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04x13 - Fate of the Pharaoh — Part 2

Posted: 08/19/22 16:48
by bunniefuu
previously on "yu-gi-oh!"...

You see, while my
associates are satisfied

With stealing the souls
of your friends,

I need to capture the soul
of the pharaoh himself!

You've given me
no choice.

Let's duel!
Let's duel!

I'll start things off
by playing a magic card

Known as guardian treasure!

It allows me
to draw two new cards

Every round from now on!

And now I activate
the magic card

Five star twilight!

Say hello
to an unstoppable
family of monsters!

The five
kuriboh brothers!


Your multi-colored
pom pom sisters

Don't even come close to
the power of my guardian!

Now attack
with gravity ax!


♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ It's time to d-d-d-duel

♪ Yu-gi-oh

One slash from
my guardian's ax,

And this duel's over!


Now say good-bye

To the rest of your
life points, pharaoh!

Guardian grarl!
Attack with gravity ax!


Kuriboh brothers!
Activate star defense!



I was stopped by
a bunch 'a fuzz balls!?

Didn't I tell you?

Looks can be
quite deceiving.

And the kuriboh brothers

Are more powerful
than they appear to be.



I think I'll take
my chances.

With nothing between
you and my monster

But a pack 'a gerbils,
I'm not too worried.

Looks pretty even,

So I don't think we missed
anything too exciting.

Yeah, but why do we
have to sit over here

In the cheap seats?

Let's go closer!

Why don't you jump?

I'm sure you can
make it from here.

This map's
all wrong, guys!

I've looked
at every inch,

And there's
no bridge!

Why doncha try
lookin' ahead!


I don't think this bridge

Was meant
for large automobiles!

Gee! What
gave that away!?

Aah! Step on it, duke!

We'll neva make it!


Joey: real smooth.

Duke: don't make me
turn this car around.

I'm still kinda
confused about
one thing, tea.

It's something
my gramps said.

In the museum,
he told us

That there
are two yugi's.

Well, not exactly.

See, there's really
just one yugi,

But he sorta has
this other side to him.

Ya know,
it's like a tougher,

More confident yugi.

Well, I like his sweet
and charming side.

I'll never forget
the day we met.

He was
such a gentleman.

The ties
of friendship?

Consider it a gift.

I never met anyone
as nice as yugi.

But I suppose
he needs
the tougher side

Of his personality,


That's why
he always wins.

When they work

There's nothing
that can stop 'em.


They're probably
beating the pants

Off that biker creep
right now.


My move!

Did you forget
about my purity of
the cemetery magic card!?

You lose points!

Looks to me like you're in
over your head, pharaoh!

This is better
than "revenge of
the mummy part !"

What are we gonna do!?

His monster
is way more powerful

Than any of ours!

I have a plan.

Pot of greed

Lets me draw
two cards
from my deck!

This duel's
not over yet,

Yugi: we have a card
in our deck

That could help us
turn things around,

But we need to
draw it right now!

That's it!


First, I activate
the kuriboh brothers'

Special ability merging
them into kuribabylon!


Then I sacrifice
this new beast

To summon
something stronger!

Pretty impressive.

By combining his
powder puffs together,

He can sacrifice them
for a real monster.


Say hello
to my new monster!

Dark magician girl!

Rafael: she's too weak!
Do the math!

My guardian'll crush her!

The great beast will return!

He must be stopped
before he is fully restored!

Time is running out!

Yugi: we promised
we'd help her.

Not only do we owe it
to the dark magician girl,

We owe it to the world.

Behold, rafael!
My legendary dragon!

The eye of timaeus!



No! Not that!

Timaeus! Fuse with
my dark magician girl!

Meet dark magician girl
the dragon knight!

Whoa, I didn't
see that coming.

Yugi always pulls
the card he needs

At the last second!

Although somehow
that never seems
to work

For guys
like you and me.


Thanks to my
all-powerful dragon,

I'm in control
of this duel now!

Attack, my beast!

You can't!

Your dragon knight
has less attack points

Than my guardian grarl!

True, but my monster
has a special ability!

By discarding one card
to my graveyard,

I allow my dragon

To destroy your
monster instantly!


Attack with
dark energy burst!



Big deal. You won't be
so lucky next time.

We'll see.

You're right!
We'll see right now!

Activate self tribute!



What's going on?

I've given up
, life points

To save my monster.

Yugi: whoa! I guess
rafael wasn't kidding

When he said
he'd do anything

To protect his monsters!

Shocking, isn't it?

That a duelist
can have so much respect

And appreciation
for his monsters?

Unlike you, I actually
care about my cards!

You abandon yours
as soon as a better one
comes along.

What!? I value
all of my cards!

Look, you're
as disrespectful as
everyone else, pharaoh!

That's enough.
Let's duel.

What's wrong?

Are you upset
because I know you

Better than
you know yourself?

Face it.
Every person
in the world

Has darkness
in their heart,

And you're
no exception.

Your problem is,
you're afraid
to admit it.

But deep down,
you're evil!

The world's been like this
for the last , years.

We used to live in paradise,

But then the ancient stone
showed up.

What ancient stone
are you talking about?

Don't you know?

I'm talking about
the stone of orichalcos!

It came to test us,
and most of us failed.

The stone
unlocked the darkness

That was buried
in the hearts of mankind.

Only a few
turned out to be pure.

A huge battle broke out
between good and evil,

And in the end,
the evil side won.

Whoever told you
that story

Is lying to you.

The only evil
is around your neck!

That stone
is nothing
but bad news!


You've got it wrong.

The stone of orichalcos

Simply shows us
the truth, pharaoh--

That the majority
of the world

Is heartless and evil.

You're wrong!

How would you know?

