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08x08 - Aerobic April/The Wager/Story of the Century

Posted: 08/18/22 16:13
by bunniefuu
[Theme music playing]

Love, exciting and new.

Come aboard.

We're expecting you.

And love, life's
sweetest reward.

Let it flow.

It floats back to you.

The love boat, soon we'll
be making another run.

The love boat, promises
something for everyone.

Set a course for adventure,
your mind on a new romance.

And love won't hurt anymore.

It's an open smile
on a friendly shore.

It's love.

Welcome aboard.

It's love.


[Gasp] Adam.


Oh, Adam.

[Clearing throat]

Nice to meet you.


Oh, Adam.

I can tell we're going to
have a fun, fun, fun cruise.

Oh, you bet we are.

What do you say we
go to your cabin

and see what exciting colors
it's been decorated in?



Dr. Bricker?


I'm hal williston.

I am engaged to
Samantha, your ex-wife.

Oh, great.


Samantha is a lovely woman.

Be sure to send me a wedding
invitation so I know when

to stop the alimony payments.

Oh, doctor, the reason I came
on a cruise was to study you.

I beg your pardon?

Yes, you see, Samantha always
speak so glowingly of you.

She says I'm not quite
as thoughtful as you

or as sophisticated as
you or as witty as you.

I'll say one thing
about Samantha.

She was always a
very honest woman.

Hal williston: I don't
like to be second best.

So I've come to
see how you do it.

I want to be perfect, like you.





It has been ages.


Well, I haven't seen any of
the hometown group in so long.

But I miss you.

Oh, I've missed you, too.


So where's bill?

Hey, he better board soon.

We'll be sailing without him.

We are sailing without him.

Bill and I got a divorce.

A divorce?

Oh, I can't believe it.

You were the perfect couple.

That's what I thought
about you and John.


But it's still a shock.

I would have bet
on your marriage.

You would have lost.



I hope I'm not intruding.

But I felt that I had to
introduce myself to the two

loveliest ladies on the ship.

Well, the one you're not
looking at is Judy McCoy.

And this is Beth Reed.

Could I interest you
in dinner this evening?

I usually like the
slow, romantic approach.

But I've been told that one
has to work fast on cruises.

No, thanks.

I'm not on this cruise so
somebody can work fast on me.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to be--



It's hard to get back
into the dating game.

I know.

But if there's anything I
can do, I get off in an hour.

We could have dinner.

Judy, thanks.

But you know, all
divorces aren't the same.

I take it by that
unmistakable air of command

that you, sir, are the captain.

Well, yes.

I'm captain merrill stubing.

And this is my daughter, Vicki.

David Blake and
my niece, Paula.

His favorite niece, Paula.


Mr. Blake, you are on
the promenade deck in

adjoining cabins and .

Oh, and the champagne that you
ordered is chilled and waiting.

Oh, something
special to celebrate?

It's not every man who's
niece graduated top of the class

from Harvard law school.

Well, congratulations.

Thank you.

And thank him, too--

uncle David paid for it.

What a nice uncle.

The nicest.

That's so true.

And there are so few of us left.

Come along.

Let's go hang up
your [inaudible]..

Maybe we'll get some
business on board.

All right.

Here we go.

I think I see someone I know.

Flash those pearlies!

I'll be right back.



Uh, now that we know
each other so well,

could we meet later
for a cocktail?



But I'm with my uncle.

And I'm planning to
spend most of my time

getting reacquainted with him.

Well, if that's your uncle,
I might still be in luck--

looks like he's made
plans of his own.

Eleanor Cartwright.


Oh, I'm terribly sorry.

The likeness is amazing--

same classic beauty,
daring style.

How flattering.

There is no Eleanor
Cartwright, is there?

There must be one
somewhere in the world.

Nice try.

Thank you, ace.

Oh, my pleasure.

Thank you, ace.



[Ship horn]


[Background voices]


Oh, isn't my Adam funny?

As Samantha always said,
Adam bricker is very funny.

And apparently, he has just
said something very, very funny

at : am.

