03x31 - The Darkness Returns — Part 4

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x31 - The Darkness Returns — Part 4

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on yu-gi-oh

I can't let marik win
and advance to the finals!

Then I'll never rescue mai
from the shadow realm!

In fact, ill be trapped
right there with her!

Are you ready!?
My move!

Just play your card
and let's move on!

I activate the magic card
monster reborn!

To bring back winged dragon ra!

My winged dragon
has taken on the form
of egyptian god phoenix!

In this mode, ra is unstoppable!

Hold on! Last I checked
dis duel was still on
psycho boy!

I still got

My gilford the lightning
up at bat.

In a few short moments
every ounce of energy

In your body
will be gone for good!

Now my beast is ready!

Ready to feed you
to the shadows.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ It's time to d-d-d-duel

♪ It's time to d-d-d-duel

The time has arrived!

Winged dragon of ra,
destroy his monster
and drain his soul!

There is nothing
that can prepare you

For the devastation
you're about to endure!


Serenity: joey!

no escaping the fury

Of the most supreme
egyptian god!

I'm coming joey!

Fight it joey!

Can you feel every ounce
of energy leaving your body!?

Ha ha ha ha ha!

We've got to help him!!!

Yugi: we can't!

Thanks to marik's shadow game,

Ra's attack is draining
joey's inner strength!

Whoa! This is nuts!

Marik's gone
over the line
this time!

We gotta
stop this duel now

Before things
get any worse!

There's no way I can
stop this duel now.

I must witness
ra's special ability
with my own eyes!

your gilford is gone!

And you're about to follow,
little joey!

So return to me, my great beast!
Your task is now complete!

When the smoke clears,

You'll be nothing
but a motionless shell!

Ha! And without
your inner strength,

The shadow realm will easily
consume your mind and your soul!

At least your friend mai
won't be alone.

You'll be wandering
the shadows together!

It can't be!!!

No one can withstand
the devastating fury
of an egyptian god monster!

No one!

No way!

He's standing!

Tea: but for how long!?

No! You can't!

You should be wiped out by now!

In your dreams....

Speakin' a' dreams
where am i?

Is dat yugi or is marik
messin' wit my head?

It's me joey!
I'm getting ready
for our duel!

The last match
of the battle city finals!

Whatta you tawkin'
about, yuge?

Aren't I in the middle
of a duel with marik?

Last ding I remember
he att*cked me

Wit his
egyptian god card!

Hey, where is dat freak
marik anyway

And da rest 'a da g*ng?

What's goin' on here,

Your mind's
in a state of shock.

Don't you remember joey?

Your willpower was
strong enough to resist
the force of ra!


Right! Now marik's
wide open for my attack!


Now get back there
and finish him off

So you can save the world!

Time to put an end to
marik's evil for good.

If he succeeds in
attacking my life points

I'll lose the duel
and my egyptian god card!

A'right did is it.

It's my turn now
and you're wide open!

This can't be happening!

Oh yeah!

Joey beat marik
at his own game!

All he needs
is a monster

With enough
attack points!

Yeah and then
joey will make it

To the final round
of the tournament guys!

This is awesome!

How did he withstand ra!?

Make your move joey!
And end this madness now!

Joey: here goes nuttin'.

Gearfried the iron knight!

He's got more than enough power
to wipe marik out.

what card did he draw?

Joey: a'right marik
I summon gearfried
the iron knight!

Marik: no!
This can't be possible!

Yami-yugi: hurry up
and call your attack joey!

Joey: i...

Joey! Noooo!

Oh no!

Yami-yugi: joey!

get up, man get up!!

Duke: someone
get a doctor! Now!

Kaiba: this duel's
still on!

Wheeler has seconds
to get up!

Kaiba stop!

Forget your rules!
Joey needs help!

Wrong there's nothing
that can help him now!

joey has seconds to rise!

Hmm hmm hmmm.

This duel is now over!

Mokuba: forget the duel!

Can't you see
joey's in trouble!?


Attention everyone!

In accordance
with tournament rules

Joey is disqualified!

So the winner of this duel
is marik ishtar!


Are you alright,

my brother!

Let's get him
down stairs right away!

He needs to see
a doctor now!

Yes sir!

I never thought
wheeler could
withstand an attack

By the most powerful
egyptian god card!

There goes another soul
into the dark abyss
of the shadow realm

To wander the emptiness
for eternity!

