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04x34 - A Duel with Dartz – Part 2

Posted: 08/19/22 17:06
by bunniefuu
Yami-yugi, voice-over:
previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

I'll use the power
of underworld circle

To bring back
my guardian grarl.

Next, I'll activate
my soul charge magic card,

Allowing me to summon
even more monsters
from my graveyard.

Each monster I
brought back from the grave
cost me points.

Game over.

the seal of orichalcos

Is powered by
the darkness within
the person who plays it.

Rafael was able to
conquer that darkness.

I'm free.


what's going on?

Oh, no.

Tristan: what?
Is it an earthquake?

I'm afraid it's much
worse than that.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

the building's

Oh, no.

get out of here
while you can.

You don't have
much time.

He's right,

we're too late.

There goes our ride down.

Oh, great.

We're stranded.

Roland: mr. Kaiba, up here.

look! It's roland.

we're saved!

Come on, follow me.

let's go, dorks.


We're almost out.

Hang in there.

I'll try.


Hold on!

The pharaoh's
still out there.


We gotta go back
for them!

We have to leave now,
mr. Kaiba.

Say what?

what are you doing?

Rafael, no!

Hang on.

I won't leave
without you.

Take this.

Don't lose it.

You'll need it
if you're planning
to take out dartz.

What is it?

Sir, please,
we have to go.


Mr. Kaiba, quickly!

Take my hand!

Go while you can.


Let's go, man.

We're right here.


And do it fast!


Check it out.

It's some kind of
ancient temple
or something.

I guess that's what
paradius headquarters
really looks like.

I can't say
I'm surprised.

I think there's
more to dartz than meets
the eye, as well.

Kaiba, have
a look at this.

What's that?

It's some kind of
computer chip.

Rafael gave it
to me.

well, anything?

it looks like a map.

To where?

To dartz's lair.



Follow this map.

Right away,

We've got company.

Tristan: great.

Does dartz have
his own air force?

I think he wants us
to follow them.

Like we have a choice.

slow down!

What's your problem?

See for yourself!

On second thought...

Step on it, duke.

- , Bec.

We're surrounded!

Then it's time
for plan "b."

Get back here!

All right, freaks,
it's go time.

Ancient soldiers
of the orichalcos,
return to me at once.

Yes, come home,
my children.

We must prepare
for the next phase
of our battle.


Roland: mr. Kaiba,
it appears they've led us

To a government
air force base.

Tristan: just so
I'm clear on this,

You're good guys,

Man: we'd like
to think so.

After all,
it is our duty to protect
and serve the public.

In fact, we
tracked you kids down

Because we need your help

Dealing with
a world-wide threat.

Crazy as it sounds,
we think our only hope
may lie in a card game.

You're right.

Someone is using
the game of duel monsters
to wipe us out.

Man: now you understand
why we need you.

Who better
to stop this menace

Than the duel monsters

I see.

So if I'm not

You're asking us
to do your job.

The fact is we've
been following dartz
around for months,

But he leaves
no evidence behind.

And with no proof,

My men and I
can't do a thing.

I'm telling you,

This is no
ordinary criminal,

And without you
we have nowhere
else to turn.

Man: I'm afraid
this is as far

As we're
permitted to go.

The rest is up to you.

Good luck out there,
and thank you.

You're doing
a great service.

I'm doing this
to save my company.

That may be,

But if you beat
this dartz character
in his own game,

You'll be saving
a lot more than
just your company.

Roland, let's move out.

Roland: we don't get paid
enough for this.

We should have been
at his headquarters
by now.

It's this weather, sir.

We can't see
a thing out there.

Before the age of atlantis
is ushered in,

The mighty sea shall rise
and the skies shall fall.

Only then
will paradise return.

Just stay calm.

I'm sure dartz
wants us
to reach him.

Hey, look.

That must be the place.

There's no turning back now.

Let's go.

We've arrived
at the heart of evil.

Do you always have
to be so dramatic?

Tristan: man,
and I thought pegasus
had a creepy pad.

Tea: yeah,
I'm not a big fan of
the whole snake motif.


Can't you wait outside?

Listen, we must
all stick together.

The five of us are
strongest as a team.

Tristan: dude, what's
with all these people
chiseled in stone?

They're not
just any people!

Take a look!

Yami-yugi: oh, no.

There's mai
and weevil!

This must be everyone
who lost their soul.


what a touching reunion.

Too bad your friends
turned out to
be a bunch of stiffs.


Yami-yugi: dartz.

You were expecting
someone else?

Well, due to
the carelessness
of my employees,

I'm the only one left.

You can't find
good help these days.

Look, I want
my company back,

So can the small talk.

Is that so?

Well, guess what.

We all want something.

As for me,
I want your souls
for my wall.

I even have
the spot picked out.

Save it, dartz.

It'll take a lot more
than a few party tricks
to scare me.

Now, for the last time,
release our friends.

That's not possible.

What do you mean?

I mean they've already
been put to use.

As we speak,
their life energy
supplies power

To the most
devastating creature
that ever lived.

Oh, great.

Now what?

My , -year-old
is almost complete.

Once I get you two,
the beast can rise.

Hold on!

You've been
collecting souls
for all those years?

Do you know
how many lives
you've destroyed?



And each one of them
deserved their fate.

