09x18 - Ice and Flame! Fierce Fight of Amagai vs. Hitsugaya

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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09x18 - Ice and Flame! Fierce Fight of Amagai vs. Hitsugaya

Post by bunniefuu »

may be inferior compared to yours.

Ichigo and Rukia continue to search for Rurichiyo

after they disrupt her marriage ceremony.

The search for Rurichiyo goes on with Shu's help and the support of Amagai.

Meanwhile, Kira tracks down Kibune, who had been acting suspiciously,

and he comes across Rurichiyo in a Squad facility.

However, due to Kibune's interruption, he fails to rescue her.

In the past, Kibune was not recognized as a Soul Reaper.

Out of frustration,

he reached out to the Kasumiohji Clan and acquired their Bakkouto.

Kira confronts Kibune about this.

I need even greater power!

With that power, I will make every Soul Reaper recognize me!

Izuru Kira!

Guys like you, who have no talent, yet get promoted to lieutenant

I will sweep all of you away!

Weakness is a crime.

Someone like you doesn't deserve to be where you are.

When the previous captain went out of control,

you couldn't even stop him!

Powerless people like you don't deserve to stand above me!

It's useless!

The k*lling blow.

You bastard, just die already!

You think you've dodged it?

How unsightly you are.

Why do you continue to resist?

What was your purpose in coming to Squad ?

If it was only to become the strongest Soul Reaper, there are other ways.

To show off one's power,

one must attain a position that is fitting.

I see.

But, that's not possible.

Captain Amagai knows what you've been doing up until now.

Even if you k*ll me, you have no future!

So what?


The Kasumiohji Clan is planning to use

the Bakkouto to create a new world.

For example, with this Bakkouto,

I can annihilate all of Squad .

Is that the goal for you and the Kasumiohji Clan?

There is no need to know, as you are about to die!


I won't let you do it.

Just what do you take your colleagues for?!

Those guys? Colleagues?

Like I said again and again.

Weakness is a crime.

Never once have I thought of anyone as a colleague!

I see. Then I can't forgive you.

You ridicule the weak, and deceived your colleagues,

only seeing them as someone to use for your own ambitions!

So what of it?

For me, the most important thing is

having squad members working together based on trust!

And you violated that trust!

Listen to you!

You're exhausted, Lieutenant Kira.

I'm surprised your body is still holding up.

You can never become the strongest Soul Reaper!

Shut up!

Over here!

Hado : Shakkaho!


You don't seem to have noticed.

Since you entered that state,

you were being spun around by the power of that sword.

Whatdid you say?

What you attained is not real power.

I couldn't stop Captain Ichimaru.

I am powerless!

But I have a responsibility!

To Squad

I have a responsibility to protect my colleagues!

I can't afford to lose!

Are you saying it's a difference between our resolve?

That is not enough to make up for the difference in our strength!

You can't beat me with force alone!

What's that?!

The Bakkouto!

I see.

Your Bakkouto is that thing covering the Zanpakuto.


It is what negated the effects of my Wabisuke.

It appears your strength was nothing but a fraud after all.

True, my Wabisuke's attack power may be inferior compared to yours.

But that is not the only thing that constitutes our strength.

"Zan Ken So Ki!"

Only through that, and possessing a heart,

can it really be considered true power!

I will not Not here


I won't lose

to the likes of you!

I won't lose!

Has he become completely consumed by the sword.

W-What's going on?

Hey, wake up!

Wha ”?!

Lieutenant! Third Seat Kibune!

What is this?!


As the Squad Lieutenant

I'm going to stop you!

Lieutenant Kira!


Are you all right, sir?!





Tell Captain Amagai

Coordination between each squad appears to be going smoothly.

I understand. Return to your post.

Yes, ma'am!

Shusuke Amagai

His defecting could prove to be troublesome.

And the Substitute Soul Reaper

I apologize. Please move out of the way.

What are they trying to do?

You haven't changed, Soi Fon.

Lady Yoruichi!

You seem confused.

Uh It's

How about listening to what I have to say?


Hold it!

Hold it, damn it!

Let me handle this!

End of the line!

Let Rurichiyo go!

Wha ”?

Is she all right?

It's a doll.


How's Ruricchi?

It was fake.

Oh no

Then the real one is

Yeah. By now, she has most likely been taken to another location.