Wake up!

Joey! Come on, you gotta
open up your eyes!

It's me, serenity!

Please tell me
you can hear me!

You better stop kidding
around and get up man!

Fight it joey!

Come on!

Tristan: you're
too strong to let marik

Get the best of you,

I won't lose him
to the shadow realm!

It's not fair!

I must admit, wheeler's
performance today was
quite impressive.

Perhaps he's not
the third-rate amateur
I thought he was.

[Yami-marik laughing]

Now that your friend
is out of the way,

I'm one duel away from
world domination, pharaoh!

Enough! When will
all of this madness
come to an end!?

Ha ha ha!
When the infinite power of
the pharaoh belongs to me!


You'll be dueling
against me in the last round.

And I intend to win.

Is that so?

Yes first I'll face off
against yugi.

And once I strip him of
slifer the sky dragon

I'll be ready
to crush you

And claim your
winged dragon of ra.

You see I've studied it
quite carefully.

And I have just the card
to destroy it.

Well you have it
all figured out.

But perhaps you should
focus on getting past
the next round, first.

Mokuba: get him
on that stretcher
and take him down

To the medical room
right away!

Marik: you're wasting your time.
He'll never awaken!

hang in there, joey!
We're all right here!

The next duel
will begin in one hour.

Yugi muto will face mr. Kaiba!

The winner will duel marik
in the final round.

I've been waiting
for this moment, yugi!

Victory will be mine!

right now joey needs me.

Once I know
he's alright,

I'll deal
with you, kaiba.

I'll see you in one hour.

And I'll take you down
once and for all!

Tristan: what's the deal, doc?

Doctor: his brain
is functioning normally
and his heart rate is fine.

He doesn't
look fine!

He hasn't moved
or spoken

In twenty

Joey! Please!
You gotta open your eyes!

Joey: hey!
Dis isn't kaiba's duel tower!

How in da world
did I get out here?

Grandpa: there you are, joey!

Joey: mr. Muto!?
Where've you been hidin'!?

We should be
asking you that!

We've been looking
all over for you!

Now move
your tail feathers!

So where are we goin' anyway?

Don't you remember?

A huge
duel monsters tournament

Starts today
and you're late
for your first duel!

But aren't we already
in a tournament?

Yeah but this is a dream

So it's not supposed
to make sense.

a good point yugi.

But dream or no dream
if you miss this duel
young man

You'll be disqualified
from the tournament!

Hold on.

Maybe dat's not
such a bad thing.

I need some rest!

Yugi: come on joey!

This is the most
important tournament
of your life!

Doctor: it's so strange.

Joey's brain activity
is quite high.

However, he's not
conscious at all.

To be honest I've never seen
anything like this before.

Joey's will
is very strong.

His mind must be
fighting off
the shadows.

It's alright

I just want
my brother back.

I understand.

Both of our brothers
must now battle
the darkness.

Tea: mokuba!

When are we
moving joey to
a real hospital!!

I've got bad news.

I don't think we're gonna move
joey anywhere right now guys.

Those orders came from seto.

You've got
to be kidding!

He says
our own doctors
are good enough.

I don't believe this!

Besides our
engines are damaged

And we can't move.

It happened when we
just barely escaped
that expl*si*n

On the way to
kaiba corp island.

The ship made it here
but now our engines are down.

I'm not supposed
to tell anyone.

So we're stuck here!?

Don't worry
about a thing!

I'll radio headquarters
and make sure they send over

A helicopter
right away guys!

Mokuba thank you.

Just promise me
you won't tell seto.

Our lips are
sealed, dude.

please hang in there joey.

Yugi: it's my fault
this happened to joey!

I should have faced marik!

No yugi.

I knew that duel
was too dangerous

And I should have
stopped it!

Now it's too late!

Marik is pure evil!

First he got mai then bakura

Now this! It's not fair!

Maybe we should stop fighting.

It just seems
to make things worse.

I can't take anymore.

Wait yugi.
We've come too far.

Joey: together we won't
let any duelist beat us!

It's true.

We'll hit dis marik creep
and his rare hunter
goon squad so hard,

Dey won't know what hit 'em!

They'll be sorry
day eva decided
ta mess wit us!

It's a deal.

The two of us shall save
the world together!

Joey: you can count
on me, yuge.

I'll neva give up
dis fight against marik!

No matta what, pal!

