11x07 - Rescue Hirako! Aizen vs. Urahara

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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11x07 - Rescue Hirako! Aizen vs. Urahara

Post by bunniefuu »

With the disappearance of the Spiritual Pressures of

Squad Captain Kensei Muguruma and his lieutenant, Mashiro Kuna,

the vanishing konpaku case,

wherein Rukon district residents vanished leaving only their clothes behind,

became a major case involving even the Thirteen Court Guard Squads.

When Hirako and his group of five who headed to the scene arrived,

they saw the figures of Kensei and Mashiro,

who had transformed into Hollow-like forms.

Kensei, who lost himself, att*cks. Hirako and the others fight back.

Suddenly however, Hiyori, too, changes form.



Why did you do that to Kensei?

You betrayed him

Your own captain?!

He didn't betray him.

He is loyal.

He just

loyally followed my orders, that's all.

Please don't hold it against him,

Captain Hirako.

Ai zen.


Damn it! You're doing this to me too?

In the end, remember one thing.

Betrayal you can see is trivial.

What is truly frightening is betrayal you cannot see, Captain Hirako.


You people were wonderful test subjects.

Damn it!


What an interesting guest.

What brings you here?

Captain Urahara, Kido Commander Tsukabishi?

This is bad. They found us.

I will k*ll them.

No, that won't be necessary.



I said that won't be necessary.

Y-Yes, sir! Please forgive my impudence.


Why'd you come, you idiot?

What's with that vulgar mask?

That's right, say what you want.

Lieutenant Aizen.


What are you doing here?


As you can see, I just happened to find

the members of the investigation unit in charge of the vanishing soul case

who were injured in battle,

and I was attempting to rescue them.

You bastard!

How can you lie so shamelessly?

Why are you lying?


Is there a problem with a lieutenant helping his captain?

It's not that. That's not what's bothering me.

Injured in battle?

You call these injuries?

You mustn't lie.

This is a Hollowfication.

The vanishing soul case

Squad members disappearing one after another as if erased.

And now, it's come to this.

Those were probably

Hollowfication experiments.

By someone, you see.

But given the situation, there might not be any need

to bewilder things by saying "someone."

I see.

You are indeed the man I thought you were.

I'm glad you came here tonight.

Gin, Kaname We've fulfilled our objective.

Let's go.

Wait, Aizen!

I'm not done talking to you.

Stand clear, Urahara!


Hiryu Gekizoku Shinten Raiho!



That's impossible.

A lieutenant stopped my Kido using Danku without an incantation?!

Forgive me! It seems I let him get away.


What in the world is he?


Let's deal with Aizen and the others later, Urahara!

Right now, we need to treat Hirako and his group!


With the Hollowfication so far advanced,

we can't treat him here.

Urahara, it seems you know something about this matter,

which you described with the unfamiliar term "Hollowfication."

If that's so,

can I assume that you know how to deal with this as well?

I do know.

Although the method is a gamble.

Understood! Even so, it's better than nothing!

We'll bring all eight of them back to Squad 's barracks

in their present condition.

With the facilities in the barracks, we can save their lives.

In this condition?!

But how are you going to do that?

By using Time Stop and Teleport.


Both are forbidden techniques. Their use is strictly banned.

That is why I'd like you to close your eyes and ears for a moment.

Hollowfication is one of the outcomes I arrived at

as I studied how to strengthen the souls of Soul Reapers.

In the process, I created a material

that instantaneously destroys and then creates the boundary

between Hollows and Soul Reapers.

I will use that to treat Hirako and the others.

What is that material?

I call it the Hogyoku.


What is this sensation of pressure?

Is it Spiritual Pressure?

No, it's not the same.

It is "presence."

The presence this stone possesses is trying to push away my presence.

What on earth is this?

What has Urahara created?

Can Hirako and the others really be saved using this?


I've already told you.

The method is a gamble.

The likelihood that Hirako and the others will return to the way they were

by using Hogyoku is,

even by a generous estimation, about percent, I'd say.

Twenty percent?!

