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07x23 - Side by Side/A Fish Out of Water/Rub Me Tender

Posted: 08/16/22 17:00
by bunniefuu
[Theme - Jack Jones, "love

Love, exciting and new.

Come aboard, we're
expecting you.

And love, life's
sweetest reward.

Let it flow, it
floats back to you.

The love boat, soon we'll
be making another run.

The love boat promises
something for everyone.

Set a course for adventure,
your mind on a new romance.

And love won't hurt anymore.

It's an open smile
on a friendly shore.

It's love, welcome
aboard, it's love.

[Theme music]

Ok, you guys, nice and easy.

That ah way.

That's good.

Keep it-- whoa, whoa,
wait a minute, now.

Watch the paint
job here, you guys.

Ok, that's good.

Keep it going.

All right.

That's the last of them, sir.

Oh, good.

Make sure you notify
the crew the cargo hold

four is strictly off limits.

No one is supposed
to go down there.

What's this cargo, captain?

Oh, yes.

Specimens of marine life being
sent to the oceanic institute

at cabo San Lucas.

Some of them are extremely rare.

Upsetting them could
jeopardize the chances

for breeding them in captivity.

I hope there are
no dolphins in there.

Well, I just hate
to think we were

crossing international
boundaries for amoral purposes.

Well, glad to see someone
there's someone on this ship

with a sense of humor.

Hi, I'm Allen Bundy.

Hi, I'm Issac Washington.

You know, Allen,
you're awfully early.

We're not due to sail
for quite a while yet.

I know, but I thought if
I got here a little early,

I'd have a better chance
with the, you know,

the opposite sex.

Oh, believe me, this is
one place you won't have

any problems meeting ladies.

Well, meeting them
isn't the problem.

It's after I meet them.

I'm-- I'm kind of
awkward with women.

Back home I'm known as
the "strikeout king."

Don't worry.

In this ballpark, I
wouldn't be surprised

if you hit a home run.

I'd settle for a single.

[Theme music]

Paging system:
Attention passengers,

the pacific Princess is
now ready for boarding.

- Hi.
- Hello.

We're edna and Toby miles.

This is my grandson.

Welcome aboard.

I'm glad you told them
I was your grandson.

Otherwise, they would have
thought we were married.

Fat chance.

I would have divorced
you years ago.

Now, where did I
put those tickets.

Um, at her age, the mind
is the first thing to go.

That shows how
little he knows.

It's the second thing to go.

Oh, you're on the fiesta deck.

That's one deck down.

I wanted separate cabins,
but she's afraid of the dark.

Are your parents coming?

No way.

Their vacation is
being away from him.

Come on, grandma,
let's go swimming.

Wait until you see
her in a bathing suit.

She's really the neatest
lady in the world,

so make this a great
trip for her, will you?



There's a lot of love there.

They should package it.

They'd make a fortune.

Allen, how's it going?


I've seen a bunch
of nice ladies.

I have too, but I
just can't talk them.

I-- I don't know
what to say to women.

Oh, that part's easy.

Just ask them questions
about themselves,

you know, like what their
name is, where do they live,

stuff like that.

Hey, now there's a real cutie.

I bet she's just waiting to
meet a nice guy like you.

Go on.

[Theme music]


My name is Allen.

Hi, I'm Karen.

What's your name?


So, ah, do you
live around here?


I mean, do you, um,
you come here often?

Enjoy your cruise.

How's it going?

I told you, a strike out king.

Well, the game's
just getting started.

I'm still batting zero.

[Music playing]

Oh, excuse me.

Do you know where I could--

can I help you?


Oh, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to startle.

No, that's all right.

It wasn't your fault.

Well, is this
your first cruise?


I will, well, no.

I'm not sailing.

Oh, you're seeing someone off?

No, well, actually I
just came to return this.

I was having a cup of tea
in a coffee shop nearby.

It was one of
those coffee shops,

but they sell tea as well.

