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06x28 - Hits and Missus/Return of Annabelle/Just Plain Folks Medicine/Caught in the Act/The Real Thing/Do Not Disturb/Lulu & Kenny (Country Music Jamboree): Part 2

Posted: 08/16/22 16:53
by bunniefuu

♪ love ♪

♪ exciting and new ♪

♪ come aboard ♪

♪ we're expecting you ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ life's sweetest reward ♪

♪ let it flow ♪

♪ it floats back to you ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ soon will be making
another run ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ promises something
for everyone ♪

♪ set a course for adventure ♪

♪ your mind on a new romance ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ won't hurt anymore ♪

♪ it's an open smile ♪

♪ on a friendly shore ♪

♪ it's love ♪

♪ welcome aboard,
it's l-o-o-o-ove ♪


you already got a picture.

You can't keep
pestering miss west.

That picture is terrible.

You can't even tell
who it is.

Don't be crazy.
It looks just like you.

Uh-huh, see?

She's probably still

She said she wanted
to rest.

Look, she can go
right back to sleep

as soon
as we take the picture.



Gopher: Miss west?

Are you awake?

Hi, miss west.
It's burl Smith.

[ Snoring ]

Do you hear anything?

Not sure.

[ Snoring ]

Did you hear that?

She may sing like a bird,
but she sleeps like a moose.


[ Indistinct conversations ]

You know, I couldn't sleep
a wink last night.

Me neither.

I had butterflies
in my stomach.

[ Chuckles ]
You's lucky.

I couldn't find nothin'
to eat.

And when I'm hungry,
I can't sleep.

I'll tell you what,
you ought to do what I do

when I'm tryin' to sleep.
-What's that?

Count sheep.

Well, I tried that.

It got halfway over the fence,
turned into a lamb chop.

I got up.

Well, did everybody
get enough to eat?

-Oh, yeah, lots.

-Good morning, everybody.

-Hi, Vicki.
-How you doing, Vicki?

Vicki, can you show us
where your dad steers the ship?

-Well, sure. Come on.
-Be good.

See you later.


[ Sighs ]

is there something wrong?


Ted gave me
an ultimatum.

He said either I have
to send the kids home

when we get
to acapulco, or --

or he's gonna leave.

that is a problem.

I just can't decide
what to do.

I've got an idea.

Why don't we move the kids
into my cabin with me?

You mean hide them
from Ted?


Do you think
that's right?

-Me neither.

But I sure hope
it works.

Excuse me, Mr. Bullard,
I have to talk to you.

Oh, how do you do?

No, no, thank you.

Oh, wise choice.

Oh, have a seat.

And what may I do
for you?


It's about the pin.


What about it?

Well, it is real.

Oh, I know that.

It's your husband
that needs convincing.

You don't understand.

It was a gift.


Not from your husband.

It's a long story.
I was alone.

I made a mistake.

But that's not important.
It's all over now.

Why are you
telling me all this?

Because I love
my husband.

Please, Mr. Bullard,

couldn't you just say
the pin was a fake?

I'll pay you
the $,.

It'll take me some time
to get that much money together,

but I promise I'll get it
to you.

In my business,
there's something more important

than money --
that's reputation.

Please, Mr. Bullard.

I'm begging you.


You ask too much.


I don't know
what made me think

that she'd never,
uh, find out.

I guess
it's because I did --

i didn't want her, uh,
to find out so much.

Oh, Danny,
you're not the first husband

that the wife
has kicked out of the house.

And in this case,
the cabin.

Hey, I'm just trying
to get a smile out of you.

Why did you have
to sing that song last night?

You gave that song
to me.

That is my song.

Yeah, but I didn't know
it was gonna be my swan song.

[ Chuckles ]

Okay, look,
I've got to go back to Nashville

to do my next album,

And I need some songs
for that new album.

So, why don't we go back up
to the cabin

and maybe I'll give you
a little inspiration?

Won't you at least let
Dr. Bricker take a look at you?

What for?

He knows what I look like.

Now, you go get
yourself some vittles.

