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04x08 - My Freaky Valentine – Part 1

Posted: 08/15/22 18:41
by bunniefuu
previously on yu-gi-oh...

mai? Is dat you?

What's with the silent
treatment, mai?

I'm not mai.

At least not the mai
you knew.

Tell me
this is all a joke!

I was never a part of
your little playgroup.

And now I'm gonna
break you apart
one by one.

And wheeler...
I'm starting with you!


The seal of orichalcos!

Mai...let's talk.

Sorry hon!

I play...harpie lady!

As lg as my magic card
is in play....

Every one of my monsters

Falls under its control!

Giving them
extra attack points!

Come on, mai!

Whoever loses the duel,
loses their soul!

No...i won't...look mai.

We gotta stop
this duel now!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ It's time to d-d-d-duel

♪ Yu-gi-oh

What are you
waiting for, wheeler!?

I'm waitin'
for you to come
to your senses!

She's lost it!!

How can she side
with the enemy!?

It's all because of
that orichalcos thing!

Now one of
them will lose
their soul!!

No! You can't do this!

Don't you see
you're letting that magic card

Control you mai!

You're putting
your own life in danger!

They can't go through
with this!

We've got to do

But the puzzle
is powerless
against that seal.

Ey, pharaoh!

Quit mumblin' to yourself
down there, will ya?

In case you didn't
realize this last time,

Nothing can break
the seal of orichalcos!

Once it appears,

It doesn't disappear until
a soul's been captured!

And don't think
you're off the hook,

As soon as
the girl takes
your friend's soul,

I'm takin' yours!

Get back in your cage,
gorilla boy!

When I'm done with wheeler...
Yugi belongs to me!

But why!?

She's nuts!

I never liked her.
No respect!

Any more lip from mai
and she's next!

Aw, give the girl
a break, will ya?

She's still new
at all this, mate.

Plus, she's kinda cute
when she gets mad,
doncha think?

Ah, no.

When are you gonna make
your move hotshot?

This year would be nice.

What did I say!?

I'm not gonna duel
against you mai!

Mai: afraid you're not
good enough?

Afraid you're gonna
lose like you did
in battle city!?

I shoulda known
you'd back down!

Actually, I'm afraid
I'm gonna win.

'Cause if I do...

You're gonna pay for it
by givin' up your soul!

I have no soul!

You hear that!?


I told you
the mai you knew is gone!

I traded in her soul
for power!

The old mai was too lonely
and pathetic..

The girl was just
holding me back.

So I did what I had to!

I sent her packing!

Now my weak side's
gone for good!

Well I happen to have
liked the old mai

And I'm gonna
get her back!

I'd like to see you try!!


He's gonna go through
with this!

Tea: be careful joey!

Let's do this!

My move!

I'll start by summoning
alligator's sword...

In defense mode!

I need to figure out
a strategy!

Pretty lame move.

Now watch!

Here's how you play
the game.

I summon harpie lady!
In attack mode!

That makes two!

And thanks to
the seal of orichalcos

She gets more points!

Harpie lady attack now!

Next my second harpie lady
will attack your life points!!


Joey! No!

I can't watch!

Not if joey is gonna lose
this duel on purpose

So he can save mai!

Is that true?

Would joey really

Throw the duel!?

But if he does that

He'll lose his own soul!

Yes I know...

But this wouldn't be
the first time

That joey
risked his life
to save mai.

Listen joey,
don't be a hero!

Just go!

Look I'm staying right here!

Hang in there!

That's enough!

Last time
we stepped in
and saved them both.

Yeah but...

This time the force
we're up against
is too strong!

We can't stop it!

Don't give up yet,

We may have

That's capable
of defeating
this evil power.

I'm just not sure
how we can use it
to save joey.

what is it?

The eye of timaeus.

If the pharaoh thinks he can use
his new dragon friend

To get out of this,

He better think again.

Your move, mai.

I knew
you'd be easy to beat,

But I didn't think
you'd be this easy.

Now let's see how you deal with
my facedown card!

My guess is
you'll run away screaming!!

Duke: this is
a bad sign, guys!

whatta ya think
happened here?

A gas station exploded
you brainiac!

Wait a sec! Yugi!


Weevil: if I have

You're gonna hear
from my lawyers!

Listen, I've got a hunch, guys!
Hold on!

Rex: aaaahhh!
I'm gonna be sick!

lean over the side!

Mokuba: I tried
to contact pegasus.

But there's
no signal

From industrial
illusions at all!

I had a feeling
that would happen.

What's going on?

Whoever alister's
working for

Must have already gotten
their hands on pegasus.