If the series of vanishing soul cases

was Lieutenant Aizen's doing,

then I'd assume that he never even considered

the possibility of a treatment for Hollowfication.

There is no other way, but this.


I'm sorry, Tessai.

It failed.

I need to go outside to get some fresh air.

What's going on?

Captain of Squad , Kisuke Urahara!

And Kido Commander of the Kido Corps,

Tessai Tsukabishi!

A warrant for your arrest has been issued by Central !

Come with us!

What is the meaning of this?

I don't recall giving you permission to speak.

You have been summoned here for an inquest.

You are not to speak other than in response to a question.

Is that understood, captain of Squad ?


Am I being suspected of something?

I apologize.

Where were you last night shortly after midnight?

In the forest of District in West Fugai district.

Were you there conducting Hollowfication experiments?

Just a minute!

Who told you such a thing?

You tested Hollowfication, the results of your evil research,

on the captain of Squad , as well as

seven other captain-class members in the Fugai district.

So it is true?

You are indeed the man I thought you were.

Who was it?

You do not have the right to ask questions.

Was it Lieutenant Aizen?

That makes twice, captain of Squad .

The next time, we will add to the charges.

That was all his doing!

We went there to rescue Hirako and the others!

When your lies go that far, they become comical.

The lieutenant of Squad never left the Seireitei last night.


We have the statements of squad members

and one captain.

That leaves no room for any doubt.

That can't be.

I have information to report!

Numerous traces of Hollowfication experiments were found

in the research wing of Squad 's barracks!

That settles it.

I will pass sentence!

Kido Commader Tessai Tsukabishi!

For the crime of using a forbidden technique,

you are sentenced to imprisonment in Underground Prison : Shugo.

Captain of Squad , Kisuke Urahara!

For the crime of conducting research on and applying taboo phenomena

to deceive and cause serious injury to your fellow squad members,

you are sentenced to eternal banishment to the World of the Living

after you have been stripped of all Spiritual Power!

Furthermore, the pitiful captain of Squad

along with the other seven captain-class members,

who became the victims of your heinous experiments

will be dealt with severely as Hollows!

But that's

Just a minute!

Who are you?!

Who gave you permission to enter the conference room

while proceedings are in progress?!

Leave this place immediately, lowly oaf!

C-Capture them!



Isn't anyone there?!


Th-Thank you.


You don't need to thank me.

I'll even save the swift kick I was going to give you

for not saying a word to me last night for later.

I brought all eight of them here.

And the new Gigai prototype you were working on as well.

Get started on it.

From the moment you heard about this incident from Hirako,

you envisioned the worst-case scenario.

And you also came up with the best solution to counter that.

You saw through everything, I see.

You are a nasty one.

Look who's talking.

Tessai, put a Time Stop on Hirako and the others.

Then place a double and triple barrier around this place.

Starting now, for the next hours, you and I will build

a total of ten Gigai built with Spiritual Pressure masking function

for the two of us, and Hirako and the others.

What about you, Yoruichi?

Don't worry about me.

I can always manage to get away.

We'll lay low in the World of the Living

and take our time to solve the mystery.

We will, without fail,

find a way to undo this Hollowfication.

Kisuke did say,

"there were no miscalculations."

That was the biggest miscalculation of all.

As expected, everything turned out in the worst possible way.

Man, we sure owe Kisuke

and Aizen too.

Let's go.

When evil intentions pervade society,

a warrior for hope who operates above the law appears without fail.

His cape fluttering in the wind is a symbol of justice.

Career Change! Go, Konso Cop Karakuriser!

Next time: "I'm reluctant, but I will protect the peace in Karakura Town!"

Watch for it!

Substitute Soul Reaper Work Journal!

Substitute Soul Reapers sometimes hold on to things for Soul Reapers.

I came to pick up my Gigai.

Why'd you leave them at my place?

Because if I left them at Mr. Urahara place,

he'd make me work for free as payment for holding on to them.

What in the world?!

The truth is

The other day, I spilled curry in the closet and made a mess.

So I asked Ishida to fix it up.

Why is it a dress?!
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