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04x04 - The Creator Returns

Posted: 08/15/22 18:38
by bunniefuu
previously on "yu-gi-oh!..."


Both of our worlds
are in danger.

A gateway between us
has opened,

And now
the great beast
will swallow us all.

But how
can we help?

Girl: the legend states
that brave warriors
will awaken these dragons

When they are needed again.

I believe that
one of these warriors
is you.

And if I'm correct,

You will be able to
remove that sword
from the ice.

Ready, yugi?


According to
the prophecy,

You and timaeus will
become linked together

As soon as you
call his name!



♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to

♪ Yu-gi-oh!


Man on tv: it appears to be
a tranquil morning

In light of
last night's chaos,

When unexplained illuminations
in the night sky

And unusual weather patterns

Were reported in dozens of
countries around the globe.

Are these events related to
the recent monster sightings?

More to come.

But first...the lottery numbers.

I guess whatever
happened here
last night

Happened everywhere!


Yeah, but thanks
ta this card...

Yugi was able to
kick dat thing's
supernatural butt!

'Til it comes back
again, I guess.


I still don't know
how a duel monsters
card did all that.

It doesn't seem
like anything
too special to me.

to the untrained eye!

But any real duelist
can tell dat
dis card's special.

It's gotta be handled
wit care!

Isn't dat right?


There's no telling
what else

This thing can do.

you're right.

Of an ancient dragon...

And although
it protected us,

It could be dangerous.

Don't you think
we should do something?

Like what, tea?

I wouldn't even
know where to begin
to figure dis out!

we could start

With the monster

Or that giant eye
that tried to
blast us..

Then there's that
motorcycle g*ng--

You know,
the one that steals
people's souls.

I believe the secret
lies in your hand.

Hey, yuge,

Lemme have a look
at dat card.

Maybe if we can
get dat dragon
to come out,

He can give us
a clue

What's goin' on
around here!

Thought it
had to be
handled with care,

Mr. Expert!

Hey, dat's it, pal!

You're goin' down
for da count now!

Can ya smell
what I'm cookin'!?

All I smell
are your socks!

'Scuse me.

I don't mean
to interrupt, kids.

Yugi: are we being
too loud, grandpa?

No. I just wanted
to give you this.

It came in the mail.

Who's it from?

I'm not sure.

My eyesight's
not what it used to be.

Let's hope
it's good news.

We could
use some.

Joey: well?
Oh, no!

what's 'a matter,

Let's see here.

"From the office
of maximillion

No! Not pegasus!

This is just like
the duelist kingdom

All over again,

I say we toss
that thing now!

We got to open it.

I'm wit tristan
on dis...

Dis is exactly
how pegasus

Stole grandpa's soul!


[All gasp]

What have you done
to them, pegasus,

And where have you
taken us!?


We're no longer
in the world you know.

But I'll return you...

All in good time.

What do you want?

I, too, possess
a millennium item.

No! It can't be!

Oh, yes, it can.

And now I'll show you
the true extent
of its magic..

Pegasus: you see,

I've found that given
the proper incentive,

Anyone can be made
to play my game.



Let's just
tape over it

With some
saturday morning

What are you
so worried about?

It's not like
he has the millennium eye

Everything's cool!

Good point.

Last time
we saw him,

He was
a little less creepy.

Joey: I still think
it's bad news.

So what should we do?

We should hear
what he has to say.

After all, pegasus
did invent duel monsters.

And you think...

Maybe he has
something to do

With what's been
going on?

Let's play the tape.

Hey, wait!

Just trust me, joey.

Can't we vote on this
or somethin'? Please?


Everyone grab hold
'a somethin' solid!

Greetings, yugi boy.

It's been so long.

You never call.
You never write.

After all we've been
through together,

You could at least
send an e-mail.

Hey, guys?

We're all still
in the room,
aren't we?


Now, unless you've been
living under a rock

For the past two days,

I'm sure you're aware
that duel monsters

Are suddenly running amuck
all around this world of ours.

Luckily for me,

Kaiba boy's been taking
most of the heat

For this recent
state of affairs.

Of course, I know
who's really behind this.

I told ya we should
play dis tape, guys!

I must stop them.

They're ruining
the reputation of my game,

And I'm afraid that's just
not good for business.

The only catch is,

It's too risky to leave you
any information on this tape.

So that means

You'll have to
come see me in person.

Say what!?

It's the only way to
ensure complete secrecy.

And last but not least,

I've enclosed
a one-of-a-kind card.

Just make sure
you don't lose it!

Hmm? Fine! I won't.

It's the only way
to enter my compound!

Guard it with your life!

They mustn't take it!

There's no way
we can trust that guy!


Let's go...

Pegasus may just be
our only hope.

Mmm. It's true.

All right, guys.

I'm going!

You sure?