And if that's true...

I'm sure our new friends'll
be expecting us.


Are you saying that
we're about to fly
right into a trap!?

That's exactly what
I want them to think...

But I'm always
one step ahead.

Dark magician girl:
play this card, kaiba!

Now I play
fang of critias!

There's no such card,

Then what do you
call this alister!?

this dragon seems to be

Just as powerful
as the egyptian god cards!

But why have I never even
heard of it before?

Kaiba corp's database contains
every card ever made...

Except this one.

Hey, seto.

Are you okay?

I'm fine, mokuba.

Now let's go crash
this party.

My harpies are waiting,
wheeler! Let's go!

What am I supposed
ta do?

If I fight
my hardest and win,

I lose mai forever!

But if I let her win...

I lose myself forever!


Joey: ey! I guess
I missed the joke!

Wise guy.

I still can't believe

Mai chose dose clowns
over us?

I dunno what they did,
but I'm gonna undo it!

Just make your move!
I'm bored!

And so are my harpies!

Well here goes...

Stand back!

Dis should buy me
some time!

I'll start by summoning
rocket warrior

In defense mode!

Then I'll throw in
a little facedown action

And end my turn!

Back ta you!

Looks like your boyfriend's
afraid to attack, mai!

Oh well...time ta
finish 'im off!

Mai: don't be
a backseat duelist!

I can handle this
by myself!

Fine! Have it your way!

now where was i?

Oh right...
I was about to win.

As long as
you're with them,
ya can't win!

But don't worry...
I'm gonna find a way
ta save us both!

And you called me crazy!?

And now my harpie lady...
Attack his rocket warrior!

Now for harpie lady
number two!

Attack his life points!

look out!

He'll lose
the duel!

And his soul!

Not wit dis
facedown card!


Nice try...but you
won't be touching

My life points
right now.

I'm gonna hafta

I have a facedown card too!

Nightmare tri-mirror!


You heard me!

I've never seen
that card before!

My mirror
will transform

The reflection
of your scapegoats

Into more harpie ladies
for me!

And since you have

I gain
more harpies!

Aw man!

No! This is bad!

Now mai will have
enough monsters

To destroy
joey's scapegoats

And his life points!

Wait just a second!

She can't have
monsters in play!

Remember tristan,

Thanks to the seal
of orichalcos

Mai is allowed
to have

Up to monsters on
the field at once.

Doh! Stupid magic thing!

Mai: now this is what
I call "girl power!"

You're up against
harpie ladies

All enhanced
with the power
of my magic card!

I place one card facedown
on the field!

It was nice knowin' ya!

I've got
harpie ladies

And one big,
magic circle...

And we all agree

You're in over
your head, wheeler!

Lucky for you
it's your move

Or I'd finish you off
right now.

So what's it gonna be?

There's nothing
he can do!

Mai backed joey
into a corner

And now
he's stuck there!

Tristan's got a point.

If joey doesn't do
something quick

Mai's gonna win
the duel!

That's true.

And as long as the
seal of orichalcos
is on the field

Mai has all sorts
of advantages.

It even seems
as though

There are certain
magic and trap cards

That only she is
allowed to use.

Well you asked for it!

Look out!

I summon panther warrior
in attack mode!

Now I sacrifice
one scapegoat

So my panther
can attack!

I reveal my facedown card!

Harpie lady sparrow formation!


My harpie ladies
have all joined forces

To repel your attack!

Mai didn't have
that card back
in battle city.

You're right.

It seems as though

She's gone
through more
than a few changes

Since the last time
we saw her--

a stronger deck!

Look, mai...

I don't know
what kinda spell
these guys put on ya

But you gotta
wake up!

Otherwise we're both
gonna be in pretty
big trouble!

What spell!?

No one's controlling me!

Those two lackeys
up there

Couldn't control
my left pinky!

I was sick of my life...
So I chose to change it!

No way!

How could you?

You guys
wouldn't understand.

You've never been
an outsider like me...

All alone.

Duel monsters
is all I have.

And after
the battle city tournament

I set out to become
the best.

I dueled against
chump after chump

To improve
my dueling skills.

I needed to make
a name for myself.

Tri-horned dragon...
Attack her harpie lady!

Activate facedown card!

My mirror wall

Cuts your dragon's

Attack points in half!

That's what
you think!

I activate
my facedown card!

It's called
rush recklessly!

It gives my monster
extra points!

Guess I win!

Better guess again sporto!

Reveal trap!

What's that!?

It's called
fairy's hand mirror

And it transfers
the effect

Of your magic card
to my harpie!


I was so close!

The winner...

By a nose...

