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08x19 - Scandinavia Cruise: Girl of the Midnight Sun/There'll Be Some Changes Made/Too Many Isaacs/Mr. Smith Goes to Stockholm: Part 1

Posted: 08/18/22 16:21
by bunniefuu
[Theme - Jack Jones, "love

Theme song: Love,
exciting and new.

Come aboard.

We're expecting you.

And love-- life's
sweetest reward--

let it flow.

It floats back to you.

The love boat soon will
be making another run.

The love boat promises
something for everyone.

Set a course for adventure,
your mind on a new romance.

And love won't hurt anymore.

It's an open smile
on a friendly shore.

It's love.

Welcome aboard.

It's love.

And how do you feel, Isaac?

I never felt better.

He's a perfect
choice, Dr. Cain.

I'll handle this, Zachary.

You do understand,
of course, Isaac,

that you'll be participating
in committing a crime.


I know.

And you're prepared
to use a w*apon?

With pleasure.

Show me.

The monitor.


Expensive, but excellent.

Thank you.

Repeat that.

Thank you.

He's out of sync!

It merely needs a
minor equalization.

But you must admit, the
mechanical voice reproduction

is lifelike.

It should be.

I've planned this adventure
down to the last detail.

Dismantle him.


Scandinavian food is delicious.


I just wish I could
pronounce what I'm eating.

Who cares?

My stomach has no
language barriers.

You know, I don't know
how the captain did it,

getting us back on
the royal viking

sky for a Scandinavian cruise.


Well, ours is
not to reason why.

Ours is just to go bye bye.

I'll drink to that.




Thank you.

- Hi, guys.
- Hi.



It's nice to see you all here.

Well, I think I'll have
the Norwegian [Norwegian],,

the Swedish [Swedish],,
and the crab [inaudible]

For my daughter.

Don't be so impressed.

He asked the hostess
out in the hall.

- Mm-hmm.
- Oh, spoilsport.


Uh, captain, no one's
explained it to me.

If we're going to scandinavia,
why are we flying to england?

Oh, this way.

We pick up our cruise ship in
southampton, sail up to Norway,

stop at Oslo and Bergen,
and sail all the way

over to Stockholm, Sweden,
stopping at a couple

fjords in between.

Oh, I've seen pictures
of fjords-- narrow

inlets surrounded by mountains.

They're the greatest.

- And we're the luckiest.
- Hear, hear.

- Oh, yeah.
- Hear, hear.

Pilot: Ladies and gentlemen,
we will soon be landing

at London's Gatwick airport.

Welcome to jolly old england.

Judy: Was that doc
making the announcement?

Captain: He always
wanted to be a pilot.

There she is.

The royal viking sky.

Still as beautiful as ever.

I must confess, I learned
one Norwegian phrase

just for this exact moment--

[speaking Norwegian]

--Which means, let's
have a marvelous trip.

All right.

Do you mind?

That's my trunk
you're sitting on.


I am your pardon begging.

Do you mind?

Hello, boys.

Excuse me.

Hello, my dear.


Oh, my.

Isn't that Helga
bjorsson, Swedish heiress?

Oh, yeah.

She's one of the richest
women in the world.

Her family owns banks,
hotel chains, oil Wells.

This ship, by any chance?

Only if it was on
her Christmas list.

Excuse me.

Helga: Oh, that's all
for now, handsome boys.

Miss bjorsson.

I'm captain merrill stubing.


This is an honor, to have you
aboard the royal viking sky.

This is our purser, burl Smith.

God dag.

God dag.

And this is my
daughter, Vicki.

How do you do?

God dag.

How do you do, I mean to say.

I warn you, my
English is, uh, broke.

And I contract attention
wherever I been, so I hope

no troubles it makes for you.

Well, I'm sure we
won't have any trouble.

Miss bjorsson.


Are you travelling alone?

Not for long, I am hoping.

You are in penthouse
suite number one.

It's right this way.

Cain: Be careful, man.

The contents are very delicate.

Helga bjorsson.


That is something special.

I plan to see a lot of
that lady on this cruise.

Well, you'll certainly
be seeing more of her

in Stockholm, that's for sure.

