03x24 - Burying the Past — Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x24 - Burying the Past — Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on yu-gi-oh...

Noah: it's good to be back
in the real world again!

Mokuba's body
was a perfect fit!

Now I can move
ahead with my plan

And stop my father
from completing his.

I'll destroy
the central computer

That allows my father's
virtual world to exist.

Computer: initiating
satellite reprogramming.

Preparing for attack.

Let's get started!

So let's duel.

Meet the most feared
creature in duel monsters--

The mighty exodia necross!

It looks like
your exodia necross

Only has ,
attack points!

Don't judge a monster
by its cover.

Exodia necross
is invincible.

Seto, thinking: I can't
destroy his exodia necross
with monster,

Magic, or trap cards!

Soon my so-called family
will be gone for good.

Computer: minutes
to satellite attack.

virtual simulators.

What have I done?

Oh, no! Can all of
you hear me?!

The virtual world
that you're all in
is about to be destroyed.

You must escape or your minds
will be lost forever!

Computer: targeting central
computer hard drive.

Minutes to
satellite attack.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh is
king of games ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh is
king of games ♪

It's time
to d-d-duel!

It's time
to d-d-duel!

Noah: you must escape!

Did you hear
that, guys?

Yeah. This
virtual world's
about to go bye-bye!

And when
it's destroyed,

It's taking our
minds with it.

Noah: listen to me!

I can help!

The only exit is
in the domino arcade.

Time is running out!

Can we trust him?

Well, joey?

Trust noah?

Forget about it.

have no choice, joey.


You're right.
We have nothing to lose.

Let's go!

All right.

But I'm warning you,

You better not pull any
of your dirty tricks, noah!

Noah: father,
your plan to digitize

The entire planet
has been squashed.


How could you
betray me?!

And after everything
that I've done for you!

It's called payback!

You used me and everyone
around you

For your own
selfish goals.
Well, not any more.

Now your own satellite

Will destroy
the central computer

That runs your
virtual world.

No. You can't, son.

If you call off
the satellite attack,

I'll make sure
you and I rule this
cyber-universe together

Once I trap
the entire world here.

You're too late.

It's over.

Well, it looks like
you've failed again.

So, I guess there's one
thing left to do.

Yes, I guess there is--

Escape from this place!

And since I don't have
a body of my own...

I'll take yours, seto!

Just hold on.
Not so fast.


Just look
at yourself.

You're nothing but
a corrupt computer file

Infecting this system.

If you want to
prove your power...

Then get back in your
corner and duel me.

And the winner gets
to escape in my body.

Now let's continue.
And then we'll find out

Who deserves to be
president of kaiba corp

And who deserves
to be deleted.


I accept your
foolish challenge,

And I'll make sure it's
your mind that gets erased!

Here goes.

It's my move now.
Are you ready?

Exodia necross,

Attack seto's
vorse raider right now!

Nice try.

But I play
the trap card.
Negate attack!

It stops your monster
in its tracks.

Thinking: gozaburo said
his exodia necross

Couldn't be destroyed
by trap cards,

But I can still stop
its att*cks with them.

Look, all you're doing
is just delaying
your eventual defeat.

My exodia necross
is unstoppable,

So just admit
that I've outsmarted
you this time, seto.

You're sadly
mistaken, as usual.

Your exodia is far
from unstoppable.

And I've already figured
out a way to defeat it.

Then do it, boy!

[All panting]

Joey: the domino arcade
is only two blocks away.

Yugi: and the exit
should be inside! Hmm?


Oh, no! Behind us!

There's no way we'll outrun
gozaburo's monsters.

All right...

Then you guys go,
and we'll stay and fight!

No! I'm not
gonna go without
you, joey.

Just go, sis.

Tea, help my sister
find that exit.

Let's get going.
We'll meet you
over there soon.

be careful.

Don't worry,
serenity. This won't
take too long.

Yeah! We'll
smash 'em--

let's go!

You're better off
with us!

[Tristan sighs]

Where were we?
Ah, yes.

I activate the magic
card shrink!

Now I'm able to reduce
the attack points

Of your monster by half!

So your exodia necross

Is now weaker.

And next I'll sacrifice
my vorse raider

To summon luster dragon.

Now, luster dragon,
attack his
exodia necross.




So, even though
your monster seems
to be invincible,

It does have
a weakness after all.

It's just as
I suspected.

What weakness?
Tell me!

Even though
exodia necross can't be
sent to the graveyard,

If I attack it with
a more powerful monster,

You still lose
life points.