I heard your memories
were erased!

If that's true,
how do you know

You weren't
an evil pharaoh!?

That can't be!

I may not remember
much about my days
as pharaoh,

But I know that
I once saved mankind.

Well, the people
you saved were evil,

Which means
you are, too!

That's not true!

, Years before
you ruled as king,

The stone of orichalcos

And never left!

The world was divided
into two sides:

The pure of heart
and those ruled by darkness.

The two sides
faced off in the most
devastating battle

The world's ever seen.

We're here
to continue that fight

And make sure
our side wins!

And while we may be

We have two things
you don't:

The power
of the orichalcos

And the great leviathan!

Therefore, we can
capture the souls of man

And offer them
to the most powerful
beast that ever lived.

Only then will
the world return

To the way it was--

A peaceful place
with a worthy leader.

I'm telling you,
you've been brainwashed!

Take a look around.

If things continue
the way they are,

The entire planet's gonna
look like this desert:

Desolate, crumbling,

And void of
any signs of life!

But that's
not gonna happen,

Because I'll see to it
that justice is served.

And you're gonna help me.


Ya see, pharaoh,
after , years,

Your spirit did come back

So you could
save the world...

By surrendering your soul!

No, that's a lie.

Enough! I'm sick
of hearing you

your evil plan!

I'm afraid
it isn't my plan.

I'm carrying out
the wishes of my master.

Just who is this master
of yours, rafael?

Well, for starters,

He's a better leader
than you were.

That's right, pharaoh.

My master told me
all about your history

As the king of egypt;

How you ruled
as an evil dictator

Using the power
of the shadow realm

To control your subjects.

Wake up. He lied.

How would you know?

You have no memory
of your past.

So isn't it possible
that you're responsible

For the destruction
of egypt?!

Think about it!

It can't be.

I know I was
a worthy pharaoh.

I'm the one who locked
the dark magic away!

So you believe...

But if you take
a closer look at yourself,

You'll discover the truth.

Your heart is dark,
and I'm about to prove it.

First, I'll place
one card facedown.

Then I'll activate
this magic card!

It's called exchange!

What are you up to?

Normally, exchange
allows both of us

To pick a card from
our opponent's hand.

But you'll notice
we each have

Only one card left.

So that means
we switch cards.

Then let's
get on with it.

Necromancy, hah?

This lets me
use a monster

From your graveyard.

That means this card
was useless to you anyway,

Since I have no monsters
in my graveyard.


Just hand me
your card so
we can continue.

As you wish.

I think you'll be pretty
pleased with this one.


What is it you find
so amusing?


Oh, no!

I can't use this!

Not the seal
of orichalcos!

It's too late!

The stone around your neck

Has already begun
to reveal your dark side!

The orichalcos never lies.

Ever since it first
appeared on earth,

The stone's
been testing people.

It knows who
the evil ones are.

And when it detects
the darkness inside of you,

For the first time
in centuries,

You'll get to see
who your really are!

Of course, you don't
have to activate that card

If you don't want to.

But I have a feeling
you will.

So go ahead and make
your next move, pharaoh.

No matter what happens,
you can't use that card!

Yes, but--
but nothing!

That card is evil!
Don't play it!

Very well, yugi.

It's my move!

Don't forget, my purity
of the cemetery magic card

Is still in effect!

And with monsters
in your graveyard,

You automatically lose
of your life points!

Dark magician girl
the dragon knight,

his guardian again!


Not so fast!

Activate crystal seal!



What have you done,

I've sealed your dragon
in a crystal prison

Just like he was when
you first found him!

Your big shot dragon
is locked away!

But, of course, there
is one card in your hand

That could set
your monster free.

Are you man enough
to play it?

Yugi: he's trying
to force us

To play the seal
of orichalcos.

That's way too dangerous!

That card is evil!

Whatever you do,
don't activate it, pharaoh!

I understand, yugi,

But it could be
the only way

To free
dark magician girl!

No! Please!

I summon
a facedown monster
in defense mode.

And with that,
I end my turn.

I know he wants to use
the seal of orichalcos.

I can see it in his eyes.

Time to lose!

I activate rod of silence!

It raises my backup
garna's strength by !

It also lets me play
my guardian kay'est!

Guardian grarl, attack his
facedown monster now!

No! I'm defenseless!

And your life points
are wide open!

Now, guardian kay'est,
attack him directly!



Looks like this duel's
just about over.

In fact, you'll
automatically lose

When your next turn's done.

You're wrong!

Remember my purity
of the cemetery's
still in effect!

So you lose
life points!

Now you have
one turn left.

There's only one way
to save yourself,

And you know what
I'm talking about.

Now, play the card
I gave you!

Yugi: no, pharaoh!

There's another way
out of this.

If I lose now,

Then two worlds
will be destroyed!

I won't lose
this duel!

I'll take you down,

So I activate
my card of sanctity!

Both of us must draw
from our decks

Until we have
in our hands!

Now you're just stalling.

I'm out of options.

There's only
one card in my hand

That can free my dragon
so I can win the duel.

I must play
the seal of orichalcos!

Yugi: pharaoh! No!!

Let go.

No. You don't know
what you're doing!

Let go!

Listen to me!

This card is
affecting your mind!

We're going
to lose the duel!

Can't you see!?
Trust me!

It's the only way,

We must do this.
Now, let me go!

Please, don't play
that card.

Now I activate
the seal of orichalcos!


What have I done?



Joey: do you guys
see what I see!?

Is that light
what I think it is!?

The seal of orichalcos!

nice work, pharaoh!

I knew you had it in you.

Now let's see
what the orichalcos

Reveals about you.

Are you good
or are you evil?

So tell me,
how do you feel?