Then I'll be right there
by your side, pal!

So let's go do dis!

You mean that, joey?

Hey, consider my bags
already packed!

Well, then...
Count me in!

Tristan: me, too!

He is
flying us there
first class, right?

Thanks, guys!

what are friends for?

They're for helpin'
each other fight bad guys

Who wanna take over
the world, right?

Yugi: well,
I guess that's
one way to put it.

Tea: then why
are we standing here?

Let's go see pegasus!

Did you hear that,

Yeah! But what
I don't get

Is why pegasus
needs those losers.

He should have given
that tape to me!


Just because
we weren't invited
to the party

Doesn't mean
we can't show up.

We'll see where
all the cards
get made!

All the cards?


Every rare card
under the rainbow,

And they're all yours!

[Cheering and laughing]

Pegasus: who said
I'm not a nice guy??

This is a dream
come true!

Pegasus, you're the best!

I'm gonna be sick.

All right! Let's go!

All those rare cards
should belong to me!

And me!

Before long,
our dueling decks
will be unstoppable.

That's right!

We just have to
get to pegasus before them!

Now, how do we do that?

Heh heh! I thought
you'd never ask.

Hee hee hee!

Dartz: our time will come,
great leviathan.

By the might of
the egyptian gods,
you've been reborn.


Once I replenish you
with enough souls,

You shall inherit the strength
to swallow the earth!

No one will stop us.

No one.

Now I summon...timaeus!

Apparently the pharaoh
holds the power of the dragon.

But that is merely
a minor setback,

To be dealt with later.


Yes, master dartz.

I know what to do.

I'll find the pharaoh,

And this time
I'll make sure

We drain his power
to feed the great beast, sir.

Why don't you
try listening?

It's really
a wonderful skill.

And when you
master it,
you'll realize

That we need more
than just the
pharaoh's soul!

Then we'll deal
with the others, too.

I'll take kaiba!

I got me eye
on someone, too--

That feisty little
bloke joey wheeler.

Ha! He should be fun
to take apart.

I know why you're
after wheeler.

Mind your own business,

What about you?

Why the sudden
interest in kaiba?

Look, I have
my reasons, valon.


Knock it off!

We're in the presence
of master dartz.

The pharaoh and his friends
are on their way

To speak with the one
we've been watching.

Just make certain that
you reach him before they do.


And to think--
I called you a bad listener.

Now go see pegasus at once.

I can't believe
the very monsters
I made famous

Are now terrorizing people
around the world.

Ohh. Talk about bad publicity.

Mai: do you always
talk to yourself
like that?

You got to
get yourself
some friends, honey.

But how did you
get past my security?


Let's see...

I've got one pair
of platform clogs,

and pairs of shorts.

I need to go shopping
one of these days!

Tristan: nothing fits!

Come oooooon!


All right.
I'll leave my yo-yo home.

Joey: we fly out tomorrow,

Somewhere in california.

Yeah, I made sure ta pack
plenty 'a sunscreen.

Well, that ought to do it.

All packed.


The card pegasus sent me!

Now, that's one thing
I don't want to forget.

He said this card
is one-of-a-kind,

And it sounded like
someone wants to
get their hands on it.

Have you ever seen
this card before?


on your mind?

Hmm. Did you
say something?

All right, spill it.
What's wrong?

I'm perfectly fine.

Come on! I know you.

You're worried
about something,

And you don't
want to tell me.

You're right.

I forgot.
I can't hide anything
from you, yugi.

Then tell me what's up.

It's just that
we know so little

About what
we're up against

And who
this new enemy is.

if I only understood more
about my own past,

I could be more helpful
in answering these questions.

I heard that.

Hmm? Right.

I know your thoughts.

Our spirits
are bonded together.

In fact,

That's probably
why you're worried
about all this--

Because I am, too.

This seems like
our toughest fight yet,

And the future
of the entire world
is depending on us.

What if
we mess things up?

We won't.

You're right.

I guess
I sound silly.

Let's get some rest.

We have a huge day
ahead of us,

And our new adventure
starts tomorrow!

Woman on p.a.:
The white zone
is for immediate loading

And unloading.

There is no parking
in the white zone.

[People chattering]

See ya soon,

Take care!

And don't forget
to keep your
seats upright

During takeoff.

And don't
fill up
on peanuts!

Bye, grandpa!

Well, we're off!

for the ride!

You kids
be careful, now!


Tea: hey!
There it is!


Tristan: whoa!
This is awesome!

A private jet!

It's all right..

I plan ta have
a whole fleet
'a these dings someday.

"Air joey"
has a nice ring.

So why do you think
pegasus decided

To fly you out
to meet with him?

Well, I'm not sure,

But he may need someone
to help him duel

Against whoever's
causing this mess.

Then good thing I'm here!

Is one of you kids yugi?

