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04x09 - My Freaky Valentine – Part 2

Posted: 08/15/22 18:42
by bunniefuu
previously on yu-gi-oh...

Mai: I was never a part of
your little playgroup.

And now I'm gonna
break you apart one by one.

And wheeler...
I'm starting with you!


The seal of orichalcos!

Come on, mai!

Whoever loses the duel,
loses their soul!


Mai: I play harpie lady
phoenix formation!

Say good-bye
to your monsters, wheeler!


Any last requests?

Mai's got points!

She hasn't even lost one!

And joey's down
to his last !

It's my move!

Time ta show you
what true duelin'
is all about!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ It's time to d-d-d-duel

♪ Yu-gi-oh

Tea: joey's got
barely any
life points left!

And mai's got !

The good news is...
It's his move now

So he's got one more chance
to turn things around.

It's not
like it really
matters anyway,

'Cause no matter
what happens

Someone's gonna end up
losing their soul!

There is a way
for joey to end
this duel

Without someone
getting hurt
isn't there?

Yes but it won't
be easy.

The seal of orichalcos
is powerful,

However it does have

It can only capture a soul
when a duelist loses.

And therein lies the secret
to escaping its wrath.

Huh? I don't get it.

Let's hope joey does.


The odds are not in my favor,
ta say da least...

But it ain't ova
till it's ova!

First I gotta keep
dose harpies' claws
off 'a my life points.

Then I gotta destroy
dat magic circle.

There must be a card in my deck
that can help.

But which one?!

If only I could wipe the seal
of orichalcos off da field.

Then it wouldn't be able to take
anyone's soul.

Hold on...
I think I got it!

Dis card might do da trick!

I guess it's worth a shot.

What've I got ta lose!?

I summon
the fiend megacyber!

But that has stars!

Dat's right,

But thanks
to its special ability

I can summon it
without making a sacrifice

As long as you have more monstas
in play than I do!

Now my fiend,

Attack her harpie
with cyber swipe!


Joey's back
in the game baby!!

Yeah but...

If joey wins the duel
then we lose mai forever.

I don't think
joey's trying to win.

I believe he has
discovered the secret.

Tea: I'm confused.

What secret are we
talking about here?

The secret to ending
this duel without
either of them losing.


I guess wheeler
decided to go down
fighting after all.

Who cares...

There's no way
that scrawny punk's
gonna win.

At least there'll be
a little excitement
for a change.

I'll play dis facedown.

Your move mai.

Mai: I was worried
about you

For a second there,

I thought
you'd lost your touch.

Please tell me this means

You've accepted the fact
that we're not friends.

'Cause for the last time

The part of me that was
dumb enough to like you

Is long gone now!

Valon: your life's
never gonna be
the same again, mai.

you ever wanted
in your whole life

Is right here.

Mai: and where exactly
is...right here?

[Man laughing]

I can handle things
from now on, valon.

Who are you...?

Please, call me dartz.

I've been expecting you
for some time.

Expecting me?
But how?

Don't you see
that this is
where you belong?

You've come home to
a place where everyone
understands you.

No longer will the cruelty
of the outside world
feel your loneliness, mai.

You have my word.

How do you know
so much about me?

Answer me!
Who told you!? just did.

It's all in your eyes,
my dear.

[Mai groaning]

Oh no!

Ha ha ha!

Winged dragon of ra!
Destroy her!

Ready mai?

It's time to enter a world
of darkness for all eternity!


Joey: come on yuge.
We got a tournament to win.

Hey guys!

It's me!

Please heeelp!

I'm traaaapped!
Get me ooouuuut!


I don't wanna
go back to
that place!

I don't wanna
lose again!

Of course not.

And I'll make sure
you never do.

You've been lied to
for too long.

Those who called themselves
your friends all turned on you,

You poor thing.

Those scoundrels
left you all alone
in that terrible place

While they soaked up
all the glory.

And you deserve
so much more that that.

You deserve to be
the greatest duelist
the world's ever seen.

That's what I want!

Trust me
and the ultimate power
shall be yours.

I trust you!

Then there's one thing
left to do.

I'll do anything.