What?! At the arena?!

I see. Thanks.

So this Kibune guy and the Kasumiohji Clan really were

I can't believe it. Since when?

I never imagined the Kasumiohji Clan was rooted this deeply.

In any case, you guys take Kira to Squad !

Yes, sir. You can count on us.

What are you going to do?


This is no longer a matter regarding the succession rites.

One of my own subordinates became infatuated with the Bakkouto.

This is serious.

What's serious?


How did you get here?

It was faint, but I sensed the Spiritual Pressure of Kira fighting.

So I came here, and I was right.

Never mind that, why didn't you contact me sooner, huh?

Very impressive, Lieutenant Abarai.

And? What do you plan to do now that you've found us?

Wait a minute, Captain Amagai!

I'm friends with these guys!

So, what's this about things being serious?

And it looks like Kira got hurt as well.

The Third Seat from Squad was connected to the Kasumiohji Clan.

Lieutenant Kira uncovered that, and defeated him.

We don't have time to explain details.

But it's a fact that something bad is going on.

Looks like you've got yourselves in a sticky situation. I knew it.

Lieutenant Abarai

If you say you're going to be on our side,

can you lend us a hand?

This is our proof of the Kasumiohji Clan's treason.

We want you to deliver this to Head Captain Yamamoto

and explain the situation.


But I'm in no position to

It would be better suited if you go, Captain Amagai.

No. I'm going with Kurosaki to the Kasumiohji mansion.

This is just my thinking

There's a high probability that Princess Rurichiyo

is inside the Kasumiohji mansion.

Why do you think so?

Now that their hiding place has been discovered,

there is no other location for a cornered person to run.

Anyway, as a captain among the Thirteen Court Guard Squads,

I must uncover their objective.


If Kibune was their trump card

Then it means Rurichiyo's life is in danger unless we hurry.

I understand.

If that's the case, I will definitely deliver this to the Head Captain.

I'm counting on you, Renji!

Okay, leave it to me!

Captain, preparations are ready for us to deploy!

Just wait a little longer.

But, Captain, we have been receiving orders to deploy for a while now.

We can't wait any longer.

I know. However

Yoruichi Shihoin!

You haven't changed at all.

I have something to tell you.

Well? Won't you hear me out?

Once the Head Captain gives the order to go,

there is no changing of plans!

I know that!

I'm not asking you for an answer right now!

Then, what do you want me to do?

I want to show this to the Head Captain

and have him hear what I have to say!

In that case, give us some time!

I don't have time!

What's the commotion?


Another troublesome character.

What'll we do?

What do you mean?

Ichigo Kurosaki!

I know that you're there.

Come out!


I knew you'd come here.

Captain Hitsugaya! Listen to what we have to say!

All right. In that case,

we'll hear it when we arrive before the Head Captain.

Amagai You!

Go, Kurosaki! Leave this place to me!

Captain Amagai!


Let's go, Shu!

“ Damn! “ Get them!

We can't have that.

Lieutenant Matsumoto!

Rangiku! I don't have time to explain!


I want to let you go but it's an order.

Wait, Ichigo!

I'll go!


Go, Ichigo!


Stand down, Amagai!

Sorry, I can't do that.

It doesn't look like there's any room for discretion.

In that case

Reign over the frosted heavens!


Sever, Raika!

Now the real battle begins!


It has come to light that there were

suspicious acts of high treason found against the Kasumiohji Clan.

All squads of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads

will enter the Kasumiohji mansion

immediately and secure this evidence!

You ruffian!


Shu Do you know where Rurichiyo is?

There are lots of rooms like that.

Maybethe one in the back.

Kumoi didn't allow us to go near there!

Okay, which way?

That way!


Rurichiyo, where are you?

Kira! Are you okay?!

Abarai Why are you here?

My friend got hurt! It's natural to come visit!

It's really because you fell behind

and missed the deployment of your squad, isn't it?

Oh That's why, huh?


Arrancar Encyclopedia.

Today we'll be talking about the blue skies inside Las Noches.

Lord Aizen built this space in Hueco Mundo to replicate the sun.

But I think he only built this on a whim.

Why are you talking about this?

Looks like the story is about to take place here,

so I thought I'd help build up the excitement.

Isn't it because you just want to appear more often?

You want to appear more often, don't you, Tosen?

This is unpleasant.
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