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08x06 - Soap Gets in Your Eyes/A Match Made in Heaven/Tugs of the Heart

Posted: 08/16/22 17:06
by bunniefuu

♪ Love ♪

♪ exciting and new ♪

♪ come aboard ♪

♪ we're expecting you ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ life's sweetest reward ♪

♪ let it flow ♪

♪ it floats back to you ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ soon will be making
another run ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ promises something
for everyone ♪

♪ set a course for adventure ♪

♪ your mind on a new romance ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ won't hurt anymore ♪

♪ it's an open smile ♪

♪ on a friendly shore ♪

♪ it's love ♪

♪ welcome aboard,
it's l-o-o-o-ove ♪


Come on, loosen up.
You're nervous as a cat.

I know, I know.
But what if he doesn't show?

Hey, when Johnny balina
does his homework,

he always gets an "a."


How about that?


Right on cue.
There's your boy now.

I'm Judy McCoy,
your cruise director.


Oh, no!

Oh, here you go,
Mr. Peters.

That's promenade deck,
cabin , one of our finest.

Oh, well,
you get what you pay for.

Have a wonderful time.

Oh, I always do.
[ Chuckles ]

Okay. You can come
out of the bushes now.

He's gone.

You know, you're gonna have
to face him sooner or later.

I know.
I know that, Johnny.

I'm just --
I'm just not ready yet.

You waited this many years.

I guess another hour
won't hurt.

My throat's dry.
Let's get a drink.


[ Laughter ]



Gopher, did you and I
talk about having balloons

for Vicki's birthday party?

Sir, we talked
about having balloons.

What about the cake?

Sir, we talked
about the cake.


Isaac, did, uh...

Yes, I did, sir.

Everything we talked about
for the party, taken care of.


Captain, you have to relax.

We've all taken care
of everything.


Good. I want her to have
a great birthday party.

She'll never be again.


You may find this hard
to believe, but neither will I.

I believe it, but only
because I'm sweet and innocent.

Birthday girl heading this way!

Excuse me. Hi.

Hi, goph.

Hi, doc.


Where's everybody going?

Are we having
a lifeboat drill in port?

[ Laughs ] No. It's
just that everybody has
a lot of work to do.


So, how's
the birthday girl?

I'm all right,

except for you're the only one
who's mentioned my birthday.

Nobody else
has said a word.

Well, everybody has
a lot on their minds.

I know.

Oh, well.
It doesn't matter, anyway.

It's only
my th birthday...

A precious
and traditional milestone

in every young girl's voyage
to womanhood.

Would it help if I wished you
happy birthday twice?

[ Both chuckle ]

Oh, thank you.


Well, Arthur, why don't you look
around a little bit, okay?

Now, this is ridiculous, going
on a cruise with your ex-fiancé.


You're engaged to me now.

You broke up with him
to marry me, remember?

I know.

And that's the shock
that caused Arthur's amnesia.

Roger, look,
we'll never be happy

until I do everything
in my power

to help him
get his memory back.

I feel so guilty.

You are such a good person.

I'll pick you up
when you get back.


Bye-bye, foo face.


Well, does anything
look familiar?

Looks like a ship.

It is a ship --
the pacific Princess.

That's why we're here.


How about people?

Um, do these two
look familiar?

Mm, I don't think so.

I'm Dr. Bricker.

And this is purser Smith.



Names don't ring a bell.

Can we play, too?

Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm Ruth Justin,
and this is...

Arthur smalley...
I think.

You know
you're Arthur smalley.

He's suffering from amnesia,
three months now.

Oh, sorry
about the levity.

An accident?

No, it was emotional.

Um, it happened
when I broke off our engagement.


You shouldn't have done it.

I hear
I'm a wonderful guy.

Well, gee.

Glad to see you haven't
lost your sense of humor.


I don't know
if I even had one.

He mentioned the pacific
Princess a couple of times,

so I thought maybe he took
a cruise before he met me.

Well, you know, you do look
kind of familiar to me.

I was thinking
the same thing.

That's wonderful!

Maybe this trip
will jog his memory.


Well, see you later.

Okay. Bye.



Can you imagine that guy
forgetting a girl

that looks like that?

He didn't just lose
his memory.

He lost his mind.

[ Air horn blows ]



What do you think?

Sure beats the cover
of popular mechanics.