How's that?

Didn't you read the memo?

We are going to a
big party that she's

throwing when we get there.



She is throwing it for
her champion racehorse,

which is worth $ million.

Imagine it-- $
million for a horse.


I'm Dr. Fabian Cain.

Welcome aboard.

I'm Isaac Washington.

Well, I'm pleased to
meet you, Mr. Washington.

Likewise, Dr. Cain.

Do you have a cold?

I'm just getting over one.


Let's go, gentlemen.

And be very careful.


That's a strange one.

I hope that
wasn't meant for me.


Uh, th-- that definitely
wasn't meant for you.

In your case, I would have
said, that's a beautiful one.

I like that a lot better.

I'm Delia parks.

Isaac Washington.

You look familiar to me.

Do I know you?

Well, you might have seen me.

I'm an actress.

I did a few pictures in
a couple of commercials.


If I were a producer,
you'd be a star.


We'll see.

I'm on my way to
Stockholm to do a movie.


Well, I hope I see more
of you during the cruise.

Well, only if you're looking.

Yes, may I help you, ma'am?

Is the Atlantic deck upstairs?

That's right, Mrs. Webber.

Oh, yes, it does say
Mrs. On this cruise,

I've got to think miss--

Ms. I only just got divorced.


As ship's doctor, my
best medical advice

is, do something about the
third finger of your left hand.

Been on so long
it's got stuck.

Let's try soap and water
before we try surgery.

Pity the man who gave it
to me didn't stay this close.

I'm sorry.


Not bad.



She's ok.

She's nothing to sniff at.

What is that, a nose joke?

I just got on the boat,
you're making big nose jokes?

No, no.

I was just saying she's
an attractive woman.

If you like women.

I happen to like girls.

Doc: Ooh!

And that ooh will be joining
me any minute in my cabin.

Do oohs have sisters?

Easy, pal.

It's just going to be Ginny
and me sailing the cool, deep

Scandinavian waters.

She's brunette and beautiful
and , , , .

Wait a minute.

She's got too many
numbers for you.

That is her age.


Enjoy yourselves.

Grant Cooper.

Nah, couldn't be.

An old Beau?


I-- I wish.

But he was the high
school hero, and I

was the little girl next door.

And you followed
him around everywhere.

I did not.


Tag along.

Oh, hi!

How are you?

Oh, I'm great.

Uh, this is ace, our-- our--
our ship's photographer.

Hi, ace.


Well, being a pal of
the cruise director

should make this a
great cruise, huh?

Actually, I'm here for work.

I am now vice president
in charge of promotion

for Scandinavian sunshine girl.

Oh, the famous suntan lotion.


And we have a big
publicity campaign

that's based around finding that
pure and perfect nordic beauty

who can best
represent our product.

Matter of fact, at
every port of call,

we're going to have a
parade of beautiful models.

We're auditioning for the title
of Scandinavian sunshine girl.

I'd like to audition.


Uh, for your job.

Oh, I see.

(Germanic accent) E--

excuse me.

Uh, the elevators are where?

Oh, they're that way.



Uh, uh-- thank you very much.

What language
was she speaking?

Sounded like Swedish to me.

Judy (on pa): Ladies
and gentlemen,

will all visitors
kindly leave the ship,

as we are preparing to sail.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Are we going to sail?

That's what ships
do for a living.

But Ginny's not here.

My girl's going to
miss the cruise.


Did her luggage come?

Did you check your cabin?

I checked everywhere.

All I have are these
clothes I'd bought for her I

thought there was trouble.

I should have known when she
asked for a couple of grand

to do a little more shopping.

I should have known.

I should have smelled that
was going to be a problem.

I know what you're thinking--

I've got the smeller for it.


Judy (on pa): Good morning,
ladies and gentlemen.

As we sail north,
into Norwegian waters,

you will notice the mornings
and evenings becoming

cooler as the days get longer.

Our course will take
us into the north sea,

past the coast of Denmark, into
our first port of Oslo, Norway.

Have a wonderful cruise.

Excuse me.

I couldn't help but
notice how lovely you are.

Oh, thank you.

I'm Grant Cooper.

