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07x22 - The Lady and the Maid/Love Is Blind/The Babymakers

Posted: 08/16/22 16:59
by bunniefuu

♪ Love ♪

♪ exciting and new ♪

♪ come aboard ♪

♪ we're expecting you ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ life's sweetest reward ♪

♪ let it flow ♪

♪ it floats back to you ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ soon will be making
another run ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ promises something
for everyone ♪

♪ set a course for adventure ♪

♪ your mind on a new romance ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ won't hurt anymore ♪

♪ it's an open smile ♪

♪ on a friendly shore ♪

♪ it's love ♪

♪ welcome aboard,
it's l-o-o-o-ove ♪


[ Indistinct conversations ]

Oh, Barry,
it's a beautiful ship.

It's perfect.

I'm sure everything's
gonna work out just fine.

Well, I'm glad
you're so sure.

It's just what we needed --

sunny days, balmy nights,
no telephones, off by ourselves.

Just what the doctor ordered.

Excuse me, but if the doctor
ordered another doctor,

I'm Adam bricker,
the ship's physician.

Why, hello.


Can I be of service?

Uh, uh, no, thank you.

Uh, everything's
gonna be fine.

Our doctor told us
to come on this cruise

because we're going
to have a baby.

Oh, congratulations!

Thank you.

When's the baby due?

I'll let you know
after the cruise. Bye.

You didn't hear that.



How are we doing with
my amateur bartenders class?

Quite a few passengers

have signed up.


I understand one
of the passengers

who's sailed with us before
signed you up for the class.

[ Laughs ]

That was a joke,
wasn't it, sir?

Sorry I missed
the joke.

I'm Terry cook.

Uh, promenade .

Oh, welcome aboard.

Ms. Cook, haven't you always
wanted to know

how to make
a strawberry daiquiri?

Excuse me?

Oh, forgive
our eager professor.

This is Isaac Washington,
chief barman.

He's teaching an amateur
bartenders class on this cruise.

Well, I'm a simple
red burgundy girl myself.

Well, I can change all that...

In one easy lesson.

Thanks for seein' me off,

I can take it from here.

Have fun.

I'll see you
when you get back.


[ Laughs ]

what do you say?

You gonna sign up
for my class?


But I won't stay
after school.

See you later.

Yes, enjoy
your cruise.


May I help you?

Yes, I'd like the cabin number
of the lady who just left.

I love her perfume.

Well, she can't do that,

but she can give you
your cabin number.

Oh, I know
my cabin number --

aloha .

Well, let me show you
to your cabin.

Those passageways
can be pretty tricky.

I think we can spare Ms. McCoy
for a few minutes.

Well, your loss
is my gain.


You folks kind of look
like you could use some help.

Yes, we do.

Could you kindly tell us
where's promenade and ?

Ah, well,
is right down here.

just around the corner.

Oh, I see.

You look familiar to me.

Have I seen you
someplace before?

I don't know.

Maybe you have to tell me
every place you've ever been.

Mrs. Fielding does a lot
of charity work.

Her picture's in the newspapers
all the time.

Well, maybe that's it.
I only look at the pictures.

[ Laughs ]

Dorothy, I'm gonna
get settled.

Shall I come by for you
in minutes?

Oh, yes, please.
Thank you, darling.


Come, come.

Thank you.


Tell me, is this cruise

really as romantic
as everybody says it is?

Well, ma'am,
that's kind of up to you.

We just provide the music
and the moonlight.


I'm sure you do
all you can.


That's why I came.

Every romance needs a bit
of a boost at times,

don't you think?

Oh, yeah.

Well, I'll do my part.

I'll have 'em turn
the music down to low

and the moonlight
up to high.

Oh, that will help.


Good lord.

[ Air horn blows ]


Barry, please.

I have five brothers
and three sisters,

and they all started
with a kiss on the neck.

Well, we've tried that,
and it hasn't worked.

I've been doing
some research

and found some new methods
to ensure conception.

Well, how many new methods
are there?

We've tried everything
short of standing on our heads.

