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04x15 - Trial by Stone

Posted: 08/19/22 16:49
by bunniefuu
Yami-yugi, voice-over:
previously on "yu-gi-oh..."

Guardian eatos,

Destroy his monsters
and the rest
of his life points.


Yugi, voice-over:
if he lost the duel,
then he loses his soul!

Rafael: time for you
to pay up, pharaoh.

Yugi: not if I can help it!

I won't let this
happen to you!

Yugi, no!

It only needs one of us,

So I'm letting the seal
take me instead.



Joey: how can you
be talkin' to us
if he took your soul?

Not mine--yugi's.

It's all my fault.

It should have been me,
not him!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Rex: he's getting away!

We have to get our hands
on one of those
orichalcos magic cards.

Just a little more!

[Both screaming]

This is
all your fault!


Help! Mommy,
I'm falling.

Oh, great.

Tea, voice-over:
are they ever
gonna come back?


Tea, look.

It's them.

I told you
they'd come back soon.


Yugi, you're here,
so I guess you won.

Of course.

My yugi
always wins.


How'd it go?

Is everything ok?

Not quite.

We got
a problem, guys.

What do you mean?

Yugi didn't win.

He's gone.


You heard me.

Yugi got
beat, tea.

You're wrong.

If yugi really
lost that duel,

Those creeps would've
taken his soul

With their freaky
magic card, tristan.

So, what's
your point, tea?

My point?

If he lost,
how could he be
standing right...

...behind me?

Oh, no.

Yugi, talk to me.

What's wrong?

Why are you
acting so strange?

Rebecca, they got him.

Got who?


Yugi, no!

What are you doing here?

It only needs one of us,

So I'm letting the seal
take me instead.



I know.

This whole thing's
my fault.

I'm the one
who unleashed the magic
that took yugi away.

You knew
that card was evil

And you still
played it?

If you really were
a brave pharaoh,

You would never
have done something
like that

To poor little yugi!


This just
isn't fair!

How could you?

I want my yugi back.

It should
have been you,
not him!

Now, hold on--

Oh, tea!

I'm afraid
rebecca's right.

What's done is done.

I let everyone down,
especially yugi.

He warned me
not to use the seal
of orichalcos card,

But my rage
took control.

Now I activate
the seal of orichalcos!


He paid for my mistake.

You got to snap outta this!

He's gone,
and it's my fault.

Get a grip, man!


If we're gonna
rescue yugi,

We gotta move ahead,
not look back,

So pull yourself

What we gotta do now

Is find out who this
dartz guy is

And where he keeps
all these souls.

I've been suggesting
we do that
since day one,

But nobody
listens to me.

Stop thinking
about yourself
for once, duke.

Down, boy. Heel.

let him go, tristan!

This happened
because I couldn't
control my anger,

And if we keep fighting
amongst ourselves,

The orichalcos
will destroy us.

Weevil: hey,
check it out.

That must be
their headquarters
down there.

Rex: but we're smack
in the middle of downtown

And they're
a secret society.

I don't want to sound
disrespectful, guys,

But why does
a super evil organization

Have such a super lame

If you wanna
make it to your
next birthday,

I suggest
shutting up.

You're about
to meet our master,

So don't say
anything too stupid.

Yeah, he doesn't
have as much
patience as we do.

[Both gulp]

Mission accomplished,

we're gonna become
super villains.

[Rex and weevil

Rafael: you'll be
happy to know

The strongest soul
on earth has been
captured, master dartz.

Dartz: ah, yes,
the pharaoh.


What pharaoh?

you've failed again.

Valon: that's right.

The soul of the pharaoh
is still out there, rafael.

Now watch
and learn.

What's that?

Dartz: the pharaoh's
spirit inhabits
the body of a young man,

And what we have here
is a clear case
of mistaken identity.

No way.


Instead of
the pharaoh,

You got the soul
of some kid.

I still don't

Then you need
to clean out your ears,
you oversized baboon.

Both of their spirits
inhabit one body.

Get it?

You captured
the wrong soul.

But how?

I'm pretty sure
I was dueling the pharaoh,

So the orichalcos
should have sealed him.

Well, apparently
you're not as perceptive
as you think you are,

Because he got away.

That punk.

There's no one
to blame but yourself.

I can fix this,
if you'll let me.

Hey, let's go.

Go where?

Might I suggest
something, sir?

Like a better


I'm just trying
to be helpful.

Who are these two?

Haven't you heard of us?

Former regional
duel monsters champions?

They're just a couple
of wanna-be duelists
who followed us here.