Would you mind
repeating that very,

very funny thing you just said
so that I can analyze it later?

And then I can become
very, very funny, too.

Well, I just say that i--

it wasn't really that funny.

Samantha always
said he was modest.

She's always telling
me, considering

he was the wittiest
man I ever met,

it's even more amazing that
he was also the most modest--

some dynamite
combination, hey, Isaac?

I'll say.

Can I have a
screwdriver, Isaac?

Oh, sure.

Care for another one, Adam?

Oh, no, thank you.

This is only orange juice.

Hold it.


Of course.

It should be orange juice,
refreshing yet sophisticated.

Make that orange juice,
Isaac, just like the master's.

Oh, I love dating a man who
knows just the right drink

to order at : am.

Uncle David.


It's beautiful!

I thought you
were at the pool.

I forgot my suntan lotion.

Oh, it's exquisite.

You shouldn't have.

I didn't.

It isn't a gift for you.


I'm sorry.

Wait a minute.

This looks exactly like the
one that lady was wearing,

the one you were talking
to you last night.

It is exactly like hers,
because that's the one

she's going to be wearing.

What do you mean?

I'm switching that phony
one for the real one.

Paula, it's time I told
you the facts of life.

I'm not a wealthy entrepreneur.

I'm a wealthy Jewel thief.

I don't believe it.

You're teasing.

No, it's true.

You mean I've been
educated with corrupt money?

Absolutely not-- that
money came from a very

reputable and ethical fence.

But there's good news.

I'm planning to
retire after I've

acquired the Parker diamonds.

Uncle David, no--

for heaven's sake, quit now.


I made up my mind.

I want that necklace.

And I'm going to get it.

Your uncle's a man of principle.



I'd really like to apologize.

I didn't mean to come on
to you so strong earlier.

It was just a natural
reaction to a beautiful woman.

Well, thanks.

You really are persistent.

Persistent enough to talk
you into having dinner with me?

Uh, I appreciate
the offer, but--


I'm sorry.

Well, you can't
blame a guy for trying.

But uncle David,
what about me?

If you get caught, it will be
in all the papers and on TV.

What law firm would hire the
niece of a common criminal?


You consider your uncle common?

All right, then--

professional criminal.

That's better.

That has a classier ring to it.

I don't think any
law firm would hold

the sins of a nefarious
uncle against a

brilliant and attractive niece.

Just one thing--

promise me you won't
go after that necklace.

Would you believe
a promise made

by a professional criminal?

Uncle David.

Uncle David.

Uh, excuse me, sir.

I'm Andy Brooks.

How do you do?

Very well, thank you.

I'm an ardent admirer
of your niece.


You have good taste.

Look, why don't you-- you
two sit down there together

and have a drink.

Thank you.

Two ginger ales, please.

Uncle David, we have
to finish discussing--

no, no, later, honey--

an ardent admirer of mine
appears on the horizon.

Excuse me, kind lady.

You're sure you're not
Eleanor Cartwright?


I'm still not
Eleanor Cartwright.

Don't you have any
other approaches?

Yes, but they're not so much.

If I were you, i'd
go with this one.

Permit me to
introduce ourselves--

David Blake, Martha Parker.

You do know my name.

How else could I have
planned our convivial seating

arrangement for dinner tonight?




Who is it?



Somehow I had a
feeling it was you.

Well, if one red
Rose wouldn't convince,

I was hoping a dozen
might do the trick.

Look, I really don't think--

two dozen?


Announcer: Dinner is
now being serviced

in the coral dining room.

It's French night.

Enjoy cuisine ranging
from coquilles

St. Jacques to crepes suzette.

Where's Adam tonight?

Our doctor is exactly
where he wants to be.


He's moving in on a
beautiful lady, sir.


She is beautiful.

Yeah, if you like
beautiful women.

Guess we'll have
to tell him about it

when he comes out of his trance.

Would you like to go
dancing after dinner?

I'd like to do
anything you like, Adam.



I know that this
is a very romantic

evening for you and Gloria.

So I'd like you to have this
wine, with my compliments.

I've already opened it
so that it could breathe.