Or do you want
to give that a try?

Barry, please, I have to start
start reading the material

that I brought.

What'd you do --
hold up a library?

Why don't you
go up on deck?

I'll see you in a bit,

Fine, but I think the odds
would be better

if we were, uh,
both in the same room.

[ Door opens ]


Ah, flirtatious.

What did you say?

Flirtatious --
your perfume.

That's right.

My favorite.

Definitely the Mark
of a beautiful woman.

Won't you join me?

I'm Darnell hall.

Terry cook.

And you have
an uncanny sense of smell.

Ah, yes, milady.
In a previous life,

i was the most celebrated
foxhound in all of england.

Doesn't sound like
too much has changed.

Mr. Hall,
here's your drink.

Ah, just place it on the table
to my left, thanks.


Hi, Terry.

Hi, Isaac.

Have you decided
on taking my bartending class?

Sounds great.

Sign me up.

You want to take
the class?

Why shouldn't he?

Isaac, what are you doing?

He's not playing charades.

He's trying to tell you
that I'm blind.

Isaac, sign me up
for your course.

Oh, great.

I'll pick up Darnell
on my way to class.

Mm, greater.

This cruise
was a wonderful idea.

The sunshine
and the sea breezes...

Everything's so lovely.

Especially the company.

I thank you.

Stewart, be a darling.
Get us a drink.

Of course.
Let's have a good time.

Yes, we will.

[ Chuckles ]

Oh, I'm not supposed
to be up here.

That's okay.
You're with me,

the acting captain...

Whenever the captain
isn't looking.

Now, Maggie.
Maggie, look.

See that woman over there?

You two could be twins!

Let's go over and say hi.

Oh, no.

No, no, no.
It's all right.

It's okay.
I'll handle everything.


Oh, no, no, no.
It'll be fine.

Hi, Mrs. Fielding.

You know, when you first
came on this ship,

I knew there was
something familiar about you,

but it just now hit me.

How about this, huh?

You believe the resemblance
between you two?

You believe how much
she looks like you?


Oh, you know
one another then.


How wonderful to see you.

I told you that we must
never see each other again.

But that was years ago!

To me,
it is like yesterday.

Mrs. Fielding, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean
to cause any problems.

Oh, don't worry.
You didn't.

It was me
that caused a problem...

Many years ago.


Well, boys, the price
of poker has just gone up.

I'm betting a bundle.


Come on.

Jump in.
The water's fine.

I think
he's bluffing.

Well, put your money in
and find out.

Barry, I've been looking
for you for half an hour.

You have to leave now.


Yes, I just took
some ginseng roots.

The book says we don't have
much time. Come on.

Come on, Barry.
Are you playing or not?


Barry, let's go.

I've got four aces.


Uh, I'm out.


See? The boys didn't want
to play anymore anyway.

Come on.

Come on!


[ Alarm buzzes ]

Oh, stop!
It's too late.

It's no good.


What are you
talking about?

It's only been
a couple of seconds.

The book says that we have
to make love one half-hour

after I eat the roots,
or else it's no good.

Fine. That'll give you
plenty of time

to sew the buttons
back on my shirt.


Okay, ladies and gentleman.

Let's review what we have placed
in our blenders.

First of all, we have added
an ounce and a half of rum.

Then, a tablespoon
of grenadine,

and, also, an ounce
and a half of lime juice.

Now, I would like you to put
in a teaspoon of sugar.


Sounds fattening.

For the final ingredient,

fresh strawberries...

The color
of my lady's luscious lips.

[ Clears throat ]

Let's, uh, delicately place
the strawberries

into your blender.

My final instruction
was gonna be to put the tops

on the blenders.

That's okay.
The drinks are on me.

Here, Darnell.
Let me help you.

Oh, I ought to make mistakes
like this more often.

[ Chuckles ]

I'm sorry
you're not feeling well.

Oh, it's nothing.

It's just
a little headache.

I'll be fine by dinnertime.


Then I'll take a sauna
and a massage

and meet you
in the dining room at :.

