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14x33 - Film! Festival! Shinigami Film Festival!

Posted: 08/18/22 20:33
by bunniefuu
The End

Let the girl go!


Scatter Senbonzakura.

Who are you?!

Go, go, Kenny!

So, how do I look?

Scene , action!

We're going to do a movie!


What did you say you're going to do?

It's almost New Year's movie season!

Although the great Heisei recession,

the so-called "lost decade" of the 's, had come and gone,

various financial crises occurred just as people thought

that things were finally starting to look up.

As people tightened their wallets from spending,

people sought low-cost entertainment and began

flocking to movie theaters on their long vacations

and spent their money there!

It behooves us not to get left behind by that trend!

Are the Thirteen Court Guard Squads that short on funds?

From what I heard,

there apparently were considerable expenditures

to repair the damage to Seireitei

caused by repeated emergencies.

That's because nobody thinks about the damage

to their surroundings when they fight.

And so we have decided to hold a

"Seireitei International Film Festival,"

celebrating the release of Bleach Movie !

The release of Bleach Movie ? What the hell is she talking about?

Don't think too hard.

Let's make an awesome movie and wow everyone.

Yes, let's do our best, Renji, Ichigo!

Huh? Why am I included?

What's with all this enthusiasm?

And where did all this equipment come from anyway?

Make way!

Seireitei International Film Festival

Co-sponsored by Urahara's Shop

So it's from him, eh?

Isn't he supposed to be banned from Seireitei?


Unohana...and Komamura?

Good afternoon.

Are you guys filming too?

Yes. Squads and are working together to make a movie.

Oh? What's it about?

It's a moving drama about animals saving human lives

in a world where disasters have destroyed civilization.

Animals? You don't mean...

What are you looking at?

Is there a problem?

Uh, no... How should I say this?

You don't quite fit the image.

I see...

Actually, I thought the costume

wasn't as well-made as it could have been.

Captain! Please don't say that!

It's because my acting isn't good enough.

Forgive me for hindering the production!

No, that's not it.

All right Tetsuzaemon, then I shall teach you how to act better!

Yes, sir! Woof!

Ready? Shake!

Perhaps we should ask Squad for some help.

Captain, should I do that with my right hand, or left?

Captain Kurotsuchi did say he was preparing

Hmm... Let's try it with the right.



full-body costumes for his special effects film.

Too slow!

Urr... Let me try it again, woof!


A special effects film by Squad ?

Too soon!

We need to get our timing right!

You sure they're using full-body costumes?


This time we'll try with the left hand.


Okay, woof!

Are you free right now?



Yeah, I suppose.

That's good!

Then would you mind playing a part in our movie?

We're short on actors and could use your help.

What? I don't think I...

We're short on actors and could use your help.


It looks very good on you.

Um... Isn't this a...

All right, we'll be doing scene ,

the fight scene between the main character and the human

who was turned into a dog-man by the curse of the dead dog!

What kind of scene is that?

What? That you, Ichigo?

K-Kenpachi! What are you doing here?!

We're making a movie!

We in Squad are making a blockbuster movie starring our captain!

It's an action flick where the captain cuts down anything

and everything, including people, poles, and even worms.

And what's more, it's a documentary where nothing is faked.

Awesome, huh?

Will that work as a movie?

Ichigo! Just the man I needed.

I had the urge to cut down someone tough!

So fight me for a while!

No thanks!


You saying you can't fight me?

Uh, no, well...

Captain Zaraki.

Kurosaki is currently occupied with our film.

Please don't go along with your plans without our consent.



Ichigo, we'll fight later.

Let's go guys!

Yes, Sir!


Go, go, Kenny!

Now then, let's get back to filming.

Y-Yes, ma'am.

Thank goodness that's finally over.

Is that you, Ichigo?

Ukitake! Kyoraku!

Hey, what's wrong?

You look beat.

Well, that's because Unohana insisted

I participate in the filming of Squad 's movie.

That must've been rough.

Aren't you guys making a movie?

Well... I was all for it,

and even submitted a proposal, but Nanao here...

I will not approve of any films rated "adults only"

from the very beginning!

Just what kind of movie were you planning to make?

I'm being filmed right now.

Sentaro and Kiyone are making a documentary film

about me living life to the fullest.

They say it's to leave behind for future generations.

What can I say?

Ukitake, are you all right?!