I'm Greta lund.


Ms. Lund, I represent
a suntan lotion

called Scandinavian sunshine.

Oh, yeah.

I-- I use it myself.

It's very good.


Well, good.

Well, I'm searching for
a true nordic beauty

to be the Scandinavian
sunshine girl.

And you're just the type
of girl we're looking for.



You want me to--
to be a model?


And, uh, pose in, uh,
the little bathing suits.



What nerve.

You Americans have the craziest
idea about Swedish girls.

You all think we
practice the free love

and, uh, nude sunbathing, and--

I didn't say that.

My papa would--

would die if he saw
me half-naked o--

on a billboard feet tall.

A lot of guys would.


I-- I'm sorry.

Well, you should be.

Would you allow
me to apologize more

graciously over dinner tonight?

My apologies, too.

I do not dine with strangers.

(High pitch) Hi.

I'm Isaac Washington.

(Low pitch) Hi.

I'm Isaac Washington.

(Normal) Hi.

I'm Isaac Washington.



You see, I have a
cleaning fetish.

I'll clean the room.

Just leave the fresh
linen outside every day.

Thank you.

I always envy a man
who knows how to relax.

Good night, Mr. Washington.


Ocean's beautiful, isn't it?


I should have known Ginny
wasn't going to show up.

All my life, I never
had any luck with women.

This thing keeps
getting in the way.

Whenever I go to a party, my
nose always gets there first.

And by the time I arrive,
all the women are gone.

I'm sure things will
be better on the cruise.

In this romantic
setting, you can't miss.

Yeah, well if anybody can
miss with women, it's me.

I haven't hit the
target in years.

Come on, Mel.

You're being too
hard on yourself.

I don't have to be.

The women always beat me to it.

It's always, hello, Mel.

Goodbye, Mel.

Let me dump you at
the city limits.


[Phone ringing]


Ja, this is Greta lund.

Oh, ja.

I will accept the call.



(American accent) Yeah,
you were absolutely right.

The reverse psychology,
hard-to-get stuff

is working like a charm.

Grant already offered
me an audition.


But I'm waiting until
he offers me the job.

By this time next week, I
guarantee you I am going to be

the Scandinavian sunshine girl.

Hey, this some party, huh?


Looks like miss bjorsson
invited practically

everybody on the whole ship.
- Yeah.


I am remembering you from board.

I love man in uniform.


I am thinking you
very cute, "gee-fra."



Close enough.

And I'm thinking
you're gorgeous.

Aren't you hot in that coat?

I am loving furs.

But for you, I am taking off it.

I'm very glad you did that.

Now you must join me
in salivating my voyage.

I think you mean celebrating.

And I'm sorry, but I
can't drink on duty.

Is it not your duty to be
nice with the passengers?

Well, in your case,
I'll make an exception

and have a soft drink.

Good luck!

I am having soft
drinks in my cabin.

Boy, am I thirsty.


Miss lund, I'm so sorry we got
off on the wrong foot before.

I am, too.

You've given me quite
a problem, you know.



Because now, no matter
how many beautiful models

I see, where on this
earth am I going to find

another nordic beauty like you?

Oh, there are hundreds
of girls like me.

You will find one.

Excuse me, but why do you
have to have a foreign girl?

Could you not find a beautiful
model in your own country?

Oh, no.

Scandinavian sun means Finland,
Norway, Sweden, the fjords,

the northern lights--

that old-world beauty
that I see in your face.

You make me blush.

Which only makes
you more beautiful.

You are not without
old-world charm yourself.

Judy (on pa): Attention, please.

For anyone interested
in volleyball,

there's a game in progress
on the sports deck.

Mel: That's it.

Atta girl.

Oh, yeah.


Oh, I didn't think
you'd get that one.


Oh, what are you doing?

You're not going
to quit, are you?

Oh, come on.

How about a double header?

Listen, I'll buy
the winners a drink.



How are you getting on?

Oh, the cruise is
terrific-- you know,

getting away from the phones
and all that social stuff.

Kind of nice to be by yourself.

- Oh, yes.
- I don't mean that I always do.

No, no.

I know.