They probably
never even played the game.

Never played
the game?


We're great duelists,

But we came here
to become even better.

Yugi and his friends
have been making
fools of us for years.


Summoned skull,
lightning strike attack.


Joey: go, time wizard!

Nice try.

This'll never work.

I stand corrected.

Before they showed up,
we ruled the duels.

But lately it seems like
we're just the butt
of everyone's jokes.

And no one likes
being a butt.

what he means is,

We want nothing more
than to have our revenge.

So, please,
mister dartz, sir,

Share your dueling
secrets with us

And we'll help you
get what you want.


It won't be easy.

The pharaoh
and his little friends

Wield the power
of the legendary dragons.

How do you intend to fight
against cards like those?

That's exactly why
we need your help, sir.

Yeah, we need
the seal of orichalcos.

Before I share
my power with you,

I have to make sure
you're worthy.

give us a chance
to prove it.

We'll do anything!

Very well.

These are for you two.

Ha ha!


Rex: what is this?

Some kind of joke?

Hey, we're serious
about this.

That makes three of us.

What's that?

Your test.

These crystals from
the orichalcos stone
will activate your cards.

But I stink
at tests. No fair.

Dartz: all you have to do

Is hold the rock fragments
in your hands.

If they deem you worthy
of their power,

You'll be able
to grasp them.

But if they don't,

You will have to pay
the price

By offering up your very souls
to the great leviathan.

Both: are you nuts?

Told you these guys
were weak.

Bring on
the test!


We're not gonna let
a couple of rocks
stand in our way

Of becoming champion
duelists, right?

That's right.
Let's do this.


[Dartz laughs]

Rex: I can't
grab the stone!

Of course not.

These twerps
aren't worthy,

Not that I'm surprised.

Maybe we should

This whole joining
the bad guys thing.


If you fail
this test,

You're gonna be
a loser your
whole life, rex.

Now, get that rock!

Weevil, we're close!

Just a little more!

Alister: what?!

Those nimrods
actually passed the test.

Now we can play
the seal of orichalcos.

We'll be unstoppable.


And welcome to our family.

Rafael: all right,
twerps, time to build
your new decks.

We've assembled
every duel monsters card
ever produced,

So have a party.

We've hit the motherlode!

We can take
anything, right?

Well, you can
take anything

Except the egyptian
god cards.

Hey, what do you mean,
no god cards?

Look if these cards
aren't good
enough for you,

Then use
your own deck.

[Chuckles nervously]

Upon further investigation,
these are perfect.

King of games,
eat your heart out.

Now, choose wisely.

You have a difficult task.

Deliver to me the soul
of the pharaoh

And his companion,
young joseph wheeler.

The orichalcos is with you.

Use it correctly
and victory is yours.

Both: yes, sir.

Joey, voice-over:
so they wanna
rule the world.

We've dealt with
that before.

No, joey,
this time things
are different.

Yeah, they're
not just talking about

Wiping out all life
on earth,

They're doing it!

But we know how
to stop 'em.

We gotta go
to the source

And destroy
that secret w*apon
of theirs.

You mean that weird
monster-zapper in the sky?

Tristan: unfortunately,

That thing's after more
than just monsters.

It's using human souls
to power itself up

So it can wipe out
the rest of us.

Yeah, and right
now that thing's
got yugi,

So I don't know
about you,

But I'm not
gonna stand here
twiddlin' my thumbs.

I'm gonna take

Look, joey,
I wanna help yugi, too,

But we can't just fight
this thing by ourselves.

We need help.

Rebecca: no, tea.

In case you forgot,

Those jerks burned down
my grandpa's laboratory

And destroyed
all his research.

And without
any hard evidence,

There's no way
anyone's gonna
believe our story.

But we have proof.

It's all down
in those underwater ruins.

Whatever was there
won't be of any
help to us now.

The ruins are
gone, guys.

Tea: someone
ruined the ruins?

They're one step
ahead of us.

Don't give up so easily.

you're awake.

Yeah, shouldn't
you be resting?

I'll be fine.

Anyway, who could sleep

With you kids
chit-chatting all day?

Besides, I can help you

Find the information
you need.

You're right about looking
to the ruins for answers.

So did you discover
anything more
about these thugs?

Well, I can't be sure,

But based on
the inscriptions
I found,

There's a good chance
these fellows

Are descendants
of atlantis,

An ancient continent
said to have disappeared
into the ocean

Thousands of years ago
without a trace.

Tea: are you sure?

