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09x09 - Roommates/Heartbreaker/Out of the Blue

Posted: 08/20/22 07:15
by bunniefuu

♪ Love ♪

♪ love exciting and new ♪

♪ come aboard ♪

♪ we're expecting you ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ love is life's
sweetest reward ♪

♪ let it flow ♪

♪ it floats back to you ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ soon will be making
another run ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ promises something
for everyone ♪

♪ set a course for adventure ♪

♪ your mind on a new romance ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ love won't hurt anymore ♪

♪ it's an open smile ♪

♪ on a friendly shore ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ soon will be making
another run ♪

♪ welcome aboard,
it's l-o-o-o-ove ♪

♪ welcome aboard, it's love ♪


May I have
your attention, please.

We hope you have enjoyed
your day in acapulco.

We will be leaving in hour
and ask that all new passengers

please check
in at the purser's lobby.

Uh, hold that pose.

Enjoy your cruise.

Hold that pose.

When he says hold that pose,
he means hold that pose.

I -- I'm sorry, it's just
that you look an awful lot

like Randy Jackson,
the professional golfer.

He is
Randy Jackson.


Well, you know,
I'm a big fan of yours.

I once followed you
around the U.S. open one year.

Well, you must not have had
that camera,

or I'd remember you.

[ Laughs ]

This is
Christine Bradley.

Oh, hi,
uh, ace Evans.

Well, you look great.

That was a tough break,

you having to go into
the hospital.

Oh not really.

If it hadn't been
for the surgery,

I'd never
have met Christine.

I think he just
wanted a new caddy.

[ Laughs ]

-Come on.

=hey, bye.

-Enjoy your cruise.
-Thanks a lot.

-Golfer, huh?

What was wrong with him?
Shoulder, wrist?

Heart transplant.

-Heart transplant?


I thought you were gonna
be back early to help me.

I was.

But Judy, I found this terrific
little shop in acapulco.

Nobody spoke
a word of English,

but I think
I got some terrific deals.

So I see.
Well, hurry and change, okay?


What's this?

Vicki, I thought
you were staying on board

to study
for your college entrance exam.

Well, dad, I was going to.

But then, I found out

that there was
this terrific little shop...

it is very important

that you get into
Richmond college.

There are very few schools
that allow students

to pursue their studies
on board a ship.

-I know.
-Well, if you know,

perhaps you better
start hitting the books

instead of
the bargain tables.

I'm on my way.


You can't sleep in your cabin
this cruise.


see if this rings true.

An attractive young girl,
not unlike you,

rushes out to this fantastic
sale in acapulco.

She forgets
to check her sink.

So while she's shopping,
oh, no!

The drip, drip, drip
of her partially open faucet

turns into a raging river,
which --

-my clothes!
-Your clothes are alive.

You're clothes are fine,
all right?

We could not, however,
save the carpet.

And the smell of wet wool
in your room

was enough to make
a strong man weep.

I get the picture.

We had to tear it all out.

I'm sorry.

Have a nice day.


[ Air horn blows ]

Ladies and gentlemen,

we hope you have enjoyed
your visit

to beautiful acapulco.

Our next stop
will be sunny manzanillo,

and then, on to Los Angeles.


[ Laughter ]

All: Three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

-So, Isaac...
-Yeah. me
that $ or not?

I'm a little short
till payday.

Gopher, you are always
a little short till payday.

You need to learn
how to budget your money.

You're right, Isaac.
Why don't you lend me $ ,

and then I'll save some
for next week.

Gopher, forget it.

Hi, Ms. Caldwell.
How are you?

Hello, Isaac.
I'd like, um, an orange juice.

Orange juice.

Ms. Caldwell, I'd like to ask
your opinion of something,

if I might.

What would you think
of two best friends,

one who needs a loan --
a little loan --

and the other best friend,

who has the first dime
that he ever made,

won't give it to him.

Are the two of you
the two best friends?

-We used to be, yes.
-I see.

Then, um, I think it's none
of my business.

[ Mockingly ] Hm-hm.