And don't you wither away
in the sauna!

[ Chuckles ]

Thank you.

[ Door closes ]


[ Knock on door ]


Are you not asking
your sister in?

Come in.

[ Door closes ]

I would rather
you don't get too comfortable.

I'd rather you go.


You used to be
the nice sister.

Maybe I still am.

after all these years,

I thought
you might have forgiven me.

Forgiven you?

You stole the man I loved
more than anyone in my life.

You stole him.

You ran off with him.

We were engaged.

You did it
because you were jealous.

And you did it
because you wanted to prove

that you are the stronger,
as you always did.

I may have done you
a favor.

We were not
all that happily married.

Were not?

[ Chuckles ]
Are you divorced?

Ralph died years ago.

Just before that,
his business went bad.

I made it on what is left.

I made it on my own.

This is a very sad story.

Don't come to me
for sympathy.

Maggie, it is not sympathy
I want.

It is forgiveness.

You won't find it here.


[ Door opens, closes ]


Now, open up.

No, Sheila, no more.

Yes! Please.

Sheila, the story
about the oysters,

it's an old wives' tale.

It doesn't really work.

Yes, it does.

I've read that with the help
of these aphrodisiac foods,

our chances of conceiving
a child are greatly increased.

Now come on.

Come on.

[ Gulps ] Oh.

[ Sighs ]

We may have
a baby born this way,

but he's gonna be born crying
for a bottle of bicarbonate.

Come on.
One for mommy.

[ Knock on door ]

Come in.

I was told that you
asked specifically for me

to bring you
your dry cleaning.

It must nice
to order your sister around.

Maggie, it was the only way
for me to talk to you again.

Well, they told me
to bring you your dress,

but no one told me
that I had to talk to you.


You simply insist
on feeling sorry for yourself

for something
that happened years ago.

For something...

That ruined my life.

Well, it is not my fault
that you are a maid.

It's a very honest living,

but, of course,
you know nothing

about earning
your own living.

Maybe not, but everybody
has their own problems.

It must be a great problem

to dress up
in beautiful gowns

and go out in the evening
and amuse yourself.

Why, Maggie,
is that what you want?


Take my dress.

Wear it
and have a wonderful evening!

But you know
that I have to work tonight.

I'll do your work.

I'm the maid tonight
and also tomorrow morning.

you want to be a maid?

Well, why not?

It's not all that difficult
to scrub bathroom floors

or give out towels.

Well, it may be good for you
for once to be a maid.

It may teach you that
when one makes a mess in life,

one has to clean it up.

[ Door closes ]

[ Dialing ]

[ Speaking indistinctly ]


Uh, Mr. Coolridge's cabin,


[ Ringing ]

Hello, darling.

Darling, I'd rather not
have dinner tonight.

My headache,
it's getting a little worse.


Oh, hey, Terry.
We've been waiting for you.

Come on.

Where are you taking me?

Someone's requested
your company for dinner.

And I've been here
ever since.

Well, that's enough
about us. What do you do?

Well, I --

excuse me, sir.
Here we are.

It's flirtatious.

I beg
your pardon?

He means my perfume.

That's a lovely
dress, Terry.

Blue is definitely
your color.

It's red.

I forgot to tell you
I'm color-blind, too.

[ Laughter ]

Well, I'm glad
you could join us, Ms. Cook.

Mr. Hall was
just about to tell us

what kind of business he's in.

I think he's
a professional flatterer.

I own a radio station.

Oh, well,
if you happen to have

any extra Michael Jackson albums
lying around, I --


Oh, that's okay, captain.

I'll see what I can do.
Okay, Vicki?


Where's your station?

St. Louis.

I started out
as a disc jockey

when it was
the smallest station in town,

but with a little luck,
some long hours,

and a loan
from my friendly bank,

I bought the station.

Now it's one
of the biggest.

I admire you, Darnell.

You're a man
with a lot of ambition.

Maybe just ego, doc.

I have to conquer
everything I try --

water-skiing, skydiving.

I'll lick that bartending class
yet, too.

You really go skydiving?

