight?

We just finished.

Gopher told me about
what's gonna happen tomorrow.


You believe it?

I'm not sure.

Do you?

I didn't at first --
thought Ms. Kane was a phony.

Then she predicted I was gonna
get a raise,

and I did, and...

I wish
we had more warning.

I know what you mean.

There's so many things
I'd like to do.

When I heard the news,

you were the first person
I thought of.


I guess I never realized
how much I cared for you.

This is crazy, but I feel
the same way about you.

What do we do now?

We make up
for lost time.


First, Jim Stanton
tells us he's gonna get married.

Then Nancy brown
tells me he's already married.

But if Jim Stanton
is married to Nancy,

why are they behaving
like they've just met?

People are complex,

You never know what you'll find
when you turn over a rock.

Hmm, I'll stick
with navigation.

It's simple,

Port is port.
Starboard is starboard.

And the big Dipper is always
in the same place --

up there somewhere.

A wise decision.

[ Knocking ]

Come in.

Captain stubing, I hope
it's okay for me to be here.

I feel like I owe you
an explanation.

Well, that's not necessary,
Ms. Brown.

No, I want
to tell you.

You see, Jim,

which is what
he calls himself now --

you mean his name
isn't Jim?

No, it's ed --
ed brown.

We were married
right after he got his mba.

We spent a couple
of wonderful years together.

What happened?

One night his car was found
wrecked by the side of the road.

The police think that ed --

Jim wandered off
in a state of amnesia.

I never stopped looking
for him.

For years, I didn't know
whether he was alive or dead,

and then about a year
ago I saw an article about him

in the paper.

The name was different,

but as soon
as I saw the picture,

I realized it was him.

So you're just waiting
for the right moment

to tell him
that he's married to you?

Oh, I was hoping he'd fall in
love with me all over again.

See, I --

i want us to be together
because we love each other,

not because of some
legal piece of paper.

Look, I know this is
none of my business,

but if I were you,
I'd go to him,

tell him the truth.

Thank you.

Before : .

Now let me make sure I've
got this all down correctly,

"to the editors
of world informer, bug off.

Sincerely, Leila Kane."

That's it.

And when we get
to Mazatlan,

I am going to shop
like there is no tomorrow

because there isn't.

You sure about
this prediction?

I mean, after all,
you do make mistakes, don't you?

Well, I -- I did predict

that the Olympics
are going to lose money.

Oh, that's good.

No offense, just nice to know
you're not all that reliable.

It's your mother.

[ Telephone rings ]


Hello, mom.


Oh, good.
I want to talk to you.

I know.

You're going to tell me
that I'm irresponsible,

that I do not know
how to manage money,

and that I'm a sl*ve
to the latest trends.


You don't think that?

I do think that.

I wasn't going to say it.


Vicki, your happiness
is the most important thing

in the world to me,
especially at this time.

Especially at : ?

you can have a car.

Aah! Thank you!

Thank you. I love you.
You're the best.

I love you too, Vicki.

And I want us to be close.

Oh, me too.

And I want us to say
what's in our hearts,

even if
it sounds corny.

And if there's anything you've
been waiting to say to me,

please say it.

there is something.

Yes, sweetheart?

Can I have
a convertible?



we can't go on this way.

We need food.

We can't waste what little time
we have left on eating.

Oh, can't we just
waste a few minutes

on a liverwurst sandwich?

You like liverwurst?

I didn't know that.

There's so little
we know about each other.

your favorite color?



You're a Leo, right?


I know you're an Ares.

If you'll
give me a minute,

I'll tell you
why I did what I did.


Maybe you'll listen
to your husband.

Roland's attorney
sent me this letter.

It's part of his will.

"Dear Gary,
on the advice of my doctor,

I have spent the past month
putting my affairs in order.

Soon Rhonda will be alone,

and though I have provided
for her financially,

I would like to do more.

I know"...

"I know how very fond
of Rhonda you were,

and I have learned
that you are still unmarried.

I am enclosing a ticket for
a cruise Rhonda will be taking.

If you still care for her,
use it.

If not, cash it in

and use the money
to have your head examined.

[ Chuckles ]

Sincerely, Roland."

Gary, I'm sorry.

Rhonda, I am here
because I want to be with you.

But why did you let me think
it was a coincidence?

What would you
have me say --

"I got a letter
from your husband.

He told me to take a shot
at his wife"?

It's just like Roland.

He was always so thoughtful,
so understanding.

He didn't have a selfish bone
in his body.

he brought us together again.

At the very least,
the man deserves a statue.

Buenos diías,
ladies and gentlemen,

and welcome to the glorious
port of Mazatlan,

famous for its sun-drenched
beaches and romantic hideaways.

Enjoy your day, and remember
we sail at : tonight.

If you're not back by then,
you're a permanent resident.

[ Knock on door ]

Come in.

I'm glad you called.