[ All murmuring ]

Oh, my god.

-What's wrong?
-What's going on?

-Hey. What's that?
-It's a manned parachute.

Man: Hey, who's he?

Cabot: Ahoy, there!

Greetings, greetings.

Bonjour, one and all.

Sorry I'm late.

I'm afraid I was, uh,
held up by a personal matter.

Cabot Fairfield.

Gopher Smith,
chief purser.


Parachute, huh?

I don't usually
make such dramatic arrivals,

but seemed like
such a fun thing to do.

I like to have fun,
don't you?

Right, fun.

I say, would you mind
looking after my luggage?

No need
to repack the parachute.

I don't see
any luggage, sir.


For your trouble.

This is $ .

Attention, everyone.

Champagne and caviar
at : in my suite.

Um, where is my suite?

This way, sir.

Who needs you?

Oh, wow.

You're hitting the ball
just like you used to.

Well, not quite.
But I'm getting there.

-You know, I'm even thinking

of going back out on a tour.

Can you do that right
after a heart transplant?

Only if you
could do it before.

[ Both laugh ]

Hey, um,
how about that lesson?

You play much?

Oh, nah.

Nah, I don't play much.

I don't know.

Golf seems to be
the one sport

that's always
eluded me somehow,

but I must admit,

I always wanted
to experience the thrill

of a -yard drive

[ Whistles ]
....Right down the old fairway.

Lesson number one --

you'll get more distance

if you take the sock
off the club.


Judy, it's Vicki.
Can you open the door?

Sure, sure.
Here I come.

-Come in, come in.
-[ Grunts ]

Now, you're sure you don't mind
sharing your cabin with me?

Oh, no, no,
of course not.

It'll be fun
having a roommate.

Oh, I cleared out a couple
of drawers over there for you.

Oh, great.

it might not be enough.

Oh, hey, listen,
don't worry about it.

I'll just squeeze in
wherever I can.


Oh, and since you'll spending
most of the cruise studying,

I, uh,
gave you the entire desk.

You know, you're beginning
to sound just like my father.

What is the big deal
about studying?

This is just a hunch,

but, uh, why do
I get the feeling

you aren't completely
prepared for this exam?

Good hunch.

How far along are you?

Well, I was planning
to start tonight.



You've been working out
pretty hard, Randy.

-You sure you're all right?
-Yeah, I'm fine, doc.

Just fine.

Stupid question.

You must be tired
of answering it.

Yeah, a little.

But I sure am glad to still
be around to hear it.

I'm still amazed
at what the human body can do.

You're quite
an inspiration.

I'm not so unique,
you know.

There are heart transplant

that run ks, play tennis.

There's even a woman bodybuilder
up in San Francisco.

-All I do is play golf.
-Aha! I found you.


Say hello
to Dr. Bricker.


Trying to hide out, huh?

Afraid to meet your match
on the shuffleboard court?

Okay, coach.

She's crazy about me.

-Hit the showers.


I'm going, I'm going.


Hi, I'm cabot Fairfield.
I just came aboard.

Nice to see you.

Hello, fellow passengers.

Hope to see you in my suite
at :

for champagne and caviar.

Hello, cabot Fairfield,
nice to see you.

All right.

Hi, cabot Fairfield here.
Nice to see you.

Whatever you're thinking,
it can't be all that bad.

It's that obvious,
is it?

Oh, I'm afraid so.

Uh, may I?

I'm sorry. Please sit.

-Thank you.

-I'm cabot Fairfield.
-Yes, I know.

I caught your entrance.

I'm Gina Caldwell.

-Ah, nice to meet you.
-Thank you.

Well, what is it?

Lose your luggage?

Cat go overboard? What?

No. I was just sitting here
trying to figure out

what to do with
the rest of my life.

Oh, that's easy.

You eat, you breathe,
you drink a little wine.

Whammo, you're .

What else?

I'll tell you something.

You take all the fun
out of being depressed.

-I'm sorry.
-Oh. [ Laughs ]

Truth is
that I'm a teacher.