I'll be all right.
-Are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure.

get and have some fun.

All right,
but I'll be back soon.

If I knowed
I was gonna live this long,

I'd have took better care
of myself.


Good morning, Holly.

Morning, captain.

Would you like some breakfast
from the buffet,

or are you waiting
for your husband?

If I wait for my husband,
I might just starve to death.

Late sleeper, huh?

something like that.

have a nice day.


♪ Tonight, I'm burning
old love letters ♪

♪ photographs and memories
of you ♪

♪ hopin' somehow
I'll feel better ♪

♪ and when the smoke is gone,
I won't want you ♪

♪ burning memories ♪

♪ tear drops fall
while I am burning memories ♪

♪ burning all the memories ♪

♪ of you that I can't use ♪

♪ my heart
to you no longer matters ♪

♪ and I can't live on memories ♪

♪ into the fire goes dreams
you've shattered ♪

♪ and when the smoke is gone,
I won't want you ♪

♪ and when the smoke is gone,
I won't want you ♪

[ Applause ]

that was terrific!

Thanks, Isaac.

Listen, how about a drink
on the house?

No, thanks.

Only thing drinking
can do for you --

it helps you
to write great songs at night.

And in the morning,
they sound awful.

How does a songwriter
get inspiration for a song?

Well, Isaac, you get, uh,

inspiration to write a song
the same way

that you get inspirations
to get up in the morning.

You just get up
off your best intentions,

and you do it.


Yeah, I get it.

Hi, Holly.


Ladies and gentlemen,

and welcome
to fabulous acapulco --

the international
jet-set resort.

Whether you enjoy
deep sea fishing, scuba diving,

parachuting, or tanning
on the sparkling beach,

today will be a day
you'll never forget.


If I could just get her
to take some antibiotics,

it might help
lower the fever.

Mrs. Scaggs,
it's Dr. Bricker.

Go away.

I'll handle it, Adam.

Mrs. Scaggs,
this is captain stubing.

[ High-pitched voice ]
Oh, captain!

I didn't know
you were there, too.

[ Normal voice ]
Both of you go away.

Mrs. Scaggs,
open this door.

Open it yourself.

It ain't locked.

Won't open.

I guess my auntie effie

ain't never gonna meet up
with your antibiotics.

is gonna be fun.

Oh, yeah, but now, 'member --
I promised I'd be back

in hours
to help Isaac and gopher.

Oh, we will be.

Hey, you know what
I'm gonna do in acapulco?

-I'm gonna try parachuting.

Oh, that ought to
be easy enough for you, hon.

All you got to do is
jump out of the plane,

and open your shirt up.

[ Both laugh ]

Okay, it says it holds up
to , pounds.

-Come on.

Yummy, yummy.


[ Sighs ]

For the first time
since we left L.A.,

I am really relaxed.

I'm very proud
of you, too.

I know how hard it was
for you to send the kids home.

Well, it wasn't easy,
but, well,

I'm sure I'll be
seeing them again real soon.

You know, it's funny.

Even though I know
they're not here,

I keep expecting them to pop up
from behind the sofa any minute.

Oh, well I know just
how you feel.

[ Both laugh ]

[ Sighs ]

Hi, there.

I'm off to acapulco
to get Max Esteban.

You aren't planning to skip out
on me, are you?

And kiss off $,?

You got to be kiddin'.

We're just gonna spend
the afternoon in town.

It's our second
honeymoon, you know.

How touching.

You know,
you ought to try marriage.

It might warm you up
a little bit.

I did try.

I got divorced
about years ago.

-That's too bad.
-Are you kidding?

It was the smartest move
I ever made in my life.

Probably smarter
for your wife.

Come on, honey.

Don't spend all your money
in town.

I want my $, in cash.

I don't take checks.
[ Chuckles ]

I want to talk to you.

Well, I don't want
to talk to you.

You sing great, c.G.,
but you talk off-key.

Okay, no.

You've got a right
to be mad at me.

But there was never anything
between Danny and me.

It's just that I'm a singer,
and he writes great songs.