Only once.

I may be blind,
but I'm not crazy.

Thank you.

Just one moment, please.

And I thought I was
gonna have to dine alone.

[ Chuckles ]


Thank you.

There we are.

Uh, there'll be
two of us for dinner.

Very good, sir.

Mr. Coolridge,
the wine list.

Thank you, thank you.

I understand this ship
has fantastic food.

Yes. So I hear.

I am so glad
your headache is better.


Oh, thank you.

No, no, thank you, Dorothy,
for wearing my favorite dress.

I've never seen
you looking more beautiful.

Oh. Yes.

And I have never seen you
more handsome, Mr. Coolridge.

[ Chuckles ]
Mr. Coolridge?

Well, we are formal tonight,
aren't we?

Oh, Dorothy.

Where have you been
hiding this sense of humor?

I don't know.


[ Slow music plays ]

you're such a good dancer.

Oh, I just close my eyes
and go with the beat.

Wait till they pick up
the tempo a little,

and I'll show you
how we do it back home.

Oh, please, no.

You'll wear me out.

[ Music ends ]

[ Chuckles ]

Are you too tired
for a walk on the deck?

I've heard
there's a full moon.

I'm sorry, Darnell.

I already promised Isaac
I'd meet him later.


Well, in that case, I'll just
go on back to my cabin.

Let me help you.

Oh, no, no, no.

I've got my way around the ship
pretty much down.

I just follow the bread crumbs
I've dropped.

See ya.

I had a good time.

Dorothy, this is one
of the most delightful evenings

we have ever spent together.

The only thing is,

you have always said
you weren't a very good dancer

and didn't even like
to dance.

[ Chuckles ]

Are we dancing?

I didn't hear the music.


I just thought you were holding
me in your arms.


Now, Sheila,
this is where I draw the line.

There is no way
that I can make love

with this...Thing
staring at us.

But, Barry,
it could help us.

It's a fertility idol.

Now come here and sit down.
Cross your legs like this.

Oh, Sheila,
this is ridiculous.

All right.

Now that my circulation
is cut off, what's next?

We concentrate on the spirit
of the fertility idol.

During the heighth
of a full moon,

it's supposed to be conducive
to a woman becoming pregnant.

I don't think
you got that one from Dr. Spock.

Close your eyes
and concentrate.

What do you feel?

sh**ting pains.

Barry, please concentrate.

You know,
I do feel something...

Like an energy force.

You know somethin'?

So do I.

Now's the time!

Come on!

Wait a minute.
I can't move.


My legs are locked.

Oh, please!

Oh, they're
all cramped up.

Oh, Barry!

We're never gonna figure out
how to have a baby.

Oh, I figured out
how to have a baby.

I'm just never gonna be
able to do it like this.


You know,
that brochure was right.

What do you mean?

Well, it said a cruise

almost instantly
relaxes the passengers.

And are you
feeling more relaxed?

I was talking about you.

I've never seen you
more at ease.

When we boarded,

you said you wanted this cruise
to be one both of us

would never forget.

So I hope you remember this.

will you marry me?


Oh, I know, after six months,
this isn't very sudden,

but it's
completely heartfelt.

I want you to be my wife.


Darnell was right --

there is
a full moon tonight.

Sometimes I don't
even notice the things

that are
right in front of me.


I'm right in front
of you.

That was nice.

Not bad
for a couple of beginners.

Well, you know
what they say --

practice makes perfect.

Not too fast.

Okay, Isaac?

Terry, I just want to get
to know you better.

I don't know, Isaac.

Maybe it's the sea air,
but I'm feeling kind of mellow.

Kind of romantic,
but not romantic romantic,

if you know what I mean.

I kind of do,
and then I kind of don't.

Can we pick it up
from here tomorrow?


Good night.

Good night.

[ Footsteps approaching ]

Hi, Darnell.


You're alone.


Where's Terry?

Oh, she went to bed.

You struck out.

[ Scoffs ] You should
strike out like that.

You know, Darnell...

Yeah?'s amazing.