Or, I should say, I was.

I lost my job last semester.


they cut off the funding

for my special education


I've got a terrific idea.

How about joining me
for dinner tonight?

I guarantee you,

I'll take your mind off of
every problem you have.

Yes, thank you.
That would be very nice.

-Till then.
-Till then.

Champagne, Isaac?

Oh, certainly.

You seem to be gaining

a lot of new friends,
Mr. Fairfield.

Ah, well, helping people gives
me a great deal of pleasure.

-Do you need any help?
-We might?

Tell me
your heart's desire.


Well, uh, Isaac and I,
for a couple of years,

have been
kicking around this idea

that we'd like
to open our own hotel.

Of course,
that's way down the line.

No, no, no,
wait a minute.

I have been
observing you two.

The way you deal
with the passengers,

anticipating their needs,
solving their problems --

I guarantee
you'll do very well at it.

What is it you need?

The land, the building,

All that.


Um, uh,
Mr. Fairfield, uh,

that's gonna cost
millions of dollars.

-Certainly you can't --
-he can do anything he wants.

Look, I want you to have
all your plans

finalized for this place

by the time we get
to Los Angeles.

Then it's goodbye ship,
hello, hotel.

Good stuff.


[ Knock on door ]

Can you help me?
I can't tie this stupid tie.


Mm. You look lovely tonight,

Thank you. So do you --

or you will,
once I tie this stupid tie.

Your hair smells nice.

I think I know
where this is going.

What's that perfume?

It's so -- so seductive.

I'm not wearing
any perfume.

Oh, I'm a goner.

Feeling frisky, are we?

I don't know,
it must be the sea air

or the gentle motion
of the ocean

or the throbbing
of the engine.

The beat, beat, beat
of the Tom-Toms?

Mm, you feel it too, huh?

Here, let me finish
dressing for dinner.

Why don't we...
Undress for dinner?


[ Laughter ]

-Good evening.
-Good evening, captain.

Where's Vicki?

I didn't notice any sale
at any of the shops.

Oh, she won't be coming
to dinner tonight, sir.

She didn't wanna take time
away from her studies.


You have a daughter in school,

Yes. She's studying
for her college entrance exam.

A daughter in college?

Well, that calls
for a celebration.

Oh, Fred!

Champagne for everyone,

So, Randy, you've become
something of a celebrity.

More now then before.

When people
recognize him now,

they either want a golf tip

or they wanna listen
to his heartbeat.

[ Both chuckle ]

I'm flattered
they're so interested.

-That's a very dramatic story.
-Yeah, I know it.

A year ago,
I thought my career,

maybe my life was over.

Now, today, I have more
than I ever had before.

Oh, I love romance.

How did you meet?

Uh, I was in the hospital

and she was
visiting someone.

Um, it was a girlfriend,
wasn't it, honey?

-Yeah, well, the front desk

gave her
the wrong room number

and there I was,
flat on my back,

feeling sorry for myself,

and in walks this angel.

what a fantastic story.

It was love at first sight,
am I right?

Well, it must've been.
She came back every day.

She got me to talk again.

She even got me laughing.

Oh, I love it.

Should be a movie.

Sit down, Fred.
You've got to hear this.

Would you mind telling
it again for Fred?

This is great.


Go ahead,
you were flat on your back.


I haven't felt so good
in years.

Neither have I, and I want
to thank you for that.


All I did was share dinner
with a very beautiful woman.


You really miss teaching,
don't you?

Yes, I do.

Well, you know, I, um,

I've got some sentences in
my room that need diagramming.

I was gonna send them up...
-Um, may I?

You've been keeping her
to yourself all night, cabot.

Well, that was my plan.

Okay, but I guess
I got to give you old guys

a break too, huh?

Okay, maybe you
could bring her back?


You look so happy,
so content.

What are you hiding?

Oh, nothing
that I know of.

But your life would be so
much more satisfying if only...

If only what?

I was hoping you'd tell me.

What are you getting at?

Your dream.

That secret desire
that's never been fulfilled.

