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04x19 - Self Destruction

Posted: 08/19/22 16:54
by bunniefuu
Previously on "yu-gi-oh..."

attack him again!


Tea: it's over.

You've already
won the duel.

The great leviathan
is growing impatient.

I must supply him
with the power

He needs to awaken...

And for that, I need
the soul of the pharaoh.


Tell me where yugi is!


It's no use.

You won.

So, the seal of
orichalcos took
weevil away.

[Brakes squealing]


♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Somehow I've lost contact
with the pharaoh.

Maybe he didn't
survive the fall.

He did.

However, something
or someone

Is hiding him
from my vision.

Then let me be
your eyes, master.

I'll track
him down

And make up
for my failure.

Yami: no!


Time for you to
pay up, pharaoh.



Yugi, stop!

What are you
doing here!?

It only needs
one of us.

So, I'm letting
the seal to
take me instead!




Hold on...

Was it all a dream?


Tea, wake up!

Where are we?

The last thing I
remember we were...

[Dog barks]


No! Tea!


Girl: skye!

Get back here!


That's no way to
treat our guests!

Sorry if she
woke you up.

Who are you?

You can call me chris.

And you've already
met skye.

She's the one
that found you.

She was sniffing
around for food

And ended up sniffing
out you guys instead!


This is strange.


I see your
strength is back.

thank you.

to hear it.

You two had
me worried.

By the way,
the name
is ironheart,

And I believe this
belongs to you.


Pardon me for
being intrusive...

But I couldn't
help noticing

You possess
the legendary
eye of timaeus...

The only one
of its kind.

Yami: take it.

I'm not deserving
of its power.

that's not true.

I'll hold it
until you're ready.

Did you find
another kid?

He had glasses
and a bad hair cut?

He was on the train
with us when it crashed.

No, I'm afraid you were
the only ones we found.

Perhaps your friend
was able to escape

Before the train
fell off that cliff.

I assure you,
there wasn't
another soul on board.

I highly doubt weevil
was able to escape--

Not in the condition
he was in.

I'm afraid there's a greater
power at work here.

I must say,
young man...

You seem to
possess a wisdom

That reaches far
beyond your years.

Now, I've encountered

Many people in
my travels...

But there's
something about you

I've never
seen before...

Something in your eyes.

I'm also sensing
that you hold

A great deal
of loneliness
in your heart.

That's because
I recently lost

A very close
friend of mine.

And now...

I'm on a journey
to find his soul.

What will you do
if you find him?

I'll apologize...

For betraying his trust
and abandoning him.


I might just be
able to help.

Follow me.

Tea: uh...

Mr. Ironheart, sir,

Where are we going?

my dear friend.



Chris: did I mention
to watch your step?

Oh, and it's
probably better

If you don't
look down.

Don't worry.

Our destination's not very
far from here at all.

What happens
when we arrive?

We'll have crossed over
to the other side--

To the place where
the spirits dwell.

You see,
my people believe

That human souls
exist all around us.

And just beyond
this mountain

Is a sacred valley

Where drifting souls
are said to gather

As they wander along.

And you think my friend
may be there?


But, there are evil
spirits there as well.

Finding the soul
you seek is easy,

Leaving with your own
is another thing.

It's not too late
to back out.

I must go...

I owe it to yugi.


Hey, pharaoh!

You in there or not!?

How did he escape?

I'll find you, pharaoh,

Wherever you are!

Ironheart: hmm.

There it is.

So, what do we do
when we get there?

Not we...

You must enter the sacred
circle on your own.

After all,
this is your journey.

Very well.

I accept
the challenge.


Wait up!

Tea! Come back!


Only one
soul seeker

Is permitted to
enter at a time.

If you proceed,

The evil spirits will
sense you immediately.

Be careful.


I know you're here.


Voice: pharaoh.

Who's there!?


Voice: turn back.

Show yourself!


What's happening?

Your friend's
attracting lost souls

That seek revenge.

Voice: you'll
never escape!


Your spirit
will join us!




Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha
ha ha ha!


Yugi: I'm letting
the seal take me instead.


Chris: you see that, tea?

It means a spirit's crossing
over into our world.

Keep watching.


Is that really you?


it's him!

I've found you!


You came all this way
just to see me?

Of course.

I wanted to say
how sorry I am.

I'm sorry, too.

I wish this whole
thing never happened.

It's my fault.

I surrendered to
my inner darkness.

I allowed my anger
to take over,

And you paid the price.

Now that you're gone,

The darkness is
starting to grow.

Without your light
to keep me pure...

I'm becoming evil, yugi!

I'm beginning to believe

That what rafael said
about me is true.

Perhaps I was a wicked pharaoh!

I heard about you...

How you ruled
as an evil king.

That's right, pharaoh.

You used the power
of the shadow realm

To destroy egypt!

What if I am the one

Responsible for
the destruction of egypt?

If I'm capable of
such horrific behavior,

Then it's my soul that
should be locked away!

Well, what good
is that now!?

I'm the one who's been
locked away forever,

Not you!

I'm sorry.

Well, the last
thing I need is
your pity, pharaoh!

If you're really evil,

There's only
one thing to do.

What are you saying?

You said it yourself,
didn't you?

Your spirit should be
locked away with mine!

And I'm gonna do it!


misunderstood me!

Oh, so now you're taking
back what you said!?

Make up your mind!

You don't deserve to be
a part of this world!


It's about
time you started

Taking some responsibility
for what you've done!

There's only one
thing left to do,

And you know it!

You need to be
a man for once

And face me
in a duel now!