I know this is hard
for you yugi.

Marik is the toughest
foe we've ever faced.

But if we walk away now,
then he wins!

True. Joey never gave up
and neither can we.

We have to finish
what we started.

No matter what.

Marik's madness hasta stop now!

He's caused way too
much damage already!

And I'm not gonna
lose another friend!

I won't give up
if you don't joey!

Keep fighting
the shadows!!

Joey: now flame swordsman!
Attack his holograh!

hasta la pasta, pal!

Oh yeah!

Who's da "duelinator"!?


Tristan: way ta go, dude!

Joey: I'm winnin' duels
left and right in dis dream!

And I'm not gonna stop
'til I get to da top!

Marik's path of destruction
is so unpredictable.

What's next? It's so unclear.

It doesn't have to be.
Just check your pocket.

Joey, was that you?

Guess not.

It must
have just been
wishful thinking.

What's this?


The millennium necklace!

Oh yeah!

It's ours now!

Ishizu said she didn't
need it anymore!

Fate has now chosen you
to possess this.

This necklace
has the power

To show me events
before they happen!

But last time ishizu
used it to predict
the future,

It was wrong!

So can I trust
what it shows me!?

If I concentrate,

The millennium necklace
should show me the future!

It's me and joey!

Hey yuge now that
dat's all over with
let's duel, pal!

You're on!

Could that have been
a vision of the future?

Maybe the millennium necklace
is telling me

Joey's gonna be ok!

But who knows if it's right!?

Roland: attention duelists!

Please report
to the top floor of the tower

For the next duel
of the semifinals.

Yugi muto will face off
against mr. Kaiba.

The winner will continue on
to the final round.

Yugi: I've got to believe
what the necklace predicted.

Soon all of this insanity
will be over

And joey will be alright!

I just have to get past kaiba,

So I can defeat marik
and end this!

Mokuba: can you read me!?

Come in please!
I need a helicopter right away!

Come in!
Is anyone out there!?

We seem to be experiencing
temporary transmission

Due to our distance
from the mainland sir.

Aw man!

Come in anyone!

Send a rescue 'copter

I'm right here.

Yami-yugi: how is he?

he's pretty much the same, yugi.

But knowing joey, he's doing
whatever it takes to wake up!

then he'll need this.

His duel disk?

He'd want it close by.

Good point.

Serenity: for what?

His toughest fight yet.

Look after him.

I shall return
from this duel as soon as I can.


Yugi, wait up!

So you're actually
gonna go ahead

With this duel
up there?

Did you forget
how many people
have gotten hurt

In the tournament
so far!?

Please yugi!
Enough's enough.

I can't stand
the thought

Of losing you, too!

Just end it!
It's not worth
all this suffering!

This tournament's
been nothing
but bad news.

I know.

But if I walk away now,

That means everyone
suffered for nothing.

And I've got to
have faith in the visions

Of the millennium necklace.

Everything's gonna be
back to normal soon!

I just have to win
this tournament first!

And I'll start
by defeating kaiba.

Tea, remember what we learned

On our trip
to the domino museum?

About my destiny?


We found out that
you were a pharaoh
in ancient egypt.

And that now you need
to save the world again

From some evil thingy,
like you did

Five thousand years ago!

Now then,

If what ishizu told us

About these stone carvings
is really true...


Then I need to win
a duel monsters tournament

In order to save the world
from destruction.

It's my destiny.


Do you now understand

Why backing out
of the tournament
is not an option?

Yeah but...

No "but's" tea!

The reason I joined
the battle city tournament

Was to fulfill
ishizu's prophesy

And stop this great evil
from endangering mankind.

And when joey found out,

He vowed to help me
no matter how tough the fight.

And that's why I must press on.

not only would I be
giving up on joey

I'd be giving up
on the entire world!

So you stay here
and I'll deal with kaiba!

Yeah! Crush him!

I will.
There's too much
at stake to lose.

We're right here!


I know you can win this yugi!

'Cause I don't want
to think about

What'll happen if you don't!

Roland: the second duel
of the semifinals

Will begin in five minutes.

Well I guess this is it!

Dueling kaiba
is not gonna be easy!

I've never had to face his
obelisk the tormentor before.

And I really wish
joey was able to watch.

But he'll definitely be there
with me in spirit!

Alright, kaiba.

You may think you're
the world's greatest duelist,

But the fate of the world
is riding on my victory!
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