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09x11 - Picture Me a Spy/Daredevil/Sleeper

Posted: 08/20/22 07:17
by bunniefuu

♪ Love ♪

♪ love exciting and new ♪

♪ come aboard ♪

♪ we're expecting you ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ love is life's
sweetest reward ♪

♪ let it flow ♪

♪ it floats back to you ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ soon will be making
another run ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ promises something
for everyone ♪

♪ set a course for adventure ♪

♪ your mind on a new romance ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ love won't hurt anymore ♪

♪ it's an open smile ♪

♪ on a friendly shore ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ soon will be making
another run ♪

♪ welcome aboard,
it's l-o-o-o-ove ♪

♪ welcome aboard, it's love ♪


-Excuse me.

Uh, can you tell me how to
get to the promenade deck?

Yes, sir. Just down through
the lobby and up two decks.

Thank you.

Oh, my god.
Folks, please.

Give him some room,
will you please?

Let me get in here.

Sir, try not to move.

I'll get you a doctor, okay?

Folks, please,
can we have some room here?

[ Applause ]

Hold -- hold it. Hold it.
Just a moment.

Hold it.
Excuse me.

Do you mean to tell me
you're not even hurt?

Of course not.
Don't you know who I am?

I'm fearless frank hobbs,

man of , jumps,
the daredevil Duke.

You do this
for a living?

Come on.
You're puttin' me on.

Didn't you see me
on "believe it or else"?

I jumped out of a helicopter
into a raft

on the Colorado river.

Never did.

Sure, since mtv,
nobody watches sports anymore.


I'll need the figures on
the leading economic indicators

on my desk when I get back.

And, uh, please,
the results of the poll

we're taking the south
on my candidacy?

Do you think they're gonna
like me in the south?

I don't know.

Maybe you'd better start
eating grits just to make sure.

I'll call you in the morning.

Senator and Mrs. Townsend,
welcome aboard.

This is an honor.

Oh, thank you.
Thank you, captain.

But, uh, on this trip,
it's just felice and Bob.

Well, senator --
uh, Bob, uh,

i guess I'm having a hard time
calling a future president

by his first name.

Ah. Well, future president
may be a little premature.

The election is still
a couple of years away.

Right now,
all we want to do is relax

and forget about politics
if that's possible.

Excuse me, senator townsend,

would you mind posing
for a picture?

No, not at all.

Right over there.

[ Camera shutters clicking ]

I guess you have a lot
of admirers.


[ Indistinct conversations ]


Where do we check in, please?

Oh, right here.
Welcome aboard.

Thank you. I'm Anna petrovska,
and this is my father.

Dr. Ivan petrovska.

You are on the aloha deck,
cabins and .

You go ahead, papa.

I will pick up a book
in the gift shop.

-Oh, we'll show you the way.

I'll bet that's Russian.

No. It's Italian.

I deserved that.

You know, I've always wanted
to visit the Soviet union.

Then you should be
talking to travel agent.

Nice meeting you too.

[ Foghorn blows ]


I have a question.

Why do we always
do our dance numbers

in the international lounge?

that's where the stage

and the musicians
and the audience are.


I always thought it would be fun
to do a dance number

right here at night
on the lido deck.

At night?
In our skimpy costumes?

We'd freeze to death.

I have a better idea.

Why don't we dance
in our cabins,

and the passengers
can go door to door?

[ Laughter ]

Sure, make fun.

I was just trying
to be creative.


At last, I've got you alone,
all to myself.

think of my constituency.

Let them
get their own senator.

[ Both chuckle ]


No committees
to share you with,

no caucuses,
no emergency sessions.

No press conferences,
no policy papers, no reports,


What is it?

There is one report
I really should read.

Sam needs my input
on this right away.

Oh, come on.
Sam can wait.

Oh, is that what you're gonna
say when I'm president?

Mrs. Thatcher can wait?

Premier gorbachev can wait?

Fidel can wait?

[ Sighs ]

I don't know
why they're called first ladies.

They always come last.


No, I still
can't quite place you.