Here we are,
two good-looking guys,

and we're both chasing
after a very homely girl.

Is she really homely,


Well, she's not the ugliest
girl I've ever seen,

but she's way below average.



I'm gonna do you a favor.


Since I'm blind
and can't see her anyway,

I'm gonna take her
off your hands.

[ Both chuckle ]

No, really.

Can I be serious with you
for a moment?


I think
Terry's pretty special.

So do I.


And I want her
to think I'm special, too.

I'm not gonna give her up
without a fight.

If I get burned
or lose to you,

then, hey, I know
I've given it all I've got.



Well, seems that Ms. Cook
has two admirers on this ship.

Yeah, but, you know, captain,
I feel kind of strange

with a guy who's blind.

Isaac, don't think of Darnell
as a blind man.

Just think of him as a man,
and on a man-to-man basis,

you can compete with anyone
on any level.


Barry, this is terrific.

I just found
this new theory

that's supposed
to work % of the time.

Well, so far, your theories
have worked % of the time.

It has to do
with my body temperature.

Oh, this is ridiculous,
Sheila, all right?

Why don't we just adopt?

How can you say such a thing?

I'm as healthy as can be,
and so are you.

I used to be.

let's just forget about it.

You mean
you don't want to try again?


Fine, Barry.

I can always get
a surrogate father.

[ Sighs ]

All right.
All right, Sheila.

We'll give it
another try.


Why don't you
finish your breakfast

and meet me in the cabin
in minutes?

All right.

Try a raw egg.


Morning, Isaac.

Hi, Terry.

Thanks for being
so understanding last night.

No problem.

Hi, Darnell.

Terry, good morning.

Here's a plate.

Ah, thank you.

Terry, you haven't forgot

about our date in acapulco
today, have you?

No, I haven't forgotten.

Oh, great!


Watch out, Darnell.

Let me fill that for you.

Oh, thank you.

Could you put some fruit
on the plate?

You'd be surprised
how surly some people get

when I touch the food
to see what it is.


How you doing
this morning, Darnell?

Oh, Isaac,
you're here, too.

Hey, are we still on
for bartending class today?



And I'll be there to make sure
you don't get into trouble.

Oh, I wouldn't mind getting
into a little trouble.

You know, Darnell,
Terry and I

are going into acapulco right
after class to do up the town.

Would you like
to join us?

That is,
if it's okay with Isaac.

Well, if you don't mind,

Oh, no, I wouldn't mind at all.
I'd love to join.

Thanks, Isaac.


What are you doing now?

I'm trying
to lower my body temperature

for this thing to work.

That's what the book
says to do.

What book are you reading --
"crime and punishment"?

It didn't say how to do it.

I thought
that this might work.

Well, can't we make this
a little bit more romantic?

You look sick.

Barry, please.

All right.

You --


Oh, I'm sorry, honey.


Come on!

Now what
are you doing?

We have to face south.
I want a girl.

If we face north,
we'll get a boy.

I'm facing west.

Come on.

That's where the bar is.


[ Door opens, closes ]

Barry, please!

Come on!

Barry, please!


[ Knock on door ]

Dorothy: Come in.


Are you all right?


That cinderella story's over,

You have to take over again.

I thought it might be
too much for you.

As for cinderella,

your handsome prince
kissed me last night.

What are you
talking about?

Prince coolridge
kissed me last night.

Kissed you?

And that wasn't all.

What are you
talking about?

He asked me to marry him.

He asked you to marry him?

Not so nice when the shoe's
on the other foot, is it?

Oh, what did you say?

I said I was going
to think it over.

Dorothy, Dorothy...

Don't you realize it is you
whom he wants to marry?

Why, yes!

Of course you're right!

It is me!

Oh, you may have
to wait to answer,

but not I!

Ha ha!

I've been waiting and waiting
and waiting for that,

and my answer is yes!

That would have
been my answer, too.


Good afternoon, class.

Hello, Isaac.

Today, we are gonna make
Mexico's most popular cocktail,

one that invaded
the United States

to become one
of our favorites.

