20x910 - A Legendary Samurai! The Man Who Roger Admired!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "One Piece". Aired: July 22, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese animated television series based on the successful manga of the same name.
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20x910 - A Legendary Samurai! The Man Who Roger Admired!

Post by bunniefuu »

One Dream One Wish

One Dream One Wish

If you want to make it come true, Over The Top

kanaetai nara Over The Top


Setting out into the unknown world

mitakoto mo nai sekai mezashi

Weathering rough wind and waves

araburu namikaze koete

I have to keep going because I want to get there first

tsukisusumanakya dame sa ichibannori shitain da

Worry later since it's all sink or swim anyway

shinpai toka atomawashi douse shoubu ichika bachika

When your opponent looks daunting

aite ga dekaku mietara

It's a sign that your heart is shrinking

kokoro ga chijinderu shouko

Running away is not a choice

nigeru nante choisu wa nai

Take one step closer

ippo soba e chikadukun da

Being called insolent's a compliment, right?

namaiki tte homekotoba?

When things become tough, that's when you should laugh

kitsui toki hodo warattoke

If you want to look for a new tomorrow

atarashii ashita sagashi ni ikitai no nara

Polish your unique confidence

tobikkiri no jishin wo migaite

tabi wo shita ashiato ga

Until your footsteps

sou! chizu ni kawaru made

Yes! Become a map

atarashii Horizon hora susunde kita bun

A new horizon, look, how far you've come

mabushisa to nanido ga joushou

It's brighter and the level of difficulty rises

Live in your dream and raise a hurricane

yumeutsutsu de okose Hurricane

Now! Stir up the rankings

saa! chaato kakimidase

One Dream One Wish

One Dream One Wish

Dreams don't run away... Knock everything out

yume wa nigenai... zenbu Knock out

Over The Top

Over The Top

Luffy came to the ruins of Oden Castle along with Law,

and found the graves of Kin'emon and the others.

Why are their graves here?!

Luffy- dono !



He was reunited with Kin'emon and Momonosuke...

...who he parted with at Zou.



Luffy, you're here!



Luffy! You're dressed like a samurai! It's cool!

Then Luffy and the others were told a surprising truth by Kin'emon.

The thing is we came from the Land of Wano of years ago...

...crossing through time to the present Land of Wano!

What are you talking about?!

Is it true?

years ago?! What do you mean?!

How did you get here?!

Oh, I wasn't even born yet!

No way!

Who can do a time leap?

That doesn't make sense! Explain it again!

She's right! Tell us in detail!

Everything that I'm going to tell you is true!

It's the truth...

...about the Land of Wano!

"A Legendary Samurai! The Man Who Roger Admired!"

Here is where Oden Castle used to stand...

But it's just a nickname...

It's actually called Kuri Castle!

The people of Kuri truly loved Oden- sama . That's why they nicknamed it.

Is that Momo's dad?!

That's right!

Our lord, Oden- sama , was a very daring person.

He was a son of Kozuki Sukiyaki- sama , a Shogun of the Land of Wano at the time,

but he was free-spirited and hot-blooded.

He caused violent incidents again and again

and he was eventually banished from the Flower Capital.

--What?! --Banished?!

Well... For the young Oden- sama ,

the Flower Capital was too small and too boring.

--Damn you! --Go to hell!

There was a so-called "lawless area" in the Land of Wano at that time...

There, criminals and ronin who were expelled from their hometowns formed groups.

They stole from and mutilated each other and there was bloodshed every day...

The place was so wild that even the Shogun family gave up on it.

That was Kuri.

This seems exciting!

The young Oden- sama stepped into that infamous Kuri of all places!


Hey, kid! Give us all your belongings!


Oh! Whoa!

Oden- sama was cool!

Then Kuri's most dangerous man who was

leading the ruffians of the region showed up.

His name was Ashura Doji

and they clashed almost immediately!

He brought Ashura Doji down beautifully.

That wasn't all...

He became the leader of the ruffians.

--Oh, he was quite something. --He saved Kuri!

On top of that, Oden- sama brought change to the town!

First, he taught the ruffians to work.

He developed the town, built the castle,

and made the Paradise Farm for everybody.

Kuri became a free and vibrant region full of laughter

and Oden- sama was finally given the title of " daimyo of Kuri"

by the Shogun, Sukiyaki- sama .

That's what Oden-sama accomplished at only years old.

He made a river...

...and built docks.

He connected regions...

...and people.

And then, I...

Right. And...

He was a daimyo who was loved by the people of Kuri...

But Oden- sama was a freewheeler...

Having so many vassals didn't suit his style.

This is what he kept saying.

Oh! It's so restrictive!