I'll give you a hint.

I was on right
after the hagler fight.

Oh, I saw that fight.
Let me think.

Uh, say,
you're not the guy

in the disposable razor ads,
are you?

I'm fearless frank hobbs.

I walked across
snake river canyon

on the world's
largest rubber band.

Oh, that
fearless frank hobbs.

Well, if I had my flashy suit
on, you'd recognize me.

Excuse me.



I'm sorry.
I didn't see you.

Oh, it's okay.

-Are you hurt?
-My leg.

It's a simple fracture.
It happens all the time.

Here. Let me help you up.
I'm really sorry.

Oh, don't worry about me.
I'm a fast healer.

How about a little dining
and dancing later

just to test it out?

Is this some kind of joke?

Well, with all the good-looking
guys onboard,

I had to do something
to get your attention.

Well, you got it.

But now,
I'm taking it back.



Honey, I'm gonna go up and send
this telex to Sam, okay?

I'll be right back.

Vicki: Let me just give you
some information

on some of tours
that you can take.

Excuse me.

Hi, looking for the pool?



Well, I guess
it's none of my business.

Ashley: Okay, come on.
Big smiles.

Come on.
That's it.

Great. Got it.

No! No! No!

Whoa! Catch!

[ Screams ]

[ Sighs ]

No, thanks.

I'm so sorry.

Just an accident.

It's okay.
I must've startled you.

Yes, you did.

You see, um, well,

we would prefer
our pictures not be taken.

My father
is extremely camera shy.

Well, it won't happen again,
believe me.

I can take a hint.

I am sorry.

Well, you could make it up
to me over dinner.

I don't think so.

Ah, another hint.

Well, I would,
but, uh, I can't.

Well, I better go dry off

before I catch my death
of humiliation.

That's a joke.

Good catch.

You need to calm down,

Incidents like this can only
draw attention our way.


When can we meet?

Not now.

wasn't that him?

It was, yes.

But why didn't you --

now is not the time.

It will happen.
Trust me.



Are you crazy?

What are you doing?

I just wanted to apologize
for this morning.

But you're feet
over the ocean.

You could
get yourself k*lled.

-I want you to forgive me.
-I forgive you.

Now, please climb back up.

You mean it?


So, uh, how about dinner?

We'll talk about dinner
after you climb up.

No. Tell me now.
I'm slippin'.

Okay. All right. All right.
I'll go to dinner with you.

Just please climb back up.

Well, what time's good
for you?


Just get up there.

I'll see you at : .


Well, hello.

Excuse me, miss.
You forgot your towel.

Oh, my goodness.


Oh, ace! Well, we've just been
looking at your pictures.

-Uh, very nice.
-Well, thank you, captain.

No water damage at all.

Oh, great.
Everybody's heard about it.

Yeah, maybe you should get
yourself a camera that floats.

Good idea, sir.
Thank you.

Carry on, ace.


[ Mockingly ] Bye.

Felice, listen to this.

I got the results
of the poll in the south.

We're running points higher
than we expected.

That's nice, Bob.

"That's nice, Bob"?
It's terrific, tremendous!

I'm practically
the front-runner.

I'm still running
behind no opinion,

but it's a start.


Now, maybe you can relax
and forget about it for a while.

I've got momentum, honey.
This is no time to coast.


please come down here.

Don't you know
how dangerous that is?

I've already agreed
to have dinner with you.

Hey, don't worry.
I trained three summers

with the flying sabatinis.
Now, they were crazy.

Did you know three of them
were legally blind?

I'm not taking another step
till you come down.


All right.

Hey, you're really scared,
aren't you?

I'm -- I'm sorry.

I -- I forget what I do
scares people.

I -- I just think
it's -- it's fun.

What's with you anyway?
Why do you do these things?

Because it's exciting and people
pay me a lot of money.

And that's worth
risking your life?

I don't look at it
like that.

Even when I was a kid,

I jumped off jungle gyms
and bailed out of swings.

I wasn't
the brightest kid.