You know, well anyway, someone
from the ship left this behind.

Oh, our ship's brochures.

Thank you.

That was very thoughtful of you.

Oh, no trouble.

Gee, this ship's so
romantic and exciting.

I hope I can take a
cruise in it someday.

Hey, come on, gopher,
get off my back.

Mary, will you just
lower your voice, please.

Now, look, all I am saying is
that we had several complaints

from passengers who
you gave massages

to during the last cruise
who said you were too rough.

Me, rough!

I'd like to find
out who said that.

I'll break their necks.

Look, will you just calm down.

I don't want a scene
here, all right?

Now, look, you are usually
late for appointments,

and if you don't
shape up, I've got--

hey, listen, who are
you threatening, buster.

Now, wait a minute--

you can take your job
and you can shove it.

Wait a minute.

You don't quit on this ship
without days notice.

We've got rules here.

Now, watch me.

Mary, that is not being fair.

I'll just disregard that.

[Music playing]

Well, there go them massages
and manicures on this trip.

Well, can't you
just call the line

and tell them to send
over a replacement?

We sail in minutes.

There isn't time.

Gopher, what are
we going to do?

We can't sail without a
manicurist and a masseuse


The passengers
will have a fit.


Julie, thanks.

Listen, that feels great,
but not right now, ok?

Are you trying to
tell me something?

Oh, well, actually in
england, I used to be

a masseuse and manicurist.

Are you a passenger
on this ship?

No, but I certainly
would like to be.

She's from england, and we
sail under a British registry.

I don't even know this lady.


Dory butterworth.

How do you do?

How do you do.

Thank you.


Hey, Mary, hey.

Come on.

We can patch this up.

The only thing
you'll be patching up

is your face if you
don't get out of my way.

Mary, you walk out that
door and you're through.

[Music playing]

Gopher, sometimes a purser
has to make instant decisions.

This is one of those times.

Ok, you're hired.

One cruise.

Thank you.

You won't regret it.

[Ship horn]

[Theme music]

You call that swimming?

You're getting me all wet.

You've been all wet for years.

Wow, look at that seagull.

You fall for that every time.

I'll get you for
that one, grandma.

[Music playing]

Oh, sir, ah,
before we sailed I

had to make an instant
decision that I

think you should know about.

Yeah, what is it, gopher?

Paging system: Attention please.

Captain stubbing
to the radio room.

There's a call for you, dad.

Tell me later.

Thanks for the outfit, Julie.

Oh, you're welcome.

It almost fits.

Oh, I'm an odd size.

Oh, now, dory,
your first manicure

is going to be Mrs. Qwinler.

She's the lady over
there in the straw hat.

All right, Mrs. Qwinler.

Good luck, dory.


Maybe doc should give her
something for her nerves.

Forget about her.

I'm going to get me
something for mine.

Hi, Issac.

Hi, Allen, how's it going?

Same old thing.

You know, Allen, there is
a sea of bikinis out there.

Why don't you just dive on in?

Issac, I told you.

When it comes to
women, I'm hopeless.

Now, you see, that's
your problem right there.

It's your attitude.

You have got to
be more positive.

You give up too easily.

There she is again.

You know, you're right.

All it is is attitude.

Watch the new Allen
Bundy in action.

[Music playing]

Allen, Allen.

Listen, will you go
get Dr. Bricker, Allen.

Paging system: Dr. Bricker,
please report to the ledo deck.

Dr. Bricker, to the
ledo deck please.

Allen, wake up.

Allen, you're ok.

Come on, Allen.

What-- what happened?

Well, you went
after a knockout.

Unfortunately, you
got the wrong kind.

That's right.

I forgot.

My head.

Yeah, you gave your
head quite a whack.

You've got a bump,
but no serious damage.

You'll be your old
self in no time.

That's what I'm afraid of.


Take it easy.

You can get up in about an hour.

[Theme music]

Paging system: Good morning.