Isaac, thank you--

my favorite wine.

Hold it!

Adam's favorite, huh?

Let me see that label.

I never know what to order.

Adam's favorite wine is
a cabernet sauvignon.

Thank you.

[Glasses clinking]

He swills wine clockwise.

Counter-- that's
counter clockwise.

Counter-- that's
counter clockwise.

Now he's reversing the twirl.

He's twirling it the other way.

Adam bricker is truly the
sophisticate of sophisticates.

He Noel coward look
like a ditch digger.


Now that's my favorite, too.


Here I am with the most
beautiful woman on the ship.

I can't believe you're
traveling alone.

Oh, I'm recently divorced.


Do you have any children?

Just one-- my ex-husband.

[Laughs] All men
aren't children, Beth.

You've got to give
some of us a chance.

I don't have to give
any of you anything.

It's interesting how bright,
charming, and intelligent

people find each other.

Thank you.

I think I've just been promoted.

I think we all have.


Martha, that's a
stunning necklace.

But I'd be afraid to wear
anything that valuable.

I'd put it right
in the ship's safe.

Well, safes get
robbed, too, you know?

Besides, I bought it
to wear and enjoy.

What a refreshing thought.

Thank you.

Might I suggest that
when you're not wearing it,

you find a good place in
your state room to hide it--

maybe your bedroom slippers?

I feel perfectly safe
with it under my pillow.

Under your pillow?

That's not a bad
hiding place either.

What do you
think you're doing?

Samantha loves to dance.

She says you're a smooth dancer.

Tell me if I got it right.

I think I got your break down.


But your lift is really tricky.


I think I got it!

Let me try it
one more time, huh?



Paula, do you believe
in love at first sight?


Do you?


Let's get out in the moonlight
and take a second look

at each other, should we?

I have to take care
of something first.

Change partners?


Uncle David, please
forget about that necklace.

The last time is always
the time you get caught.

You don't need the money.

And even if you do,
I'll be working soon.

And I'll support
you for a change.


I'll think about it.

I always wanted
to be a kept man.

It was mean of you to
tell hal you had to go treat

a passenger with chicken pox.

You notice I didn't tell
him I had chicken pox?

Otherwise, he'd
have gotten a case

just so he could be like me.


There's nobody like you, Adam.

I'd like to think not, at
least not in our century.


Bravo, Adam, bravo!

Samantha said you were an old
smoothie, and are you ever?

There's no one like you, Adam.


I like to think not, at
least not in our century.

Excuse me.

Would your mind?


I'm sorry, Adam.

I-- I'm so impressed
with your moves,

I guess I got carried away.

Please forgive me.

Well, I'll leave you two alone.

Thank you.

Samantha's going
to love it when

she sees the new me with my new
Adam bricker smoothie approach.

Thanks a million, master.

Well, shall we pick
up where we left off?

Oh, yes.

Let's do that.



I think hal put his
hand behind my neck.

I was kissing
Martha good night.

I see you didn't want to
leave any fingerprints on her.

Were you kissing her
goodnight, or was she

kissing her necklace goodbye?

Can't think why I
didn't send you to a law

school that takes eight years.

I'm sorry if I was a
little, oh, edgy earlier.

I really have
enjoyed the evening.

And I have enjoyed you.

You know, Joe, it's
getting a little late.


Not too late for this.

Please don't

it was just a goodnight kiss.

Well, maybe I didn't
want a goodnight kiss.

Don't I have any
say in the matter?

Beth, I'm sorry.

I thought it'd be all right.

Would you just please leave?


[Softly crying]

Beth, I saw that.

I'm sorry.

I don't care.

Look, a lot of women
have been through what

you've been through.

I was bitter after
my divorce, too.

How do you know how I feel?

You're right.

I don't know how you feel.

I didn't get my divorce for
the same reason that you did.

Look, if you need to
talk, I'm still your friend.

I'm a real good listener.

[Softly crying] Oh.

Bill didn't divorce me because
he didn't love me anymore.

He divorced me because he
couldn't deal with the fact

that I'd been with another man.