No. Please--

Too late!

It's time
for you to pay!

If you're really sorry,
then you'll do this!

It's time to duel!

Tea: wait!

So, he's gonna
duel himself?

But why?

this is the only way.


Chris: that's why we
took you guys here,

So the pharaoh can
face his other half.

He has to deal
with what he did

So he can put it
all behind him

And finally move on!

How do you know
all this stuff?

We've always known this.

We were taught that
a warrior would come

To save our world.

And as soon as we
found you guys,

We knew that
he was the one.

So, what's he
supposed to do now?

His first step is to
face his inner fears

And conquer the darkness
that lurks within his heart.

But if he loses this battle,

The pharaoh's spirit
will remain here forever.

All right...

I'll start things off...

By summoning one monster
facedown on the field!

Now, let's see
what you've got--

Unless you're
too scared.

Very well...

If I must!

I summon gazelle,

The king of
mythical beasts!


Now, gazelle, attack
his facedown card!


Yugi: mines a gazelle, too!

They played
the same card!

their hands are identical.

Yugi, wait.

We're holding the same
cards, aren't we?

Let's find out!

I'll summon another
card facedown!

Do these look

and berfomet!

Now I can fuse my
two monsters together

To form chimera...

The flying mythical beast.


Next, I'll play alpha,
the magnet warrior!

Now, attack his
facedown monster!


Your defense is gone!

Chimera, attack his
life points directly!


that's strange.

If we do have
the same hand,

Then why didn't yugi
play monster reborn?

He could have used it
to bring back

His gazelle
and block my attack!

For some reason,
he's holding back.

Could yugi be trying to
lose the duel on purpose,

Or is he trying
to throw me off

With a strategy
he's never used before?

When you destroyed
my sangan,

You activated its
special ability...

Letting me move a monster
from my deck to my hand.

Yes, good move.

I don't need
your support!

I place this facedown.

Then I'll play this--

Card destruction!

But why!?

So I can start over

And our hands
will be different!


Now you can't
cheat anymore!

Why are you acting
like this!?

I'm just
a reflection of you!

What do you mean,

You don't get it,
do you?

You and I are
exactly the same.

So, the darkness
that's in your heart...

Is also inside my heart.

Yugi, I wish I
could take it back.

Too late!

You've already shown me
who you really are--

An evil pharaoh who cares
only about himself!

Face the facts!

You didn't care
what happened to me

So long as you had power!

Now it's my turn!

Yugi, wait!

Are you holding the card
I think you are!?

It sounds like your
starting to catch on...

Aren't you, your highness?

This duel is
a chance for you

To look at yourself
from the outside.

And there's only one card
that can make that happen...

The seal of orichalcos!

Yugi, no!


Now it's payback time
for taking my soul!

This is a mistake!

Come on!

Just replace your
hand already!

I played card


Or don't you remember!?

And now,
for my next move:

I activate
monster reborn!

And I'll use it
to bring back

My dark magician girl!

Then I'll summon my
obnoxious celtic guardian!


You know what
happens next!

Stop this now!

Now the orichalcos
serves my monsters!



Now, my
celtic guardian,

Destroy his
magnet warrior!

Your turn,
dark magician girl...

Incinerate his
mythical beast!



I'll use chimera's
special ability ...

To summon berfomet
in defense mode!


Big deal!

What else have
you got!?

I've got this...

The mighty big shield
gardna in defense mode.

this should protect
my life points

From dark magician
girl's attack.

That's all!?

I play queen's knight
in attack mode!

And to boost
my fire power,

I'll activate
magic formula!

It raises dark
magician girl's
attack points by !

, Attack points!?

Queen's knight, attack!


And now for my
dark magician girl!

Take out his
big shield gardna!


But wait, there's more!

Go, celtic guardian!


It won't be long
now, pharaoh!

Yugi, don't do this!

It hurts,
doesn't it?

And it only
gets worse.

Soon you'll be
locked away forever--

Where you belong!

I'll place one
card facedown

And summon giant soldier
of stone in defense mode!

Next, I activate my swords
of revealing light!

this gives me turns

To talk some
sense into yugi.

Your swords
mean nothing!

I have a card that can
blast right through 'em!

You should've known that!

It's a card you've
played before.

Now I sacrifice my guardian
to summon catapult turtle!

This is what
I did last time!


So it's time for you

To experience
the consequences
of your own evil!

Now, you'll never
duel again!

It's all over!

All right,
queen's knight,

I sacrifice you!

Yugi, no!

Dark magician girl...

Your turn!


Go on!

Launch catapult turtle!

Launch catapult turtle!



Oh no!

One more attack,

And you'll become
a prisoner of
the orichalcos--

Just like me!

Oh, no.

I can't lose.

If I do...

Then I can't
set you free

And two worlds
will crumble!

So what!?

You're evil, remember!

Last time...

You didn't care
who suffered!

Yugi, I'm begging you,

Please don't go
through with this!

Too late.


Yugi, no!

I won't let
you do this!


I activate
the trap card...

Divine wind!

He did it!

He was able to
reverse my attack

And double its strength
to win the duel!


What have I done!?



Is he all right?


Come on!

Speak to me,

You passed the test, pal.

What are you
talking about?

Did you plan
this all along?

It was the only way.

By defeating me,

You were able to
defeat the darkness

That was inside
your heart.

It wasn't easy,

But you did what was best
for me and for mankind.

You acted like
a true hero.

But now what?

Don't give up this fight.


I'm always with you.

I'll save you...

No matter what it takes.