Will you surrender
your weak side??

Of course!


The power you desire
is now yours.


From this day forth
you'll serve the orichalcos.

Your time's up! I win!

As soon as I attack
your life points are gone!

And of course...
So's your soul!

Duke: this is it!

note to self:

were invented
for a reason.


That's weird.

Why would industrial illusions
be closed?

hold on duke!
Wait for us!

hey! Guys!!!

It's duke!

you're right!

Hey man, how did ya know
we were here!?

It's a long story...

Hey, are you guys
dueling in there?

Tea: yes, but...

Duke: why!?

Tea: it's a longer story!
So listen...

We don't have time to stand here
chit chatting!

We need your help now!

We're all trapped
in this place!

And you gotta find
a way to get us out!

Just leave it to me!

Hurry up duke!

It's a regular party..

What're you guys
doing here?


[Both screaming]

Weevil: it's that
magic circle!

Yeah! The same one
we were trapped in!

I sacrifice my two harpies!

That allows me to summon
harpies pet dragon!

And thanks to
the seal of orichalcos

It gets more points!

Plus it gets
another points

For every harpie
I have on the field!

Now it has


It's been nice knowin' ya

Now my harpies pet dragon!

Attack his fiend megacyber!

Hold on!

I reveal
compensation mediation!

Now this trap card
gets shuffled

With two cards
from your graveyard

And I hafta draw one!

If I choose
my own card

Your attack
gets blocked!

So I have
a in chance

Of makin' it
past this round!

Oh no!

What happens if joey
picks one of mai's
two cards tristan!?

That means
he loses the duel.

It won't be
long now.

Yeah. There's no way
that pipsqueak's

Gonna get himself
outta this mess

By playing
a game of chance.

He'll never pick
the right card.

It's over.

Ey! Time ta pick
two cards from
your graveyard.

Let's go!

I choose these!


Now let's shuffle
all of 'em together!

Mai: you sound
pretty confident...

For someone
who's about to lose.

After all this time...

You're still relying
on luck to win your duels.

Not quite!

It took skill to
play da right card
at da right time.

But...a little luck
neva hurt.

Here we go mai.

Now the moment
'a truth.

I'm gonna choose
da middle card!

Wheeler's finished.

Yugi: come on...
Let that be the one!

Joey: show me
da trap card!

Tea: that's it!


Bingo baby!

I knew
he could do it!

You go!

Now that's luck.

Yeah, next time
I play bingo
I'm bringin' him!

Well there goes
your theory.

Looks like
your last attack
didn't work!

So I'm still
in da game!

for now, maybe!

That's cool.

At least joey
bought himself
a little time.

Yes but it did come
with a price, tea.


But your little maneuver
helped me out, too.

Yeah...i know...

Now you get to put
the two cards you picked

At the top of your deck.

Oh no!

Now she can use
those two cards again!

Harpie lady
phoenix formation...

And harpie sparrow

Those are two of mai's
most powerful cards!

You may have stopped
my attack

But my turn's not over.

Next I'll move one
of my harpie ladies
to my rear defense.

And then...

I'll place
two cards facedown

And end my turn!

I've got
one more shot
ta do dis...

But I'm all out
of ideas!

Dis duel's
not ova yet

And it's my move!

I just need
da right card!

I place one card

Then I'll summon
a monsta facedown.

And last
but not least,

I'll switch my fiend
to defense mode.

This one's locked too!

Come on!

I don't have much time!

I hafta say
you seem pretty calm...

For someone about to lose
their soul, that is.

Yeah well
I been involved in

Some pretty insane
duels in my day

And I learned a real
important lesson
about dis game.

Keep fightin' till
the last point is gone!

And last I checked

I still had a handful
of life points left.

So gimme your best shot!

With pleasure! Now!

You activated my trap!

Drop off!

So drop your card!

I don't think so!

'Cause I have
a facedown card too!

Trap jammer!

It cancels out
your trap card

So if you don't mind
I'd like to continue
my move.

Sorry but I'm always
one step ahead.

Aw man!

Oh well...movin' on.

This should be a fun way
to end things...

But not just yet.

Her top card.

It's either phoenix
or sparrow formation.

