20x932 - Dead or Alive! Queen's Sumo Inferno!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "One Piece". Aired: July 22, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese animated television series based on the successful manga of the same name.
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20x932 - Dead or Alive! Queen's Sumo Inferno!

Post by bunniefuu »

One Dream One Wish

One Dream One Wish

kanaetai nara Over The Top

If you want to make it come true, Over The Top


mitakoto mo nai sekai mezashi

Setting out into the unknown world

araburu namikaze koete

Weathering rough wind and waves

tsukisusumanakya dame sa ichibannori shitain da

I have to keep going because I want to get there first

shinpai toka atomawashi douse shoubu ichika bachika

Worry later since it's all sink or swim anyway

aite ga dekaku mietara

When your opponent looks daunting

kokoro ga chijinderu shouko

It's a sign that your heart is shrinking

nigeru nante choisu wa nai

Running away is not a choice

ippo soba e chikadukun da

Take one step closer

namaiki tte homekotoba?

Being called insolent's a compliment, right?

kitsui toki hodo warattoke

When things become tough, that's when you should laugh

atarashii ashita sagashi ni ikitai no nara

If you want to look for a new tomorrow

tobikkiri no jishin wo migaite

Polish your unique confidence

tabi wo shita ashiato ga

Until your footsteps

sou! chizu ni kawaru made

Yes! Become a map

atarashii Horizon hora susunde kita bun

A new horizon, look, how far you've come

mabushisa to nanido ga joushou

It's brighter and the level of difficulty rises

yumeutsutsu de okose Hurricane

Live in your dream and raise a hurricane

saa! chaato kakimidase

Now! Stir up the rankings

One Dream One Wish

One Dream One Wish

yume wa nigenai... zenbu Knock out

Dreams don't run away... Knock everything out

Over The Top

Over The Top



That's true.]If Boss Hyogoro the Flower were here,

he could've united the samurai at once.

Hmm... Is he that great?


He was the most influential man behind the scenes]in the Land of Wano years ago,

and the great boss who had complete control]over the Flower Capital underworld.

He was also trusted by]the bosses of the other five regions,

and nice even to commoners.

He was a real chivalrous yakuza]who had both power and magnetism.

Here we go!

It's Queen-sama's Special Device Performance!

The Sumo Inferno!

Queen! Queen! Queen!


You'll be fine as long as you keep winning]sumo matches!

But stepping out of the ring means instant death!

You guys are a tag team!]If both of you fall out of the ring, the execution is complete!

But if you ever change your mind]and wanna join our group,

only Straw Hat will be released!

Wait a minute!

If we fight as a tag team,]I'll give Straw Hat-san trouble!

Could you at least execute us separately?!

Hey, Balloon!


Straw Hat-san!

If I kick your ass...

will you let us out of here?!

What did you say?!

"Dead or Alive!]Queen's Sumo Inferno!"

My stomach hurts!]He said he's gonna kick my ass!

You crack me up.

Queen-sama! He'll understand once it starts!

He doesn't realize how unreasonable its rules are!

He has no idea that]he's got no chance to survive!

You're right!

Then, get ready and enter the ring, guys!

Deathmatch! Deathmatch!

Deathmatch! Deathmatch!


Th-There are too many of them...

On top of that, all of us have weapons.

You guys are unarmed!

Now do you realize that you're gonna die soon?!

Deathmatch! Deathmatch!

Deathmatch! Deathmatch!


Rest in peace... Old Man Hyo... Straw Hat...

Lock eyes with your opponents!

Don't look away!

Observe what happens to those]who disobey us in this place!


I'm sorry, straw hat man...

I put you through this...

Stay close to me.


Watch this, damn prisoners!

This is what'll happen to you]if you disobey guards!

Who's next?!]They're not even a good enough warm up!


Don't tell me he's...

So he uses the Color of the Supreme King...


I guess this is gonna be interesting...

Pleasures, enter the ring!

It's been uproarious since he came...

In any case, don't let Boss Hyogoro die.

I'm counting on you, Luffytaro.

I feel refreshed!


We can have tea upstairs.

Let's go see then.

It's a raid!

A Headliner of the Animal Kingdom Pirates - Hawkins!

Nobody move!

What do you want from a bathhouse?

Oh, a bathhouse is perfect for this

because everyone's naked]and we can see everything.

Drake, what are you doing? Get inside.

My duty is to take down the fool]called Soba Mask.

Take care of those chores by yourselves.

What should we do, Shinobu-chan?!]I think they know about us.