I feel absolutely the same.

See you.

Judy (on pa): Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to the land
of the midnight sun--

the only place you need
sunglasses even at o'clock

in the evening.




Sir, with your
permission, I would

like to propose a toast to
all of our lovely passengers.

Uh, miss bjorsson.


I feel as if I know you.

I've read so much about you.

Oh, I have to.

And I'm dying to
know, why did you

break up with count ferdinand?

He was so handsome.

Oh, well--

count was hunter.

Every morning, he
must sh**t duck.

Quack, quack, boom, boom,
quack, quack, boom, boom.

So boring.

I'll bet the ducks weren't
crazy about it, either.


Everybodies, I am
too a toast proposal--

one for the gopher for English
lessons he is to me give.

English lessons?

Yes, sir.

I'm just trying to help out.

What is he teaching you?


He is teaching me about the ear.

Word he teaches is nibbles.

He is also teaching
me about neck.

Word he teaches is--

what was the word, again?


I think the word is nuzzle.

That was the word!

In addition to
your pursers duties,

perhaps we should add
passenger relations.

Oh, we are having that, too.

Good evening, Mr. Washington.

Good evening, Dr. Cain.

Is this stool
reserved for someone?

Yes-- a very beautiful lady.


Well, I wouldn't want to
stay in the way of romance.

I'll have a tonic water,
please, over there.


This is the bar stool
of honor, Ms. Parks--


Well thank you, Isaac.

I wouldn't dream of
sitting anywhere else.

You must have a very busy
social calendar if you treat all

your female customers this way.

When I met you, I didn't
need a calendar anymore.

Time stopped.

Excuse me.

Oh, I'm terribly sorry.

I'm terr-- no, no.
I'm so--

oh, it was my fault, Ms., uh--


Kay Webber.
- Hi.

I'm Mel Davis.

Oh, please sit.

I'm sorry.

Thank you.

Look, please do sit down.



If you'd like.

In separate chairs.

Oh, y-- yeah.


Thank you very much.

Are you enjoying the trip?

Oh, yes.

Very much.

It's everything the
brochure said it would be.

Yes, it is, isn't it?

I'm really looking
forward to going to Oslo.

Are you?


I'm going to go to
the royal palace.

And there's a museum where
you can see viking ships

that are over , years old.

What are you going to do?

In Oslo?

Oh, I'm going to visit friends.

I have friends there.

Oh, well, that's nice.


It's nice.

Daylight here
is so incredible.

It's o'clock, and
it's just getting dark.

It is going to be fantastic
seeing this part of the world

with you, Delia--

starting with Oslo, tomorrow.

Oh, Isaac, i'd
like that too, but--

but what?

Well, I really haven't studied
my lines for the picture.

And I thought I might find some
English-speaking actor in Oslo

and work with them.


Delia, I was hoping--

I used to do a little
acting in high school.

Amateur plays, things like that.

Maybe I could help you.

Oh, Isaac, I don't know.

It sure might take up
a lot of your time.

All the more reason.

What's the movie about?

Well, it's a kind of
spoof on more pictures.

You know, a little
comedy, a little danger,

a little romance.

A little romance?



Let's practice.

Romance doesn't come
this early in the picture.


Then I better take that kiss
back and save it for later.


Oh, I'm sorry.

All these cabin
doors look alike.

Yes, they do.

Come in, Delia.


How goes it with
Isaac Washington?

It couldn't be better.

He not only agreed to
help me learn my lines,

but he volunteered to do it.

As I was certain he would.

You do know which lies
of his we have to record?

Of course, Dr. Cain.

I've got it all
marked in my script.

Oh, no, no, no.

My script.

You know, in a few days,
you'll make more money than you

would in a dozen movies.

To actors and
actresses, especially

in their off-stage roles.

Captain (on pa):
Ladies and gentlemen,

velkommen til norge--

welcome to Norway, the land
of the Scandinavian sun.

You'll marvel at the spectacular
fjords, a myriad of forests,

mountains, and waterfalls,
and little villages right

out of a timeless storybook.

We have docked in Oslo,
the capital city, where

we suggest you visit
the vigeland museum,

which houses the viking ships.