Go harpies pet dragon!

Attack his fiend now!

And next...

Harpie lady, attack
his facedown monster!

Who's da man!

You just destroyed
my fiber jar,

And more importantly

Activated its
special ability!!

So...we hafta dump
all our cards
in one big pile...

And then we each pick ...

I know how the card works.

Not like it really
matters now...

My trap cancels it out!

What's goin' on!?

The power of my harpie's
feather storm

Is able to deactivate
your monsters
special ability!

Oh no!

It looks like
joey's fresh out of
monsters again tea!

Hang in there...

Your life points
are exposed!

But lucky for you
I hafta end my turn.

Let's see what kind
of desperate move
you've got now.

Desperate!? Ha!

I place
one monsta facedown

And dat's all!

Told ya
you were desperate.

It's time
for mai to deliver
the finishing touch.

I'm gonna miss seeing
wheeler squirm.

T I'll move on..

nice knowin' ya, hon.

Only one monster
left to crush.

And I'm gonna send
this poor sap out
with a bang.

Once I activate
my harpie lady
phoenix formation card,

His puny facedown
monster's a goner.

And thanks to
its secondary power,

I'll be wiping out
what's left of his
life points, too.

It's all over for you

I activate my harpie lady
phoenix formation!

And in case
you're too stunned
to figure this out...

It means I win the duel!


this is it!

It didn't work!?

No! What was that!?

Dat...was my buddy
neko mane king!

He has
zero attack points!

So I didn't lose
any life points,

Which means
you just wasted
your best card!

Oh well.

Pretty cool, huh?

And there's more!

Neko mane king has
a special ability!

Since you destroyed it
using a magic card

Your turn automatically
comes to an end!

Which puts me
in the driver's seat!!

That was close.

I don't know
how much more of
this I can take.

The guy's
got more lives
than my cat!

He just keeps stalling
for more time.

But how much longer
can he keep this up?

What's the deal?!

Is your strategy
to drag this out forever

So I forfeit from boredom?!

Why don't you
just worry about
your own strategy

And let me worry
about mine.

The fact is,
mai's got a point.

I'm just puttin'
things off

For as long
as I can,,

Until I figure a way
outta dis mess.

And quittin's
not an option.

Dat's exactly what
dose biker creeps
want me ta do.

But I gotta
save mai...

And find out
what da brute squad
up there

Is really after!

But it's gonna take
some kinda miracle!

I know there's
somethin' in my deck
that can help me...

But what is it?

Come on
heart 'a da cards!

Show me some love!



What's up with my deck!?

Yugi: the eye of timaeus!
It's glowing!

My duel disk!

It's that dragon!

It's the fang
of critias!

Joey: hey!

Hey, where are we?

And, ah...wasn't I just
in the middle of a duel?

I've been to
this place before.

It's the dominion
of the beasts.s.

Joey: whoah.
Dat's one big
ice sculpture!

It's a dragon...
Frozen in time.

Huh? Say what?

And I have a feeling
it's chosen you.

If my theory's correct
then you must remove that sword.

Den what!?

Then the ancient dragon
will awaken.

here goes nothin'.


Dark magician girl:
you are the one.

Dat's weird.

I coulda sworn
that I heardrd

Someone talkin'
ta me through
dat sword.

Dark magician girl:
yes joey.

You must release hermos.

Looks like
it worked!

Now I got one more
question yuge!

Is dis thing...


Was dat a dream!?

Yugi: now joey's got
one of those dragons
in his deck, too!

That could be just what he needs
to end this!

What was that?!

Are you ok seto?

Did you notice
anything strange

Besides the way
you're acting?

I'm fine.
Forget I asked.

my orichalcos stone.

It's reacting
to something.

The pharaoh must be
behind this!

Wheeler's acting strange...

Make your move!
I have a duel to win!

Well...this is it.

If I don't draw
somethin' good now,

I'm as good as gone.

No way!

It's dat dragon...

Did he draw
something good
or not?

'Cause this is
his last shot!


Joey must've just drawn
the dragon he released!

That's right.

Its power
is now his.'re on.

You're about to meet
my new friend!
