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04x29 - Five into the Wind

Posted: 08/19/22 17:02
by bunniefuu
Previously on "yu-gi-oh..."

Valon: too weak
to make a move?

I don't think so.

I play this facedown
and end my turn.

Say good-bye to
the rest of your
life points, wheeler!

Burning knuckle, attack!

It's all over!


No way!

You thought you
were the only one

With a space suit,
didn't you?

Well, you activated my
aura armor trap card!

Computer: detecting
rival armor.

I decided the only
way to beat you

Was to fight
armor with armor.

I see...

One more round
and one more attack.

Last man standing
wins the duel!

in the next round,

One of them's gonna be
trapped by the seal forever!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!


Hold on,
you guys!

come on, tea,

There's no
time to rest!

Which means...

That's why
I stopped.

According to this,
he's nearby!

We need to
stop running

And start looking
down each street.


What's wrong?

Is it joey?

I'm not so sure.

But just a moment ago,

I could sense
the presence

Of joey's legendary
dragon card.

Hold on, guys!

Joey must have
played hermos!

But it's gone.

I fear his dragon
was destroyed.

You don't think
joey lost, do you?

No way!

Tell him.


I can't be sure
until we find him.


I still don't know
how you got yourself

Out of my
last attack...

But I have one more shot
to take you down!

And there are way
too many people

Counting on me
to let you

Walk away with
a victory!

Oh, like you're gonna
walk away with one?


It looks to me like

You can barley stand
let alone walk, mate!

And might I remind you...

There's someone counting
on my victory, too!

each of these
two numbskulls

Thinks their gonna
save me by winning.

Well, I don't need
to be saved.

All I need is my
victory over wheeler!


Since I want to keep
this armor on...

I'm gonna have
to give up half
my life points!

Then I'll place these
two cards face down.

Let's see what you got!

With pleasure!


I think I'll
start things off

By bringing my
psychic armor head

Back from the graveyard.

Next, I'll
stir things up

By playing
this magic card!

Go, phoenix gravitation!

Aw, man!

What's that!?

You should
know by now!

This card let's me build
a suit of armor!

With parts from
my graveyard!

So, return to me:
burning knuckle...

Jet gauntlet...

Over boost...

And active guard!

My ultimate w*apon is back!



Well, I gotta say
it's been fun, wheeler.

But all good things
must come to an end.

And I'm planning
to send you

Off with a bang
right now!

Your helmet must be
on too tight!

'Cause you forgot
all about

The two facedown
cards I played!


And now for
the first one!



Now, take a guess
which card

He stole from
your graveyard!

Show me!

It's big bang blow!

Valon: no!


And now for my
next trap card!

It's called
take one chance!

It transfers
a random card

From my graveyard
right to the field!

The rest is
up to fate!


Then go.

there's only one card
that can save me now.


The claw of hermos!

But wait!

I'm not done yet!

Here comes
the best part!

'Cause now...

I'm merging my two
cards together!

big bang dragon blow!


So, how do
you like that!?

I took your w*apon
and made it better!

Just when I think you're
at the end of your rope--

You come back with
something like this!

I've never fought a duel
like this in my life!

You're pushing me
to be my best!

That'll make my victory
all the more rewarding!

So, give me your
best shot!

You got it!

[Both grunting]


Big bang
dragon blow!


Tea: hey, guys,
you gotta see this!



Joey: you can't win.

I got the power of
my dragon behind me.

[Both straining]

You're pretty
good, wheeler...

But not good enough!

I'm afraid
it's all over!

You wish.

Looks like a draw!


It's time to activate

Big bang dragon blow's
special effect!


By sacrificing
my red eyes,

I made my armored fist
even more powerful!

Now it's able to destroy
all your monsters

And subtract
their strength

From your life points!




You did it.

You won.






It's my fault.

Don't be silly, mai.

I caused my
own downfall.

I thought if I won,

I could make you forget
about joey wheeler.

But now I understand why
he meant so much to you.

The guy's got heart.


Valon, wait.

Hey, wheeler!

It's up to you now.

Save mai.



Dartz: great leviathan...

I sense the arrival
of powerful soul.

Let's see who, shall we?


Look what the orichalcos
dragged in.

My former employee.

Now it's ms. Valentine's turn

To send me a soul...

Or to give up her own.




Come back...


Joey: it's too late.

The orichalcos
has him now.

Valon: I know that deep down

You feel the same
way I do, mai.

That's why we
found each other.

You're just like me--

Lonely and misunderstood.

That's why we
need each other.

Hey, mai...

We'll get him back.

How could he do this?

Valon's the one
who told me

You have to duel
for yourself.

Then he turns around
and fights you

To protect me?

How pathetic.

He deserved this.


Look, mai,

Valon realized what
he told you was wrong.

He found out
what dueling
is really about--

Determination and heart.


He fought like
a true duelist today.

I thought you wanted
to destroy him.

Hold on!

Valon may have
annoyed me...

But no one

To have their
soul taken away

And then held c*ptive

By some power-hungry

I don't care
who they are!


You know what,

I realize
something now.

As long as that
orichalcos thing

Has control
over your mind,

I'll never be able to
talk any sense into you!

As a matter of fact,

The only way I
can save you

At this point
is to duel you!

So, what do you say!?

I see. So,
you beat this loser

And now it's gone
to your head?

It isn't like that, mai.

Why else would you
be dumb enough

To challenge me
to a duel?

You should have
learned your lesson

From our last match!

The only way I can
get through to you...

Is by dueling you!

If you say so.