I just felt a bit dizzy.


So this is where you were.

Quit wandering around, will you?

We were ready to start filming ages ago.

Oh, sorry.

Well, take care, Ukitake.

Yeah, thanks.

Looking forward to your finished product.

You're late, Ichigo!

Rukia?! What's with the outfit?

So, how do I look?

Rukia is the star of our movie.


Just what sort of movie are you planning to make with her?

It's called "Battle Maid Cop!

Protect the Soul Society from Space Invaders!"

I am Rukia, the Maid Cop.

Pleased to meet you, Master.

So why the hell is she dressed as a maid?!

We incorporated the latest trend.

We can't attract moviegoers if we don't

incorporate the latest trends, you know.

Just so you know, we asked Rangiku to play

the role of the Maid Cop's rival,

the lovely criminal from outer space.

Yoo-hoo! How do I look?

And your role will be the

mysterious High School Soul Reaper who comes to Rukia's rescue.

That's no different from real life.

And these are the members of the Abarai g*ng.

What exactly are we doing, Kurosaki?

I came because they asked me to come if I was free.


Inoue will play the role of the human under Rangiku's control.

Chad, you'll be our gofer.

And I'll be in charge of the costume design, of course.

No wonder the maid and alien are both wearing capes.

Ishida, you'll also be our cameraman.

Oops! I almost forgot someone very important.

Captain Kuchiki.


The captain will be in charge of visual effects using kido.

The Seireitei's honor hangs on the Film Festival's success.

Therefore it is mandatory for all captains to participate in this event.

Okay! Let's begin before it gets dark!

Scene !

In this scene, Ichigo rescues Rukia,

who is about to be ex*cuted by Chad and Inoue

who are under Rangiku's control!

Let's do it!

Wow! I get a scene right from the start.


Wasn't I supposed to be the gofer?

Don't worry about the details.

Wait, you're the director?!

Listen up! Here's how it goes.

Rukia is captured after falling for Rangiku's trap.

And Ichigo can't do anything since Inoue and Chad

are under Rangiku's control.

Meaning you're in a desperate situation!


You rescue Rukia. That's all.


Figure that out yourself!

Are you serious?

Places, everyone!

Captain! I'll leave the visual effects up to you!

Please make it look dramatic.

Got it.


That is cowardly, space criminal Rangiku!

That is the whimpering of a loser!

If you're frustrated, try getting yourself out of this situation.

This will not make me lose heart.

I am sure my friends will come to rescue me at any moment.

It'll be over for you by then!

Finish her!


We're sorry, Kuchiki.

We don't want to do this,

but right now, she has us under her control.

Inoue, that's not what you're supposed

to say while under control.

Oh dear heavens!

I am in a pinch!

What will happen to the fate of the Maid Cop?!

Hold it right there!

Who are you?!

Let the girl go!

I, Ichigo Kurosaki, the High School Soul Reaper will take you on!

Hey, for someone who was reluctant, you're really into this.

Shut up!

Say that after you see the situation you're in.

I have hostages, you know.

Can you harm people from this planet?

Kurosaki, I'm so sorry.

She has us under her control.


You're playing dirty!

Say what you will!

Now, k*ll this guy!

What should we do in this situation?

Never mind! Just attack!

Ichigo, you dodge!

Man, your directions are so general.



El Directo!

That won't work on me!

It needs to look more exciting than that.

Captain Kuchiki, please do your thing!

Got it.

Inoue! Put your hands out in front and take your stance!

Huh? Me?

Just a pose will do!

All right then.

Hado Number : Sokatsui!

That was close.

Hado Number : Byakurai!

Why is your aim so accurate?!

You're not the one I'm fighting!

Chad! What're you waiting for?! Continue attacking!


El Directo!

Scatter Senbonzakura.

Oh no, Ichigo!

How could you do such a thing to him!

I won't hold back even if you are people of this planet!

Inoue! Chad! Now drop to the ground!

Oh no, she got me!


Such impertinence!

Ah well...

I'll let it go for today. Farewell!

Kurosaki... Thanks to your sacrifice, I live.

Thank you...and farewell forever.

Don't go k*lling me off!

Oh my gosh! You're alive!

Of course I am!


Let us continue to protect the peace on this planet together.



Are you all right, Kurosaki?

I'm not all right.

I thought I was going to die.



What's the matter, Ishida?

I forgot to put this patch on Kuchiki's costume!