Another man?

Beth, I know you.

I can't believe
you had an affair.

I didn't.

I was r*ped.


Oh, Beth, honey.


Announcer: Attention, please.

Our delicious breakfast
buffet is now being

served on the starlight deck.

Do we have to have
breakfast out here on deck?

Oh, no.

You think maybe we
could go to my cabin.



have breakfast?

Maybe just coffee and a roll.

I love rolls.


Mind if I join you?

Oh, of course not--

sit down.

Oh, actually, hal,
I have something

I want to talk to Gloria about.

Excuse me.

I'm sure you understand.

Of course I understand, Adam.



That's another compliment
Samantha always paid you.

She said that you always seem
polite, even when you were

doing something
really, really rude,

like telling me to get lost.

Oh, you're really something.

Isn't he?

I'll never stop
learning from you.

Just dismissed me [inaudible].

So may we go to your cabin?

You were a little rude, Adam.

Oh, I didn't mean to be.

But we can certainly
talk about that later.

No, Adam--

I want to talk about it now.

Oh, Beth, you must
been through hell.

The r*pe was just the start.

I thought if I could get
bill to help me that somehow,

I would get over all the--

the rage and the humiliation.

I hadn't planned on my
marriage falling apart.

What happened?

Suddenly bill, he just
couldn't make love to me,

couldn't touch me.

We couldn't even talk about it.

Do you know, we just
became strangers.

It must've been
hard on him, too.

Well, maybe so, but all
I know is that the one man

in this world that I trusted, he
wasn't there when I needed him.

He wouldn't even go to the
r*pe treatment center with me.

I'm sure what bill did is
not typical of all husbands.

You know, you shouldn't
take it out on Joe.

Not all men are going
to let you down.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.


Morning, captain.

- Yes, won't you join us?
- Yes, of course.

Oh, no thank you, please.

I was just telling my father
about the beautiful necklace

you were wearing last night.

Thank you.

My niece begged her
to put it in the safe.

Well, perhaps you'd
like my purser to take it.

Oh, no, that's not necessary.

No one's stolen it yet.

As you wish.

- Goodbye.

We'll see you later.

By the way, I had a dream
about you last night, David.



I was asleep in bed.

And you came into my cabin.

And you tiptoed across the room.

And then you bent down.


And you kissed me.

And then you turned
out the light and left.

In my dream, I put out
the light and didn't leave.

You know, I like to
explain about last night.

It's ok.

I've been coming
on a bit strong.


It was not your fault, Joe.

Ever since my divorce, i--

I just haven't been able
to deal with men that well.

Maybe we can start over
and take it slowly this time.


I'd like that.

I was planning on taking a
tour of acapulco when we dock.


I'd like that, too,
as long as you don't

mind touring with the tourist.

[Laughs] Deal.


Gopher (on loudspeaker): Buenos
dias, ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to amazing
acapulco, where

you can enjoy everything from
windsurfing to a horseback

ride on a secluded beach.

Whatever you enjoy,
there's an adventure

awaiting you in acapulco.

Gloria, when I
get home, I really

want to impress Samantha.

I want to be exactly like Adam.

So tell me-- does he kiss
with his eyes open or closed?

I don't know.

I always had my eyes closed.

I know the answer.

I kiss with my eyes closed.

However, I punch
with my eyes open.

[Clears throat] How can
you talk like that to hal,

who respects you so?

I'm sorry.

Adam, you have
a terrible temper.

As a matter of
fact, Adam bricker

has the most fantastic,
terrible temper I've ever seen.

Samantha, you gave up a prince.


[Singing in Spanish]

Meet you for a
drink in an hour?

Oh, I can make
it in minutes.

Oh, that's even better.

[Shaking maracas]

Go away.



Oh, Judy, you were right.

I had the most
wonderful day with Joe.

Oh, good.

I'm so happy!

Did you tell him?


After I relaxed.

[Giggle] Oh, he's just
so easy to talk to you.

I mean, I never
knew anybody could

be so understanding
and compassionate.

Oh, listen to me.

I think I'm falling in
love all over again.