That island off on port side
is one of the cedros islands,

area which rich in marine life.

Keep your eyes open,
and you're bound

to see whales and dolphins
frolicking in the waves.

[Theme music]

Lovely view, isn't it?

Sorry, um, I'll pay
for the cup and saucer.

No, that won't be necessary.

I'm sorry if I startled you.

I'm captain stubing.

You're the captain?

Oh, I thought sea captains
were grizzled old sea dogs,

but you're really distinguished.

Just the proper touch of grey.

Why, thank you.

Dory butterworth.

How do you do?

Well, I'm glad to meet you.

Miss butterworth?

Oh, yes.

See, no rings.

Well, I hope you're
enjoying your cruise.

Oh, yes I am.

This is the best time I've ever
had in my whole entire life


It's the best.

I wish all of our
passengers with that effusive.


Well, have a nice day.

Oh, cherrio, captain.

Miss butterworth?


If you have no
plans for dinner,

may I invite you to dine
at the captain's table?

Oh, I guess you can.

You're the captain.

I'll see you around :?


Oh, ah, captain?


Oh, nothing.

Ah, I just wanted to make sure
you really were the captain.

[Music playing]

[Theme music]

Well, I might as well
face the world again.

[Music playing]

Now that we've seen the
bridge, the radio room,

and the crew's
quarters, I'll take you

to the below decks
area, which is usually

off limits except for the crew.

[Theme music]

Excuse me.

Now, if you'll just follow me.

After we've seen the
cargo area, I'll show

you where the food is stored.

And if the chef is
taking his afternoon nap,

maybe we can take a sneak
peek at the kitchen.

And this is the cargo area.

In this hold, we're
carrying a special shipment

of rare marine specimens to
be delivered to the oceanic

institute in cabo San Lucas.

I'm sorry I can't
take you in there,

but I can take you
to the engine room,

which I'm sure you'll enjoy.

Julie: Now, please,
let's all stick together.

I don't want to loose anybody.

[Music playing]



Holy cow, you're a--

a mermaid, that's right.

I don't believe it.

What's your name?


I'm ah, I'm Allen Bundy.
- I'm coral.

I'm a prisoner.

You are, aren't you?

They call me a
specimen, because they're

taking me someplace
to be studied,

but I just want to
go back to the sea.

They won't let me.

I wish there was something
I could do for you.

You could get me
something to eat.

Ok, I'll do that.

I'll sneak you back
something to eat tonight.

Oh, what, um, what do
mermaids eat anyway?

Seafood, silly.

Seafood, of course.

Don't go away.

[Music playing]

[Theme music]

Paging system: Attention
please, main seating dinner

is now being served in
the coral dining room.

I'd like to know
your intentions, sir.

This is a table for two--

very romantic.

I didn't mean
it to be romantic.

I just couldn't get anybody
else on the ship to eat with me.

Oh, Toby, how lovely.

Here, let me do that.

I don't want to bleed to death.

Thank you, Toby, darling.

They had a sale
at the flower shop.

You know me.

I couldn't pass up a
deal on day-old flowers.

Oh, come on, dad.

Who's the empty seat for?

You'll see.

It must be someone
very special.

Or just a pleasant young
lady I met on deck today.

How pleasant?

Never mind how pleasant.

How young?

[Laughs] Oh, miss butterworth.

I'm so glad you could join me.

Let me introduce some of
the members of my crew.

Oh, we've already met.

Hi, Julie, doc, Vicki, gopher.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Well, I should have
realized that such

an outgoing young lady would
have made her presence known.

Well, thank you, again,
for inviting me to dinner.

It's such an honor to dine
at the captain's table.

Well, then perhaps you'll
honor the captain by joining

him later from dancing.

Me dance with you, together?

That's the way
it's usually done.




[Music playing]

[Soft music playing]

I tell you one
thing, you're dancing

much better than you used to.

I am?

Yes, you're much
lighter on my feet.