What is it, merrill?

I don't think I have one.

You're tired.
Get a good night's sleep.

I'll expect your answer
by noon tomorrow.

[ Humming ]

Well, of course.

Fine service
and elegant surroundings

have always taken a backseat

to flaming fruit drinks
with little umbrellas in them.

Well maybe if I serve enough
of those flaming drinks,

people will not notice

that there aren't any windows
in their rooms.

Some have windows.

If cabot sees us
fighting like this,

he's gonna drop
the whole thing.

Now we have got
to put up a united front.

Good evening, gentlemen.

-Sir, good evening.
-Uh, hi, captain.

I should know about.

Oh, well, Isaac and I
were just looking over

the plan of our hotel

which Mr. Fairfield
is going to build for us.

He's building you
a hotel?

Well, that must cost
millions of dollars.

Yeah. $ . million.

Gopher and I are going
into business together,

and he's drawn
up the floor plans.

Oh, thanks.

Uh, why all the closets?

Those are rooms.

Without any windows.


Good evening, everyone.

Beautiful night for romance,
isn't it?


That man has style.

And grace.

And money.

He's building you
a hotel?


Are you all right?

Fine, fine.
Never better.

Say, Vicki.

Are you gonna be up
much longer?

Ah, I guess it looks
like an all-nighter.

That long, huh?

What are you doing?

I just had the sudden urge
to jog around the ship.

Oh, Judy, come on.

It's practically the middle
of the night.

Can't you wait
until morning?

If I don't get this
out of my system

I won't be able
to sleep a wink.

I'd hate for that
to happen.

Me too.


It's been a wonderful night.

Oh, it's been
a wonderful year.

For me too.

Christine, there's something
I've been wanting to ask you.


I love you Christine.

I want you to marry me.


I don't love you.

I've never loved you.


Excuse me.

Oh, it's you.

Wouldn't you be more comfortable
in your cabin?


I decided dorm life
is not for me.

Goodnight, dear.


Good morning, passengers.

We are now serving
our delicious breakfast buffet

on the starlight deck.

The ship offers
a breakfast buffet

as well as complete breakfast
service in the dining room.

Oh, is there a limit
to what we can eat?

As much as
your heart desires.

Oh, good.

Ms. McCoy?

Ms. McCoy, wait.
Um, excuse me please.


Uh, but first, uh,

why don't you help yourself
to some coffee.

And if it's not ready,

it's always interesting
to watch it brew.

Make this worthwhile.

I wish I could, sir.

I left a message about this tour
with Vicki last night.

She did tell you,
didn't she?

Oh, uh,
of course she did, sir.


it's just that something
came up, you see...

You look, it's not necessary
to tell me

about your personal life.

Just do something about this
before someone else sees you.

Yes, sir.

I usually look better.


We hope you enjoy
your visit to manzanillo.

We'll be anchored
for four hours.

First launch will leave
in minutes.



[ Sighs ]'ve got
to talk to me.

I have nothing
to say to you.

You can't ignore me
like this.

You won't answer your phone
and you won't open your door.

I think you owe me
an explanation.

I don't owe you anything.

Just tell me
what I did to upset you.

I don't wanna lose you.

It hurts to lose someone
you love, doesn't it?

Of course it does.

But why --
why do you wanna hurt me?

You can't walk out on me
like this.

It isn't fair.

A lot of things in life
aren't fair.


[ Exhales deeply ]


Vicki, wake up.



Vicki, did, um,

did your father leave a message
for me last night.

Oh, Judy, I'm sorry.

I forgot about the tour
this morning.

I take
full responsibility.

Uh, Vicki, I realize that,

um, you are under a lot
of pressure, uh,

and that staying up all night
to study

is, uh, no picnic.

I didn't stay up all night.


Well, the tape
in my walkman broke

and I can't study
without it.

So I went to bed.

Do you mean to tell me

that you spent the entire night
in that bed

with my grandmother's

What is wrong?

Would you like to know
where I spent the night?

Only if you want
to tell me.

