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04x22 - Flight of Fear – Part 1

Posted: 08/19/22 16:56
by bunniefuu
previously on yu-gi-oh...

Tea, do you see
what I see?

You mean...all those
weird lights?

I fear...
It's the great beast.

The same thing happened
when it emerged
the first time.



we're running out of time.

Yes, great leviathan.

Keep feeding, my child.
You're almost ready.

Ha ha ha!

Mokuba: hey!
Come 'ere, seto!

You gotta
check this out!

What is it now?

I dunno,
but it looks cool!

Kaiba: hmm.

Mokuba: whatta ya think's
going on out there?

I have no idea,
but I don't trust it.

Alister: attention.

We may be experiencing
some mild turbulence.

Please fasten
your seat belt...

Just to be safe.

[Alister laughing]

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ It's time to d-d-d-duel

♪ Yu-gi-oh

Tea: even my blisters
have blisters!

Ahh. That hits the spot.

You alright?

Yeah. I'll be fine.

But if I knew we'd be hiking,
I'd have worn better shoes.

Think that's bad?
Try lugging a duel disk.

Ha ha! Good point.

I wonder how
the other guys are.

Me too.

If all goes well,

It shouldn't
be long before
we reach them, tea.


Joey: tristan...

Don't make
any sudden moves!

Nice reptile. Stay.

Just take a step.

I'm right behind ya.

Grrrr. What!?
You take a step!

"I'll be right
behind ya."

How dumb
do you think I am?

You don't
really want me
to answer that.

I don't think flying
into this light show

Is the best course
of action.

Mokuba: isn't it just
some kind of weird illusion?


But if it doesn't

In the next
two minutes,

I'm ordering
this aircraft

To change course


Mokuba: ah, maybe
you should do that now!

Come on!

do you read me?

Are you there?!
Come in now!

I'm gonna
check it out myself!


Mokuba: where did
everyone go!?

Our entire team
is gone!

I doubt they all had
to use the bathroom
at the same time!

Any ideas?

Alister: sorry, boys,

But this is
a private party now! Ha ha ha!

I know that voice!

Me too!

We have some unfinished business
to address, kaiba.

Show yourself now!

He must be
in the cockpit!

You're gonna regret
showing your face
again, alister!


Mokuba: look! He's got
the plane on autopilot!

But what did he do with
the rest of the crew?

They must be here!

But where?

He couldn't have
taken them too far.

you don't get it, do you!?

You never had a crew!

They were an illusion
all along!

I've heard enough.


Tell me where you're
hiding, you coward!

you're getting warmer.

Alister! No more games!

this plane's so big

You can practically
lose yourself in it.

So ya better be careful,
or you'll be next.

Oh, yeah!?

Alister! I thought
I got rid of you already!

You got rid of me?

That's not
how I remember it.

According to
my recollection,
I defeated you.


Come on.
It's pointless to
argue about it now.

So whatta ya say
you and I have
a rematch.

I've a score
to settle, remember?

Alister: I'll never
see my brother again,

'Cause your father
took him away from me!

Oh! Didn't I tell you?

My brother's not
responsible for anything
our father did to you!

Why don't you try
telling that to
my brother, kid?

That's not fair.

Look, let's say
we go ahead with
this rematch.

Does that mean you'll
get out of my life
once and for all?

I'm sick of this.

Seto! No!
Don't do this!

You want a duel?
You got one!

I'm always prepared.

Huh! You'll never learn.

can prepare you

For what I'm about
to unleash.

Your soul's mine!

Oh, man.

Let's duel!
Let's duel!

As the challenger...
I'll start!

And I'll summon
my science soldier
in defense mode!

That's all for now.

How pathetic! My move!

I summon x-head cannon
in attack mode!

Now, x-head cannon,

Looks like
you're defenseless!

Thinking: if alister plays
that seal of orichalcos...

Seto's in big trouble!

No big deal!
Watch this!

I play cyber soldier
of dark world!

And next I'll place
one card facedown

And end my turn!

What a joke! My move!

I summon y-dragon head
in attack mode!

Attack his cyber soldier
of dark world now!

And now, x-head cannon,

Attack his life points


alister's making this too easy!

I think that's just about
enough punishment for now.

I end my turn.

You sound pretty
confident, kaiba,

But you'll change
your tune.

You've been so
preoccupied with
your own monsters,

You forgot what
I have waiting
in my deck!

I guess I'll have to
remind you!

It's a card I used
on you last time,

And it changes
the entire
playing field!

Hold it!

Did you just draw what
I think you did, alister!?

Ha ha ha ha!

Oh! Mokuba!


Get back!

I activate the seal
of orichalcos!

Ha ha ha ha!

[Kaiba groaning]

Aah! Uhh!

Kaiba: mokuba!


this can't be real!

What's going on,

Alister: I just needed
some air, that's all.

Isn't this better?

Look, punk...

I've had just about enough
of your head games!

So lose the magic act
and let's get on with
this duel!

But my magic act is
just getting started.

So pay attention, kaiba!

Nothing up my sleeves!
Ha ha ha ha!

Now, for my first trick,

I'll need a little help
from the dark powers
of the orichalcos.

So, are you
a believer yet?

You will be soon enough.

Now, watch.

Boring. Let's duel.

Hold on!
Where'd they go!?

Hey, are you guys
up there somewhere!?

Oh, no!

The a*t*matic pilot's down!

Alister must have somehow
deactivated it!


If I don't do something quick,
we're gonna crash!


Let's go! Turn on!

Oh, no! It's busted!

I gotta radio for help!

May day! This is kc- !


We've lost control!
Repeat! We've lost control!

Alister: it's time
for you to experience
the pain that I felt,

Thanks to your father!

Where am i?


Whatever was in that smoke
is causing me to hallucinate.