Oh, I'm so nervous.

I can't believe I'm gonna be
with Larry Peters again

after all these years.

Johnny, you've made
a dream come true.

That's what
a detective's for.

I just hope
this guy's worth it.

You sure spent a lot of money
trying to find him.

Well, if it doesn't
work out,

at least I'll have
your shoulder to cry on.

I really appreciate you coming
on this cruise with me.

Hey, it's the biggest tip
I ever got.

Besides, I never leave a movie
till the credits are over.

I have to get --

oh, Johnny,
falling in love again

is such a wonderful,
wonderful feeling.

I wouldn't know.

I've only been in love once.


What happened?

I never told her.


I got to go.

I have to unpack a shirt
and a pair of socks.

[ Door closes ]

[ Sighs ]


Hi, Arthur.


Well, do you recall

Does anyone
look familiar?

[ Sighs ] No.

Just you.

Well, I told you,
you and I were engaged.

I still don't remember that.

And we've been spending
a lot of time together

these past few months.

I've been trying
to help you.

I remember that.

So far, those have been
my best memories.



About the balloons
for Vicki's party...

Sir, I have been
blowing up the balloons.

Oh, how many balloons
have you blown up?

One and a half.
I thought I was in better shape.

Sir, have I
ever let you down?

[ Sighs ]

I mean today?

As you were.


Hi, guys.


Hey, I'm glad
I got you all here now

because you owe me bucks
for Vicki's stereo...

Her birthday


That buys a lot
of tongue depressors.

Come one, boys.
Ante up.

There you go.

That's only $.

I'll owe you $.

Hi, guys.



Ooh, what's all
the money for?

Uh, money?

Uh, this money here?

It's, um...A bet.

I won a bet,
and they had to pay me off.

Today's my lucky day.

Yeah, yeah.
Lost a bet, yeah.

Lost a bet.

I know what you mean.

When I woke up this morning, I
thought today was my lucky day.


[ Chuckles ]



I don't believe it!



Is that you?


Larry Peters!
How wonderful to see you!



Debsie Walker.
Who would have thought?

Oh, well, actually, no.

It's Deborah Marshall now.

Oh. Sit down.

Oh, thank you.

You're not alone then?

Well, as a matter of fact,
I am.

My, uh, husband
died a few years ago.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Oh, well,
I have a couple kids now,

and they keep me busy.

Certainly made it
a lot easier.

[ Chuckles nervously ]


What about you?

Oh, well,
I'm still single and looking.


Of course, traveling as much
as I do, it's kind of hard to,

you know, settle down.

Oh, and what exciting job
keeps you so far away from home?

Well, among other things,
I own an oil company.

[ Gasps ]

Own an oil company?

Not bad for a guy
who got a "d" in economics.

Well, listen, I could never
concentrate in that class.

You know why?


'Cause I was always
staring at you.


[ Both chuckling ]


[ Both chuckling ]


Attention, please.

Would Mrs. Marshall please
report to the purser's desk?

Johnny: Deborah.

Oh, hi, Johnny.

Excuse me just a second.
I've got --

I'm the one
who had you paged.

Why? Something wrong?

No, no.

It's just
that I'm a little concerned.


See, I've been watching you
with that Peters fella,

and I think you might be
moving a little fast.

These old romances
can be tricky.

I don't want
to see you get hurt.

I appreciate your concern,

but I've got everything
under control.

that's what custer said.



Attention, please.

Main seating dinner

is now being served
in the coral dining room.

Oh, I'm sorry.

But I seem
to remember this girl.

Oh, now don't lose
the thought, Arthur.


Maybe I just want to believe
I was here with someone

so I can, you know,
learn more about my past.

And maybe you were here
with a girl...

Someone you met before me.

Oh, think, Arthur.

[ Breathes deeply ]

I'm thinking.
I'm thinking.

I still can't believe
you're not married.

I never got over the girl
who broke my heart in college.

Hey, wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

Who walked out on whom?


i just wanted to get established
before we got married.

And I just wanted to get married
before you got established.

I'm established now.

You're not married.

[ Chuckles ] I can't wait
for you to meet my children.

Billy's only , and he's
already saving his money

to buy a new car.
And my daughter, Janie, is --

you remember
my red Chevy impala?


God, that was a great car.

Well, Billy's favorite one
right now is --

i tell you, those were the days.
Those were the days.