[ Both laugh ]

I wasn't the cutest kid.

So stunts were my way
of getting people to notice me.

Well, that's sad.

You can comfort me later.
I really like being comforted.

You know, you're right.
You're not too bright.

But you are cute.

I'll settle for cute.

Bright guys don't get
that many girls.

[ All cheering ]

Thank you.

Excuse me, honey.

Well, hello again.

I'm sorry.
Have we met?

In the corridor.
I still have your towel.

I -- I don't know what you mean,
Mr., uh...

Adam bricker, the ship's doctor.

And you are...?
-Sorry, darling.

Hi, Bob townsend.

Dr. Bricker.

Uh, Dr. Bricker
seems to think we've met.

Something about a towel?

Oh, well,
it all happened so quickly.

I must've been
confusing you

with some other person
or some other towel.

Well, nice meeting you,


That doctor's
very strange.

Well, as long
as we stay healthy,

we have nothing
to worry about.

This is terrible.

How could such a thing
have happened?

Dmitri, please, calm down.

You were very careful.
It's not your fault.

Maybe not, but I'll be the one
who will pay the price

if copy of this gets
into the wrong hands.

Then we must make sure
there are no copies.


I do have a plan,
but I need both of you to help.

All right.

But if your plan doesn't work,
the deal is off.

It must.

We can't let this ruin
everything we work for.


I guess
there's not much more to tell.

I went with Alex
for years.

And when he asked me
to marry him,

I looked at this handsome,
intelligent, responsible,

secure man and said no.


Uh, he was boring.

How'd he take the news?

Like a responsible adult.

He said he understood and that
he wouldn't date for days

just in case
I changed my mind.

Sounds like
a real wild man.

Let's say we go
into puerto vallarta tomorrow

and Bury the guy.

I'd love to.

Only, it'll have
to be in the afternoon.

At : in the morning,

I'm jumping pink jeeps
on a rocket cycle.

I'm free after that,


I shouldn't have said anything.
Now you're gonna worry,

and there's really nothing
to worry about.

See, you know, I plan
these things out very carefully.

Hmm. Well,
that's very comforting to know.

Well, it's very technical.

But what it boils down to
is this --

I get on the rocket cycle,
and I go real fast.

And what about
the landing?

That's the tricky part.

That's really the only place
you could...

Get hurt.


[ Knock on door ]

Uh, just a moment.


Oh, sh**t.

Come on in.

I hope
I'm not interrupting.

Uh, no, no.
I was just finishing up.

I want to apologize
for my behavior today.

Don't worry about it.

What do you say
we go dancing?

Yeah, that sounds good to me.


Am I dressed right?

you are dressed perfectly.

Oh, for a moment
I thought gloves were required.

Ah, they're optional.

Shall we?

I'm sorry.
I just can't do this.

It's -- it's on my mind
too much.

What is it,
the Jeep jump again?

It's not the Jeep jump.
It's the Jeep jump landing.

Relax. It's just
the Jeep-jump jitters.

I'll make you forget.

Frank, I know we've only
known each other a short time,

but do you care about me,
even a little?

I care about you a lot.

Then please
don't do this stunt.

I have to do this stunt.

If that's
what you've decided,

I never want to
see you again.

Carol, you really don't expect
me to believe that, do you?


I just thought
it was worth a shot.

I -- I have to do the stunt.
I have a contract.

Tickets are sold.

They made t-shirts.

I can't back out.


Just promise me
you won't get hurt.

Scouts honor.

Cross my heart
and hope to --

bad --
bad choice of words.


I just can't believe it.

A few hours ago, you were acting
as if I was your enemy,

and now...

Well, you know,
we Russian girls

take a little longer
to warm up to people.


It has to do
with the long winters.

I like long winters.

I've never seen
so many bad pictures.

We don't have time
for a critique.

Let's just find the negatives
and get out of here.



Mrs. Townsend,
you've got to stop doing that.

You're a senator's wife.

Look, if you want my vote
that badly --

I think I'll take a bath.

A bath?