May I cut in?

Doctor, I have to
dance with her, but you?

It would be my
pleasure, doctor.

There goes the
shine on your shoes.

That's quite a
boy, Mrs. Miles.

That's quite a
young man, doctor.

Right you are.

[Soft music playing]

I can't believe this.

The captain doesn't
know she's the masseuse.

She doesn't know
that he doesn't know.

Well, we know that she doesn't
know that he doesn't know.

What are we going to do?

I don't know.

I think you'd have the answer.

How long have you had it?

Ever since my
days in the Navy.

It's nothing serious.

It's just that
every now and then

I get a little pain
in my lower back.


That type of pain
usually originates

from the back of the head.

Then it comes down to
the neck, and then it

branches up to either
or both shoulders,

and then down to the lower back.

Gopher, you've
got to tell him.

I will.
I will.


On their fifth anniversary.

[Theme music]

Sorry I'm late.

I had the chef prepare
something special.



He looks familiar.

I think I went to
school with him.

I'm joking.

You know, coral, you're--

you're different from
any girl I've ever met.

I know.

No, I didn't mean that.

You see, I'm usually
very awkward with women.

This is the first
time in my life

where I felt comfortable with
someone of the opposite sex--


You-- you're really
wonderful, coral.

Then we have much in common.

You're wonderful too, Allen.

[Music playing]

I can't believe
this thing with dory

and the captain
has gone this far.

Yeah, well, you're the one
who said to hire her, remember?

"Gopher, sometimes a purser
has to make instant decisions."

Dory: It's amazing.

Your shoulders look
bigger now than when

you had your jacket on.

You have a very manly physique.

Captain: Well, I'm supposed to.

I'm a man.


Dory: Here, let me help
you slip out of that.

Captain: Oh.

Forget it.


Isn't that more comfortable?


Oh, I like the way you do that.

Now, if we ever fire our
masseuse, maybe I'll hire you.

[Music playing]

Beautiful night.


Want me to get you glasses
so you can see the moon?

Keep that up and you'll
be seeing the stars.

Let's go back and
dance some more, grandma.

Let's call it a day.

I'm tired.

You, the queen of the
late night movie watchers?

You're always up
later than this.

Not tonight.

I think I wore myself out today.

I really feel I need some rest.

All right.

Let's go back to cabin.

A lady needs her privacy
getting ready for bed.

Give me a minutes.

All right, grandma.

[Music playing]


Hi, Dr. Bricker.

Where's your grandmother?

She went to bed.

She said she was tired.

Well, I should think so.

She's not a youngster
anymore, and you two were

dancing up a storm tonight.

She never got tired before--

before what?

Doctor, I'm scared.

Why Toby?

Because, well, grandma's
going to die soon.


[Music playing]

[Theme music]

Paging system: Good
morning, passengers.

We are now serving our
delicious breakfast

buffet on the starlight deck.

Gopher: Good morning, dory.


- Oops.
- Sorry.

That's ok.
I'm used to it.

Nothing like a morning swim.

Well, I better get changed
for my appointment.

Ah, here they are.

Oh, not too busy.

No, not too bad.

Just a couple there.

Dory, just the lady
I've been looking for.

Sir, I have been
looking for you.

You know, when
I was in London,

a londoner showed
me all over town.

It made the world of difference.

Today, I'd like to show you
what of our yacht house.

Oh, how exciting,
but, um, I have

a manicure appointment at noon.

That's silly.

Your nails are beautiful.

Oh, he's such a wit.

Yeah, hysterical.

Look, sir, I've
got to talk to you.


Oh well, he's the captain.

[Music playing]


Vicki, hi.


Listen, would you do me a big
favor and do some filing for me

- Sure.

Oh, great.

Aloha needs a
manicure at noon.

[Theme music]

Paging system: Good
morning, passengers.

If you'll take a quick
look off the starboard bow,

you'll see a school of playful
porpoises putting on a show.