You should also see the
magnificent granite and

bronze animals in frogner park.

And don't miss the
medieval akershus castle,

which was restored
by king Christian

iv back in the th century.

Have a wonderful
time, and adieu.

That's the Oslo royal palace.

They call it the slottet.

And over there is the national
theater, where all of ibsen's

great plays were performed.

Let's take a look.


What's going on there?

I don't know.

[Non-English speech]

You tell him, Helga--

whatever it is
you're telling him.

Jag ar Helga bjorsson.

What's the problem, gopher?

Nothing I can't handle, sir.




I wish I could take mine off.

Tour guide: This is Oslo's
famous frogner park,

considered to be one of
the most spectacular parks

in all of Europe.

These beautiful statues are
made of stone, iron, and bronze.

And they are all the work
of one man, Gustav vigeland.

This way, please.

Excuse me, sir.

This way.


Don't worry.

I know exactly the
sights I want to see.


Remember, make your
part tough and menacing,

because it helps me with
my character, all right?

I'm hard as nails.

What do you want?

I'm not afraid of you.

Don't mess with me
or you buy trouble--

. caliber trouble.

There are six of us
and only one of you.

All right!

Don't anybody move.

Stay right where you are,
and nobody will get hurt.

Was I that bad?

No, you were wonderful!

You're going to be a much
bigger help than you think.


Oh, good.


That's it.

Ok, if you would, just
come in just-- that's it.

Right there.



That's it.


Thank you very much, ladies.

Thank you.



Let's see here.

You-- thank you.


So those are the
last girls for today.

They're beautiful.

They're lovely.


but what?

They're just not
what I'm looking for.


That's too bad, Grant.

Um, maybe you'll find
her in Bergen, hm?


Captain (on pa):
Ladies and gentlemen,

tomorrow we will be
passing through the first

of Norway's magnificent fjords.

Prepare yourself for the
kind of scenic beauty

that poets write about.

Hey, Mel.

Mel, why didn't you
dress for dinner?

I ate in my cabin.

Oh, come on, Mel.

You've got to socialize.

Did you meet anybody
interesting in Oslo?

How could I make out in Oslo?

Those people have noses like
little dents in their faces.

No wonder one of the
most important industries

there is fish.

Those people don't have noses
big enough to smell anything.

Mel, you're being
too sensitive.

You have a strong nose.


I can lift a piano with it.

This horn has always been
the root of my problems.

I thought about getting
a nose job for years.

And you know something, doc?

I'm going to do it.

How do I go about it?

- Well, when you get home--
- no, no.

I don't want to wait
till I get home.

I'll chicken out
like I always do.

I want to do it now.

All right.

We'll be in Stockholm
for a couple of days.

I know a doctor
there who specializes

in cosmetic surgery.

I'll call and try to
get you an appointment.

I appreciate that, doc.

I'll do it, Mel, but I really
think it's all in your head.

Yeah, but half of
my head is my nose.

The late supper
was lovely, Grant.

Thank you.

I enjoyed it, too.

You know, you really are
a very nice man when you

talk about the real things--

growing up, childhood, family.

It all comes so naturally
when I'm with you.

I've never met
anybody quite like you.

You're so beautiful, and
yet you're so warm and--

and so real.



I-- I like you very much,
but I must say good night.

I understand.

I apologize for rushing things.

I'm still not used to
your old-world ways.

Well, i-- I understand, too.

Where I come from,
the nights are long.

We have much time.

Good night.

Good night, Greta.

Judy (on pa): Ladies
and gentlemen,

we are now passing
through geiranger fjord,

which is considered
to be Norway's

most magnificent fjord.

It gets its name from the
village of geiranger, which

is also the principal resort.

One of the most
spectacular sites

here is the seven
sister waterfalls,

which literally tumble and
leap down the mountainside.

We hope you enjoy it all.

Oh, I've never seen
anything so exquisite.

It's a wonderland.


The vikings used to sail
their longboats through here.

(On pa) Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to the majestic fjords

of Norway.

These inlets in the
Norwegian coastline

were carved by the glaciers
millions of years ago

and contain some of
the most beautiful

waterfalls in the world.