Yes, sure, if you like,
um, hippies and hairspray.

Yeah. Debsie?


You think this is the start
of something big?

Could be.

But old romances can be tricky,
you know.


[ Laughter ]



Here's the dom perignon
that you ordered.

Dom perignon?

What's the occasion?

Well, I asked Isaac
to bring champagne

so we could all have
a birthday toast

for a very special
friend of mine.


And a very special friend
of yours, too.

It's Vicki's birthday.


it's your birthday?

All day.

I wish I'd known.

I would have bought
you something.

That's okay.

I would have,

Well, that's okay, Isaac...

Although I think
the gift shop is still open.

it's my personal belief

that the thought
is more important than the gift,

so I'm going to think
of something real great for you

and save myself a ton of dough.

[ Laughs ]

May I, dad?

Oh, just a sip.

To my daughter, Vicki.

There are fathers
without daughters

that lead satisfactory lives,

but only because they don't know
what they're missing.

Hear, hear.

Hear, hear.

Well, since we all forgot
Vicki's birthday this year,

i would like to propose a toast
to Vicki's birthday next year

since we'll probably
all forget that one, too.

[ Laughs ]

Now, one sip is plenty.

I know this is a special
occasion, your birthday.

It's very important
to me, too.

But I'm drinking water.

Here's to Vicki.

May she happily grow older.

Older to that point

when she'll be very happy
when people forget her birthday.

[ Laughs ]



Okay, here we go.

[ Gasps ]



Oh, my!


That's the way we won
every dance contest there was.

Except for the time that I
did the unintentional splits.

[ Chuckles ]

Wishbone Walker.

[ Both chuckle ]

Ah, debsie.

You know, those were
the greatest times of my life.

Larry, I gave up debsie
when I graduated.

That suits you to a "t."


Johnny: Oops!


I hear a tango,

and I lose control.

They're not playing
a tango.

Oh, it doesn't matter.
I lose control a lot anyway.

I guess you don't
have to pass an I.Q.
Test to take a cruise.

Guess not.

This room...

Do you recall something?

I-I was dancing.

You're dancing now.

Oh, right.

Does something
come to mind?

Uh, do you remember
dancing with someone?

I'm not sure.

Uh, Arthur.

Sorry, but I'm sure
if I were dancing with someone,

I would have been
dancing close.



May I?

May you what?

Cut in.


Thank you.

You two dance.

I'll be at the bar
enjoying my favorite drink.

[ Clears throat ]
Excuse me.


What is
my favorite drink?

Uh, Tequila sunrise.

Tequila sunrise.

I knew that.

awfully quiet tonight.

What's going on?

If I tell you, you
won't tell my father, will you?

That depends.

If you tell me
the ship's miles off course,

I'll have to at least give him
some kind of hint.

Well, it just seems that
[Sighs] for my th birthday,

my father would have made
a bigger deal of it, you know?

He's got a lot on his mind.

That's what he said
about everybody else,

that they had a lot
on their minds.

I wish I'd been born on a day

when people
were a little more empty-headed.

Well, better luck
next year.

[ Music ends, applause ]

[ Fanfare plays ]

[ Crowd gasps, applause ]

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ happy birthday to you ♪

♪ happy birthday, dear Vicki ♪

♪ happy birthday to you ♪

[ Applause ]

[ Crowd gasps ]

Happy birthday,

Daddy, it's beautiful.

Thank you.

And if you really want
to thank your father,

you will promise not to play
this at full volume.

It's from all of us.

Thanks, doc.

[ Squeals ]
Judy, thank you.


Happy birthday.


Thank you.

Make a wish.

[ Blows ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Waltz plays ]

[ Chuckles ]

You didn't think
I'd let you have a birthday

without giving you a party,
did you?

It never entered my mind.

[ Both chuckle ]


Oh, sir.

I just wanted you to know
I didn't forget.

[ Snaps fingers ]

[ Crowd ohhs ]

♪ La la-la ♪

♪ la la ♪





[ Sighs, clicks tongue ]

Boy, this reminds me...


The backseat of my Chevy.


All those nights
we used to park by the ocean.

Oh, yeah, and
now we're parked on the ocean.

Mm, yeah.

Boy, this even beats
the couch in your playroom.

Oh, you.

You remember
how we used to play

in that room?


