10x15 - Ichigo's Seppuku Persuasion Strategy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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10x15 - Ichigo's Seppuku Persuasion Strategy

Post by bunniefuu »

I chi

Morning, Keigo!

How did you

I hadn't even said anything yet.

Yo, Mizuiro!

Good morning, Ichigo!

A pretty quiet morning, isn't it?

I guess.


Did you see what just happened?!

Why are you ignoring it? Why won't you mention it?!

Come to think of it, there was someone here to see you, Ichigo.

Someone to see me?

It has been a while, Ichigo!

Things are nice and easy over here as always.

No one is around to scold you even if you play kemari.

A far cry from life at the mansion.

I envy you.

Did something happen to you?


Why are you here?

And all alone.

It is up to me where I go.

And if something did happen, you would help me, Ichigo.

Stop assuming things on your own.

I have things to do here, myself.

Where are Kenryu and Enryu? Aren't they with you?

I do not know about Kenryu!

I came here on my own!


Didn't you become the head of the Kasumiohji Clan?

Be more conscious of that.

I am well aware of that!

Listen to me! There is a good reason for this.

I have class, so I'm going!

Hey! Wait I say!

What's the big idea?! That hurt!

I said listen to what I have to say!

Cool your head a bit.

Ichigo, you jerk!


It's lunchtime!


What could today's main dish be?!

If you're looking for Ichigo, he already left.


That was way too fast!

This has gone way past just blowing me off!

By herself?!

Yeah Looks like neither Kenryu nor Enryu came with her.

Then why did she come here?

I'm guessing she got sick of living at the mansion and ran away,


So, where's Rurichiyo now?

Beats me.

That hurt.

You fool!

Although the trouble in her clan is over,

she's still the princess of a noble family!

What if something unexpected happens to her?!

Something unexpected?

An inner tube!

What we need is an inner tube!

How did you come to the conclusion of needing an inner tube?

Well Out of frustration, Rurichiyo arrives at a certain pier

and jumps into the world of the fisherman


Sounds like it'll take a long time to explain, so stop.

Oh, okay.

At any rate,

let's split up and find her before anything terrible happens.

“ Right! “ Right!

Guess I don't have a choice.

Did you find her?


Even though she became head of the clan,

her knack for causing alarm hasn't changed.



She may have become head of the clan,

but she's still very young.

We can't even imagine how heavy a responsibility that must be.

It's enough to make her seek relief in the World of the Living.

We must not waste any time.

Let's look for her again!

“ Right! “ Right!

What's going on?



Rurichiyo's nowhere to be found!

Any idea where she might be?

An idea?

My, my, my, my.

I was wondering when you would come to pick her up, Kurosaki!

I had a feeling you would surely come soon,

so I didn't contact you, but what took you so long?

Umm No, I

We umm just came to

Why didn't you think of this place first?

Come on, let's go!

I do not want to! I am staying here!

I do not want to go with that orange-headed man!

You're still saying that?!

If you keep on being unreasonable, you'll

I am telling you to leave me alone!

You know that's not possible.

Why not?!

I'm saying you're causing everyone trouble by coming here on a whim!

You're the head of a noble clan, you know!

Yes, I am a selfish head of a clan

who knows nothing of the world!

What's gotten into you?!

Be quiet! I do not need your

What's that?!

You're in a bad mood because you're hungry.

That was not me! I assure you, I am not hungry.


You heard that?

So it was Inoue?

That was superb timing.

I'm hungry. Want to go and eat something?

That one was me.

That was delicious.

You cannot get meals like this unless you are in this world.

Is my after-dinner tea not here yet?

You there, waiter! Bring me my tea!

Rurichiyo! You don't have to yell.

She's sound asleep.

If only she were this quiet when she was awake as well.

Sorry for being so loud.

You were awake?!

Well things must be tough for you too.

I do not particularly need your sympathy.

Sorry I left you alone.

Who's there?!

“ Kenryu?! “ Kenryu?!

Lady Rurichiyo!

Leaving the clan and coming to the World of the Living

is an outrage!

What were you thinking?!

Now wait Give her a chance to explain.

Was my scolding you about the kemari

so hard for you to take?!

No, that's not what it was She

That is right!


What about kemari is so wrong?!

As I said!

We have a mountain of things we should do before playing kemari!

That is for me to decide!

Just a minute!

Is the reason you came here

“ Kemari! “ It's kemari!

That is why I keep telling you!

Right now, having a pastime like kemari is important!

I have told you repeatedly, until I turned blue in the face

With the people alienating themselves from us now,

our priority is to repair relations

with the leaders of other noble families!

I do not know about such things!

I am the head now!

I will do what I believe in!

That will not do!

Just a minute!

Just this once, calm down!

How can I calm down?!

Ichigo, do something about this pigheaded guy!

Ichigo Kurosaki!

You understand how I feel, don't you?!

Well, Ichigo?!

Ichigo Kurosaki!

Oh for crying out loud!

Suit yourselves.

Then are you saying that you oppose what I say

no matter how many times I tell you, Kenryu?!

Of course!

We are about the only ones who can

persuade that stubborn head of yours!

Did you just call me stubborn?!

However, this is my duty!

This resolve will not change,

even if it means I incur your anger or your distaste in me!

I never liked you from the start!

In fact, I hate you!

I hated you from way, way back!

If you cannot obey me, then leave!

Very well.

Excuse me.



Hey, wait!


I do not care.


Now it's Kenryu who's missing.

People connected with the Kasumiohji Clan

appear to enjoy causing a commotion.

But Rurichiyo didn't seem much different from her usual self.

“ Over here. “ Pass, pass, come on!

They are pretty bad.

Found you!

What're you doing here?