What'd you bring?

A breakfast fit for a true
daughter of the sea, kippers.

You don't recognize
them, do you?

I don't know.

All kippers look alike to me.

How can you stand to
wear these clothes?

Can I take it off?

No, no, no, not here.

Good morning, Allen.

I see you found a
lovely companion.

Yeah, you might call
her the catch of the day.

Listen, it's so hard today.

Do you want me to
take this blanket?

Oh, no, no, no.

She has a bad sunburn.

Ah, ok.

Well, see you around.


[Music playing]

What's the matter.

You're not hungry?

Not anymore.

[Music playing]

You miss the sea, don't you?

It's my home.

It's so near, and
yet it's so far away.

Not as far as you think.

Just from the rail to the water.

[Music playing]

Hi, Toby.

Anybody, ah-- mind
if I join you?


How are you
doing this morning?


About last night, I didn't
mean to say anything,

but I was scared.

Hey, that's all right.

Do you want to talk about it?

One night last
month I was going down

to get some milk and
cookies and I heard my mom

and dad talking in their room.

Yes, what did they say?

They were talking about
dying, that there was no hope,

and that grandma didn't know.

I'm sorry.

And they were talking about
whether they should tell me

or not, but they decided not to.

I couldn't hear everything,
because they were crying a lot.

You and your grandmother have
a very special relationship.


We're always kidding, grandma
and I, about going on a ship

and sailing away together.

Well, you made it come
true for her, didn't you?

Good morning, doctor.

Mrs. Miles.

You skipped out on me.

I was starved, and you
were sleeping like a log.

Well, I was up all night
listening to you snore.

I'm hungry too.

[Music playing]

[Spanish music playing]

Paging system: Attention se ors,
se oras, and se oritas, we are

now entering puerto vallarta.

We're sure this village
of whitewashed buildings,

azul waters, and golden
sunshine will afford you some

of your most colorful memories.

Enjoy your stay in
this charming port.

[Spanish music playing]

I wish I could
swim around a little.

My tail is falling asleep.

Don't worry.

Once you're back in the
ocean, you'll be fine.

Not fine, Allen.

I'll miss you.

I'll miss you too, but I don't
know any other way to save you.

Wait a minute, I
can go with you.

Oh, Allen, it's impossible.

It would be the shortest
romance in history.

But I can wear a scuba
outfit all the time.

You're not being realistic.

But I'll never forget you.

I'll never forget you either.

Well, I guess it's that time.

No, no, let's not do it yet.

We won't reach cabo San
Lucas until tonight.

It'll give us a little
more time together.

[Music playing]

Have a good day.


We won't be back late.



Well, that's a switch.

The father telling the
kid he won't be home late.

- Gopher, you know--
- I know.

I know.

I'm going to tell
him, all right.

No, that's not what
I was going to say.

What I was going to
say is that maybe we

don't have to embarrass
either one of them.

You know, the
cruise is half over.

You know, Julie's right.

Maybe we can get
through the cruise

with neither one
of them knowing.

But that's so sneaky.

I like it.

[Music playing]

You want to double
the bet to kisses?


We'll be here all day with
both of us trying to be losers.

That's it.

What did you think about
that, young whippersnapper?

Uh-oh, it looks like
you're in trouble, Toby.


You all right, grandma?

Oh, I'm fine, honey.


Are you sure?

Yes, it's just an old
respiratory problem.

I've had it for years.

Nothing serious.

Maybe I should check you out.

No, no, really.

Ok, chum, lay 'em on me.

[Music playing]

[Theme music]

[Laughs] That was
the best time I've had

in puerto vallarta in years.

Well, that was
the best time I've

ever had in puerto vallarta.

I didn't know you
had been there before.

No, I haven't.

All right.

See you for dinner?

You're the captain.

That's right, I am.

Ah, duty calls.

See you later.

Oh, cherrio.