Oh, I don't think that's
a good idea, Mrs. Townsend.

There's no lifeguard
on duty.

Oh, not again.

Not here.

I can't take this.

Mrs. Townsend, please.
You're a role model.

Where am I?

What --
what are you doing here?

Me? Nothing, really.

We were standing here
and you jumped in.

Here, let me help you.

Get away from me.

It's okay.
I'm a doctor.

I don't understand.

The last thing I remember,
I was in bed.


Isn't it a little late
to be skinny-dipping.

Hi. Did I mention
I was a doctor?

[ Elevator bell dings

[ sighs ]




Good morning, passengers.

We are now serving
our delicious breakfast buffet

on the starlight deck.

The truth is,
I'm innocent.

I'm not having an affair
with the senator's wife.

Well, maybe you should go to him
and explain.

What am I gonna say?

Your wife
keeps taking her clothes off

and throwing herself into
my arms but it's not my fault.

Would you believe that?

I barely believe it
and I'm your friend.

Adam, I suggest
you avoid seeing her

for the rest
of the voyage.

She seemed so confused
last night.

In the pool
she said the last thing

she remembered
was being in bed.

What am I,
stupid or something?

It's staring me
right in the face.

That could explain

Well, I guess talking to me
helped, right Adam?

No offense, merrill,
but you were no help at all.

This was all me.

I'm brilliant.

I must've helped some.

I'm the captain.

Anna, there you are.

I've been
looking all over for you.

You're not gonna believe
what happened last night.


Somebody broke into my darkroom
and tore it to shreds.

I was up the entire night
putting it back together.

That's terrible.
Was anything stolen?

that's the weird part.

I didn't think so
at first.

And then I went
through my negatives

and I discovered
that a lot were missing.

With there negatives gone
there is no way

of telling what was
in those pictures, is there?

that's what someone thinks,

but that's
where I've outsmarted 'em.

See, it just so happens that I
always run off

a duplicate batch of photos
on each role.

-You do?
-Yeah, that way

I'm covered if I drop something
in the wrong solution.

You know, we photographers work
in the dark.

You see, we only have
this little red light --

uh, well,

Look who's in each one
of these photographs.


Oh, it's the man who is going
to jump over the jeeps.

But I don't get it.

I mean, why would he
want to destroy my darkroom?

Well, there is
no real harm done.

Why don't you forget
about it?

No way. I'm gonna
find Mr. Hotshot daredevil

and tell him
exactly what I think of him.

I'll see you.


[ Clears throat ]
Excuse me, Mr. Hobbs.

if you wanted an extra copy

of these photographs
all you do was ask me.

You didn't have to ransack
my darkroom for the negatives.

Uh, look, no offense,
but there's really no reason

I'd want
any of these pictures.

They're out of focus
and badly framed.

Well, the ship was moving.

Look, I've got plenty
of pictures.

Uh, thanks anyway.

I've ironed out the snags
in the lido deck number --

you see, we do it to this song
called "it's raining men,"

and then we get these cute guys
to come over and --

come on, you guys.
Loosen up.

How can you eat all that?

Aren't you
the least bit nervous?

I always eat big
before a stunt.

Why, because it might be
your last meal?

Carol, relax.
It's going to be a great jump.

You're gonna love it.

I'm not gonna love it,

'cause I'm not
gonna be there.

What do you mean?
I got you a great seat

right next to the landing.

Oh, good. That way
I can be the first person

to know when you
break every bone in your body.

No, thank you very much.

That's okay, I understand.
I'll tell you what.

We'll get together
after the jump

and we'll have
a great time.

Oh, great.

Now look what I've done.

Well, I can't change suits.

My other one isn't --

isn't what?

Is that
what you were gonna say?

My god,
I'm never gonna see you again.

This is too much.

It doesn't mean anything.

It's just for insurance.

There's hardly ever any fire.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome
to romantic puerto vallarta.

We hope you enjoy
a memorable visit

to this beautiful
Mexican resort town.


Uh, senator.

You do well to keep
out of my way, doctor.