Right, and Judas
just needed the money.

[ Whirring ]

Hello, chef lumas.

Don't touch anything.

Yes, sir.

Uh, the captain would like
to speak with you, sir.

He knows where I am.

I'm busy.

I can't just walk out
on my galley

whenever the captain
wants to see me.

he is the captain.

Big deal.

Ask the passengers
what they like most --

my food
or his steering.

He's waiting for you
up on the bridge, sir.

You tell him I'll meet him
halfway on the lido deck.

Why, I believe he just
wanted to compliment you

on that exquisite meal
you prepared last night.

Well, a few minutes
I can spare.

Come on. We can't keep
the captain waiting.

Yes, sir.

It must've been
my salmon mousse.

Ain't nobody can make
salmon mousse like I can.

Sometimes I can't even
make salmon mousse like I can.

I think you're salmon mousse
is incredible.


Over here -- we got to load in
as many instruments as we can.


We're only taking

You can't play a ham.

Well, maybe not.

But I can play a lot better
after I eat one.

Kenny, put that down.

Well, if this act
doesn't work,

we could always
start our own restaurant.

If chef lumas catches us,

we can always start
our own cemetery.

Aunt effie: Go away.

Aunt effie,
it's your friend Annabelle.

I got something
for you.

Are you alone,

That doctor ain't with you,
is he?

No, I'm all by myself.
Now, come on, aunt effie.

Let me in.

[ Clattering ]

-Well, howdy, Annabelle.

Excuse the mess.

Don't you kiss me.

You might have

Now, aunt effie, I hear you been
ailin' a little.

Us country folks
got to stick together now.

So I cooked up one of my
old family cure-alls for you.

Well, ain't you sweet?

What is it?

Now, you know about
the power of cabbage.

Oh, yeah.

Well, I cooked up
these little cabbage balls

with white pine nut

Cabbage balls
with white pine nut centers?

that's a new one on me.

Well, now there's six
of them little critters here.

But don't eat more than two
of them every hours.

That potent, huh?

Well, it'll knock that fever
plumb down into your socks.

Well, I'll try them.

And if it works, I might include
it in my fall line.

Feel better, aunt effie.

Oh, you're sweet.

-Thank you.

-Did she go for it?
-I think so.

what'd you say?

I told your little pills in
the middle were white pine nuts.

Oh, I sure hope
she swallows it.

Sorry about that, folks.

Well, I sure hope
you and Holly

get things
straightened out.

-You do?

You know, it wouldn't be smart
for me to get mixed up

in a messy divorce case just
when my career's takin' off.

You know?

We wouldn't want
that to happen.

Hey, Danny,
have you had any luck

writing a new song?

Did you write
a new song?

Oh, terrific.

we got to hear it.

Come on.



you can hear it.

Come on,
let's go.

All right.

I hope you like it.

[ Piano playing ]

Danny, that's --
that's not a new song.

That's my old song.

That's not your new song,
or that's not your old song.

For me,
that's your very last song.


Well, let's
check out the boutique.

Oh, yeah, I might find
a little somethin' in there.

Hey, Kenny, listen.

Do me a favor, will you?

Take this stuff
to Isaac's cabin.

He wants to practice.

Well, where's the rest
of the loot?

It's in my cabin,
safe and sound.

I'll tell you what,
I sure hope chef lumas

doesn't come
to see this show.

Me too.

Thank you, Paul.

-Oh, gopher.

Excuse me, gopher,
I just had

a most unusual phone call
from chef lumas.

It seems that half his utensils
are missing.

Do you have any idea
where they could be?

-Search me.
-He better not.

I beg your pardon?

I said,
"he makes better knots

than any sailor
I've ever seen."


Yes, well, try to get
to the bottom of it.

You know chef lumas.

you better feed me.

My stomach's makin'
them clankin' noises again.

I heard it.



I sure hope bullard
is back with that appraiser

because it's gonna be a real
pleasure taking his money.

Bill, th- there's something
I have to tell you.

[ Chuckles ] I know
what you're gonna tell me.

No, you don't.

Yes, I do.