Shirley, will you send the
masseuse to my cabin an hour

before dinner, please.

I've been horseback
riding on the beach today.

Everything aches.

[Theme music]

Paging system: We're now
leaving puerto vallarta.

We'll be making a brief stop
tonight in cabo San Lucas,

and then we're homeward-bound
to Los Angeles.

[Theme music]

I can't believe how beautiful
you look in the moonlight.

Everything about you is
beautiful, from your head

to your tail.

Oh, and I can't believe
that human beings could

come any sweeter than you.

You know, I'm glad
I was captured.

I'd never met you otherwise.

Coral, you're not the only
one who's been captured.

[Music playing]


You're too tough
tonight, grandma.

You weren't playing
your usual game.

Yeah, I decided to play fair.

Something wrong, Toby?

No, I was just thinking.

About what?

It was a dumb thing.

You know me.

I get weird sometimes.

What do you mean, sometimes?

I guess I got it from you.

Grandma, do you remember
your grandmother?

Of course, but I was just
a little girl when she died.

That must have hurt--


Well, dying isn't a big deal.

It isn't?


It's just like living, only
with less problems, I hope.

You know, dying is the
only thing in the world

that everybody has in common.

It sounds scary to me.


I think of it as an adventure,
like going on a cruise.

But you come
back from a cruise.

Dying isn't an end.

It's a continuation of life,
like walking into another room

and you don't lose anything--

your achievements,
or your loved ones.

Are you sure?

Sure as I'm sitting
here with my favorite guy.

[Music playing]

Grandma, did I ever tell
you how terrific you are?

No, but I had a funny
feeling you felt that way.

[Music playing]

Now deal.

I'm going to beat the
pants off you again.

[Music playing]

I guess it's time
to say goodbye.

No, Allen, we can't.

But we have to.

When we dock in cabo
San Lucas, they're

going to come to take you away.

This is our last chance.

Allen, I thought about it
all day and-- and tonight.

I'm not going.

I'm staying with you.

You'd sacrifice
your freedom for me?

Allen, I love you.

I love you too.

Too much to let you do this.

No, I'm setting you free.

Allen, no.

I love you, coral, but
I have to let you go.

Allen, I love you.

[Music playing]

Coral: Allen, I love you, Allen.

I love you, Allen.

Allen, I love you.

I love you.

A dream, it's only a dream.

I slept the whole cruise away.

[Theme music]


Come in.

Hi, captain.


Did you like the dress
we picked up today?

Well, it looks terrific.

I knew it would.

Well, I'm going to give
you the best message you've

ever had in your whole life.

I just bought the
new fantastic oils.

Oh, well, you didn't
have to do that.

Oh, but I wanted to.

You've been so very
good to me, and I wanted

to be so very good to you.

Now, to tell you
the truth, dory,

I've already called
for a massage.

I know.

I got your message.


I'm not late, am I?

Because when they called,
this said about an hour

before dinner?

Dory, I'm very confused.

Now, ah, perhaps
someone is playing

a practical joke on you,
or me, or both of us,

but I am expecting,
Mary, the ship's masseuse

to be here any minutes.

Oh, no.

What's going on here?

I thought you knew.

Gopher, I want to
see your right away.


Paging system:
Ladies and gentleman,

we're now docking
in cabo San Lucas.

We request that you
do not leave the ship,

as we'll only be here
long enough to unload

some special cargo.

Enjoy the rest of your cruise.


Come in.

Oh, Mrs. Miles.

Hello, doctor.

Good evening.

I don't quite know
how to say this.

I-- I should have
mentioned it before.

Sit down.

Thank you.

A little while ago,
out of the blue,

Toby's started asking me
questions about dying,

and I'm afraid that he may know
something that he shouldn't.

[Music playing]

He does know.

He's spoken to me about it.

He overheard his parents
talking one night.

You mean he's known all along?

Yes, for about a month now.

Is there anything
I can do for you?

Are you in any pain?

