07x04 - Youth Takes a Holiday/Don't Leave Home Without It/Prisoner of Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Love Boat". Aired: September 24, 1977 – May 24, 1986.*
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Set on the luxury passenger cruise ship MS Pacific Princess, and revolves around the ship's captain Merrill and a handful of his crew, with passengers played by guest actors for each episode, having romantic and humorous adventures along the way.
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07x04 - Youth Takes a Holiday/Don't Leave Home Without It/Prisoner of Love

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme - Jack Jones, "love

Theme song: Love,
exciting and new.

Come aboard.

We're expecting you.

And love, life's
sweetest reward.

Let it flow.

It floats back to you.

The love boat soon will
be making another run.

The love boat promises
something for everyone.

Set a course for adventure,
your mind on a new romance.

And love won't hurt anymore.

It's an open smile
on a friendly shore.

It's love.

Welcome aboard.

It's love.

Excuse me, can you
direct me to my cabin?

Of course, captain Tobin.

Let's see.

You're on the aloha
deck, cabin .

That's through the lobby, up
the stairs, and to the right.

On furlough, captain?

Haven't you heard?

We're invading Mexico.


Julie: This is purser
Smith, and I'm Julie

McCoy, your cruise director.

If there's anything you
need, just let me know.

There's nothing you
can do, Ms. McCoy.

I've been stationed in the
arctic circle for six months.

I need a man.

Can you imagine not
seeing a man for six months?

I could go a year.


I'm Fred Peters.

This is my wife, Louise.

- How do you do?
- Hello.

How do you do?


Has an art Fuller boarded yet?

Art Fuller?

Uh, let's see.

Art Fuller-- no, not yet.

Oh dear.

I hope he's all right.

Don't worry so much.

He'll pull through this.

There some sort of
problem we can help with?

Oh, not really.

Art's just getting
over a divorce.


Well, we'll go out of our
way to make him happy.

That's what we're here for.

Oh, thank you.

We're hoping the trip
will perk him up.

I think he's already perked.

Louise, Fred,
meet Patti Samuels.

(Muttering) How do you do?

Uh, Patti and I have been
together since last month.

Well, uh, last month
was a much better

month than I thought it was.

Uh, Mr. Fuller, you two
are in aloha deck.

And Mr. and Mrs. Peters,
you're right next door in .

Come on, Artie.

Let's go to our cabin.

Oh, I'm all yours, patticakes.

With a view like
that, I always try

to get her to walk ahead of me.


Mrs. Dolan, you
are in , fiesta.

is no fiesta.

is breaking and entering.

Ugh, Edgar, not everyone
appreciates police humor.



Hey, you, lady,
right there, hold it.

Give me that wallet.

- Give that back to me.
- Edgar!

Listen, I saw you
from over there.

Mr. Dolan, Mr. Dolan,
what's the problem here?

He's the problem.

This woman was stealing
this man's wallet.

This man happens
to be my husband.

Look, from where
I was standing,

all I could see was the wallet--

well, it's obviously just
a slight misunderstanding.

I'm very sorry about
the inconvenience.

Please accept the apologies.

- All right.
- Terribly sorry.

Come on, Gill.

Natural mistake.

And I want to
apologize for Edgar.

Now, Florence, don't
apologize for me.

The fact that he's her
husband doesn't mean that she

wasn't stealing his wallet.

He's retired from
the police force,

and sometimes he confuses
relax and enjoy with search

and destroy.

Come on, before you get a ticket
for double parking your brain.

Edgar Dolan: Oh, hey.

Florence Dolan: Come on.

Guess who?

Oh, give me a hint.

It's not the mormon
tabernacle choir.

Then it must be
Alan braithwaite!

The girl is uncanny.


Alan, it's so good to see you.

I'd like you to meet my
father, captain stubing.

Hello, Alan.

Pleased to meet you, captain.

Your daughter was
everybody's favorite person

at camp last summer.

Alan was my fan
club president.

Vicki, I thought I was.

Alan, I'm anxious to
see your parents again.

Oh no, not this trip, Vicki.

