11x05 - Hiyori Dies? The Beginning of Tragedy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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11x05 - Hiyori Dies? The Beginning of Tragedy

Post by bunniefuu »

One hundred ten years in the past, and nine years after

Kisuke Urahara assumed the post of captain of Squad .

In the Rukon district, the mysterious deaths of residents

who vanished leaving only their clothes behind

caused quite a stir among the Soul Society.

Under normal circumstances, when a person dies and becomes reishi,

their clothing would also disappear.

This fact made the whole incident unnatural.

The Thirteen Court Guard Squads took this as an abnormal situation

and dispatched Squad ,

led by Kensei Muguruma to investigate the incident.

They headed to the plains

that stretched through the Rukon district.

Blast away!



Mashiro Where the hell did you go during the battle?

In those bushes! I found this on the ground!

See? A shihakusho!

Ten shihakusho?!

It matches the number in the advance party!

Judging from the number of shihakusho left behind,

Kensei determined they belonged to the advance party

sent ahead to investigate.

He had squad members report back to Central

about the first Soul Reaper casualties connected with this incident.

At the same time, he asked to have laboratory personnel dispatched

because of the possibility of an unknown pathogen.

In response, Urahara sent Hiyori to Kensei.

Then, that same night

What happened?!

What is this?


Emergency assembly!

Emergency assembly!

All squad captains,

assemble immediately at Squad barracks!

There is an emergency with Squad !

The Spiritual Pressure readings for Squad Captain Kensei Muguruma

and Lieutenant Mashiro Kuna have vanished!

As a result,

an emergency meeting of squad captains will be convened!

Where's Hiyori?!

Sh-She left a while ago!

“ Captain! “ Repeat!

Emergency assembly!

All squad captains, assemble at Squad barracks!

I should have gone.

Sorry about this.

Hiyori, you're the only one I can

confidently entrust a task like this to.

I'm counting on you, Hiyori.

I never thought this would happen.

I get the feeling I fell for stupid Kisuke's trick.

I mean, why do I have to help with the work

of the Department of Research and Developement in the first place?!

That's something Kisuke and that baldy Mayuri should do themselves!

But they're making the entire squad

study how to develop new technology.

What is that?

We have an emergency!

According to reports

from Squad 's camp that's now standing by at the scene,

the Spiritual Pressures of both Squad Captain Kensei Muguruma

and Lieutenant Mashiro Kuna,

who were out in the field, have vanished.

The cause is unknown!

We must consider the possibility that this is a worst-case scenario!

What, until yesterday, was simply an incident

that occurred in the Rukon district

has now become something that we must stake the pride of

the Thirteen Court Guard Squads to resolve!

Therefore, from this moment,

I will select five people of captain class

and dispatch them to the scene!

You're late, Kisuke Urahara.

Let me go there, please!


My second-in-command is headed there now!

“ I must “ Kisuke!

You're making a scene. Pull yourself together!

Didn't you make the choice to send her?!

Can't you see that your panic is an insult to her?!

Now, don't just stand there.

Line up over here.

I will now continue.

Captain of Squad , Rojuro Ohtoribashi.

Captain of Squad , Shinji Hirako.

Captain of Squad , Love Aikawa.

The three I just named will head to the site.

Captain of Squad , Yoruichi Shihoin,

will stand by for further orders.

Captain of Squad , Ginrei Kuchiki,

captain of Squad , Shunsui Kyoraku,

and captain of Squad , Jushiro Ukitake.

The three of you will guard the Seireitei.

Captain of Squad , Retsu Unohana.

You will stand by in the Medical Treatment Room

to await possible casualties that come in.

Just a minute, Head Captain.

If your concern is treating casualties,

shouldn't I head toward the scene?

As long as the situation remains unclear,

we cannot risk dispatching the head of the medical treatment unit.

I will send someone else to the scene.


Tessai Tsukabishi.