If you have a minute, I think
I can explain

your wife's odd behavior.

Ah, well let's blame it all
on my wife

like the true gentleman
you are.

There's nothing
to blame anybody for.

We're both innocent,

You've got minutes.

All right.

What do you know
about somnambulism?


You're gonna claim
that's what felice is doing?

Well, that's my theory.

People who sleepwalk
seem to be awake

and in control
of themselves

when actually they don't know
what they're doing or saying.

It's pretty far-fetched.

Well, would you rather believe
your wife's unfaithful.

Senator, I'm not asking you
to take my word

that your wife's
a sleepwalker.

Why don't you stay up tonight
and watch her?

Find out for yourself.

If you love her,
you owe her that much.


He should be here
any minute.

I hope he isn't hurt
too badly.

To think I had a ticket.

I could've seen
this whole thing.

Well, I mean they're
bringing him back to the ship.

How bad could it be?



Frank, are you all right?

I'm fine.
I'm fine.

They gave me a sedative,
but I don't think it's working.

See, I told you
they'd bring him back.

No problem.

Ladies and gentlemen,
as we set sail for home

we know you're taking with you
many fond memories

of a fabulous day
in puerto vallarta.

Enjoy your evening aboard ship.

Ace, my first instinct
is to tell you are overreacting.


Sir, I spent the entire day
investigating this

and it all fits together.

Don't you see
what I'm saying?

It's hear
what you're saying.

And you haven't said

You came into my office,
you threw a picture on my desk

and you said high treason
had been committed on my ship.

All right.

This passenger, Dr. Petrovska,
works at Stanford.

Get it?

Nuclear research?

And here he is exchanging
envelopes with another Russian.

And you know
who that other Russian is?

Give me a hint.

Is he in
the entertainment business?

Sir, I'm serious.

I checked
the passenger records.

This is Dmitri kostov.

He's from the Soviet embassy
in Mexico City.

Huh? Huh?

He got off the ship
this afternoon

and never reboarded.

Huh? Huh?

-I'm telling you, sir,

this is espionage
at the highest level.

Oh, ace. There must be
an infinite number

of explanations for this.

Okay, then how you do you
explain the stolen photographs

and the missing negatives?
Huh? Huh?

Well, I suppose
it is worth looking into.

You take the picture.

Once we get back to port,
I'll have an FBI agent meet us,

and they can take it
from there.

All right.

If that's the way
you want to handle it.

[ Knock on door ]

Come in.

Oh, frank.
I'm so sorry.

Afraid something like this
might happen.

Oh, that didn't hurt,
did it?

No, actually,
it's kinda numb right there,

but it sounded
like a great kiss.

Oh, look at you.

look at the bright side.

I set a brand-new world record
out there today --

/ jeeps.

[ Chuckles ]

What's this?

Something to commemorate
the occasion.

I bought it
at the hospital gift shop.

An etch a sketch.

I couldn't get
the ambulance driver

to stop
at a jewelry store.

Let's just be thankful

you didn't
get yourself k*lled today.

Well, this sort of thing goes
with the territory.

I got off easy this time.

I'm conscious,
and I'm talking.

You're not thinking
of doing this again, are you?

So I'll be laid up
a couple of months. Big deal.

I'll catch up
on my motorcycle magazines.

The Lincoln nosedive
off mount rushmore

isn't until November.

There's no sense talking to you,

'cause it's obvious your brain
wasn't wearing a seat belt.


[ Door closes ]

[ Door opens, closes ]


Hi. Mm.

Turned in pretty early
tonight, huh?

I'm gonna miss that.

Do you know
where you are?

Of course I do, Bob.

Come on.
It's bedtime.

Uh, maybe I better take you back
to your cabin.

Kiss me, Mr. President.

Mrs. Townsend, please.
You'd better come with me.

Uh, I can't leave the cabin
dressed like this.

All right.

Then you stay here,
and I'll be right back, okay?

but don't be gone long.

I'm feeling romantic.

I'll -- hello.
Um, I'll [stammers]

I'll hurry.