Have your cameras ready.

Around every bend is a sight
more incredible than the first.

Must be something
wrong with air here.


My eyes are burning,
my fingers are itching,

and my mouth is dry.

From symptoms like that,
even I can make the diagnosis.

You're jealous.

And So am I.

Geiranger is the most
magnifying of all fjords.

It's awesome.

You're awesome.

I'm having a confection to make.

I am liking you very much.

And to you, I am
wanting to be married.

You do?

I do.

And I will.

Helga is knowing what
Helga is wanting.

And Helga is wanting you.

I have to go sauna now.





- How are you doing?
- Ok.

How about yourself?

Oh, fine.

It's beautiful, isn't it?

It sure is.

Well, you were
looking forward to Oslo.

Did it come up to expectations?


Oh, yeah.

I had a great time.

I'm really looking
forward to Stockholm.

You are?


It's only hours away.

And you know, they perform
miracles in Stockholm.

By the time I leave, I'm going
to be a whole new person.

What do you mean?

Oh, I mean the climate.

You know, the air is
so clean and cool.

It's invigorating.

Sure is pretty.


We're stopping in
Bergen tomorrow.

Everyone says it's lovely.

Would you like to
come on a picnic?

I'd love it.

Can I bring anything?

Like what?

I don't know.

How about sardines?

In Norway, they don't have
to be imported to be good.


When I was a-- a little
girl, my parents brought me,

uh, here to the fjords.


You're lucky.

My folks took me
to coney island.

Oh, I almost forgot.

Have you seen the
pictures ace took of you?

Oh, no, please.

I always look very
bad in photos.



The smile is fantastic.

Those eyes-- you're
very photogenic.

Greta, you should be my
Scandinavian sunshine girl.

Well, Grant--

I know.

I don't want to change
any of your values.

They're part of what
makes you so special.

And you are very special to me.

I'm sure I'll find someone else.

You're very understanding.

Judy (on pa):
Attention, passengers.

We are now leaving the
fjords and are on our way

to Bergen. Enjoy a trip through
the cool breezes of a truly

romantic Norwegian evening.

Captain (on pa)
Ladies and gentlemen,

welcome to Bergen, Norway, the
city of marvelous restaurants

and old-world charm.

The most magnificent
view can be seen

from floyenberg, mount floyen.

It can be reached by
cable car, which rises

to a height of over feet.

Don't miss the fascinating fish
market, the old stave church,

and enjoy the many examples
of Scandinavian folklore.

Thank you and have
a marvelous visit.


Kay: Mel.


Come on in.



chef has made us
a special, portable

Scandinavian smorgasbord.

Oh, that's great.

Listen, time just
got away from me.

Let me grab a fast shave.

It'll only take a
couple of minutes, ok?

Ok, fine.

Mel, what's this negligee?

Mel: I can't understand you.

The water's running.

King Oscar hospital,
Stockholm, surgery.

Mel, are you-- are you
having an operation?

Mel: What'd you say?

Look, I'll be right out.

Women's clothes.




That's what they're famous for.

Is this what he meant about
becoming a whole new person?

Oh, my lord.

I've fallen in love
with a person who's

having a sex change operation.

What was that?

Look at this.

I emptied another room.

Well, it's time to try your
wings, my mechanical friend.

Hey, Isaac!

If you wait a couple of minutes,
I'll go ashore with you.

Don't mess with me,
or you buy trouble.

. caliber trouble.


Look, if you want to be alone,
all you have to do is say so.

Love sure does strange
things to some people.



You still have a few
kinks to work out.

How's the background?


Judy: Ace.

Remember me?

I'm over here.

Oh, yeah.

I'm, uh, just checking to make
sure the shutter still works.



I got it.

I want an outdoors look.

I want more of a--
of an athletic, uh--

thank you very much.

Uh, osa Hansson, from Bergen.

She is very beautiful.

And so petite.

She is a little
on the small side.


Thank you very much.

Hanna fjellstrom, of Oslo.

She's a little older
than I had in mind.


Grant, I'm sure you
will find what you're

looking for in Stockholm.

Thank you very much.

[Theme music]