I'm taking
about the Margarita.

Oh, I hope it's safer
than the strawberry daiquiri.

[ Laughter ]

let's make one together.

First of all, we're
gonna take the crushed ice

and put it
into our blenders.

Oh, here, Darnell.

Let me help you with that.

Oh, thanks, Terry.

You know,
I still fumble a little.

Okay, uh, let's mix in
/ ounces of Tequila.

Now, be sure that you use
the very best Tequila

when making a Margarita

because the better
the Tequila is,

the better
your Margarita's gonna turn out.

Let me fix that for you.

Thanks, Terry.

You know, I don't know
what I'd do without you.

I hope you find out soon.


Buenos días,
and welcome to acapulco,

the Jewel
of the Mexican riviera,

where the temperature
is a breezy degrees.

It's a perfect day
for swimming, parasailing,

or just browsing through the
many charming shops in town.

Whatever you do,
we guarantee you a bien tiempo.

Hi, Barry.

Aren't you and your wife
going into acapulco today?

Uh, doc, you know, I'm beginning
to think the next place

Sheila and I go together
will be to "people's court."

Ooh, trouble?


She keeps reading
all these silly books

on how to have a baby, and all
it's doin' is makin' her tense.

Well, I know what you mean.

There are so many books out,
it's easy to get confused.

The best thing to do
is find a doctor you like

and stick to his advice.

Well, that's what I've been
tryin' to tell her.

I even heard about a book
based on a computer study

that said % of children
were conceived

by parents who were making up
after a fight.



I guess some people
will try anything.



To the most beautiful
single word I've ever heard --

your "yes"
to my marriage proposal.

To the loveliest question
a woman can ever hear.

When you said you wanted time
to think things over,

you really had me worried.

That's why I was in acapulco
all afternoon --

to give you
all the time you needed.

And I was thinking
you would never ask me.

[ Chuckles ]

May I confess something?


Well, I'd been thinking
that this cruise

might be the last time
we'd ever see each other.


Well, to tell you the truth,

I-I wasn't sure
we were right for each other.

Why, Stewart...

I never thought
you felt that way.

Oh, please,
please forget it, darling.

I-I'm sorry
I ever brought it up

because last night,

you were the way I've
always wanted you to be --

fun to be with...

Very warm, very caring.


All these years,

and I still love to look
at the lights of acapulco.

Mm. So do I.

You know, I was thinking
about that couple

who are trying
to have a baby.

I wonder how they're doing.

[ Chuckles ] I bet they're
doing just fine, honey.

When it comes
to having a baby,

nothing can improve
on young love.

Sheila: Barry, come back here!

Excuse us. Excuse me.

Absolutely not, Sheila.

Be sensible.
What are you doing?

I'll show you
exactly what I'm doing.

Barry, please.

No, Sheila,
they are going.

Those are my books.

That's right.

This is where they're going.

Wait, I didn't read that one!

Out, out, out, out.

And you --
oh, you go save the whales.

Now, why'd you have
to go do that?

Because those silly books
of yours

are turning our love life
into a circus.

One book says that you have
to lower your body temperature.

Another book says you
have to eat oysters.

The next thing you know,
we're gonna be lowering

the body temperature
of the oysters!

Well, you didn't have to go
and throw out all my books.

Forget about those books.

You can't believe
everything you read.

You know, doc told me
about a computer statistic

that says
the best way to get pregnant

is to make up
after a fight.

Then maybe
we should have a fight.

We are having a fight!

No, we're not!

Yes, we are!

I wouldn't have a fight
with you

if you were the last guy
on this ship!

Yeah, well, then
that goes double for me, too!


[ Knock on door ]

Hello, Darnell.

Oh, Isaac.

Come on in.

[ Door closes ]

Sit down.

Uh, look, Darnell, um...

I'm not gonna be
seeing Terry anymore

for the rest
of the cruise.

She's all yours.

You're bailin' out, Isaac.

I can't say I'm sorry,
but why?


I like Terry,

but she seems to be
the kind of woman who wants,

more than anything,
to be needed, and you, well...