That's how you earned
your varsity letter.


[ Chuckles ]

Oh, debsie.


Do you believe in fate?

Absolutely, I do.

That's good.


Because I have a feeling...


...that this moment
was meant...


...for us.

Me too.

Mm. Larry.


You're better
than you were in college.

I know.


Vicki really seemed
to like that bracelet
I gave her, didn't she?

Oh, she loved it.

[ Chuckles ]

I can't believe
that she's already.

I'm so proud of her,

You ought to be.

However, she wasn't just
mailed to you today parcel post.

You had a lot
to do with what she is.

[ Chuckles ]
I hope so.

Didn't she say
she was coming back

after she brought her stereo
to her cabin?

Maybe she took the scenic route.

I'll try to cut her off
at the pass.

I want to spend a little bit
more time with her

while it's still
her birthday.

It's a shame
you don't like the kid.

[ Chuckles ]


Does the moonlight at sea
remind you of anything?

In a way.

I wonder, can I try something
to stimulate my memory?

Well, if you think
it might help.


Arthur, please!
You know I'm engaged.

Roger wouldn't like this.

You're engaged to a guy
who doesn't like kissing?

You know what I mean.

I'm sorry.

I thought
it might do me some good.

[ Chuckles ]
And it did.

Look, I've been trying to help
you, but not that way.

[ Sighs ]
Good night, Arthur.

We'll pick this up tomorrow.

Where we left off?

Good evening, Arthur.


I thought that you might be
interested to know that Judy,

the cruise director,

is going through
all of our old photo files,

hopefully to find
a picture of you.

[ Unenthusiastically ]

I mean, uh --
I mean that really is --

that really is thrilling.

I cannot wait to get
my memory back.

You have no idea
what it's been like.


Well, you seem in pretty
good hands to me, you know?

Well, you know,
Ruth Justin.

Really something, huh?

She's a good friend.

she's quite a woman, huh?

You know, maybe she could do
us both some good, you know?

Look, Smith, I remember you
from the last cruise.

You tried to hit on my date
that trip, too,

and that smooth Dr. Bricker

and that Mr. Cool bartender,

The three musketeers.

Quite a memory
for a guy with amnesia.

Oh. Where am I?

Who am I?

Come on, Arthur.

You don't have amnesia
any more than I do.

Now, what's going on here?

Ah, you wouldn't understand.


Well, all I do understand
is that a very nice lady,

who is obviously quite guilty
about breaking up with you,

is trying to help you
regain your memory,

which you obviously
have not lost.

And I think it's time
she knew about it.

All right, look, Smith...


I'll tell her.
I promise.

But just let me
handle it my way, okay?

Okay. All right.

But just don't forget,
all right?

After all, you've been suffering
from amnesia, you know?

[ Sighs ]


[ Dance music plays ]

[ Slurred ] Hi, dad.

I was on my way
back to the cabin

when I got
this uncontrollable urge to hum

and dance to the accompaniment
of my fabulous new stereo.

May I have this dance,
oh, flap of my wing?

[ Sighs ]

Oh, what's wrong, dad?

What's wrong with you,

[ Music stops ]

Where did you get that?

Oh, well, there were some people
who were drinking champagne,

and when I told them
it was my birthday,

they said I could have it.


Where did you get the idea
you're old enough to drink?

Dad, I'm now.

I'm not a baby.


You said I was all grown up.

You're certainly
not acting like it.

[ Scoffs ]

Dad, I only had
a little champagne.

I can see
how much champagne you've had.

I didn't drink all this,

I just had a little.

Yes, a little too much.

Put it down.

[ Scoffs ]
Really, dad --

put it down.


I said, "put it down"!

Thanks for
the happy birthday.


Good morning, passengers.
We are now serving

our delicious breakfast buffet
on the starlite deck.

Debsie, I wish you could have
been there that night

that we kidnapped
that mascot.

See, what we did was,
we set up this trap --

Larry, those days
are over now.

Oh, not when I look at you,


Stella! Stella!


what are you doing?

I'm doing "streetcar."

I know.

That was our show.
We did the leads in it.

Don't you remember?

I know, I know, but that's
ancient history now.

Oh, what's wrong
with that?

Johnny: Well, look at this.

Isn't this nice to see you guys
getting along so well?

It does a man's heart good.