I know I'm still on board
that plane.

Security megaphone voice:

Everyone must evacuate

to the hideout!



They're coming!


Humph. Gimme a break.

I know an illusion
when I see one.

This whole thing is
one big mind trick.

well, bon appetit.

'Scuse me.

I'm afraid
this hideout's
been taken.

That's right.

So scram!

We didn't exactly plan on
dinner for .

So go find
your own grub, pal.

Dennis: do you know
what we went through
to get this!?

Well, I'll tell ya.
We had to trek for,
like, miles,

'Cause kaiba corp shut down
every single grocery store
in the city!

Be quiet!

Whatta you mean?

take a look around!

Whatta you think
we mean!?

They're tryin'
to kick us out!

Tony: yeah. In case
you haven't noticed,

Our town's been
taken over!

But we're not gonna walk away
without a fight!

So we grab what we can
and bring it here.

And everything here
belongs to us!

Dennis: hey,
whatta you lookin' at!?

Kaiba: I had
a chessboard
just like that.

Aaron: do you remember
how to play?


Of course.
I was the best.

You were?

Quit yappin', aaron!

Why don't you make
yourself useful

And go back
out there

And get us
some dessert?

And take your
new friend
with you!


If he's gonna
hang out with us,

He may as well
earn his keep!

Kaiba: are you brats
always this friendly?

Tony: only when
we're in a good mood!

Dennis: ha ha ha!
Have fun, boys!
Ha ha ha!

Thinking: I'm not falling for
any of this, alister.

Kaiba: so how long has
all of this kaiba corp
nonsense been going on?

Oh, man...
It seems like forever.

Gozaburo bought our land
about a year ago.

And when people
wouldn't leave,
the tanks rolled in.

Hey! Are you ok,

my stepfather must have
caused all this.

Aaron: come on!
Let's keep moving!

We shouldn't stay in
one place for too long!

'Cause ya never know where
his men are hiding out.

That's why we snuck

That's what everyone does
these days--

Everyone that hasn't been
forced out, that is.

But luckily my friends and I
haven't been noticed.

It's a good thing
we're short. Ha ha!

Thinking: I get it.

Alister had a hard life
thanks to my stepfather.

But I've seen enough!

I have an idea!

When we get back,
let's play chess!

We'll see if you
really are the best.

Hey! That's right by
our hideout!

No! My friends!

Kaiba: hold on!
It's too dangerous!

Oh! Oh, no!
They might be trapped!

Stop! Are you crazy?

I have to find my friends!

Let me go!

Mokuba: please, seto!


Huh? Oh!

It's kaiba corp!!

We hafta get
outta here

And find a new
hiding place!

That's enough, alister!!

Now get out here
and face me!

You coward!
You'll never win this duel!


[Alister laughing]

Did you honestly think
your mind games would
distract me?

Nice try.

He's gone.

See? Your trick's
wearing off!

Believe me...
What you saw
was no trick.

Those kids...

Those were
my best friends
when I was growing up.


It's true.

We all looked out
for one another,

your father ran us
out of town too!

So now you've had
a taste of my past!

Whatta ya think!?

Your father's tanks
ruined my life!

Now see how it feels!

'Cause I'm about to
activate a trap card
called t*nk corps,

And I'm adding it
to my ultimate w*apon:
the kc one crayton!

My trap card reinforces
my t*nk with others...

Plus an extra
, attack points!

Which means
my last attack

Stripped you
of , points!

Maybe now you'll fear
the rumble of tanks
like I did!

I place this facedown.

It's hopeless!

With my army
to protect me,

You're as good as gone!

Alister: this is
your last chance!

'Cause next turn,
my tanks are gonna
destroy you,

Just like your father
destroyed my life!

let's play chess. Come on!

I have to find my friends!
Let me go!

please, seto. Please!

You're going down!!

'Cause I activate
my monster reborn

To bring back
y-dragon head!

Then I summon
my z-metal t*nk!

But that's not all!

So watch and learn...

As I combine
my monsters together!

Meet xyz-dragon cannon!

And now I'll activate
my new monster's
special ability!

I give up one of my cards...

So I can automatically
destroy one of your cards!

Now that your trap is gone,
so are your back-up forces!!

And with no rear defense,

Your puny t*nk
doesn't stand a chance!

That's too bad!
Now, cannon, attack!



Oh, well...

I should have

Hostile behavior
like that
from you, right?

You are the son
of gozaburo kaiba.

Watch it! I have
nothing in common
with him!

He was a snake!

Coulda fooled me.
You're more alike
than you think.

And so's the rest of the world.

Just face it!

This planet's full of nothing
but hatred and greed.

Unfortunately, I found that out
the hard way years ago.

The same lust for power
that drove your father

To do what he did
to my friends and family...

Is still alive today.

And there's a little bit of it
in everyone!

But that's all gonna change

With some help
from my new family!

'Cause we plan to do away with
all the evil ones

So we can rebuild the world into
the paradise that it once was!

There'll be no such thing
as kaiba corp,

And people like you will get
what they deserve--

An eternity locked away

Where you can't hurt anyone
ever again!

Kaiba: aah!

Alister: I wouldn't worry
about this plane.

It's your soul
you should be concerned about!

Thinking: no!
Mokuba's in there!

[Mokuba grunting]

Is anyone out there!?

Wait! My phone!


I can't control it!


Alister: hello?

I'm not finished
with you yet!

If you thought the seal
of orichalcos was bad,

Wait'll you see
what's next!

As a matter of fact,
why should I make
you wait...

When I can end it all
right now!!

[Alister laughing]



Time's up!

Ha ha ha ha!

Let's see.

This plane's
out of control,

And you're about to
lose the last duel
of your career.

I'd say
this isn't your day.