Duke: professor,
if your hunch is right,

Why would these people
want to destroy

What was left of
their ancestors' city?

They must be trying
to hide something.

Those ruins revealed
the history of atlantis,

And it's not
a pleasant one.

They must want
to keep it a secret.

How much of this history
do you know?

thousands of years ago,

Atlantis was home
to the most advanced

The world had ever known.

It truly was
a paradise on earth,

A land of eternal

Where everyone
lived in peace--

Until one day,
when a dreadful creature
was called forth

From the depths of the earth
by an evil king.

an evil king?

Oh, no.

I heard about you,

How you ruled
as an evil king.

You may have forgotten,

But you're the one

For the destruction
of egypt.

What's wrong?
You ok?

I'm fine.

It seems
this power-hungry king

Drew his evil strength
from a mysterious stone,

And this stone
drew its strength
from another world.

It's that rock they wear
on their neck, isn't it?

I'm not sure.

That's all I was
able to translate.


Tristan: chill out, man.
You'll blow a gasket.

Joey: you guys don't
get it, do you?

atlantis freaks

Are tryin' to cover
something up

About this ancient

Of course.

There was probably
something written
in those ruins

About how to
destroy that thing

Before it
destroys us.

I get it.

Hey, joey, I guess
you had your good
idea for the year.

The ruins may have
been destroyed,

But there are copies
of the inscriptions
at a museum.

It's in florida,
where I was doing
my underwater research.


So all we have to do
is go there
and translate the rest.


What are we waiting for?

Let's head to
the sunshine state

And find out the secret
to defeating these guys

And saving yugi, right?

I'm right behind ya, man!

Good-bye to death valley,
hello to fun in the sun.

That's great.
Just one question:

How are we supposed
to get there?

We're doomed.

Man, voice-over:
ever since these
monster sightings began,

Kaiba corp stock's
been plummeting sir.

And almost half of our
company's been bought by
some unknown investor.

I think I know
who it is,

But just to be sure,

I need you to trace
those transactions

And when you do,
I'm sure they'll point
straight to pegasus.

He's been after
my company for years,

And I'd sooner
see it destroyed.

Seto, I'm not
so sure it's pegasus
who's doing this.

I mean, couldn't it
be alister?

He was pretty upset.

Kaiba, see this?

It used to be my brother's,

But I'll never
see him again

'Cause your father
took him away from me.

He blames
kaiba corp

For what happened
to his brother.

And if I
were alister,

I'd probably blame
this company, too.

Besides, yugi
said pegasus had
his soul captured,

So he can't be
behind this, seto.

Mokuba, I don't know

About all that
pegasus nonsense,

But you do bring up
a good point about alister.

So you agree?


[Telephone rings]

What is it?

Woman: there's
a mr. Wheeler on
the line for you, sir.

It's joey.

Oh, great.

Put him through.

Yes, sir.

Tea, on webcam:
he really took your call?

Joey, on webcam:
what? He did?

Kaiba, is that you
in there?

It works better
when you step back
from the webcam.


[Clears throat]

Hey, you're right.

Make it fast, wheeler.

Joey: we found some clues
about those biker punks.

What kind of clues?

I'm not giving them up
that easily, kaiba.

But if you give us
a lift to florida,

I'll fill you in
on the way.

so, what's
it gonna be?

Time is runnin' out!

Those creeps
defeated yugi
and took his soul!

Way to keep a secret,
lame brain.

Yugi's soul?

What's he mean?

Please disregard
my last statement, folks.

Tristan: whatever.

Kaiba doesn't
believe in all that
magic stuff anyway.

Duke: yeah, it's all...

[Imitating seto]
some kind of
hocus pocus mind trick.

Joey: hey, that sounds
just like him!

I know, right?

[Joey laughing]

Yugi lost?

Yugi gave his duel monsters
championship crown
to some nobody?

No one deserves
that title but me!

Hold on--

I don't wanna hear
another word.

You're a disgrace
to the game, yugi.

Seto, you ok?

I'm fine.

Now I have
one more incentive

To hunt down
and destroy those thugs.

Now what?

Joey: no ride?

That stinks.

Tristan: that jerk!

How are we supposed to
get down to florida now?

Well, I say
the professor
stays here

And we hop
the next flight.

he's right, gramps.

around the country

Is not the best thing
for you right now.

Joey: duke,
why don't you
stay here

And keep
an eye on
the professor?


Tristan: so I guess
a private jet is
outta the question, huh?

I'll book our flights

And we'll take a train
to the airport.

I just hope
we can save yugi
before it's too late.