So, get to
the point, seto!

It may be true
that exodia necross
is invincible...

However that doesn't
mean you are.

We'll see about that!

My exodia necross
gains , points

With every battle,

Bringing it up to , !

Exodia, attack!

Destroy his dragon
with your mighty fist!

Seto, prepare to sink
into virtual darkness

While my strength grows!

Tea: there it is!

Serenity: but the exit
could be anywhere in there.

Noah: listen closely.
You must proceed
to the stage

In the back of the arcade
in order to escape.

All right, guys,
let's go!

Let's do this!

Noah: stand on the red
and blue platforms

And I'll upload you back
to the real world.

now uploading brain waves

From virtual environment
to simulation pods.

Where am i?


We really have been
here all along.

It looks like
we all made it back

Without any problems.

[Monkey chatter]



Speak for yourselves.

you're fine!

You don't look
like a robot
monkey anymore!


I mean, that's great!

I got to say,
he doesn't look
that different to me.

[Tristan growling]

I'm fine!

[Girls laughing]

Noah: excellent!
The others are ready.

It seems everyone's
made it to the arcade.


Yugi: go, dark magician!

Joey: nice shot, yugi!

Now let's get out
of this place!

Noah: proceed to
the stage immediately.


That must be it.

Joey, you and duke
go first.

I'll be right there.

Joey: all right. But you
better be right behind me.

Dark magician, attack!

Come on!

Let's go!
Hurry up!

Noah: yugi, wait!
I have a favor to ask.


Computer: upload successful.


Uh! It's great to be back
in the real world.



I told you everything
would be ok.

Tristan: so, let me
get this straight,

If you're noah,
then where's mokuba?


Inside the virtual world
with yugi and seto.

That's why I needed
yugi to stay back.

What?! That's why he
stayed back--

'Cause kaiba didn't
have enough brains

To find the exit
on his own?


Noah: seto is trapped
in a duel with gozaburo.
You have to find him.

How do I do that?

Noah: I'll use
the central computer

To create
a virtual shortcut

So you can reach him.

He's in kaiba corp

All right!

Noah: go through that door
and you'll find seto!

Yugi: ok! I won't come back
without him!

So, I have
a question.

Why are you trying
to rescue kaiba?

Last I checked,
you hated him.

I was wrong, tea.

I shouldn't have treated
you guys the way that I did.

I was jealous and angry.

I'm sorry.

sorry, too,

You know,
for everything I
said about you.

I deserved it.

Computer: minutes
to satellite attack!

Evacuate now.


Time is running out.

Everyone should return
to the blimp immediately.

It's not safe here now.

Noah's right!

Come on,
you guys!


Noah, you're
the only one

Who can get those
guys out of there now.
It's all up to you.

I know!

It's my move now.

I activate the magic
card, pot of greed!

It allows me to draw
two more cards.

Next I'll play a monster
in defense mode.

And finally, I'll place
this facedown.

And that's all for now.


How can you be
so confident

When it's obvious that
I have the advantage, seto?

Exodia necross has
, attack points now.

You'll never summon
a more powerful monster.

We'll just see.
You have a lot to learn

About the game
of duel monsters.

And the first rule
of the game is:

"Never rely on the power
of a single monster

To win a duel."

I hope I'm not too late!

I'm coming, kaiba!

Prepare to lose
your body, son!

Exodia, attack!

Destroy his
facedown monster!

Now my beast
gains , more
attack points.

Too bad.

You have
no monsters left
to protect you, seto.

One more attack
and freedom is mine.

Computer: warning--

Two minutes to
satellite attack.

Time is
running out, yugi.

If you and seto don't get
through that exit soon,

Your minds will
be lost forever!

Well, here goes!

Ah, excellent!

First I'll play
monster reborn

To bring my ancient lamp
back from the graveyard!

Now watch and learn,

I use my lamp's
special ability
to summon la jinn,

The mystical
genie of the lamp!

There's a reason
I haven't been able

To destroy your
exodia necross.

I've been
attacking its body

When I should
have been attacking
its soul.

So, now...

I activate the trap card
soul demolition.

No! You can't
do this!

I'm afraid I can.

I know that the soul
of your monster

Lies in your
card graveyard.

And my trap card
allows each player

To destroy every
monster in their
opponent's graveyard...



For the small price of
life points each.

As you can see,

My graveyard doesn't
contain much.

However, look at yours.

It contains the cards

That give your
monster power--

The pieces of exodia,
the forbidden one!