This is not girl talk,

This is a story of a person

who ended up
spending the night

on a table,
in the laundry.

Where at :
this morning...

Men dumped dirty towels
on her face.

Well, no wonder
you look so awful.

You're darn right
I look awful.

And I feel awful.

And do you
want to know why?

Because of you.

Because you are irresponsible,

and not a nice person.



We will be leaving manzanillo
in minutes.

All guests should please
go ashore at this time.

Have you figured out
what you're going to do.

Uh, I'm gonna try
and knock your off.

Huh, fat chance.

No, no, no.
I mean about your work.



Let me ask you something.

If you could do anything
you wanted to do,

had a blank check,
no questions asked,

what would your dream be?

I don't know.

Oh, I've always wanted
to have a school of my own

for children
with learning disabilities,

one where I didn't have
to worry about the budget,

just about the children.

That sounds wonderful.

Yes, it would be.

But, it's only a dream.

What's wrong with dreams?

They never come true.

Oh, boy.

Once Walt Disney died,
everybody lost hope.

I'm just being realistic.

Would a half a million
get you started?

Would half a million
get me started?

You want to give me
a whole school?

Well a whole school
is better than half a school,

don't you think?

No, cabot,
I can't let you do it.

Having your own school
would make you happy,

wouldn't it?

then consider it done.

If you're happy,
So am I.

Thank you.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

We hope you enjoyed
your manzanillo.

Our next stop will be
the port of Los Angeles.

Cabot: Pull!

All: Ooh.

Wouldn't you agree, sir,

that the hotel would be better
being the reflection

of just one man's vision?

Good point, gopher.

Unless, of course,

that vision is clouded
with incredibly bad taste.


Both: Nice shot!

But I missed.

But your form,
it was beautiful.

I feel that my unbridled
enthusiasm for this project

makes me a natural
to be the one in charge.

I love enthusiasm.

Yes, but my willingness
to go that extra mile

should be taken
into consideration.

I couldn't agree more.

[ g*nsh*t ]


I'm for .

I think
I'm losing my touch.

The sun was probably
in your eyes.

I'm sure that's it.

Say, Isaac,
why don't you go that extra mile

and get cabot
his sunglasses.

Gopher, why don't you
unbridle some of that enthusiasm

and get it yourself.

I don't think
this g*n travels well.

Some united front.

[ Chuckles, scoffs ]


[ Bell rings ]

[ All cheering ]

eight's the point.

I can do it.
I can do it.

Put your money down on me,

Come along with daddy.
I can do it.

Let's go.
Lemme...Give me an eight.


[ All cheering ]

Woman: All right!

Let me have those dice.
Bring those dice to daddy.

Excuse me, Mr. Fairfield,

may I speak to you
for a moment please?

Oh, certainly.

Divide this among these
good people, would you?

-Thank you!

Thank you!
Thanks for your support.

I owe you an apology.

I'm afraid I've been
a bit skeptical

about your generosity.

Really? Why?

Well, it's not every day
we have a multi-millionaire

come aboard
lavishing praise on my crew,

extravagant things.

That reminds me.
You owe me a wish.

Cabot, I had a silly idea

that perhaps you were not
who you said you were.

So I called
Fairfield industries.



I spoke to your brother,

and he said
that you are definitely you.

Always have been.

I suppose Edgar
told you all about me.

He said
you had a problem.

He's my problem.

Mr. Fairfield, you have to stop
what you're doing.

Why? Is it wrong to make
people's dreams come true.

It is when you can't.

Ladies and gentlemen,

the international lounge
proudly presents the mermaids.


