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04x11 - The Challenge

Posted: 08/19/22 16:47
by bunniefuu
previously on "yu-gi-oh!"...

Harpie's pet dragon,
destroy his fiend now!

Reveal facedown card!

Dat means your
harpie's pet dragon

Loses half of
its attack points now!

I have to win.


Rafael: valon!
What are you doing?!

With this fragment
of the orichalcos stone...

I unlock the seal!


I'll make up for this...

By taking
your soul pharaoh!

The power around my neck
puts your puzzle to shame!

there's something
going on here

That's bigger
than all of us...

And you know it!

You're referring
to this?

Trust what's inside
your heart

And join us.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

No way!

My mind must be
playing tricks on me!

I doubt dat.

My card seems
ta be doin'

The same thing,

It feels as though
these dragons

Are calling out to us.

All: uhh!

I was told that fate
had chosen modern-day warriors

To release these
legendary beasts.

Chosen by fate?
Get real.

I'm the one who
decides my fate, yugi!

Not some fairy tale
about mythical dragons

And giant man-eating

Be reasonable
for once!

The world needs us!

We must do this
as a team!


I don't do
the teamwork thing.


You geeks
have wasted enough
of my time already.

I have a multi-million dollar
company to run.

Playtime's over.


Seto...wait up!

We don't need him
weighing us down

With good ol' hermos
ova here,

Dose hoodlums won't
stand a chance.

Someone's back
to their old self

About time.

It took me a while,

But I realized
bein' bummed out

About mai's
not gonna bring
her back.

Your track record
stinks, weevil,

So why should I

There are more
rare cards in here?!

Because I'm
the smart one,

And you're just
a goofy sidekick!

Hey, what are you guys
up to over there?


My glasses!
I can't find my glasses!

They're right there.

Where you just threw them?

Oh! Ha ha ha!

So now that we know
who's causing
this whole mess,

What are we supposed
to do about it, guys?

Joey: we find
dis dartz guy

And his goon squad,
and we rescue mai!

Unfortunately, they split
without leaving an address.

So that's not gonna work.

Eh. Good point.

Tea: plan "b,"

We could chill out
back at my crib...

Play a little
dungeon dice monsters...

Wait. I know!

Professor hawkins!

He lives around here.

He may have some new information
that could help us.

Good call!

He did say he was
going back home

To continue his research
on the lost city
of atlantis!


And I have a feeling
his discovery

Somehow related
to our new enemy..

Ok. We know where
we're going,

But what about how?

[Engines roaring]


Flag him down
or something...

We need a lift, rich boy!

Well, so much
for that idea.

Dude, no sweat.

We'll just
take my car.

but are ya sure

We can all fit
in there?


The of us
can squeeze in,
no problem.



Rex: what about us?

Why are you two guys
here anyway?


Duke: hold on.
I got a spot for 'em.


It's good to be traveling
in style again.

You sure you're not holding
that map upside down?

Will you please
zip it!

Unless you wanna
join those dorks
in the trunk!

Can't we just take
that blue line?

If we had a boat!

Ha ha ha!

Blue lines
are rivers.

Duh...i know.

we gotta get mai
back on our side.

I was sick of my life...

So I chose to change it!

No way!

How could you?

Look! You guys
would never understand.

You've never been
an outsider like me.

And I don't need any help
from you!

All I need now is power!

And I'm about to unleash
all of it on you!

Mai: I told you
the mai you knew is gone!

I never knew mai
was so unhappy.

I mean, I knew
she wanted to be
da best...

But I can't believe
she took it dis far.

Joining some
evil plot to destroy

Yugi, thinking:
based on what
pegasus said,

Dartz controls
a magic force

That's , years old!

That's even older
than you are!

Yami-yugi, thinking:
yes, yugi--
the orichalcos.

And it appears
to be more powerful

Than any magic we've
ever experienced.

Well, it seems
to be connected

To professor hawkin's

I just hope he can
tell us what to do!

Mai: what were you

I was just about
to finish off wheeler,

And then you had to butt in
and ruin everything!

Oh, no.


Rafael: valon!
What are you doing?!

Valon: with this fragment
of the orichalcos stone...

I unlock the seal!


You're a real piece
'a work.

He saved your soul,
and this is how
you repay him?

Who asked to be saved?

Maybe next time,
he'll learn to butt out!

Next time...we'll
just let you lose.

That's enough, mate.
I'm fine.

Yeah, clam up,

Or you'll end up
just like your friend here.

You have no idea
the danger
you were in.


Do you remember
that hermos card
wheeler played?

It's an ancient

That can only
be controlled
by a chosen duelist.

Ha! Yeah,
he was chosen all right!

Chosen to have
that scrawny butt of his

Kicked by a real duelist!!


Later, losers!

Hey, wait!
That's mine!

you won't escape me
this time, wheeler.

I can't let mai
get hurt.

I gotta stop her.

Forget about her.

Let's focus
on the pharaoh.

Master dartz
said to wait.

Yeah, well,
master dartz

Doesn't always know
what's best.

We should take
the strongest soul

Once we get him
out of the way,

The others will
fall right into our
hands, one by one.

But how do ya know
the pharaoh will duel?

Because my plan
is already in place.

It's only a matter
of time.

Hawkins: strange...

In all of these
ancient paintings,

One image appears
over and over...

But what is it?


I'm stumped.

whoa, copernicus!


Whoa! Easy!

what's gotten into you, boy?

Did I load you up

With too many groceries
today or what?


[Copernicus neighing]

What's a helicopter
doin' here?

Grandpa's not expecting
any visitors today...

Man: move out!
Let's go!