Let's duel!

We've searched
every block!

And no sign of joey!

Maybe that tracking
system screwed up.

We need a new plan!

you all right, yugi?

This way! Quickly!

Yugi, wait!

We're about a block
away from paradius

And so far,
the coast is clear.

I think you
may have spoken

A little too
soon, mokuba.

'Cause it looks like
we've got some company.



I'll handle this.



Is there something I
can help you boys with?

Be careful!

Look, I don't know
what you freaks are

Or if you even
exist at all...

But I don't have any
time to play games.

So, I'd suggest
you back off!



I'm even gonna let
you go first, mai!

Big mistake!
Watch this!

I call my cyber harpie
to the field

In attack mode,
of course!

That's all for now.

I hoped you'd
say that.

[Thinking] man.

That last duel really
did a number on me.

I'm exhausted!

I can barely draw
my card.

All right!

This should keep
your harpies busy.

I play...

Blue flame swordsman...

And I'll put him
in attack mode!


this isn't good.

I'm so weak I can't
even see straight.

But no matter what,

I gotta stay on my feet
and finish this duel!


It's your move.

You just played a monster

That has the same attack
strength as my harpie!

And you ended your turn!

You better not be taking it
easy on me again, wheeler!

I want a real duel!

This duel is real!

Believe me...

No one's going easy
on anybody anymore.


I'm doing just
the opposite now.


I'm fighting you with
all my heart and soul!

It's the only way
to save you!

Try saving yourself.

I'm doing just fine
without your help.

Didn't you learn?

If you cramp my style,

You end up in
a world of hurt!

I understand
everything now, mai.


You forgot what
dueling's all about.

So, I'm hear to
remind you about

The heart
of the cards!


If you think you're gonna

Teach me a lesson
about duel monsters,

You're wasting your time!

And my time.

Now, then...

For my next maneuver...

I've decided to
double your fun

With another cyber harpie
in attack mode!

Then I'll play my
aero nail magic card!

It gives my cyber harpie
an extra attack points!

aw, man!

These harpies are
tearing me apart
over here!

Cyber harpie, attack
his flame swordsman

With shadow nail slice!




As soon as blue flame
swordsman's destroyed,

His special
ability activates!


Now, the original
flame swordsman

Is automatically
summoned in his place!

What's it gonna be?

My swordsman
is waiting.

Is your cyber harpie
ready to dance?

Or should I assume

She'd prefer to sit
this one out instead?

Do you think
I'm that dumb?

Both of our monsters
have the same

Number of
attack points,

So they'd both
be destroyed.

I place a card facedown
and end my turn!

Your move!

she didn't take my bait.

And with two
harpies on the field,

Mai's got
the clear advantage.

I need a strategy...

And I need it quick!

I've got a bad feeling

I've seen that
facedown card before...

Now I sacrifice
one scapegoat...

So my panther
can attack!


I reveal my
facedown card!

Harpie lady
sparrow formation!


My harpie ladies have
all joined forces

To repel your attack!


last time I dueled mai,

I was letting
her beat me

'Cause I didn't want
her to get hurt.

But it completely

So, this time,
I'm giving it all I got!

Here I go, mai.

I sacrifice
flame swordsman!

So I can summon
cyber-tech alligator

In attack mode!


Cyber-tech alligator,
attack cyber harpie!




Not too bad.


Finally, you're giving
me a real challenge!

But you're gonna have
to do better than that!

'Cause before my aero nail
goes to the graveyard,

It's transferring its
power to my other harpy!


I place one
card face down!

Give me your
best shot!

You're pretty confident

For someone who's
about to lose!

Now, stand back!

My move!

I drew it.

Oh, no!

Yup! The seal
of orichalcos!


Ha ha ha!



Oh, man! Joey!

It's the seal
of orichalcos.

We all know
what that means.

Yeah, it means
someone's gonna
lose their soul.

Then let's go!


We're both locked
in the seal...

And only one of
us will escape!

No one can come
to your rescue now.

It's just you, me,

And the most
powerful magic card

That's ever
been created!

I know.

I was expecting this.

now that the seal
of orichalcos

Is on the field,

The evil that
controls mai

Just got
times stronger!

But I know the real mai
is in there somewhere,

And I'm gonna
set her free...

No matter
what it takes!

All right!

Now I summon another
cyber harpie!

That's two, if you're
keeping score!

And thanks to my
shiny new magic card,

Each of my harpies gets

An extra attack
points now!

Harpie, attack!

Tear his gator to shreds
with shadow nail slice!



And now...

It's monster number
two's turn!

Hold your harpies!

Go, scapegoat!

You'll have to
go through them
to get to me!

You use that
card every duel,

So forgive me for
not being shocked.


Reveal trap card!

Nightmare tri-mirror!

It casts a reflection
of your scapegoats.

After that it transforms
that reflection

Into new monsters on
my side of the field!

That means, thanks to you,

I now have more cyber
harpies to add to my flock!


Cyber harpie,

Crush his
scapegoat token!


Lucky for you my
new harpies

Can't attack
until next turn.

So, I'll take
a break...for now.

But you better think of
some new tricks, wheeler.

Because I've seen all
of your moves before.

You hear me?

Loud and clear.

And don't worry,

I got a few new
twists planned.

You should know by now,

Your bluffs don't
work on me!

You're going down!

And I'm going
straight to the top!

There's nowhere
to run, wheeler!

don't worry.

I don't plan on
running away.

I'm gonna
keep fighting

Until I break
through to you, mai.

Or lose my soul trying!