20x928 - The Flower Falls! The Final Moment of the Most Beautiful Woman in the Land of Wano!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "One Piece". Aired: July 22, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese animated television series based on the successful manga of the same name.
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20x928 - The Flower Falls! The Final Moment of the Most Beautiful Woman in the Land of Wano!

Post by bunniefuu »

One Dream One Wish

One Dream One Wish

kanaetai nara Over The Top

If you want to make it ]come true, Over The Top


mitakoto mo nai sekai mezashi

Setting out into the unknown world

araburu namikaze koete

Weathering rough wind and waves

tsukisusumanakya dame sa ]ichibannori shitain da

I have to keep going because ]I want to get there first

shinpai toka atomawashi ]douse shoubu ichika bachika

Worry later since it's ]all sink or swim anyway

aite ga dekaku mietara

When your opponent looks daunting

kokoro ga chijinderu shouko

It's a sign that your heart is shrinking

nigeru nante choisu wa nai

Running away is not a choice

ippo soba e chikadukun da

Take one step closer

namaiki tte homekotoba?

Being called insolent's a compliment, right?

kitsui toki hodo warattoke

When things become tough, ]that's when you should laugh

atarashii ashita sagashi ni ikitai no nara

If you want to look for a new tomorrow

tobikkiri no jishin wo migaite

Polish your unique confidence

tabi wo shita ashiato ga

Until your footsteps

sou! chizu ni kawaru made

Yes! Become a map

atarashii Horizon hora susunde kita bun

A new horizon, look, how far you've come

mabushisa to nanido ga joushou

It's brighter and the ]level of difficulty rises

yumeutsutsu de okose Hurricane

Live in your dream and raise a hurricane

saa! chaato kakimidase

Now! Stir up the rankings

One Dream One Wish

One Dream One Wish

yume wa nigenai... zenbu Knock out

Dreams don't run away... Knock everything out

Over The Top

Over The Top

Listen to what I say!

Stop laughing!



I will never abase myself before anyone!

Hey, Komurasaki...

I was going to...

...make you the Shogun's wife...

If you want a weak woman,

go ahead and cut me up!

I am a samurai's daughter!

Shut up!

I will not live in disgrace!

You are impertinent...

You are just some whore!

Do not act like you know]a damn thing about samurai!



If you plead for your life,

you will get a lighter sentence!


...will not beg for my life!


Damn you!

All right, Komurasaki!

As you wish,

I will k*ll you with my own hands!

"The Flower Falls! The Final Moment of]the Most Beautiful Woman in the Land of Wano!"

The Oiran!


This is pandemonium!

Get ready!



If you ninja are here, stop the Shogun!

Save the Oiran!

He's free.]Nothing is tying him down.

More importantly,

we're currently dealing with an invader!

An invader?!

Orobi-san is an invader?

Oh, yeah! I've never seen her before...

Hey, lady, please save the Oiran.

That's impossible!

I don't even know if I can save you]since you made the Shogun mad!

Help me!

It's a curse of death!

What's going on over there?!

Fujin! Raisin! What are you doing?!

I-It's a specter!

Gasha-dokuro creatures really do exist!

A curse on you!




A curse on you!

Robin-san, glad to see you fine!

Bonekichi, you're a hero! Thanks!

I'm awesome, right?

Keep it up!

Let's make it out of here!

Are they the specter's allies?!

Mil Fleurs!

Gigantesco Mano!

--How could you!]--Damn you!

This is it!


Let me guide you to the land of dead.

Young lady!

Go away!


Robin and even Brook...

What should I do?!

There's no point in hiding now.


Let's go!

Okay, Shinobu-chan!


Thank you, Shinobu-chan.

Don't mention it, Onami!

Who's that?! A ninja?!

Hey lady! You were called Shinobu just now,]weren't you?!



So you're alive! You man-seducing...

...sexy kunoichi.

Shinobu the Man-k*ller!

How did you know?