That's weird.

Hawkins: you'll never
get away with this!

Keep it down,
old man!


Man: you should
stay out of things

That don't
concern you!

Come on, boy!

Let my grandpa go!

Get back here!


Aah! Oh!


Grandpa's laboratory!


What do they want with him?!

Huh? A duel monsters card?



You sure dis
is da place?

Professor hawkins!


Rebecca: yugi!


What happened here?

They took him.

My poor grandpa....


It's not fair!

He didn't
hurt anyone!

We're gonna find him...
I promise.

Thank you.

Who would do something
like this?!

Tea: I still don't get it.

[Teapot whistling]

Who would kidnap
the professor?

It had ta be

Or his g*ng
'a thugs, anyway!!

Why? I mean,
the guy is just
an archaeologist.

But didn't you guys
say he made some
big discovery?

He found atlantis.


I've got an idea.


Remember that stone?

The one I gave
to your grandpa?

Yeah, I have it
around my neck
right here.

Gramps told me
to hang on to it.

Maybe that's
what dartz

And his lackeys
are after.

Then be careful.

Ok, so now what?

Easy! Let's find out
where this dartz guy
hangs out!

We bust in
and get hawkins!

But how?!

I don't think
they're listed
in the phone book!

She's right.

Besides, he doesn't have
what they want,

Which means they'll
probably come back.

Great. So we just sit
on our butts and wait?

I still like my plan.

If we're gonna
stay here, I gotta eat.

I can't wait on an empty
stomach, ya know.

Joey: good idea.
I'll whip somethin' up.

Tea: I'm not eating
anything you cook!

Don't worry.

They're gonna bring
your grandpa back
soon, rebecca.

Duke: bam!

smells delicious!

Hey, tristan!
Is the table set yet?

Almost done, mom.

Anytime you wanna jump in
and help would be great.

Eat that!

Hey, hold on!

Where's weevil
and rex?!

Oh, yeah, I forgot
about dose two.

Duke: who cares?!
More food for us!

for the last time...

There are no
rare cards here!

just keep looking!

Have I been wrong yet?!

About everything!

Wait! Ah. Huh?



Quit standing around
and keep looking, rex!

This old guy
has no rare cards.

He's a professor,
not a duelist!

Quit whining.

I haven't eaten
in, like, days.

My stomach
won't stop rumbling.

Some french fries
would be nice.




So what'd ya
wanna talk about?

I'm just scared,

This whole thing
is so strange.

I know, but we'll find
your gramps.


There's more.

What's this?

The creeps
who kidnapped
my grandfather

Left it behind.

It came with a note.

Rafael: "I'll be waiting
for you in death valley.

"You'll show up if you
wanna see your friend again.


Oh, no!

How far away
is death valley?

Well if we use
duke's car,

It shouldn't take us
more than an hour or so.

Sorry, rebecca...
But I hafta go alone.


I've put you
and your family

In enough danger


Don't be silly,

None of this is
your fault at all.

Thanks, rebecca...

But it's me they want,
and you'll be
much safer here.

And please, don't tell
the other guys

Where I'm about
to go, ok?

But why?

I don't want them
to follow me there.



Rise and shine.

Who's there?

That's not important.

What is important

Is that you
forget everything
you've discovered.

No! Those ruins
are a piece of history,

And they don't
belong to you!

Where did you
get that stone

You're wearing around
your neck, young man?

It's made of
the same material

I discovered
in those ruins!

It seems like
someone's too curious
for their own good.

If I were you,
I'd wise up and stop
my research professor.

Well, you're not me,

And I've waited
my entire career
to find this!

I will never
abandon my research.
Is that clear?!

You don't have a choice.

What do you mean
by that?


We've burned down
your laboratory

And destroyed everything
you found.

So you're no longer
a threat to us.

Dartz, thinking: the time
draws near, great leviathan.

With every soul you receive,
your power grows.

Soon you'll unleash
your rage upon mankind,

And we'll finish
what be began so long ago.


Man: the storm's
getting stronger!


Radio for help!

The system's down!

The lifeboat!

Ha ha ha ha ha!


well, I know what I hafta do.

Time to face these creeps.



Don't worry, rebecca.

I'll be back.


Ready, copernicus?






Can't sleep, either,

Where's yuge?

Uh, um, uh,

I promised
I wouldn't tell.

Joey: rebecca!

How could you let him
just leave like that?

Take it easy, joey.
It's not her fault.

You guys would've done
the same thing.

No. We would've
talked some sense
into 'im, tea.

I'm comin',


Oh, no...

Tristan: come on,
get back here!

Hey, man,
what's wrong?



professor hawkins!

My grandpa!



where is yugi?

Yugi, thinking:
this guy must wanna
duel us, right?

Yami-yugi, thinking:

As long as we have
our timaus card,

We should be fine!

But he holds the seal
of orichalcos.

Yeah, but we have
something else over him.

A belief in the heart
of the cards!

I'm glad
you're back, gramps.

A'right, tea.
We'll find yugi.

You hold down da fort
'til we get back.

Just be careful, guys.

We'll be back soon!

[Engine starts]


Keep an eye out
for rex and weevil,

I don't trust those two.

[Rex and weevil panting]

We can't miss
the showdown between
yugi and those guys.

I hafta find out
how they made mai

Into such a strong duelist!

Can't we take
a quick snack break?!

[Copernicus neighs]

It's yugi!
He's getting ahead!

No! Put the pedal
to the metal!

[Panting faster]

Be careful, yugi.


hang in dere, yuge.
We're on our way!

I'm ready for you,

Thanks to my deck...

And the power it holds.