No! This can't be!

First, I'll destroy
exodia's left leg--

Which protected
it from magic cards.

And next, I'll destroy
the right leg of exodia,

Followed by
exodia's left arm!

Then I'll destroy
the right arm!

So, your
exodia necross loses

The , attack
points it gained.

Now, the last
piece goes--

The head of exodia,
the forbidden one!

Gozaburo: no!

Now your creature drops

To its original
, attack points!


Too bad.

And it's
no longer protected
from my monsters.

So, I sacrifice both
of my creatures

To summon this...

My blue-eyes
white dragon!



And I'm afraid
that's checkmate.

Now, blue eyes,

Attack his
exodia necross.


You lose,

Computer: one minute
to satellite attack.

Evacuate immediately.

Noah: those two
better escape soon!

[Noah moans]

How could I lose this?

That's what happens when
you challenge someone

Who's superior to you
in every way.

I'll show you
who's superior

By taking over
your body, seto!



What about our

Sorry, but
the agreement's off!

[Gozaburo growling]

Huh? Yugi?

Jump, kaiba!


[Yugi and seto panting]

This place
is gonna shut down
any second!

[Gozaburo growling]

Computer: satellite
attack in ... ... .


Computer: targeting central
computer network.

launch sequence now.

You've got to escape!

Head to the domino
arcade immediately!

[Gozaburo roaring]

Oh, no!
It's a dead end!

[Gozaburo laughing]

Gozaburo: you two
going somewhere?

Jump now!

Forget it!

We have to trust him!

Gozaburo: no!


Yugi: look!

Noah opened
another exit!

Thank you, mokuba.

Computer: satellite
attack approaching.

It's about time.

We're back in
the real world!


He's still back there!

Thank you for
helping me, mokuba.

I'm glad I got to
know my brother.

So, does this mean
you're not coming back?

I am.

But I must return
to cyberspace first.

but it's shutting
down, noah!

I'll be back.

Then come with me now!

I'm afraid there's something
I still have to do, mokuba.

You believed in me,

And you treated me
like a brother.


Now it's my turn...

To return the favor.

Noah, don't go!


Seto: mokuba! Wake up!


Open your eyes!


Seto, noah's
still inside!

I'll escape even
without a body!

I can upload my mind
to another network!

Noah: not a chance!


I've sealed off
all the exits,

So there's no way
you can escape.

I'm afraid it's
all over for you.

Computer: alert.


Central computer
network will destruct.

Evacuate the base

Why did noah
have to go back to
that place, guys?

It's not fair!

Joey: where are
those guys?

We have to go
before that
computer blows.

And time is
running out.

Come on already.

Computer: warning--
m*ssile approaching.

I cannot be stopped!

What makes you think

You have the power
to keep me here?


I can control this
place as well.

Noah, you'd choose
them over me?

At least they
believed in me.

We're family!

And don't ever
forget that.

I'm sorry...

But I can't let
you hurt them.

So, I'm keeping you
trapped in here.

Sound familiar?

What are you doing?

I command you to release
me immediately, noah!


I'm going to
free your mind

And make sure you never
harm anyone again.

[Gozaburo roaring]


Man: kaiba craft
preparing for takeoff!

Joey: hold on.
Here they come!

Duke: hurry up, guys!

Let's go!

Tea: you
can make it!

rear thrusters.

Joey: pick up the pace,
you guys!

You're almost here!

We gotcha!

let's go!

Grab on!

Mokuba: I'm not
gonna make it!

[All panting]

Seto: guess again!


[All grunting]


He's in!

Now let's get
out of here!

Computer: warning.

Virtual meltdown.

No! Let me go!

You can't keep
me here!

[Gozaburo screaming]

[Kids screaming]

Man: mr. Kaiba,

I'm afraid this
ship is too slow
to escape the expl*si*n.

I'm taking control.


You'll never
escape me!

Sorry, old man...

But there's no way
I'll let you win.

Gozaburo: what?


Joey: noah may have
been a spoiled brat
when we met him,

But he turned out
to be all right.

Do you think
his mind
was deleted

the computer
was destroyed?

Knowing him, he saved
his mind on a back-up file.

Joey: yeah, I bet
he'll be back.

Me, too.

See you around, noah!

All right!

That little detour

Was a complete waste
of my time and effort.

So, let's move on

And pretend that
nonsense never happened.

It's time for us to continue
the battle city finals.

Set us back on course...

To kaiba corp island.

Man: yes, sir!
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