Now maybe you can give me lists.

Oh, well, absolutely.



Come in.

Hi, Andy.

I think you've come
to the wrong cabin.

Paula is next door.

David, I mentioned to you and
Paula that I was a stockbroker,

I know.

But I like you anyway.

Thank you.

But the truth is, I'm an
insurance investigator.

Oh, sounds like a dull job.

Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

David, this is going to be
very unpleasant for me, feeling

the way that I do about Paula.

I know you have the
Parker necklace.

I haven't the vaguest idea
what you're talking about.

Besides, I've just
been with Mrs. Parker.

And she didn't mention that
she was missing any diamonds.

Then she doesn't know
about the switch, does she?

I've been tailing you
for a long time, David.

I followed you onto the ship.

We know your modus operandi.

We know that you
made a fake one.

And I know that the necklace is
right here in this stateroom.


All right.

I'll call the captain.

We'll tear this stateroom
apart until we find it.

Hold it.

I hate a messy room.

It's nice to be caught
by, uh, somebody I like.

You'll be taken
into custody when we

get back to the United States.



What happened to the girl I
spent the day in acapulco with?

I'm sorry.

Sometimes I just sort of
drift off and think back.

About what happened to you?


Oh, it must have been
a horrible experience.

It was.

It was terrifying.

I still can't walk
down the streets alone

anymore without hearing
footsteps behind me

and freezing inside because I
don't know what could happen.

I can't even answer
my apartment door,

because I'm afraid of what
might be waiting there.

Mind you, I try to
stop thinking about it.

But I just can't.

Let me help you.

I want you to know that I'll
be there whenever you need me.

Thanks, Joe.

Lord knows I'm going to
need a shoulder to lean on

and get me through that trial.

What trial?

I told you.

They caught the man
that att*cked me.

I have to testify
when I go back.

You didn't mention
anything about testifying.

Do you think you can handle
that, I mean, getting

up in front of all
of those people,

telling every little detail?

Haven't you been through enough?

Do you know what
they do to witnesses?

Some smart aleck
defense attorney

is going to drag
every love affair

you've had through the mud.

Oh, no, no, no.

That's not admissible
in court anymore.

Besides, I have nothing to hide.

Oh, but Beth, think of the
embarrassment, the humiliation,

how vulnerable
you're going to be.

No, wait.

You know I think?

I think you're the one that's
worried about being humiliated.

You men really are alike.

Captain stubing
(On loudspeaker):

Ladies and gentlemen,
we hope you

had a fabulous day at acapulco.

Now it's time for a fabulous
night on the pacific Princess

as we set sail for home.

Dining, dancing, and
dazzling stars in the sky

are all included in the
price of your cruise.

So be sure to get
your money's worth.

[Elevator ding]

Doc, if you really want
to make your move on Gloria,

all I have to do
is invite hal up

to the Neptune bar for a drink.

Oh, thanks, goph.

But I made it pretty clear
to hal he'd be well advised

to stay away from me tonight.

Now all I've got to do is
kiss and make up with Gloria.

I just happen to have the
key she gave me to her cabin.

Good luck, sailor.

Oh, luck has
nothing to do with it.

But um, maybe I'll pick
up some wine and flowers.

[Piano music playing]

I'll see you later.

Now wait a minute, Paula.

I really do love you.

I've got an idea.

What kind of an idea?

It's very simple.

I'm letting David go.


Thank you.

I always knew there were
qualities about you I admired.

Won't you get into trouble
with your insurance company?


I haven't reported
anything to them yet.

Even Martha doesn't
know it was stolen.

So I can get it back to her
without saying who took it.

But you listen closely.

I'm putting you in
Paula's custody.

If you pull another job ever,
you're both going to prison.

There's no problem.

I've retired.

Oh, Andy.

I do love you for this.

I'd kiss you myself.

But people would talk.

Hi, David.

How about a ginger ale?

Hi, Judy.


I guess, um, Beth told
you what happened.

See, I'd rather
not talk about it.

Why not?

Because you are a passenger.