You see, I don't know
what your illness is,

and possibly there's
something I can do to help.

Oh, my god.

He thinks it's me.

I'm not dying, doctor.

It's Toby.

[Music playing]

[Music playing]


Oh, captain.

I feel so awful.

Oh, don't feel awful.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

I didn't know that you didn't
know that it was only me,

and not the person you thought I
was instead of who I really am.

Wait, wait.

Now gopher explained
the mix up to me.

Oh, he did?

Yes, and I'm convinced that
it was just an innocent mistake.

Dory, you're a very lovely
young lady, very lovely.

I was just embarrassed for you.

Oh, and you're not sore?

Who said that?

I'm plenty sore--


--Right over here from
that horseback riding.

[Music playing]

Ah, to the left.

A little lower.

That's it.

[Music playing]


I can't believe it.

You're real after all.

What were you
expecting, a mannequin?

Wait a second.

How did you get here?

My own two legs, how else?

You don't have a--

you've got legs?

I mean, you've--
you've got legs.

Yes, they go with
the rest of the body.

It's a matched set.

Matched perfectly.

Thank you.

What am I doing?

You're not coral.


I'm Cora.

Who are you?

Oh, I see.

I'm-- I'm Allen.

Allen Bundy.

I'm sorry to have bothered you.

Oh, no.


No bother at all.

I'm only sorry that I
didn't meet you sooner.

[Music playing]

Where have you been hiding?

[Theme music]

Paging system: We are now
leaving cabo San Lucas,

but there's still a gala
night ahead at the captain's

farewell party.

Don't miss it.

[Disco music playing]

You're not going to be
a party pooper like you

were last night, are you?

Now, don't worry, chum, I can
take it for as long as you can.

It looks like a great party.

I wish it could go on forever.

We all wish that everything
you love could go on forever.

Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to the captain's
farewell party.

This is our last night on
board before we arrived

in Los Angeles
tomorrow, and I hope

you all had a wonderful cruise.


And now I would like
to present our captain,

captain merrill stubing.


Thank you.

Thank you, Ms. McCoy.

Each voyage the
members of the crew

get together and vote
on the couple they think

is the happiest, the best
suited, and the most loving.

Our selection for this
cruise is that dynamic duo,

that twosome whose relationship
has bridged time and age, edna

miles and her grandson, Toby.


As is our custom, the winners
will please start the dancing.

[Soft music playing]

We're the only ones out
here, so don't humiliate me.

Humiliate you?

At your age, it's a miracle
you can even stand up.


Let's do things
differently tonight.

You lead.

[Soft music playing]

[Theme music]



We wanted to say goodbye.

Well, goodbye to both of you.

I'm glad to see you hit it off.

We certainly did.

I hardly saw you this cruise.

You know, he's the most
intuitive man I've ever met.

When I first met him,
without me saying a word,

he knew that I loved
seafood and swimming.

That's because I figured
your sign was pisces, the fish.

How did you know that?

It's kind of a long tale.

See ya.



Thank you for a
cruise to remember.

My pleasure.

That's great, grandma.

At your age, I thought you
would have forgotten it by now.

You're going to
have to stop giving

him those straight lines.

We're going to miss you.

Oh, no, you're not.

Last night Toby
and I decided we're

going to do this every year.

Ok, dory, we're all here.

What's going on?

You said you had
something to tell us.

Well, I just wanted
to say that I think

you're the most
wonderful assortment

of characters I've ever met.


Julie: Well, thank you.

Well, I hope you'll forgive me
for not doing such a great job.

What are you talking about?

You did a terrific job.

You're just fine.

Yeah, you were fantastic.

You were wonderful.

Right, dad?

I'm not so sure.

I would have an
opinion about dory

until she sails a
dozen cruises with us.

But captain stubing,
how can that be since--

since-- oh, captain stubing.

This calls for a celebration.


[Music playing]

[Theme music]

[Music playing]