Well, sir...i am.

Then if you
and your friends
will follow us,

We can
get this show
on the road.

You two make yourselves useful

And carry their luggage
to the plane.

Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.

All: whoa!

Tristan: yeah!

Look at
this place.

I feel like
a total rock star!

I bet they serve
some fancy food, too!

Oh, yeah!

I'm talking extra
leg room, folks!

Why don't ya
have a seat, yugi?



Hey! Gimme a hand
with this one, will you?

You wimp.




Weevil: unh!
Rex: watch it!

Man: let's go!

We don't have
all day!

Pilot: this is pegasus one
requesting permission
for takeoff.

Tower: permission granted.
You are clear for takeoff.

Pilot: roger.

Joey: all right!

Let's see how fast
this baby can go!


Everything's going
according to plan!

Ha ha ha!

Ya didn't think of
everything, bug boy!

I have to go
to the bathroom
really badly!

Then hold it in!

I told you to go
before we left,
dino brain!

Woman: your lunch is served.

I'll take two.

No, .

Why is it so
f-freezing in here?

I can't believe
I let this guy talk me

Into stuffing myself
into a smelly gym bag...


The last thing
I needed

Was ice particles
forming in
my underwear!

I'm sorry,
but no amount
of rare cards

Is worth
all of this!


Well, this is it,


Pegasus, here we come!

It looks like
the easy part's
over, yugi.

Yugi: mm-hmm.

Step inside.

We don't have
a minute to spare.


Da glitz
and glamour continues!


I never saw
that bag before.

Did any of you guys
pack this one?

Nope, it's not mine.

the white one.

Never saw it.

We probably

Someone else's
bag by mistake.

is that right?

No! We were
so close, weevil!

I don't feel
so good.

Yugi: it won't be long now!

Kaiba: I said
hold all my calls!

And tell those
reporters out there
once and for all

That kaiba corp
is not responsible
in any way

For these monster

End of story.

And don't come back
till they're gone!

Yes, sir!

I think someone's trying
to make a fool out of me!

I have worked too hard

Repairing the reputation
of this company.

This has to stop.

Roland, I need an update
on our investigation.

Do we have any leads whatsoever?

nothing yet, sir...

I want answers,
and I want 'em now!

Yes, sir!

the timing of this mess
couldn't be worse.

I'm about to announce
my latest project.


Check out
our database!

There's someone
out there


It's true!
I saw it myself!


Mokuba, you're right.

Told ya!

If these numbers
are accurate,

Almost half
of kaiba corp

Was just bought
by one person!

And they're still

But how can that be?

What are we gonna do?

We have to stop them.

If they buy
any more shares,

They could take control
of the entire company,

And there's no way
I'm gonna allow that!

Wait. There's
only one person

Who's capable of
something like this!

[Telephone rings]


Kaiba boy!
I've missed you!

It was you.

I'm afraid
I'm guilty as charged.

It looks like
we're partners now.

This is going to be
so much fun.

This company's mine!

You're always so uptight,
kaiba boy.

Why don't you treat yourself
to a nice vacation?


I will never let
a snake like you

Wrap yourself
around my company.

Is that clear?

Relax. I don't want
your company.

I just needed the upper hand

So I could force you
to do something for me.

Plus, I was bored,
and it was fun.

You see, since
both of our reputations
are at stake,

Thanks to
these pesky monsters,

I thought we could
boost our public image

By dueling each other.

You must be
out of your mind, pegasus!

Should I take that
as a "no"?

Well, I'd reconsider
if I were you.

Because if not...

I'll buy the rest
of kaiba corp

And take it apart
piece by pathetic piece!

What's it gonna be?

Do we have ourselves
a rematch?

Or should I just
proceed with plan "b"?

Hold on!

Pegasus: I need an answer,
kaiba boy.

What are you gonna do?

You have yourself
a duel, pegasus.

I thought you'd
see things my way.

So I've set up an arena for us
in duelist kingdom,

For old time's sake.

Don't forget to bring
your blue-eyes white dragons!


You ok?


we were supposed
to start building

Kaiba land
amusement parks
all over the world,

And seto promised
he wouldn't duel

Until we were done.

He even locked
all his cards away

So he wouldn't
be tempted.


Are you sure you
want to go through
with this?

Kaiba: I have no choice,

Computer: access granted.

Disengaging security system.

Maybe pegasus
was just bluffing,
you know?

I can't take that chance.

I have to do this.

I knew someday

I would unlock my deck
and duel again.

I just never thought
it would be this soon.

I just never thought
it would be this soon.

Let's go, mokuba!

Let's go, mokuba!


What's wrong?

It's just...

I thought we were
gonna get to build
kaiba land.

We will, mokuba,

Just as soon as
I teach pegasus a lesson.

Ah! Ha ha ha!