The Land of Wano was a little too small for Oden- sama ...


The good old days...

Yes, that was this beach!

We were washed ashore here and everyone called us "the talking dog and cat"

and they were afraid of us...

But Oden- sama was different!

You monsters!


What did they do to you?!

You fear those who are different due to your stupidity!

Shame on you all!

I'm sorry...

He was our savior...!

The samurai from the Land of Wano,

who mesmerized Whitebeard and was admired by Roger!

He was a true hero!

He was our master!


Oden- sama was funny, dynamic, and merry!


His spirit and good nature...

...turned Kuri into a great region.

But now, because of Kaido, it has become...

It's unforgivable!

Momonosuke- sama !


Damn Kaido!

Kaido and Kurozumi Orochi...

...secretly joined forces!

And they set Oden- sama up!

The Land of Wano fell to pieces...

...and Oden- sama ...

...was labeled a criminal!


Okay, let's go back...

Where did they go?

It's a dock.

Oden- sama who was loved by everyone...

Tell us! What happened to Oden?!

He died... as a criminal... at the Flower Capital!


You've got to be kidding!

What a sneaky piece of shit! Orochi!

I can't believe it!

That's awful!

The horrific death of Oden- sama ...

...happened years ago...

...but for us...

...it was only a few months ago...

Kozuki Oden was a brave samurai...

His final moment...

...still vividly replays in my memory!

What a hero!

It's amazing that you guys made it out of such a situation.


We no longer had allies,

so from there, we just ran for our lives!

We left the execution ground

and ran straight to Oden Castle!

On our way, Dogstorm and Cat Viper quarreled with each other

and were caught by Orochi's underlings so we gave up on them!

Even if any of us might have died,

someone had to get to Oden Castle!

Orochi who was looking to bring down the Kozuki Clan was taking aim at...

...Momonosuke- sama who was at the castle!

Th-The castle is...!

But Kaido had already made a move and the castle was on fire.

Damn! You bastards!

I won't forgive you!

Catch them!

Flower Shuriken!

Momonosuke- sama , his younger sister Hiyori- sama ,

and their mother Kozuki Toki- sama were left behind in the castle.


Momonosuke- sama ! Hiyori- sama !

Toki- sama !

Come on! Hurry up!

Momonosuke- sama !

I'm glad that you're okay!

Hiyori- sama ! Toki- sama !

I'm sorry!

Even though we were there... we let Oden- sama be...

It was not your fault at all.


Lift your head up.

Toki- sama , it's dangerous here! Let's get out!

I will stay.

You cannot!

Let's get out of here!

Toki- sama !

Then we will share the same fate with you here!

Leave... to the future!

The future?

People can never go back to the past...

But you can go forward into the future.

I traveled farther and farther into the future

by the power of the strange Time-Time Fruit

and finally arrived at the place where this journey ends.

It was hard to believe,

but rumor had it that Toki- sama was born way back in the past...

You mean...

...you met Oden- sama .

Yes. That is why I will stay here.

You are determined...

No one can stop you!

If we really go into the future...

We will surely fulfill Oden- sama 's dream

and take down Orochi and Kaido!

And we will certainly...

...open up this country!

Please look after Momonosuke.


No, I don't want that! I will stay here with you!

Mother, please don't do that!

Mother! Mother!


Huh?! What the...?!

Am I dreaming?! Where am I?!

Where is the castle?! And the fire?!

Toki- sama ! Hiyori- sama !

Where are you, Mother?!

Please stop! Momonosuke- sama !



Are these our graves?!

And they are old graves!

It was real... Toki- sama 's power!

Is that the town in Kuri?

Is this... the Land of Wano in the future?!

Since we came from the past,

this world after years was literally unknown.

To learn about the country that had been

completely changed by Orochi and the others' evil doing,

we walked around.

We saw a row of factories...

And so many smokestacks that vent black smoke...

Undrinkable water... Food under strict control...

Daimyo and regions that are destroyed!

Sterile lands!

Kozuki's name is despised because of all their lies.

This is no longer...

...the Land of Wano that we know!

I thought no one would fight together with us.

But that was not true.

Even after years,


there are still people who admire Oden- sama and want to help the Kozuki Clan!


The Reversed Crescent Moon lights up the sky!

Guided by two birds and a pit viper, light shines on their way to take down Kaido!

Samurai! Ninja! The joining of new allies raises the fighting spirit of Luffy and the others!

Together with their friends who had dreadful experiences,

a secret operation to bring down Kaido is finally put into action!

On the next episode of One Piece!

"Bringing Down the Emperor of the Sea! A Secret Raid Operation Begins!"

I'm gonna become the King of the Pirates!
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