You want me to call off the bet
with Mr. Bullard

because you feel sorry
for him.

I'm not gonna do it.


No, absolutely not.

You know what I'm gonna do
with that money we win?

I'm gonna buy you a real pin --
a pin that'll remind you

of this trip
for the rest of your life.

Gopher, will you forget about
your picture with dottie west?

I've got to get that picture.
I have got to get it.

-Will you listen to yourself?

-This is becoming obsession.
-Yeah, well, so what?

So, you can do it yourself
because I'm not gonna help you.

I'm splitting.

Miss west?
It's me, burl Smith.

[ Door unlocks ]


[ Timer buzzing ]

Oh, that's nice, Mike.

Can we try it up a half step
on the last chorus?

♪ Let me be there
in your morning ♪

♪ let me -- ♪

Mom, mom!

What are you kids
doin' here?

He's missing.

We can't find him

Oh, no you don't.

I'm not fallin'
for those tricks anymore.

It's not a trick.

He's missing.

He might've fallen
overboard or something.

If you kids
don't get back to Julie's cabin,

I might throw you all

what are they doing here?

I thought they'd be
halfway home by now.

Ted, well,

I just didn't have the heart
to ship them out like that.

And I lied to you because I
didn't want you to leave either.

But now I wouldn't blame you
if you did.

Come on, kids,
let's go.

[ Gasps ] Corey.

One of the crewmen found him
hiding down in the boiler room.

What were you
hidin' from, sweetheart?

I ran away 'cause
you didn't want me anymore.

Oh, that's not true.

Come on, kids,
let's get Corey cleaned up.

Hope we have enough soap.


Mind if I come along?

Let's go.


Captain stubing: Senor Esteban,
your reputation precedes you.

I'm delighted
to have you onboard.

Thank you, captain.

Enough with the amenities,

Let's get on with it.
-Yes, of course.

This way, please.

The, uh, pin please.

Oh, yes.

Are you the young lady
who bought this pin?


And you say you paid $
for it.

That's right.

I find that very hard
to believe.

What did I tell you?

$ dollars.

It isn't worth
more than...


[ Chuckles ]

What are
you talking about?

Look again.

Mr. Bullard,
see for yourself.

[ Gasps ]

He's right.

It is a fake.

I was wrong.

I made a mistake.

[ Sighs ]
You win, Mr. Davis.

[ Sighs ]
I like a gracious loser.

Mr. Bullard is my friend,

but I can only see
what I can see.


Thank you very much.


Gracias, senor.

[ Chuckles ]

That was some performance
you gave.

You know,
you nearly fooled me.

Don't ever ask me
to lie like that again.

That pin is worth
at least $, -- at least --

and you know it.

Max, I owe you one.

But look at it like this --
diamonds last forever.

Shouldn't the same
be said for love?

[ Sighs ]

[ Chuckles ]

Vaya con dios, Enrique.

[ Chuckles ]


Oh, don't you look handsome,

Why, thank you.

I was gonna ride in
on my seahorse,

but I thought that might be
pushing it a little.

No western togs for you?

I'm on my way to change.

By the way, Julie, uh, you
wouldn't happen to know anything

about chef lumas missing a lot
of implements, would you?

Chef lumas is missing

No, I didn't say instruments --

Kitchen utensils.

Uh, I thought
you said instruments.

I better change.
Don't you think?

Yes, look, I want to thank you
for the fine job

you've done for pulling this
whole country jamboree together.

Oh, thank you, sir.

I sneaked a look
at the program.

And there's only one group
I've never heard of --

the country cousins,
the opening act.

Who are they?

A new group, sir.

You know, the opening act
is hard to fill.

Yes, well,
I'm glad you found one.

If you hadn't,
gopher probably would've tried

to come up
with something.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Knock on door ]


I know you --
I know you pretty well, Holly.

And -- and I knew
that you might not answer me

when I said, "hi."

And I -- and I knew
that was just --

it would just make me
so nervous

that I'd forget everything
that I wanted, uh,

to say to you.

So I wrote it down
in -- in a little note here.