I -- I wanted to see you
before I left the ship.

Jim, there's something
I have to tell you.

Before you do,
there's something

I haven't told you
that might clear everything up.

The truth is, I'm getting
married this afternoon.

Yes, I know.

You know?

[ Scoffs ] Then you must
really think I'm a jerk,

leading you on last night.

No, I don't, Jim.

I'm in love with you.

Oh, please don't do this to me.

I -- I've been up all night
trying to sort this out.

I've decided that I have
to go through with my plans.

But there's something about us
that you don't understand.

There's plenty
I don't understand,

but I've known Joan
for two years

and I've made
a commitment to her.

You can't ask me to walk out
on that, can you?

No, I can't.

I'm sorry.

I wish I'd met you first.

Taking a break, huh?


Me too.

Some coincidence, us taking
a break at the same time, huh?

[ Chuckles ]
Yeah, sure is.

Yeah, sure is.

Hi, guys.

Hello, Judy.

Hi, Judy.

Just thought I'd look
for a quiet place

to work on the pairings for the
shuffleboard tournament today.

Good idea.



Hey, susie.


Hi, Patti.

Well, we just thought we'd
come up and watch the sun set.

It's not
for another / hours.

we want to see it all.

Dad, I think we should go
for the luxury package.

I mean,
it's only $ more,

and it will increase
the resale value on the car.

Whatever you say, dear.

Oh, you're here too.

Hey, merrill.

This is it.

I love you all.

Vicki, merrill.

Doc, it's only : .

Your watch is fast.

Oh, I better have it fixed,

Are we throwing a surprise party
for somebody?

Do you realize
this is the first time

we've all been together
in months?

We shouldn't allow
ourselves to drift apart.

We mean too much
to each other.

What's the big deal
about being together?

I mean,
we work on the same ship.

We'll probably be here
for another years.

From your lips
to god's ears.

Ace, the clock.

more seconds.

All: ... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... .

[ Bell dinging ]

Is that clock
all right?

Well, I had it set this morning
with the atomic clock.

Well, my break is over.

I got accounts to balance.

I'm gonna do some inventory.

Looks like I have one more spot
in the expert division.

Anybody interested?

Well, I might be.



Well, I have work to do.
Carry on.

Excuse me, dad, um,
what just happened here?



Thank heaven.

Look, susie --

uh, I'm late for rehearsal.

Uh, about last night.

We just got to know one another
a little better, that's all.

Of course, but it's no reason
to throw away the last hours.

What do you mean?

I think it's possible

we may have stumbled
upon some profound feelings

for each other.

I -- I don't think so.

It was just the fear of death
that drove me into your arms.

You've been sweet.

We are now leaving Mazatlan.

We hope you enjoyed your stay.

Our next stop will be
the port of Los Angeles.


Oh, Ms. Kane.

I'll bet you're glad
that this is one time

when you were wrong, hmm?

Oh, yes, yes, gopher,

but I was so sure.


Well, at least you still have
your shopping to comfort you.

Oh, yes,
but I have to return them all.

You see, I never expected
to have to pay for them.

I went crazy
with my credit card.

Oh, well.
It was fun while it lasted.

Oh, by the way,

you got another cablegram
from the world informer.


You know,
I think I better read this one.

Oh, my.

What's the matter?

The paper
has gone bankrupt.

The world informer
won't be published anymore.

Will I get a refund
for my subscription?

Wait a minute?

That's it, my prediction.

What do you mean?

I mean they're going
bankrupt today.

My dream wasn't about the end
of the world.

It was about the end
of the world informer.

So you were right.


But now
I'm out of a job.

Hey, if you want to look on
the dark side, I'm out bucks.

[ Both chuckle ]

May I join you?

Yes, of course.

Thank you.

You didn't tell him,
did you?


Why not?

You have the proof.

You know he has some feelings
for you.

He started a new life
with a new woman,

and I don't belong there

This was
Roland's favorite song.

I didn't know
he was such a music lover.

This is his sixth favorite
song tonight.

they remind me of Roland.

Rhonda, everything
we've seen or done all day

has reminded you
of Roland.

That's not true.

The pinñata
reminded you of him.

He like candy.

The taxi driver
reminded you of Roland.

He liked
to talk with his hands.

You even bought him three shirts
in Mazatlan.

Those were for you.

They were his size.

Force of habit.

[ Sighs ] Look.

I think it's time
we stopped kidding ourselves.

You are still in love
with Roland.

Well, I can't compete
with a memory.

That Roland is some kind
of a guy.

Even when he's gone,
he's taking you away from me.

[ Drum roll ]

Ladies and gentlemen,

the international lounge is
proud to present the mermaids.