♪ he said,
"baby what's wrong with you?" ♪

♪ why don't you use
your imagination? ♪

♪ Oh no, oh, no ♪

♪ nations go to w*r
over women like you ♪

♪ it's just a form
of appreciation ♪

♪ come over here,
lay your clothes on the chair ♪

♪ now let the lace
fall across your shoulder ♪

♪ oh, no, oh, no ♪

♪ standing in the half-light,
you're almost like her ♪

♪ take it slow
like your daddy told ya ♪

♪ strut, pout, put it out ♪

♪ that's what you want
from women ♪

♪ come on baby,
what you taking me for? ♪

♪ Strut, pout, cut it out ♪

♪ all taking and no giving ♪

♪ watch me baby
while I walk out your door ♪

♪ I won't be your baby doll ♪

♪ be your baby doll ♪

♪ I won't be your baby doll ♪

♪ be your baby doll ♪


[ Cheers and applause ]


♪ Strut, pout, put it out ♪

♪ that's what you want
from women ♪

♪ come on baby,
what you taking me for? ♪

♪ Strut, pout, cut it out ♪

♪ all taking and no giving ♪

♪ watch me baby
while I walk out the door ♪





[ Cheers and applause ]


Uh, do you mind
if I sit down for a moment?

-Great, thanks.

Well, Christine,
I'm worried about Randy.

He's not feeling well.

It's not his heart, is it?

No, no.
Physically he's fine.

Doc checked him out.

Oh, that's good.
I'm glad.

But emotionally,

he's not the same guy
that boarded the ship.

He's probably just tired.

Look, we both know
how important

a person's state of mind
is to their health.

And Randy
is pretty low right now.

Look, Christine, I know
it's none of my business.

But something happened
between the two of you

that put him
in this shape.

There's nothing anyone else
can do that's gonna help.

You are the one
that he needs.


[ Knock on door ]



I thought you never wanted
to see me again.

Can I come in?

I heard you
weren't feeling well.

Well, I've felt better.

Maybe I should start

by explaining
why I did what I did.

that sounds like a start.

I wanted to hurt you.

Well, you're very good
at what you do.

You see, my father was in
the same hospital as you were.

He was waiting
for a heart donor,

just like you.

He was very hopeful.

He always had such a --
a positive attitude.

He just knew
a donor would turn up

and he'd make it.

He even promised me
that he'd live.

And then
a donor was located

and my father
was passed over.

They chose you to live.

My father died.

I'm sorry
about your father.


I hated the hospital
for choosing you.

[ Sighs ]

They don't make these decisions
on a whim.

Committees of doctors

Donors are matched up
by blood type,

body weight, age,
a lot of things.

They told me all that.
I didn't care.

All I cared about was
that my father was dying,

and some hot-shot golf pro
was gonna live in his place.

I hated them,
and I hated you.

Revenge isn't as sweet
as I thought it would be.

That's too bad

because your plan
worked beautifully.

I really
fell in love with you.

My plan
didn't work at all.

I fell in love
with you, too.


I know you can never
forgive me for what I did.

I'm not sure
I can forgive myself.



I can't believe this.

Well, believe it.

Everything is just the way
you like it.


Your beds are made

The shoes are arranged

And just to make your life
a little more perfect,

i'm leaving.


Now look, Vicki.

The problem here isn't
that I am a neat freak

and you are less neat.

Well, that seems like
the problem to me.

Vicki, you straightened up

the mess you made in my cabin
easily enough

but now we have to straighten
out things between us.

I cleaned your room.
What more do you want?

What I want --

what I want...

Is to know why you are going
out of your way

to flunk this exam.

Oh, you know, it always
goes back to that, doesn't it?

let me tell you something.

Even if I studied
from now until Christmas,

there is still no way
that I could pass.

And that's why you haven't
tried to study at all?

I have tried.

But every single time I do,

all I can see is myself
opening a letter that says,

"we're sorry Ms. Stubing,

but you're just
not college material."


It's scary having all
that pressure on you, isn't it?

I just...

[ Sighs ]

I just don't wanna
let my father down.

Oh, honey. Honey.

You could've saved us
a lot of pain

if you'd just told me
how you felt before this.

I don't know...I --
I didn't think you'd understand.

I mean, everything
is always so easy for you.

I said school was fun.
I didn't say it was easy.

Do you still
wanna help me?

Of course I do.

Only this time,
I wanna do it right.

Now, are you ready
to work hard?

What are
we waiting for?