Here it is.

I've always loved you,

And I always will.

And I'm not asking you
for your forgiveness,

and it isn't
because I don't want it,

but it's because
I don't deserve it.

But I want you to know
one thing --

that ever since
the day we met,

that I owe you
for every minute

of happiness
that's ever come into my life.

I love you, Holly.

for letting me say that.


We hope you've enjoyed
your stay in acapulco.

Now, get ready for a night
you won't soon forget.

If you think the sky
is filled with stars,

wait till you see
the acapulco lounge 'cause,

tonight, we're having
our big country music jamboree.

If you've got any country
in you at all,

you won't want to miss it.

See you then, y'all.


I'm really looking forward
to the show tonight.

I always sing my best
when I'm happy.

You know, I think the kids are
actually starting to like me.

How could they help

I knew once you all got
to know each other,

you'd get along just fine.
-Oh, Annabelle.

I -- I think
after we're married,

it'd be nice if the kids came
to visit us from time to time.

-Visit us? Oh.

Ted, I've decided
I want to adopt them,

have them live with us.

Well, uh, Annabelle, they're --
they're wonderful kids.

But with all the time
we spend on the road,

what kind of parents
could we be?

Is that all
that's bothering you?

Don't you worry,

I'm gonna be spendin'
a lot less time on the road

and more time at home.

Oh, we could be
a wonderful family.

Couldn't we, Ted?


I guess sometimes
silence speaks

a whole lot louder
than words.

I'm sorry, Annabelle.

See you around.


[ Applause ]

Thank you.
Thank you very much.

Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to our country jamboree.

Our first act
is such a big surprise,

they haven't even told me
what it is.

The only thing
they've told me is the name.

So let's have a big,
warm howdy-doo

for the country cousins!

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Country music playing ]

[ Both laugh ]

-Hey, Lulu.

You know what you get

when you cross a chicken
with an elephant?

Search me --
what do you get

when you cross a chicken
with a elephant?

I don't know.

But when it lays an egg,
you better get out of the way.

[ Laughter ]

[ Country music resumes ]

Hey, nurse.

What does doc charge?

I believe he charges $

for the first visit
and $ for the second visit.

All right, nurse,
send in my next patient.

Hi, doc!
Good to see you again.

You 'member me?

sure I remember you.

Take the same medicine
I gave you last time.

[ Laughter ]

[ Country music resumes ]

Lulu, do you know
I want to marry you?

No, I don't know
that joke.


That ain't no joke.

I want to marry you.

I really do.

I love you.

[ Gasps ]

Oh, Kenny.

[ Cheers and applause ]

you were great.

Well, when you got it,
you got it.

Howdy, there, you two.

Well, hello.

Aunt effie,
you look terrific.

Yes, Mrs. Scaggs,
you're looking very well.

Oh, I'm on the road to recovery,
no thanks to you.

And now, ladies and gentlemen,
I'm very pleased

to present to you the belle
of country music,

miss Annabelle folker.

[ Cheers and applause ]


♪ Wherever you go ♪

♪ wherever you may wander
in your life ♪

♪ surely you know ♪

♪ I'll always wanna be there

♪ holdin' your hand ♪

♪ and standin' by
to catch you when you fall ♪

♪ seein' you through ♪

♪ in everything you do ♪

♪ let me be there
in your mornin' ♪

♪ let me be there
in your night ♪

♪ let me change whatever's wrong
and make it right ♪

♪ let me take you
through that wonderland ♪

♪ that only we can share ♪

♪ all I ask you
is let me be there ♪

♪ watchin' you grow ♪

♪ and goin' through the changes
in your life ♪

♪ that's how I know ♪

♪ I'll always wanna be there ♪

♪ whenever you feel ♪

♪ you need a friend to lean,
here I am ♪

♪ whenever you call ♪

♪ you know I'll be there ♪

♪ let me be there
in your mornin' ♪

♪ let me be there
in your night ♪

♪ let me change whatever's wrong
and make it right ♪

♪ let me take you
through that wonderland ♪

♪ that only we can share ♪

♪ all I ask you
is let me be thereeeee ♪

♪ all I ask yoooou
is let me be thereeee ♪

♪ all I ask yoooou
is let me be thereeee ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]


And now, ladies and gentlemen,
I'd like to present to you

one of the most beloved country
entertainers of them all,

miss Holly hartman.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Thank you.
Thank you all.