♪ dance ♪

♪ I've gotta
shake my shoulders ♪

♪ dance ♪

♪ I've gotta move my buns ♪

♪ dance ♪

♪ I've gotta
keep on groovin' ♪

♪ as long as my motor runs ♪

♪ I can jump ♪

♪ stomp my feet♪

♪ unh, unh, unh ♪

♪ blame it on the rhythm
and the heat of the beat ♪

♪ 'cause I can't lose it ♪

♪ how 'bout you ♪

♪ when I dance ♪

One lousy cable,
can you believe that?

After all I've done
for those women,

only one
bothered to answer.

Well, I guess I should be
grateful that someone cares.

What does it say?

"Your alimony check
is late."


♪ hot ♪

♪ ooh ♪

♪ so hot ♪

♪ ooh ♪

♪ so sopping wet,
healthy sweat ♪

♪ unh, unh, unh ♪

♪ moving now,
get your best bet ♪

♪ move our bodies ♪

♪ use our legs and dance ♪

♪ dance ♪

♪ dance ♪

♪ Dance ♪

♪ dance ♪

♪ dance ♪

[ Applause ]

Seven out.

Ah, well,
maybe you'll be lucky in love.

I don't think so.

I'm in love with a woman

who can't stop thinking
about her husband.

[ Chuckles ] Maybe you should
just forget about her.

I would if I wasn't sure
she loved me.

She loves you, but she's hung up
on her husband.


She thinks that the most
romantic thing he ever did

was to set me up with her.

The guy set you up
with his own wife?

Yeah, he even
paid for this cruise.

Is he onboard too?


He's gone.
Why doesn't she realize that?

Well, maybe she's hoping
he'll come back.

Not much chance of that.

You never know.

I know.

How can you
be so sure of that?

He's dead.

[ Cheers ]

Oh, look.
Somebody rolled a seven.

Better go get my camera.

I'm back.


Oh, you remembered.

Remembered what?

through the redwoods,

the summers on Cape Cod,
my heart-shaped birthmark.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

But why
did you come back?

I'm in love with you.

Isn't that enough?

Yes, of course it is.

Joan and I
had a long talk,

and we decided to call
the whole thing off.

I realized what was missing
in our relationship.

I wasn't
in love with her.

Well, welcome back.

What heart-shaped birthmark?

You'll see.

Uh, Gary.

Gary Samuels,
I don't believe it.

what are you up to?

[ Chuckles ]

I guess I'm trying
to start over, Gary.

Uh, Rhonda,
what's the use?

It'll just end
the same way.

I thought a lot
about Roland tonight,

about the wonderful life
we had together.

Suddenly, I realized
it was all in the past.

There wouldn't be
anything more.

My life with Roland
is over.

I cried
when I realized that.

Rhonda, I didn't want you to
give up your memories of Roland.

I just wanted you
to make new ones with me.

I still do.

I want that, too.

Here you go.

You know, gopher, uh,

that prediction made us reveal
things about ourselves

that we wouldn't normally
want people to know about.

Well, then why don't we just
make it our little secret.

Uh, specifically I'm referring
to my little brother.


The important thing is it just
brought us closer together.

Okay, good.

Uh, about that money that
I loaned you for the flowers...

I'm gonna pay that back
with my next paycheck.

All right.

And in the spirit
of our new friendship,

I will charge you interest
compounded weekly

instead of daily.

Now, come see us again.

Man: Bye-bye.


Captain, doc.

I want you
to be among the first to know

I've asked Nancy
to marry me.


Getting married?

Didn't you tell him?

There's plenty of time.

Well, congratulations.

We better get going, Nancy.

Thank you.



This has not been
one of my better cruises.

I think I ruined
a perfectly romantic vacation

for two
of our passengers.

Oh, don't feel too bad.

Some romances are doomed
before they begin.

There she is.
Hide me.

Ace, Vicki,
it was a lovely cruise.

Thank you
for everything.

Oh, you bet.

I'm glad
you enjoyed it.

are you ready to go.

[ Both chuckle ]



I didn't ruin it.

In fact,
I probably even helped.

Sure would like to know
what I helped with.

Believe me, Vicki,
you don't want to know.

Wait a minute.
You know?

Oh, now, ace, come on.

Ace, you can't leave me
in the dark like this.

Ace, I'm gonna tell everybody
that susie dumped you.

So, what're you gonna do now,
Ms. Kane?

Well, either I'm going to work
for a presidential candidate

or a TV network
or a buzzer service.

so you've had offers.

No, but I'm going
to get them next Tuesday.

I see
a man in a dark suit.

And so do I --
the captain.


Thank you so much.



Dad, dad,
come on, let's go.

I can't believe it.

I'm going to be the proud owner
of a convertible.

A convertible?


Uh, Vicki, I wasn't definite
about a convertible.

That's all right, dad.
I mean, you've been so generous

in spending all that money
on me anyway --

about all that money.

When we get to the car lot,
I want to do all the taking.

And when the salesman
quotes a price,

I want to act shocked
and pretend to walk away.

Well, that's fine, dad, as long
as you don't walk too far.