They came for us.

It's no fair!]People are defenseless here!

Shall we fight?

That's the last resort.

Mature women don't use weapons carelessly...

Hide behind me.

It's time to show]the power of the enticing sexy body!

Everyone, line up]and show us your ankles!


If you have a Reversed Crescent Moon]tattooed on your ankle, we need you to come with us!

All of those people who are in the tub]must come out, too!

I can't believe it.]How does he know?!

--Go check.]--Yes, sir!

Was the plan leaked?

Someone's hiding there!

Come out!

Nami! I'll back you up if something happens.

No, I didn't mean to hide!

I'm just an ordinary customer...

You are...!

--Dynamite!]--Oh, my! That body is a national treasure!

How deadly!

I can't believe it!

That's very powerful, Nami-san!

Happy punch!


What the...]He's the guy from yesterday.

Soba Mask!


The shape of Nami-san's body]was like a magnificent mighty river flowing...

Sanji! Why is he here?!

What is he wearing?!]You've got to be kidding!


Soba Mask?!

He was inside all along!

Hey! Where is Soba Mask?!



Why didn't you tell me that]you're sensitive to naked women?!

I'm not...

Drake...]You're from the North Blue, aren't you?

So are you... Why are you asking?

Then you know him, don't you?

Germa 's...

...Stealth Black!

Everyone from the North Blue knows]the story of Sora, Warrior of the Sea...

Germa... Is he the real thing?

Stop running!

The search is not over...

This is our chance to escape!

I won't let you!

You bastard!]You can't attack women!

An acceleration device?!

Even a flotation device...

Stealth Black!

You're a member of the evil army.]Why are you helping people?!

Stealth Black!

Don't call me that!

I'm Soba Mask!

You're Germa. Cut the crap!

Go to hell, Germa !

Soba Mask!

Is it Stealth Black's transmission device?!

Hang on tight!

--He's flying!]--Chase him!

Only Stealth Black could've done it!

I'll take him down next time!

Sanji-kun, what is this all about?!

It's a long story! I'll tell you later!

Aren't you losing too much blood?

I could die happy right now!

Let's get to Ebisu Town!]Usopp and the others will be there!

You're not okay, are you?!

It's not a big deal...

Anyway, it's not a good thing]that they know about the ankle tattoo!

Yeah, I wonder how they found that out...

Before I went to the bathhouse,]I heard more bad news.

Bepo and the others were captured!


The Animal Kingdom Pirates are looking to]lure Tra-guy using his friends as bait.

I'm sure he'll go rescue them.

He may not look it, but he cares about his friends.

We must stop him for now!

Or the Flower Capital will be in chaos!

What were you doing at such a serious time?


--What are you waiting for?!]--I wanna see Straw Hat's blood splattered already!

What's wrong with him?

Since I had the Sea Prism Stone cuffs on for so long,]I feel so much lighter!


...Jet Gatling!

My technique got stronger, too!

I'm not getting tired at all!

Let's get rid of the old man first!

Go to hell!

Straw hat man...

I'm sorry to give you so much trouble...

Please pay no mind to a dotard like me]and fight with all your might!

Fighting with all my might isn't enough.


I feel like I still need something more...


No... This isn't good enough...

He's still...


...Kong Organ g*n!

Thunder Bagua!

...out of my reach!

Oh, yeah!

That's it!


Meanwhile, in Ringo]on the east side of the Land of Wano...


I will help myself to that w*apon!

I still have to collect more...

There you are.

You stole my sword, didn't you?

It is not your sword...

I've already taken the great sword - Shusui]back to where it belongs.

That is a treasure which was stolen from the

legendary samurai of the Land of Wano - Ryuma's grave!

I know!

Then, shut up and go away!

Otherwise, I will swipe those two swords]on your waist, too!

Are you a w*apon collector?

What are you gonna do with all those?

We happen to need a lot of weapons, too,

so the timing is excellent...

Your w*apon collection...

I'm gonna take the whole thing!

I will bring you down instead,]you damn mountain bandit!

I'm sorry if I confused you.


...a pirate!

Zoro and Gyukimaru get in a fierce sword fight over]the great sword Shusui.

During the severe fight,]Zoro comes to know the secret behind Shusui.

However, at the same time, another assassin appears

in a spray of snow as a new crisis hits Zoro!

On the next episode of One Piece!]"Gyukimaru! Zoro Fights a Duel on Bandit's Bridge"

I'm gonna become the King of the Pirates!
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