Boy, am I glad
I got you two together.


Oh, you didn't tell...

Oh, hey, I'm sorry.

I mean, I'm really sorry.

Nice meeting you.

Who's that guy?

What guy?

What guy? That guy.

He's a detective I hired.

You hired a detective.

[ Chuckles ]

What for?

To find you.

[ Chuckles ] What?

[ Breathes deeply ]

Well, see, about a year
after my husband died,

i kept finding myself
thinking back about you and me,

and I [chuckles] guess
it became kind of an obsession.

And I tried finding you
on my own,

but I kept running
into dead ends, so, um...

I hired Johnny to find you.

[ Breathes deeply ]


You mean this whole thing
was planned?

Yeah, more or less.

Are you angry?

No, no.

Why should I be angry?

Well, then what's wrong?

Well, nothing.

It's just that...Suddenly
all the magic is gone.

What do you mean?

Well, I mean,
it's our meeting.

It seemed so perfect.

Two old sweethearts
on a tropical cruise.

We run into each other
after all these...

I mean,
that's like a movie.

I'd think you'd be flattered.

I am, but, then again,
I'm not so sure.

I just...

I feel like an animal,
you know,

like I was
hunted down here.

It gives me the creeps.

Well, don't you think you're
overreacting just a little bit?

No, I'm serious.

And what about
all this pretending?

"Larry, is it really you?"

Everything here's
been a lie.

I feel like a fool.

And so do I.

And then what happened?

Then she said, "thanks
for the happy birthday,"

and ran off crying.

Adam, I've never spoken
to Vicki that way before.

I spent most of the night

sitting and staring
at her door,

I could take it back.

Well, judging
from what you told me,

it would seem
you did overreact a little.

Oh, I know I did.

Of course, you know why.

It's not important
that I know why,

but it is important
that she knows why.


You've never discussed
your alcoholism with Vicki?

All she knows is,
her father doesn't drink.

I've never discussed
the reasons with her.

Maybe that's
the best present

you could give her
for her th birthday.


Buenos días, and welcome
to fabulous acapulco.

This Mexican haven

offers some of the world's
most beautiful beaches,

wonderful shopping,

a sparkling nightlife,

and everything it takes
to guarantee you a bien tiempo.

Well, I was hoping this cruise
might help, but it hasn't.

Hey, it's not
your fault.

You tried.

Hey, there's my stuffed
elephant, Irving!

Give me this.

Hey, what are you doing?

Get your hands
off my kid's elephant.


I'm sorry.
Really, I apologize.

I'm so sorry.

Keep an eye on this guy,
will you?

Arthur, do you realize
what just happened?

You remembered a stuffed
elephant named Irving.


Yeah, yeah.

I'm pretty sure...

Yes! And the elephant
had a long schnoz,

just like my uncle Irving.

Your uncle!

You remember a relative.


And he was married
to aunt Stanley --

uh, aunt Herman...

Aunt, uh, Sophie.

Aunt Sophie, who was...

And I named my stuffed hippo
after her.

Oh, Ruth, don't you see?
You did it.

You helped me
get my memory back.

Oh, I'm so pleased for you,

And now I remember you.

We were engaged,
and you broke it off.


Hey, well,
you don't have to feel guilty

about what happened

Now you can marry Roger
with a free conscience

and never have
to see me again.

Yes, that's true.

Hey, we're both free now.


Hold it right there,

I'm in a rush.

Why did you do it, Johnny?

I'm waiting.

Believe me, it hurt me a whole
lot more than it did you,

and I want you to know
it was for your own good.

What do you mean,
my own good?

He's not good enough
for you, Deborah.

That's not for you
to decide.

Look, you hired me to find --

I hired you to find a man,

not to interfere
with my life.

Now you've ruined

He thinks that I made
a fool out of him.

Ha! He doesn't need
your help to do that.

I'll see you later,
Deborah -- I mean, debsie.

You just stay out of my life,
Johnny balina.

I'm sorry
I ever hired you!

[ Sighs ]


[ Knock on door ]

It's open.


Can I come in?

It's your ship.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean that.

I want to talk to you.

No, no.

I have to talk to you.

Dad, I know
what you're gonna say,

and I only had a couple
of drinks of champagne

on my birthday.

It's not like
I'm an alcoholic.

I know.

But I am.

You don't even drink.