I'd like to sing a song for you

that's always had a great deal
of meanin' for me.

And tonight, it means even more.

[ Slow country music plays ]

♪ Sometimes it's hard
to be a woman ♪

♪ givin' all your love
to just one man ♪

♪ you'll have bad times ♪

♪ you'll have good times ♪

♪ doin' things
that you don't understand ♪

♪ but if you love him,
you'll forgive him ♪

♪ even though he's hard
to understand ♪

♪ and if you love him ♪

♪ oh, be proud of him ♪

♪ 'cause after all,
he's just a man ♪

♪ stand by your man ♪

♪ give him two arms
to cling to ♪

♪ and something warm
to come to ♪

♪ when nights are cold
and lonely ♪

♪ stand by your man ♪

♪ and show the world
you love him ♪

♪ keep givin'
all the love you caaaan ♪

♪ stand by your maaaaaan ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]

Thank you.
Thank you very much.

You know, uh, he doesn't know
I saw him sneak in,

but I'd like you to give some
of the lovin' you gave to me

to my hit songwriter and my hit
husband, Danny hartman,

the man I'll stand by
till the day I die.

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Slow country music playing ]

[ Clears throat ]
Oh, Holly.

Can you ever forgive me?

sure I forgive you.

That's part of livin'.

And now,
ladies and gentlemen,

country music's newest
and fastest rising star,

c.g. Thomas!

[ Cheers and applause ]

Thank you very much,
ladies and gentlemen.

I'm so excited tonight because
we have a very special guest

in the audience
that I've admired for so long.

I just can't believe she's here.

And maybe if we get those hands
together and workin' real hard,

we can try to get her up
and sing a song, I hope.

Ladies and gentlemen,
the exciting miss dottie west!

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Slow country music playing ]

You look beautiful.

Thank you.

You're lookin' great,

-Thank you.
-Well, thank you very much.

I'll tell you, when I first
came out on this cruise,

I really thought that all
I would do is just rest.

But I don't know.

I've gotten out here and all
of my good friends are here.

And you know what?

I think I will do
what I do best,

and I guess that's sing country.

You guys know "rocky top"?

In the key of "b" flat?

Let's try it.

[ Upbeat country music plays ]

Man: One, two.

♪ Wish that I was
on old rocky top ♪

♪ down in the Tennessee hills ♪

♪ ain't no smoggy smoke
on rocky top ♪

♪ ain't no telephone bills ♪

♪ rocky top,
you'll always be ♪

♪ home sweet home to me ♪

♪ good old rocky top ♪

♪ rocky top, Tennessee ♪

♪ rocky top, Tennessee ♪

Together: ♪ once I had a man
on rocky top ♪

♪ half bear,
the other half cat ♪

♪ wild as mink
and sweet as soda pop ♪

♪ I still dream about that ♪

♪ rocky top, you'll always be ♪

♪ home sweet home to me ♪

♪ good old rocky top ♪

♪ rocky top, Tennessee ♪

♪ rocky top, Tennessee ♪

♪ once two strangers
climbed old rocky top ♪

♪ lookin'
for a moonshine still ♪

♪ strangers ain't come down
from rocky top ♪

♪ reckon they never will ♪

♪ corn won't grow at all
on rocky top ♪

♪ dirt's too rocky by far ♪

♪ that's why all those folks
on rocky top ♪

♪ get all their corn
from a jar ♪

♪ rocky top, you'll always be ♪

♪ home sweet home to me ♪

♪ good old rocky top ♪

♪ rocky top, Tennessee ♪

♪ rocky top, Tennessee ♪

♪ rocky top, tennesseeeeeee ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]


[ Sighs ]

Now, what in the world are you
doin' with Ted's golf clubs?