They couldn't make it.

Dad got a last
minute assignment,

so I talked him into coming
on the trip by myself.

Alan's father is in
the diplomatic corps.

Alan's grown up
all over the world.

Your parents must have a
lot of confidence in you.

That's because i'm
so mature and adult.

And I threatened not
to eat for a week.


I was just kidding.

Well, I think we're
ready to get under way.

It's nice meeting you, Alan.

You too, captain.

Oh, Vicki, I've
been looking forward

to this ever since the last
time we saw each other.

Me too.

You were my best friend at camp.


Well, I was hoping we
could become more than just

friends on this cruise.

[Horn blaring]

, , .

Say, that Patti's
quite a girl.

, , .


Those are her measurements.

You've got to work that
off, that stomach, buddy.

What stomach?


Hi, guys.

You look great.

You think so?



Hello, sun worshipers.

Hi, patticakes.

Louise, that's a
really nice outfit.

Well, thank you, Patti.

You don't think it's
too revealing, do you?

Oh, no, not at all.

Patti's doctor went crazy
trying to vaccinate her

in a place that wouldn't show.



Captain Tobin: Who is it?

It's purser Smith, ma'am.

Come in, purser.


This message says you have
some questions about exchanging

dollars into pesos.

Could you just close the
door, please, purser Smith?


Now, captain, what can I tell
you about the rate of exchange?

What's your first
name, purser Smith?

Uh, well, ma'am, it's burl,
but my friends call me gopher.

Well, I'd like you to consider
me a friend, gopher when

we met at the boarding,
I just couldn't

get over your brown eyes.

You couldn't?


Well, thank you, captain.

I find you very attractive.

You know, about the
dollar and the peso--

I'd rather talk
about you and me.

I just remembered,
captain, I have

to check in with my captain.

So, uh, excuse me.


I did mention, didn't
i, that I haven't

seen a man in six months?

I know I don't look my age,
but I'm actually years old.

Oh, well, I guess
we're just going to have

to wait here until you grow up.

Oh, Edgar, isn't
this marvelous,

breathing in fresh sea air
under glorious blue skies

without a care in the world?

Well, like they say in
the station house, flo,

it's a dirty job, but
somebody's got to do it.



No cheating, now.

Wise guy.

Get a load of that guy.

I could teach him how to win
in solitaire in two minutes.

Same old Alan.

So how's boarding school been?

It's tough.

It's tough going to
bed when I want to

and partying at all hours,
but I manage somehow.

Yeah, well, you never
manage to write me very often.

But I do think about you.

[French] Mademoiselle stubing.

For me?

Oh, Alan, it's beautiful.

But mademoiselle,
the face on the watch,

she's not so beautiful
as the face on the girl.

Alan, thank you.

I love it, but
it's so expensive.

Oh, when it comes
to money, the French,

they have a marvelous

but I don't know what it is.


Thank you, Evan.

Isaac, have you seen gopher?

Well, now that you
mention it, no, I haven't.

Well, there are people
lined up at his purser's desk.

And I'm doing everything
I can, but it's

just too much to handle alone.

You know, if he's
goofing off, the captain

is going to have his head.

Wait till you see what I
do with what's left of him.

Crew (over loudspeaker):
Will purser Smith please

report to the purser's desk?

Captain Tobin: Aw, gopher.

Gopher: Aw, bernice, I
gotta go back to work.

They need me.

I need you too, gopher--

more than they do.

Crew (over loudspeaker): Purser
Smith to the purser's desk


Bernice, I've got to call
them or I am in big trouble.


I can call them later.

Julie (over loudspeaker):
Ladies and gentlemen,

main seating dinner
is now being served

in the coral dining room.

We wish you buon appetito.

Ooh, honey, you look terrific.

You really think so?


Would you care to
join me for dinner?

Where'd you get the watch?

Oh, isn't it beautiful?

Alan gave it to me.


Yes, it's very attractive.



You have something very fatherly
to say to me, don't you?

It's too expensive, Vicki.

You don't know him well
enough to accept it.

I know, but I don't want
to hurt Alan's feelings.