Not anymore,
but I used to...

And too much.


You don't have to exaggerate
so that I won't drink.

Last night was a special
occasion, that's all.

Vicki, I'm not exaggerating
about my past drinking.

It was a long time ago,
but I drank.

I drank all the time.

[ Sighs ] Dad.

One evening, when I was
drinking and driving,

I almost hit a child
in the street.

Well, I'm sure
that was a terrible experience

for you, dad, but...

Everybody drinks too much

That doesn't make you
an alcoholic.

Vicki, I am an alcoholic.

I am.

The reason
I didn't tell you before --

I didn't want you
to lose respect for me.

And I wouldn't have any respect
for myself if I let you think

I just drank too much

Well, I'm sure
it wasn't that bad.

I can see
you're embarrassed and confused

about what I'm telling you,

but it was that bad...

Most every night.

In the morning,
I'd look in the bathroom mirror.

I'd be staring at somebody
I never saw before in my life...

...somebody you never
saw before in your life.

Dad, I think I'd like
to be alone for a while.

[ Sniffles ]

I understand.


[ Knock on door ]

I can tell by your face

you don't think of me
as a close friend.

Yeah, well,
that's an understatement.

I just want a couple
of minutes of your time, okay?

Sure. Come in.

I really blew it
this morning.

Don't ask me why. Maybe I got
too much sun or something.

Yeah, well,
don't worry about it.

You're not the one
I should be angry at.

In fact,
you probably did me a favor.

Maybe I can do you another one.

What's that?

I can tell you,
if you don't wise up,

you're gonna lose
one of the best things

that ever walked on asphalt.

That woman has been
looking for you for months,

and she spent a lot
of money doing it.

Hey, I'd be thrilled if someone
cared that much about me.

You blew it once, buddy.

If you care about her,
don't blow it again.


So, how goes it with Arthur?

Oh, fine.

He has his memory back.

Hey, great!

That's marvelous.

You must be pleased
and relieved.

Yes, relieved.

I guess it does give one
a sense of accomplishment.

You're not exactly
bouncing off of the ceiling.

You know what's strange?

When I first broke up
with Arthur,

it seemed to make a lot
of sense,

but since I've been helping him
these past few months,

I really see him
in a different way.

Good evening, all.

Hi, Ruth.


Hey, gopher.


You better stay
away from Arthur.

He got his memory back.

I know that.

Boy, I can just imagine
how you felt.

Can you imagine that guy
faking his amnesia like that?

So, Ruth,
can I buy you a drink?

Um...oh, no, no.

I-I've got to be going.

I'll see you all later.


She didn't tell us the part
about faking it.



Well, I guess
she was too embarrassed.

Leave it to you
to make sure she was.

Well, you're being
too hard on yourself.

You had the courage
to tell Vicki your story.

If she can't seem to accept
it now, that's not your fault.

Maybe it is...

Because I probably
waited too many years

before I told her.

You used
your best judgment.

To you,
this was the time.

You know, Adam,
there's a greater chance

for children of alcoholics
to turn out the same way.

All these years,
I've been thinking,

"I have to warn Vicki
without frightening her."

[ Sighs ]
I'm afraid I failed.

however she took it,

I think
you did the right thing.

When you have the courage
to do the right thing,

it's supposed
to turn you into a hero.

I'm afraid
I'm not Vicki's hero anymore.


Can an idiot apologize?

Oh, hi, Larry.

I am sorry
about this morning.

It's okay.

No, no. It isn't.

It took your friend Johnny
to open up my eyes.


Yeah, he came to see me
this afternoon to apologize.

He did?

You know what he said?

No. What?

That you're
a very special woman

and I would be a fool
to let you go a second time.

Johnny said that?

Yeah, he did.

He's quite a guy.


He is.

What else did he say?

What's the difference?

I'm the only guy
who makes your heart

flutter like a butterfly.


You wrote that
in my yearbook.

I wrote that?

Yes, you did,
in indelible ink.

It'll last forever.

Nothing lasts forever,


As we bid adiós to acapulco,

we'd like to remind you
there's still plenty of fun

to be had dining, dancing,

and romancing your way
back to sunny Los Angeles.

[ Sighs ]
You deceived me, Arthur.

Gopher tell you?


He thought you had.

[ Sighing ] Yeah.
I'm sorry, Ruth.