Is mai valentine!

Mai: even though
I won match after match...

I didn't feel any stronger
as a duelist.

In fact I felt worse.

And I certainly wasn't making
a name for myself.

Man: good dueling
out there!

Who'dya play again?
Someone valentine?

yeah, she came in
like eighth place

Or something
in duelist kingdom.

I almost
beat 'er too.

Man: so it's not
like she's one of
the famous ones

Like kaiba
or that yugi kid.

Woman: joey wheeler's
always been my favorite.

He's so cute...
In a tough-guy kind of way.

Man: those guys
could duel circles
around us!

But this
valentine girl...

She's not
in their league.

guess you're right.

Now I feel kinda lame
for losing to her.

Oh! Uhh!


Isn't that tonight's
winning trophy?

you don't think...


[Man, woman,
and duelist laughing]

Mai: not too long after that...
The nightmares started.

[Yami-marik laughing]

I told're weak!

You don't belong in this world.

So I'm banishing you
into the deepest shadows

Where you'll spend
all eternity!


No, wait! Stop..


Let me out! Please!

Someone! Anyone!
Help me!

Oh no!

Don't do this to me!

Joey!! Please!
Rescue me!



Mai: every night
it was the same dream.

I was weak and no one
was there to help me.

I was at the end
of my rope--


And my so-called friends
were nowhere to be found.

I quit.

I'm never gonna get
what I deserve anyway.

[Engine starting]


Oh I know you!

You're mai valentine,

Who wants ta know?

Your next dueling opponent!

So, mai...

What'll it be?

Try your dueling skills
against me?

Or stand here in the rain
feelin' sorry for yourself?


[Harpie ladies screeching]

You think you're weak,
don't you?

You think you don't
belong in this world.

Leave me alone!

Relax, will ya?

I just want to be
the best.

What you want
is true power.

True power.

Right. And I know
how you can get it.

But the first thing
you need to do

Is stop expecting
your friends
to rescue you.

All the blokes seem to do
is disappoint you.

So come with me.

The answer to
all your problems

Is right around
the corner.

Trust me.

All you have to do
is take my hand.

You'll be the most powerful
duelist on earth.

Whatta ya say?

That was the smartest decision
of my life.

I stopped whining
like a loser

And started taking control!

Now nothing can stop me!

I never knew
you felt dat way.

Why didn't you tell us
you were so unhappy?

We coulda
helped ya, mai!

Save it! I don't need
your kind of help!

All I need now is power!

And I'm about to unleash
all of it on you!

I play harpie lady
phoenix formation!

Since I have
harpies on the field,

It lets me destroy
up to of your monsters!

Hold on!
Joey's only got left!

That means once mai's
harpie ladies attack

He'll be defenseless!

That's not all.

Mai's magic card
will also subtract

The sum of
joey's monsters'
attack points

From his
life points!

Now harpie ladies...

Unite and destroy
every one of his monsters!

Mai: say good-bye to
your monsters, wheeler!!

Someone is one attack away
from losing their soul

And I don't think
it's me, sweetheart.

Any last requests?

Mai's got points!

She hasn't even
lost one!

And joey's
down to his last !

Not to mention the fact
that he's out of monsters!

If he doesn't think
of something right now

He's gonna lose
e duel!!

Yugi, is there
anything he can do?

He must find a way
to break the seal
of orichalcos.

The magic
within that card

Has infused mai with
a powerful force.

And unless
joey stops it,

The seal
will consume him.

No he can't!

If he does that...

Then won't mai
lose her soul?

there's gotta be a way

For joey to win this duel
and save mai.

That kid stinks.

Yeah he didn't even
put up a fight.

And accordin' to
the hype,

He's s'posda be good
at this game!

Rafael: what a waste.

Master dartz
wants the souls
of strong duelists!

I'm officially
out of ideas.

Behind dat black leather
and nasty attitude
is my friend,

And there's no way
I'm gonna fight back

And risk
losing her again!

life points left,

There's no way
I can win.

But if I give up my soul
to save hers,

Maybe she'll see
da light!

I quit!

Joey no!
Don't do it!

Joey: huh?

is not the answer!

If you give up
the duel,

You're giving up
on yourself
and your friends!

If you want to save mai,
then keep fighting.

You sure?

Yes because right now

Mai is driven by anger,
jealousy and hatred!

So you need to
remind her

What dueling
is truly about...

And heart!

Joey: he's right.

I forgot
what really matters...

I forgot da heart
of da cards!

Dis duel's still on mai!

And from now on,
I'm givin' it
everything I got!

It's my move!

Time ta show you
what true duelin'
is all about!