No, you're not her.

Forget it!

That's me!

Ninpo: Ball-Crusher!

Is that a type of ninjutsu?!

This is why... you're ]called... the Man-k*ller...

Is that what it means?!

I-I can't move...

Ninpo: Paralysis Jutsu!

What?! You made that part up!

We must get going!

--Let's go, Onami!]--What?

Sexy Ninpo!

Rot Garden!

Why did Hanzo fall down from the attic?

Who are those two kunoichi?!

--What's going on?!]--The banquet room is a mess!

Whoa, Onami-san!

A curse on you!



I came as back-up!

Where are you?! Komurasaki!

There you are!


You should not have done that, Komurasaki...

Are you prepared?

I am.


Wait a minute, Boss Kyoshiro!

You should not have done that, Komurasaki...

Are you prepared?

I am.

O... Oiran...

Big Sis...

Kyoshiro-dono, why did you do that?

The most beautiful woman ]in the Land of Wano...

It's heartrending!


Why did you do that, Kyoshiro?!

Did I tell you to k*ll her?!

You bastard...

It is...

...the mercy of a samurai for Komurasaki...

No matter who does it,]rebelling against the Shogun is a grave offense.

That's the iron rule.

He did it to show his loyalties?!

Kyoshiro has gone too far...

Give that kid...

...to me!

I will chew her to death!

If you did not laugh at me,]she would not have died!


Hand her over, Orobi!

And who the hell are you?!


Come on, Zeus!

Hey! Did you summon me, Nami?

I'll give you a Weather Egg.


A curse on you...

This is no time for us ]to be chased by a ghost!

A curse on you...

Why isn't it attacking?!

A curse on you!

Oh, no! He noticed!

It's time for me to go...

Come out and fight!

There is trouble in the banquet room!

Capture the invaders]and get rid of the specter!

Stop the rampaging Orochi-sama!

Everyone, on the floor!


Lightning Blast!

What the hell?!

You're pretty young,]but that was quite a ninpo!

That was close!

Only you could've done it, Onami!


You're full of energy even in the morning,]straw-hat man...

Go eat your breakfast already!

Let's get to work!

I'll be thanking you when I use these...

Don't mention it!

Oh, yeah. Hasn't he gotten up yet?

We have a problem!

An inmate, Eustass Kid, escaped!



This is sweet red-bean soup. ]Go ahead, Olin-san, try it!

Whoa! It smells good!

Thank you!

So good!

It's delicious!

This soup tastes good and sweet!

I'm glad that you like it.

I'm sorry, Olin-san, but ]that's all we have...

I wish I could have more.

But you fed me even though you're poor.]Thank you, Tsuru-san.

Is she that strong?

Yeah, more than you'll ever know...

Then I want her to rescue Big Bro]who is being held c*ptive at Udon!


Oh, that's a good idea!

It's not so simple!

She'll never listen to us!

Let's go, Chopperemon!

Let's go!

Are you sure?]Once she gets her memory back, we'll be screwed!

It's better than just waiting here!

I want to go! This is the chance!


What is it, lovely Chopperemon?



I'm hungry...

I wanna eat more...

I can't help but be scared!

We need your help. Olin.


Let's go to Udon together!


Udon? That's where I'm going?

That is right!

I heard that Udon's Lead Performer]likes sweet red-bean soup!

Yeah, yeah! They have tons of red-bean soup!

I lied before I knew it...

If there's no red-bean soup,

she'll k*ll me!

There's tons of red-bean soup there?!

Let's get a move on!

Taking down Kaido!

That goal gives Luffy indomitable fighting ]spirit and he makes a heroic move!

In that hellish camp where guards ]act mercilessly and atrociously,

there is only one man who ]Luffy became close to!

The emotional bond they share that was born in hell]will blow up a storm!

On the next episode of One Piece!

"The Bond Between Prisoners! ]Luffy and Old Man Hyo!"

I'm gonna become the King of the Pirates!
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