You're saying
that I need her more than you do

because I'm blind.

She can help you,
and that'll make her very happy.

Well, that's all I have
to say, Darnell.

Good night.

[ Door opens, closes ]


Ladies and gentlemen,
we're now leaving acapulco

and heading home
to Los Angeles.

The captain expects
smooth sailing all the way,

and the crew expects
you to have a great time.

Please don't let us down.

[ Knock on door ]


Can I come in?

It's your cabin.

Sheila, uh,
I'm really sorry.

I was just tryin' to help,
you know?

I know you were,

It's just that this
whole thing has got me so upset,

and I-I guess
I was takin' it out on you.

I'm sorry. I guess I got
a little carried away, too.

The flowers are lovely.
Thank you.

You're welcome.

You know, I wonder if there's
anything to that theory

that people have babies
when they make up after a fight.

Well, there's only one way
to find out.

Well, that's the least
we can do for science.

[ Chuckles ]



Hello, Darnell.

Terry, hi.

How are you?

I've been looking for you.

I was afraid something
might have happened.

Because I can't see?

Of course not.

No, I know I've been
acting helpless around you.

I --

I've got a confession
to make.

It was just get your sympathy so
you'd like me instead of Isaac.

You mean,
that was all an act?

Spilling the drinks
and almost burning your hand?

Afraid so.

You don't really need me
at all.

No, that part wasn't an act.

I do need you
because I love you.

I love you, too, Darnell.

You love me?

I can't believe it.

Wish you could look
into my eyes.

You'd see that I believe
you're the most sensitive,

fascinating man
I've ever known.

It's not a sign of weakness

that you ask somebody
to help you to do things.

I just want to be that someone,
to be a part of your life.

I want you to, too.

I love you, Terry.


Dorothy, I've been trying to get
in touch with you for an hour.

Is there, uh,

some sort of a costume party
onboard nobody told me about?

If there's a costume party,
I wasn't invited.

Here are the towels
that you were asking for.

I didn't order
any towels.

Dorothy, what --
what are you talking about?

Well, the -- the first thing
I'm talking about

is that I'm not Dorothy.

I'm Maggie,
Dorothy's sister.

And I am a maid.

And if there was a costume
party, it was last night

when I wore Dorothy's gown
and pretended to be her

and was kissed
by a very lovely gentleman.

That was you last night?

[ Knock on door ]

Evening, sir.

Mrs. Fielding asked me
to deliver this after we sailed.

Where is she?

She left the ship
in acapulco, sir.

Good night.

Oh, this, uh --
this is for you.

"Dear Maggie, before I took on
your role as a maid,

I never realized
how important clean towels were.

But now that I do,

i arranged for you to bring
some to darling Stewart.

I've gone away
because I realized

there was
one sister too many

for a happy marriage.

It took me years
to do it, Maggie,

but I hope we are even."

I don't know
what this is all about,

but...i do know I love you.

And I love you.


Goodbye, Isaac.


I'm glad to see
it worked out for you two.

We want you to be first person
we invite to our wedding.

You will come, won't you?

Yeah. Uh, not only that --
I'll bartend for you, for free.

Oh, forget it, Isaac.
I plan to do that myself.

I took a course
from the best.

Thank you.

Come on, let's go.

Okay, follow me.


Oh, hi.


Thanks for everything.

You saved our lives.

I did?

Well, yeah, you know
the computer statistic

you told me about --
couples who have babies

when they make up
after a fight?


Uh, well...

I think it worked.


Except from now on,
we're gonna skip the fight part,

and we're just gonna do
a lot of making up.

Thank you.

All the best.

Thanks, doc.



Mr. Coolridge, I hope
you enjoyed your cruise.

More than you can
ever imagine, Julie.

And I can't tell you
what a big surprise this is

to me, Maggie.

Well, how do you
think I feel?

Oh, Maggie.


We're gonna miss you.

I'm going
to miss all of you.

You'll see
her again...

Maybe on
our honeymoon.

Oh! [ Chuckles ]