Take a moment
and look around,
won't you?

Some of my favorite conquests
are in this very room.

And since it's taken me
millennia to complete,

It's quite
the history lesson.

He's right.

Look at the outfits
on these guys.

So some of these
people lived in
the past?

Now you're catching on.

Ever since
the great leviathan
was laid to rest,

I've been gathering
the energy necessary
to fuel its rebirth.

Come on, you expect us
to believe that junk?

Ye of little faith.

Just duel me
and I promise I'll make
a believer out of you,

For when you lose,
there will be
no denying my power.

Then let's stop talking
and start dueling.

You can't, kaiba--
not alone.

This lunatic
is far too dangerous.

So why don't you
join him?

And when I defeat you,

I'll get two souls
for the price of one.


All right.

Ready, kaiba?

I'm way ahead of you.

Don't worry,
I'll save you both.

Mark my words,
dartz is gonna pay.

Dartz: gentlemen,
let the games commence.

Oh, man.

This is it.

I'll go first.

Stand back.

I activate
the magic card
white dragon ritual.

That means
I can do this.

I discard
my vorse raider

In order to summon
paladin of white dragon.

But wait,
because here comes
the best part.

I sacrifice my paladin
to bring out my ultimate
fighting machine.

And now, meet blue-eyes
white dragon!

As much as I'd love
to blast you,

I'm not permitted
to attack

Since this
was my first move.

So I'll let my partner
take over now.

Don't mind if I do.

Here goes!

First, I'll activate

My black
luster ritual,

Which lets me

My valkyrion
the magna warrior

In order to summon
my black luster

That should give you
plenty to deal with,

So I'll end my turn.

All right!

Dartz better watch out.

They just summoned
two major league monsters
on their first turn.

Those pathetic creatures
may work in your
little card tournaments,

But I'm afraid
I play a completely
different game--

A game in which
the winner takes all

And the loser pays
the ultimate price.

This card was born
from the darkness itself.


Behold a power
that has existed
since the dawn of time,

The very power
that shall strip you
of your souls.

Oh, no.

The seal of orichalcos!




Do you feel that?

If you mean the sudden
drop in temperature

And that freaky
evil vibe in the air,

Then, yes, I do.

Me, too.

Dartz: now that I've set
the tone for this duel,

Allow me to continue.

Watch this.

orichalcos gigas!

I faced
this beast before,

And it was almost
impossible to destroy,

That's because last time
you didn't have me
to bail you out.

Next I'll sacrifice
of my life points.

That lets me summon
my orichalcos kyutora,

And thanks to the seal,

It gets an additional

All right,
I guess that'll
do for now.

Then allow me.



How sad.

I actually believed
I was up against
a talented duelist

Until I witnessed
your poor excuse
for an opening move.

You left two weak monsters
out on the field
with no protection,

And thanks to this,
I'm about to blow them away.

Guess you should
have thought twice
before challenging me.

I'm president
of the world's largest
gaming corporation.

You know why?

Because no one's mastered
the game of duel monsters
like I have.

So check this out!

I play the magic card

This lets me fuse
the two blue-eyes in my hand

With the one I have
on the field.

Show yourself,
blue-eyes ultimate dragon!

All right,
time to pick up
where kaiba left off.

You'll never withstand
the combined power
of our dueling decks

And I'm about
to prove it, dartz,
with this--

My polymerization
magic card.

And I'll use it
to fuse kaiba's dragon

With my black luster

In order to form
a new monster.

Behold master
of dragon soldier!

No way.

, Attack points?

Man, talk about
the dream team!

I reveal my trap card,
meteor rain.

With this card,
you lose the difference

Between my monster's
attack points

And the defense points
of your monster.

If my math is right,

That's a difference
of , !

That's enough
to leave dartz with zip.

It's time
to take you down
and free my friends.

Go, master
of dragon soldier!

Attack his
orichalcos gigas

And wipe out what's left
of his life points.

Your twisted game
is done.

End this duel...

Both: with saber blast!

Mokuba: that's it.

The duel's over.

[Dartz laughs]



Such a valiant effort,

your attack was in vain.

Now watch this.

What's going on?

Beats me.

You mind telling me
why we're floating
in space?

I don't know.

It's dartz.

I'd suggest
you take us back.

But we never left.

What you're
experiencing right now

Is merely a vision
generated by orichalcos.

That's how
the seal communicates.

It shows us images of
things as they were

Or as they might
one day be.

Just look.

This is the darkness
that has always existed.

What are you trying
to prove with all this?

That human beings
spend every second
of their lives

Surrounded by dark energy.

It has contaminated
our entire planet.

And now at the core
of everyone's heart

You'll find pure darkness,

And when a human being
crosses paths
with the orichalcos,

The evil inside
is set free.

It was on this very day,
, years ago,

That I came into contact
with this powerful force

And it opened my eyes.

You mean
it took over your mind,
don't you?

I should have expected
such ignorance
from you, pharaoh.

You choose
to shut yourself off
from the truth,

Just as my people did
so long ago

When I presided over
paradise on earth.

What's that?

You're getting a glimpse
of the legendary city
of atlantis

As it was , years ago
when I ruled as king.

You were king?

Indeed I was,
and I shall be once again.

For when I defeat you,
paradise shall return!