Uh, you can do that

This has been
a wonderful time for me.

Me, too.

I hate to see it end.

Does it have to?

I mean,
couldn't we see each other

after the cruise, I mean.

No, I'm afraid
that's not possible, Gina.

I mean, it's not
that I don't want to.

It's just that I, uh...

[ Sighs ]

You see, I'm not exactly
what I appear to be.

I don't understand.

I see hope shining
in people's eyes.

I wanna make that hope
a reality.

So I tell them I can.

But you can't?

Well, not exactly.

But it's not my fault.

It's my brother, Edgar.

He won't let me spend
any of the family money.

He says if it was up to me
I'd give it all away.

Well, would you?


What good does it do

sitting around in banks
and stocks and bonds.

I mean,
my way's a lot more fun.

But what happens
when people find out

you can't keep
your promises?

I'm not usually around.

Look, I don't mean
to harm anybody.

I just see people hurting
and I wanna make them happy.

My father always said
I lived in a dream world.

That's why he left the control
of all the money to Edgar.

It makes me angry.

I want to make people happy.
I don't see why I can't.

Don't you see, cabot?

Promising me my own school
wasn't what made me happy.

It was you --

being with you.

Money didn't matter.

I'm sorry for you
that you can't see that.


[ Knock on door ]


Ace gave me a bottle
of champagne,

and I told him I couldn't
drink it all by myself.

I'm a former heart patient,
you know?

Yeah, I know.

Know anybody
I can share it with?

How 'bout
a former self-pitying jerk?

You, uh, know
where I can find one.

How about the one
you're holding in your arms?

Mm, I don't know.

I'm pretty picky about
the jerks I hang around with.

Are we gonna keep up
this patter all night

or are you gonna kiss me?


Captain, I --
I want to apologize to you

if I've caused you
any trouble.

Oh, no.
No apologies necessary.

I -- I didn't get a chance
to say goodbye to Gina.

But I have a feeling

we'll be seeing each other
again very soon.

I'm glad to hear that.

Captain, would you
do me a favor?

Would you give these
to Isaac and gopher?

It's an explanation

for why I can't buy them
that hotel.

I'm sure they're going
to be terribly disappointed.

My pleasure.

Well, goodbye.


There's Edgar,
my tight-wad brother.

He looks very nice.

Sure, but just get him
to try to part

with a lousy
couple of million.

The man steals magazines
from his barber.

Uh, Edgar, over here.

Well, cabot,
you've done it again.

Well, you know me, kid.
I keep trying.

Oh, this is my friend,
captain stubing.

-Hi, captain.

You should be proud of me.

This time
I only spent grand.

A new record.

You know, he's made some
outrageous promises in his day,

but last night
after he called me,

I did some checking.

Miss Caldwell has
a quite a reputation

in the field
of special education.

You see, I told you.

Well, this time
I'm going to help cabot

follow through
on his promise.

The Fairfield foundation
is going to finance her school.

Would you please give this
to miss Caldwell,

of cabot Fairfield.

Well, well.
Feels good, doesn't it.

I'm sure Gina
will be very grateful.

Well, thank you again,


-Good news, Edgar.

I've got a suitcase full
of those little soaps you like.


Have you seen cabot?

Oh, I'm afraid
he's already gone.

But, uh, he wanted me
to give you this.

That's her check.

I don't believe it.

He really did it.

I guess some of us
underestimated him.


I owe him an apology.

Goodbye, captain.

Goodbye, miss Caldwell.

-So long.

Well, I guess you saw that.
Cabot bought her a school.

Hotels, schools,

who says
there isn't a Santa claus.

So you two are still going
through with the hotel?

Oh, it's not that
we're dissatisfied, merrill,

but we really enjoyed
working for you here.

But there comes a time

when a man's
just gotta move on.

Right on, move on.

Yeah, you've gotta
go for that brass ring.

You've gotta go for that pot
at the end of the rainbow.

-Uh, where's cabot?
-I'm afraid he's long gone.

But he left a little something
to put in your pot.

Isaac: Mm.