It's been a long time since he came out into the open

This has sure become a major issue, hasn't it?

You've heard, I assume.

I want the two of you to head to the scene.

Will do.


Hey, Old Man Yama.

Sorry about that. But you know I was thinking,

without knowing the situation on the front,

isn't sending both the Kido Commander

and his lieutenant a bad idea?

Then what would you do?

I would send my lieutenant in place of the Kido Commander.

You're going to summon her now?

That's right.



What is it?

You see?

Didn't I tell you that you must not peek into a Captain's Meeting?

I couldn't help it.

It's human nature to want to see something you keep hidden!

And the details?

I heard.

Can I ask you to do it?

Of course!

Then I'll be counting on you.

Deciding things on your own like that

We don't get to see an incident this big very often.

I'm like a parent who wants his subordinate to gain experience.

Can't you understand that?

She'll be fine.

My Lisa might not look it, but she's pretty strong.

That's why, will you let her do it?

Kido Commander?

It's okay with me.

Then I will take you up on your offer and sit this one out.

All right, then. Rojuro Ohtoribashi.

Shinji Hirako.

Love Aikawa.

Hachigen Ushoda.

Lisa Yadomaru.

I am assigning you five as

the investigation unit in charge of this vanishing soul case!


She'll be all right.

Hiyori is strong.

Though not as strong as my Lisa.

Don't look so worried.

It's a captain's job to have faith and wait.

Damn it.


You idiot. Why didn't you draw your sword?


How am I supposed to draw my sword?


Captain, I will be leaving now.

Oh, okay.


Are you all right, Hiyori?!


What's going on with that?

Is that really Kensei?

That mask That Spiritual Pressure

It is almost like he's a Hollow!

I'm not sure, either.

Maybe it's Kensei, maybe it's not.

Anyway, what's certain is we'll die if we don't draw our swords.

What the ”?


I could really feel that one.

Just what I'd expect of you, Kensei.


Don't you see?! You're going against Kensei!

This is

Quiet, Hiyori.

We have to stop him.

If he's Kensei, then all the more reason.

He's right, Hiyori.

Kensei is important to us, that's why we have to stop him.

Don't worry.

There is a mountain of ways we can stop him without k*lling him.

We'll cut the tendons in his arms and legs.

You take the right half.

All right!

You're mine now!

Behind you, Rose!


Is that you, Mashiro?!

Shinji Let go of me.

You idiot!

If you talk unnecessarily, you'll bite your tongue!

Gochu Tekkan.

You guys really run fast.


I'm glad I made it.

Bakudo Number : Sajosabaku.


What in the world is going on here?!

Why are Kensei and Mashiro

How could this be?

A sixties-level Bakudo was repelled with just arm strength.

It's not possible!

That's quite an odd item you've created.

Creating a coat that completely shuts out Spiritual Pressure

is no ordinary accomplishment.

Drats You saw me.

You're going to rescue her, aren't you?

Your lieutenant.

I had a hunch this was going to happen from the time

I saw how you were at the captain's meeting.

Gotta hand it to you.

We both spent our time together at Lady Yoruichi's mansion.

Did you think I wouldn't catch on to something like this?

Won't you let me pass?

Don't be unreasonable.

I'm not letting you go alone.

Tonight, I, like you, felt a fear beyond words!

Come on, let us rush there together

to where they are!

Urahara, I can't conceal my Spiritual Pressure like this!

Then let's share the coat.

What an ingenious idea!

If you don't mind, then be my guest.

Now let us head out!

“ And join them! “ And join them!

The Substitute Soul Reaper Work Journal!

There are people in the World of the Living who cooperate with us.

Found it?

No, I lost it.

Where could that Hollow have gone?

If you're having trouble,

would you like to use my new Hollow detector?

Thanks for the help!

But, you can't use it for free.

I know.

However, if you rely too much on them

Take care of those boxes next!

You'll pay the price later.
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