What? Who cares?

We have no choice.

We'll fix the costumes and do it again!

Everyone! I want you to do it again just like we just did!


This is going to be our next filming location.

Sokyoku Hill?

Yeah. No camera has ever entered this sacred place.

That's why there's value in filming here!

Are we pulling off the "Produced with full cooperation from the famous" tactic?


So what do you think, Ichigo? Doesn't it make you excited?!

What's the matter, Ichigo?

There's something wrong about this whole film.

What do you mean?

I mean, why am I the only one who's getting beaten up?!

The explosions are too powerful,

the att*cks are precise,

and I get shoved down from crazy places without warning!

You did some great acting in every one of those scenes!

I wasn't acting!

And besides, I don't have a clue as to

what the story of this film is to begin with!

Who cares?

We're going to cut and paste during the editing stage anyway!

When it comes down to it,

we can just erase the sound and dub over it,

and we can do anything we want with CG and music.

I knew it! You're not putting any thought into this!

I think that's fine.

Focusing too much on the script could cause problems.

Take Shuhei's group for example.

They still haven't finished the script yet,

and now they are way behind schedule.

Hinamori is so pissed off.

You don't want to end up like them.

Wow, that sounds rough.

When the script is late, it's the crew on the scene that suffers.


That's not my concern!

Byakuya! Your aim is too accurate!

Do you have a grudge against me, or something?

Not at all. It's just that...

I decided it was necessary in the pursuit of reality.

How noble of you, Brother!

We're letting our names be credited in this film.

By the Kuchiki Clan's honor, I cannot allow any mistakes to be made.

Aargh! Forget it!

I'm quitting!


But Kurosaki, we've come this far into the filming.

Sorry Inoue, I can't do this anymore.

What'd you do that for?!

What're you afraid of?!

So you got beat up during filming.

You're letting yourself get discouraged by something so trivial?

You're not confident about looking good on camera?

Or are you afraid of getting beaten up in the pursuit of reality?

If you don't have confidence in your acting,

make up for it with passion.

If you're not confident about making it look real,

think up some way to fake it.

If you're afraid of the schedule pressing down on you,

do all your scenes in one take.

Even if no one else believes in you,

hold your head up high and shout out your lines!

That's the man I know you as, Ichigo!

You talk too much!

Okay! Let's start filming again!

Is everyone ready?


What are you people doing here?

Crap! They found us!

Huh? What do you mean, Renji?

Never mind. Pack it up everybody!

Hey, you didn't get a permit to film here?!

Of course not!


I thought it would be easier to just do a guerrilla filming

than go through the hassle of getting permission.

Intruders! Get them!

We're surrounded!


Roar! Zabimaru!

This way! Hurry!

Hey! Wait, Renji!

Kurosaki! Hurry! Hurry!

Don't let them get away!

What is this place?

How would I know?!

Hey, it's a dead end!

No choice.

Bankai! Hihio Zabimaru!

All right! Just as I planned it!

That's going too far.

Damn! They headed us off.

How is this "just as you planned it"?!

They're coming from behind too!


By the Kuchiki Clan's honor,

I won't allow myself to be captured here.

Your honor disappeared the moment you got involved with this film.

Wait, Byakuya! What're you going to do?!

Bankai... Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.


He did it!

And so peace returns to the Soul Society thanks to the

Written by: Renji Abarai

efforts of young Ichigo Kurosaki, who blew himself up.

Maid Cop: Rukia Kuchiki Lovely Criminal: Rangiku Matsumoto

Finally, we'd like to add that this story is a work of fiction

and is not associated with any actual location.

Special Effects: Byakuya Kuchiki

Camera: Uryu Ishida Gofer: Yasutora Sado

Thank you for your support everyone.

Directed by: Renji Abarai

Okay! It looks great!

I'm calling it "Close Call for the Soul Society!"

The Film Festival Grand Prix is as good as mine!

I knew I shouldn't have done this!

There's a grand prix for this film festival, right?

It's been cancelled.


The Seireitei was destroyed during filming.

Therefore, the grand prix money was used for the repairs instead.

But that was all your fault.

The Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!

We're making a movie too!

How stupid! Count me out!

Oh? And here I was going to make you the star, Hiyori.

If that's the case, then I might consider it.

What the hell is this?!

I'm calling it "Great Monster Hiyora"!

You damn baldy!