I don't know why the girls
won't listen to me.

A dance number on the lido deck
isn't such a bad idea.

I can see it.

I really can.

It's so clear.

All: Hi. This your mermaid
weather station.


And have we got news for you.

Better listen.

Get ready, all you lonely girls,

and leave those umbrellas
at home.

All right.

♪ Humidity's rising ♪

♪ mm, rising ♪

♪ barometer's getting low ♪

How low, girls?

♪ According to all sources ♪

What sources?

♪ The street's the place to go ♪

♪ 'cause tonight,
for the first time ♪

♪ just about half past ♪

♪ for the first time
in history ♪

♪ it's gonna start raining men ♪

♪ it's raining men ♪

♪ hallelujah,
it's raining men ♪

♪ amen ♪

♪ I'm gonna go out ♪

♪ I'm gonna let myself get ♪

♪ absolutely soaking wet ♪

♪ it's raining men ♪

♪ hallelujah,
it's raining men ♪

♪ every specimen ♪

♪ tall, blond, dark, and mean ♪

♪ rough and tough
and strong and lean ♪

♪ it's raining men ♪

♪ hallelujah ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ god bless mother nature ♪

♪ she's a single woman, too ♪

♪ she took over heaven ♪

♪ and she did what had to do ♪

♪ she taught every angel ♪

♪ to rearrange the sky ♪

♪ so that each and every woman ♪

♪ could find the perfect guy ♪

♪ it's raining men ♪

♪ hallelujah,
it's raining men ♪

♪ amen ♪

♪ it's raining men ♪

♪ hallelujah,
it's raining men ♪

♪ amen,
it's raining men ♪

Amy. We're on soon.
What are you doing?

Oh, just thinkin'
about the lido deck number.

Amy, I'm your friend,
so I'm gonna be kind.

Your idea stinks.

I guess so.

♪ It's raining men ♪

♪ hallelujah,
it's raining men ♪

♪ amen ♪

♪ it's raining men ♪

♪ hallelujah,
it's raining men ♪



She's waiting
by the rail.

She's gone. Look.

Oh, we'd better hurry.

She's hasn't got much left
to shed.

Come on.

Hello, ace.


I thought we could spend
some time together.

[ Chuckles lightly ]

If you're after the picture,
forget it.

I need that picture, ace.

Over my dead body.

Uh, let me rephrase that.

The picture.


But the captain has a copy.

It's not gonna do you
any good.

The captain?

He knows about this?

Oh, he knows it all.

He's radioed ahead
to the FBI.

They're gonna meet us
when we dock.


Your little spy game is over,
Ms. Petrovska,

if that's your real name.


What are you talking about?

Don't play dumb with me.

We know that your father's been
passing top-secret technology

to the Soviet embassy
in Mexico City.

Oh, my god.


I've got you covered.

Put 'em up.

Ace, put the g*n down.
It's not real.


What do you think you're dealing
with here, a rank amateur here?

Huh? Huh?

It's a cigarette lighter.

[ Chuckles lightly ]

You'd think the kgb
would give you a real g*n.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Come on, dice.
Come on, dice.

Let's do it twice!

[ All cheering ]

I don't believe it.
It's a gift.

I don't know
where it comes from.

what are you doin' down here?

You should be resting
in bed.

Well, I don't know.
I just -- I -- I feel lucky.

Come on, seven!
Daddy needs a Walker!

How'd I do?

Snake eyes.
It's a loser.



I guess my streak's over.

I need to talk to you.

Whoa, wait. Hang on. Uh, here,
susie, for your trouble.

Uh, wait.

My chips, Carol.
My chips.

I'm not ca-- hey.

Not important.


Place your bets.

-Place your bets please.
-Here we go again.

All right.

Excuse me, ma'am.


Uh, ma'am, excuse me.

You're on my number,
and I just won.

So you think maybe --
maybe you move over

to the crap table, hmm?

Excuse me.
Come on, dear.

It's time for bed.

That's still good, right?
All right.

Let's hear some chatter.