You take those right back
where you --

it's all right.

I gave them permission.

Well, they're, uh,
gonna be my new caddies.

See, if I'm gonna be a husband
and a father,

I better find some ways
to start saving money.

Oh, Ted.

Corey, don't watch.

You're too young.



Well, so long, captain.

But before I go, do you mind
me telling you something

just as a friend?

Yes, I do mind.

finally wising up.

Good-bye, Mr. Bullard.

Mr. Bullard.

and I have been talking.

And we'd like
to give you this money back.

No, thanks,
you won fair and square.

Well, then can I come
into your jewelry shop

and spend
the money there?

May you come
into my jewelry shop?

-Yes, you may, indeed.

It was nice meetin' you.

Danny, that song that you wrote
that Holly sang last night,

it was fantastic.

I didn't write
that song.

Well, he didn't write it,

but he's the one
who taught me how to live it.


Hey, man,
I appreciate everything.

Thank you.
Thank you for joining us.

Thank you,
my very best friend.

All right.

C.g., I really loved hearing
you sing.

You're the greatest.
-Oh, thanks, Vicki.

Oh, but I'll settle
for bein' second greatest.

Bye, c.G.

Bye, y'all.

Last night,
you heard the greatest there is.

Bye, kid.

Well, Mrs. Scaggs, I'm so glad
to see you're feeling better.

Thanks to Annabelle.

Ooh, those little cabbage balls
worked wonders.

Don't tell Annabelle,
but I didn't take

to those itty-bitty
white pine nuts in the middle.

So I took them out.

Bye, doc!

[ Chuckles ]
Bye, Adam.

Cindy Lou,
I'll let you in on a secret.

I knew those pine nuts
were little pills,

and I took 'em.

But I didn't want
that doctor

to have the satisfaction
of knowing.

[ Both laugh ]


-Oh, hi, y'all.

if you have your camera,

you can take that picture
of me now.

Oh, that's okay.
I already got it.

You did?


Well, I got a...

I tell you,
I have been so tired,

I think I've plumb lost
my memory.

But I really had fun.
Y'all take care.

-I'll see you again, dear.

-So long.

you never got a picture.

Oh, no?

What do you call that?

Grounds for blackmail.

-Bye, gopher.
-So long now, Isaac.

-Bye, Isaac.
-Bye, Kenny and Lulu.

Listen, we really
want to thank y'all

for helping us
with our jug band.

Oh, yeah,
you guys were a big help.

Well, big anyway.

y'all hear the news?

Me and Lulu's
are getting married.

-Oh, congratulations.
-Hey, congratulations.

I'm gonna be her hubby.

She's gonna be
my little woman.

You guys
were made for each other.

Oh, you're right.

I live on the east side
of Tennessee,

and Kenny here lives
on the west.

And you know what they say --
opposites attract.

[ Laughter ]

Oh, I can see it all now.

It's gonna be one of those
great, big church weddings.

Oh, congratulations.

Thank you.
Bye, y'all.

-Hey, great.

-Come on, Lulu.

Hey, now, remember --
when they throw the rice...


...catch it.

We'll take it home
and cook it.

Oh, yeah.


Did you guys
have a good trip?

Together: Yeah!

Oh, Annabelle.

I hope you'll come back
and sing for us again real soon.

You can count on it,

It's always nice to get my feet
on good, solid ocean again.

Yes, but don't count
on it too soon, Julie.

I think the children
are gonna keep

pretty busy at home.

It is a big job.

now don't you worry.

Whatever I don't know
about raisin' kids,

I'm sure they're gonna teach me.

Come on.

-Bye, Julie!
-Bye, Julie!



So long.

Well, now that the cruise
is over,

I suppose you'd all be
flying out to Nashville

to sign a recording contract.

Oh, no, sir.
I think we're big enough.

Nashville will come out here.
-Oh, forget it, gopher.

We're hanging up our pots
and pans.

I don't think Nashville

is quite ready
for our kind of music.

I don't think anybody's ready
for our kind of music.

[ Laughter ]