Oh dear

Sorry about that.

That hurt.

She's good!

My skill is awesome, is it not?


I mean that's not it!

Doing this isn't going to solve anything!

That incident is at the root of everything.

Ever since that incident,

the domain of the Kasumiohji Clan has been unsettled,

and public safety is steadily growing worse.

The people have lost their energy and spirit

because of anxiety and distrust.

We are responsible for all of this.

That is when I came up with the idea of a kemari festival!

I recalled seeing something similar in the World of the Living.

I thought we could make the people happy with this.

So, together with Shu, I worked out a plan, but

What are you saying, Lady Rurichiyo?

We are telling you this for the good of

you and the Kasumiohji Clan!

I am the head of this clan!

Let me do as I wish!

That will not do!

I will keep on saying it until you understand!

That Kenryu would not listen to my plan at all!

I thought the head of a clan should do what she believes is right,

but it is a bit tiresome.

So you see, Rurichiyo has her reasons.

If we explain to Kenryu,

wouldn't he listen to what we have to say?

But the way Kenryu looked,

just trying to tell him is going to be a lot of trouble.

First of all, there's no way we can tell Kenryu

if we don't know where he went.

Well, yeah, you're right.

Where in the world could he be?

“ Ichigo “ Huh?

I see.

Lady Rurichiyo said that?

Yeah, well

Rurichiyo wasn't really serious when she told you to leave.

Can't you accept what she's saying?

It's difficult.

It's true that right now,

Lady Rurichiyo is focused on the people.

Regaining the trust of the people

and rebuilding the House is important too.

But I believe that in order to

restore the Kasumiohji Clan, we need first to mend our relations

with other noble families and people with power,

and work in tandem with them to govern.

It's a matter of priorities!

One day, we will be able to have

the type of government that Lady Rurichiyo is seeking.

But right now, we don't have the luxury!

We must do what we must do!

That, above all, is for the good of the people.

It sounds like

neither of your views are wrong.

What're we going to do about this?

You're asking me?

What to do?

It's entirely my fault that I have not been able

to convince Lady Rurichiyo.

Since it's come to this, I will offer my life in exchange.

Just a minute! Just a minute!

Don't stop me, Ichigo Kurosaki!

I must take responsibility!

Never mind! Don't rush things!

Calm down for a minute!

Don't stop me!

I said stop!

Kurosaki, let him go.

What? Ishida?!

It's what you would call compassion towards a warrior.

We'll watch him end his life and report it to Rurichiyo.



Kenryu, go right ahead.

I will assist if you wish.

Only, I will be using an arrow rather than a sword.

Very well.

Excuse me.


Here you are!

What is wrong? You look pale.

It's Kenryu!

Did you find him? Where was he?!

He says he's going to commit su1c1de!


So what?


Kenryu already left!

It is not my concern what happens to him!

Is it all right to say such a thing?!

You made him protect you in every way,

but you won't consider protecting him?!


A-Are you all right?!

Thank you, Ken I mean Enryu! Thank you.


Do you think it will work?

What are you talking about?!

Wasn't this the plan you came up with?

Yes it is, but

Kenryu, go right ahead.

I shall assist if you wish.

What am I to do?

Good grief, how melodramatic can you get?

I'm not being melodramatic.

If Lady Rurichiyo still does not change her mind,

it is my duty to stop her, even if it means taking my life.

I found you people as I was considering that thought

and wandering about the town.

So you weren't just nearby by chance.

I'm begging you, Ichigo Kurosaki! Help me out!

Well, this might be the best way to persuade his master.

You think so?

Oh, here she comes!



Everything ready?


“ Over here! Over here! “ Don't do it!

“ Hurry! “ Kenryu! Don't be a fool!

Don't be hasty!

Let go of me!

Let go of me, you guys!

Are you telling me to live with this shame?

I would rather die!

You moron!

L-Lady Rurichiyo

You really are a moron!

Do you really think doing that is going to make me happy?!


Protecting my retainers is my responsibility.

I cannot let you die!

Is that understood?

Then, Lady Rurichiyo

They sure are a handful.

You're telling me.

My, my I guess I will have to give in just this once.

I am so happy that you understand.

I won't have to lose my life for something as silly as kemari.

As silly as kemari?

What do you mean by "as silly as"?

Are you finding fault in my idea?!

No I you know a mere pastime like kemari is

A mere pastime?!

Umm no, I mean

I have decided not to give in after all!


You just said you would agree with my view.

And who is the one who stepped all over those feelings?

This is hopeless.

And everything was going so well with everyone's cooperation.

What?! Cooperation?

“ Oh man “ Oh man

So all this talk about committing su1c1de was to deceive me?!

Unforgivable! Unforgivable! Absolutely unforgivable!

It can't be helped now that you know!

At any rate, kemari is out!

You don't understand because you have never done it!

I have, that's why I'm saying this!

I can do something like that better than you, Lady Rurichiyo!

If you are going to talk like that, let us have a kemari competition!

We shall settle it with this!

Let us say the loser never says anything again!

I wouldn't have it any other way!

How do things get this way?!

Lady Kuchiki, please accept this as a small token of goodwill

from one noble family to another.

Pardon me, but I cannot.

W-What?! This is the elusive golden Chappy!

I went through great pains for it.

Thank you.

So what is your request? I will hear you out.

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!

Let me tell you about this place, Ichigo.

This is my favorite optician.



Glasses by Gin

You can't read it?

I thought you said Japanese was your best subject.

Wait I'll have it in a second

The radical for "insect," so it's the name of a bug, right?

Want a hint?

It's a bug that conjures an image of glasses!


Gin Namekuji as in slug!

Slugs don't make you think of glasses!

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