Here it goes.

I think
you're a wonderful person.

You know, in days,
I've had more fun with you

than the years
I spent with Mr. Boring.

But I just can't function
this crazy kind of relationship.

I won't live my life
always in fear

that you're gonna come back
to me in a basket

or maybe not even at all.

I'm sorry, frank.

That's the way it is.

Carol, wait.

Ple-- come back.

Carol. Wait.

Please, come back.

How am I gonna get back
to my cabin?


I believe you're not a spy.

But I still have these
photographs of your father,

a doctor at Stanford, passing
envelopes to a Russian diplomat.

My father is a doctor,
a doctor of physical education.

He coaches
the gymnastics team.


Those envelopes contain
sensitive documents, all right?

Love letters.

Love letters?

To Dmitri kostov?

No, to my mother.

My father came
to the United States

on a cultural exchange
years ago and defected.

Dmitri kostov
is my father's friend,

and he's taking a great risk
passing letters

back and forth
between my father and my mother,

who is still in Russia.

Hmm. What would the Russian
government do if they found out?

Well, it could jeopardize
my mother's chances

of joining us here.

So they're forbidden
to communicate?


It's a very delicate
international situation.

If that picture is made public
in any kind of way --

say no more.

This is not at all
what I thought it was.

The captain
doesn't really have a print.

I was just saying that
to save my life.

Thank you.

But I am still a little
disappointed, though.

I mean, those kisses
of yours were rather convincing.

In fact,
you had me fooled.

I guess fooling me
is pretty easy.

Now, that one
was pretty real.



Oh, no!

Not the dom peérignon.

Now, where were we?


[ Knock on door ]

Come in.

Thanks for the ride,

Sorry it took me so long,
but I was stranded on deck

until Cecil came by.

I'm sorry.
I -- I didn't think to --

no. No, that's okay.

Sitting alone up there really
gave me some time to think.

And you know
what came to mind?


All the times
I've been in a cast,

there's always been
one spot

I can't reach
that really itches.

Maybe it's time I gave up
this crazy business.

Do you really mean that?


Something's changed.

That kid who used to
jump off jungle gyms

doesn't need that kind
of attention anymore

if he's got you.

It's time I settled into
a nice, easy routine job.

Oh, frank.
That's wonderful.


Starting next week, I'm looking
for work as a stuntman

in Hollywood.

That's it?

That's your nice,
easy routine job?

Well, maybe I'll come home

with a few bumps and bruises
now and then,

but I'm more likely
to stay in one piece.

That's better, isn't it?

I guess that's better.

I love you, frank.

I love you too.

[ Chuckles lightly ]

It's a miracle.
I can walk.

I can walk.

I wonder
what else I can do.

[ Chuckles ]



It's one of those
catch- s, felice.

The more you worried about Bob's
overworking, the more anxious

and tense you became,
the more you'd sleepwalk.

This morning
was the first time

that I woke up feeling refreshed
in a long time.

Well, sometimes,
potomac fever

can make a man lose sight
of what's happening at home.

It was a privilege
to have you onboard, Bob.

That's senator now.
The cruise is over.

Thank you.

-Thank you. Bye now.


I like a president
with a sense of humor.

Can I get you folks
a cab?

No, thank you.

I have my car here.

I'll take frank home.

Not on the freeway.

Ha-- have you seen
how they drive out here?

Absolutely no concern
for safety.


Couldn't we take
surface streets.

I'm sure we could get there
on surface streets.

Ace, I must apologize
for the trouble we caused you.

Oh, hey, I'm always willing
to sacrifice some photographs

for the improvement
of international relations.

-Thank you so much.
-My pleasure.

Thank you.

Well, I hope that,
uh, we can see each other again.

You'll have dinner with us
when my mother arrives.

She can cook the chefs
at the Russian tea room

under the table.

[ Laughs ]



Well, well.

Looks like you made quite
an impression on Anna.

Oh, I don't know.

Falling into the pool,
setting the ship on fire.

I think
the guy's trying too hard.

Very funny.