I lied to you.

How could you do that
to someone you once loved?

I didn't do it
to someone I once loved.

I did it
to someone I still love.

but along came Roger.

Lots of money,
high social status.

I knew I couldn't compete
with that.

Well, I thought
that's what I wanted.

Well, I can't blame you.

Excuse me.
Thought? Wanted?

Is that opposed
to "think" and "want"?

Maybe I helped you
for more reasons than guilt.

Name one.

I'll name three --
love, me, and you.

You know, these last
few months have reminded me

what a really wonderful
and caring man you are,

very warm and sweet...

And a little crazy,
but a nice crazy.

Oh, wow.

I thought this was gonna be,
"goodbye, Arthur."

Oh, no.

It's, "hello, Arthur."

That's what I remember best.


Deborah: Johnny?

Oh, hi, Deborah.


Where's your boyfriend?

Oh, we, uh...

We had a parting
of the ways.

Boy, I really did it
this time.

Oh, no, no.
It had nothing to do with you.

Larry and I have
absolutely nothing in common,

other than the past.

Maybe you just need
more time together.

Oh, no. That wouldn't make
any difference.

Larry remembers
a -year-old cheerleader

he used to call debsie.

He can't accept the fact
that I've --

I've grown up
and I've changed.

I guess to him
it just destroys the illusion.

Yours, too?

In a way, I suppose.

The Larry I imagined
was just a dream,

and reality
just didn't live up to it.

Hey, I'm sorry.

No, no.

That's okay.

I mean, I had a dream,

and I followed it,
and now it's out of my system.

You know, maybe you
should follow my example.

You remember that woman
you told me about?

The only one
you really loved?

Oh, yeah, her.
What about her?

Well, why don't you try
to track her down?

She doesn't
even know I exist.

Oh, too bad for her.

She would really be a lucky
woman to find somebody like you.

You really think so?

Oh, absolutely.

I mean, you really think so?

Oh, yes, I do.

Hey, you know,
I may even get up the nerve

to ask her to marry me.

And I hope she says yes.

I hope you do, too.

I love you, Deborah.


I love you, Deborah.


Because you really just
made me feel like a kid again.



[ Chuckles ]

Happy surprise
father's day.

Father's day?

It's nowhere near
father's day.

I know. That's why it was
easy to surprise you.

[ Chuckles ]

Isn't this a beautiful bracelet
from a beautiful father?

Looks beautiful on you.

Vicki, before we start talking
about happy things,

there's a subject
we have to finish.

And for your own sake,
you can't sweep under the carpet

what I told you
about my alcoholism.

[ Sighs ] I know.

I guess the reason
I didn't accept it at first

was because it didn't seem
like the man, the father,

I'd known.

I'm glad you didn't know
that man, that father.

But after I thought
about it for a while,

i realized that maybe you
wouldn't be the father

you are now if you hadn't have
been what you were then.

And I respect you more now
than ever

because you've beaten
that terrible problem.

Wait a minute.
Don't make me a hero.

Vicki, try to understand...

If I take one drink,
one sip,

I can be that man again.

You won't.
I know you won't.

Last night,
I thought I was grown up.

I guess you're not
really grown up

until you realize that parents
are human beings, too.

Well, here's a human being
who really adores you.

I love being adored.


Well, Mr. Peters,
I hope you visit us again.

Oh, you can count
on that.

Well, I guess
this is goodbye.

Goodbye, Larry.

You take care
of yourself.

Good luck to you.


Bye, Judy.


Looks like you two
worked things out.


We're gonna tie the knot
in a month.


That's wonderful.

You got yourself
quite a catch.

Oh, she's just marrying me
for my money.

Are you kidding?
With all the investigating fees

I've paid him,
I'm marrying him for my money.


Gopher: Ah.

Well, goodbye,
doc and gopher.

It's been
a very revealing trip.

Sure has.

You might even say
a memorable one.

[ Chuckles ]

Come see us again.

Thanks for sailing with us.





What happened to the bracelet
I gave you for your birthday?

Oh, well,
Judy loved it so much,

she asked if she could
borrow it for a big date

she has ashore tonight.


Isaac: Vicki, thanks
for lending me your stereo.

Mine will be fixed
in a couple of days.

Well, I guess the only thing

I have left from my th
birthday are my wrinkles.

I think that's something
we both have.