And as cruise
director, I'm supposed

to be polite to passengers.

You've got to understand
my point of view.

I understand
Beth's point of view.

And as to your point
of view, well, I

would give more to the woman
I was supposed to love.

Excuse me.

Sweetheart, it's the master,
bearing gifts of apology.




Oh, Adam.

I'm so glad you dropped by.

I wanted to talk to
you about something.

Talk to me about something?

Whatever about?

By any chance is
that the something

you wanted to talk to me about?

Oh, well, he's one of
the somethings, Adam.

But I also wanted to say
that, uh, [clears throat] I

like you very much.

Thank you.

And uh, but you're
just too perfect for me.

I need somebody
like him, a bumbler.

But Gloria, you've
got me all wrong.

The only reason you
think I'm perfect

is because he kept saying that
Samantha said I was perfect.

Samantha did say
you were perfect.

Gloria, don't pay
any attention to him.

I'm not perfect at all.

You saw me out there
on the starlight deck,

screaming angrily into
his tape recorder.

What's perfect about losing
your temper like that?

Well, now, Adam, perhaps
you weren't perfect

on that particular occasion.

But even then, you
were being imperfect

in a perfect sort of a way.

You know, that, that sort of
sophistication and ability

to turn frustration
to your own advantage

would just be
impossible to live with.

You're probably right.

I brought these for you.

Oh, thank you, Adam.

They're beautiful.

Well, I guess this
is goodbye, Gloria.

Goodbye, Adam.


Goodbye, hal.


You look lovelier than
ever tonight, Gloria.

It's times like this I wish
I weren't quite so perfect.

[Door closing]

That was for
your academy award

winning performance in
front of uncle David.

Well, I had a great director.

I wasn't sure it
was going to work.

It took some great
acting on your part

to convince a man as
sharp as uncle David

that you were an investigator.

Well, thanks.

But when he finds out that
I'm really a stockbroker

and we framed him,
he's going to k*ll us.

You're right.

I think we should tell him the
truth, right after the wedding.

After the wedding?

Who's wedding?

Well, ours.

Who could be mad at
a bride and groom?

Not long ago, I read
an article in the paper.

An old man, in broad daylight,
was robbed at knife point.

At least people saw it
and did nothing to help.


I remember how incensed I was.

Those people turned their
backs on that old man

while he was being att*cked.

I'm so ashamed of myself, Beth.

I did the same thing to
you, only it was worse.

I didn't turn my
back on a stranger.

I turned my back on
someone I care about.

And you do understand.

I love you, Beth.

You know, you're the one
with the real strength.

But if it'll be of any
help, I'll be at your side.

And during the trial.

Every day of my
life if you'll let me.

- Well, goodbye.
- Oh, goodbye.

Goodbye, captain.

Thank you very much.

It was nice
having you with us.

Thank you.

And I still love your
necklace even in the daytime.

Well, I think I found
the safest place for it.

We all had a wonderful time.

Exciting is more like it.

Well, wonderful and exciting
times are our specialty.

Tell us, Andy, who
was the Jewel thief?

You have the necklace back.

What's the difference?

It could have been
anyone, even me.


Oh, Beth, it is so nice
to see you happy again.

I am.


Thanks for everything.

And you-- you better make
sure she stays that way.

Oh, we'll invite you
over every anniversary

so you can see for yourself.

- Goodbye.
- Take care.

See ya.


Goodbye, Adam.

Goodbye, Gloria.

What a guy--

lost his girl to a
man way beneath him.

And still, he shows class.

Will you put that thing away.


Oh, one thing more--
will you phone Samantha

and tell her i'm
getting married?



She says you have a
winning way on the phone.

I'm beginning to think
the reason Samantha thought

I was so perfect was because I
was paying her alimony, which

I guess I still am.

[Weak laugh]


Adam, if I know you,
I'll bet you're the world's

greatest alimony payer.



Well, he certainly
does have a fantastic

walk, Isaac Washington.

You can tell that just by the
fluid way he stands there.

Well, that is because
he is indeed the master.

Right-- to the master.

All: To the master.

[Theme music]