I'm sorry, honey.

Tell him it's your
father's wishes.

Is this one of those
things I'm going to thank

you for in the long run?

I doubt it.

Come on.


This fettuccine is fantastico.

Here, try some.

Mm, great!

Try some of my scampi.


Not hungry?

We just eat a salad.

We have to watch what we eat.

Me too.

I watch it go right
from here to here.



I don't see how
you can eat all that

and still stay in
such good shape.

Exercise is the key.

There isn't enough time in the
day to exercise all that off.

Looks like we're going have to
go into overtime again tonight.

She's a cute little
thing, isn't she?

Oh, shut up and
gum your Greens.

Edgar, see that boy?


Don't you think he looks a
lot like ned did at his age?

Yeah, a little.

Ned would have
been this week.

I know, Florence.

I miss him, too.

He looks a lot like ned.

Ooh, I'm sorry.

- Hello.


He even walks like ned.


Ned wasn't so clumsy.


Alan-- Vicki's been
telling us all about you.

It sounds like you're
a remarkable young man.

Well, she's just
telling it like it is.

A world traveler at ?

And fluent in four languages.

Five, if you count body.

So what time is it, Vicki?

Later, Alan.

Julie, where's gopher?

He must be very busy, sir.

That's possible.

I've heard him being
paged for hours.

But I haven't seen
him since we sailed.

Has any of you?

Uh, well, yes, sir.

I've seen him, sort of.

Sort of?

Well, it's like this.

We can't find him anywhere.

Have you tried his office?

I know that's the last place
you'd expect to look for him.

Yes, sir.

We have looked there,
and he's not there.

Actually, we're starting
to get pretty worried.

Then after you
finish your dinner,

organize a thorough search.

Yes, sir.

[Slow jazz music]

Fred, Patti makes me
feel like a kid again.

She gives me
something to live for.

Louise gives me
something to live for, too-

mortgage payment.

Do you and Fred go on
these cruises very often?

Oh, he rarely
takes me anywhere.

His idea of a good
vacation is to stay

home and let his mind wander.

Come on, Artie.

One, two, me and you.

Three, four, on the floor.

Five, six, we're
a couple of sticks.

So what happened to the watch?

I'll have to give
it back to you.

My father won't
let me accept it.

Why not?

It's too expensive.

Too expensive, huh?

Oh, don't feel bad, Alan.

Oh, I don't feel bad, as
long as I can dance with you.

Not bad, old timer.

Isn't he cute?

Yeah, cute.

Crew (over loudspeaker):
Purser Smith,

please report to the
captain's office at once.

Purser Smith, report to the
captain's office immediately.

I don't understand.

It's like gopher's
just disappeared.

We searched the
entire ship for him.

Maybe you just
think you searched

the entire ship for him.

Hey, Mike, cover for me.

Come on.

Let's go find him.

Look, Vicki.

I know your father didn't
let you keep the watch.

But if at first
you don't succeed--


Think he'll mind this?


Well, that's my birthstone!

But I can't keep it.

My dad won't let me.

It's too expensive.

Oh, but I didn't buy it.

My grandmother gave it to me.

That doesn't matter, Alan.

All right.


In that case, I'm just going
to have to give you something

that your father
can't make you return.

That's something
I'd like to return.

[Slow music]

Oh, dancing close like
this is so wonderful.

Are you feeling romantic yet?

I can't tell.

I'm still trying to follow.

Well, then, you lead, dear.



Oh, you are feeling something.


I think it was a cracked rib.

You need another drink
to put you in the mood.

No, wine makes me sleepy.


Then it'll be beddy-bye time.


Here you go.

I don't want a drink.
I don't want a drink.

- Drink!
- Cheers.


Fred-- Fred?

Come to bed.

Louise, did you hear that?

Hear what?

Art and Patti are giggling.

So what if they're giggling?

You know what comes
after giggling, don't you?

Fred, if you'd stop
worrying about what's

going on next door,
you might find out

there's a lot more fun here.

They've stopped giggling.


Since you're so happy over
here, why don't you just

sleep over here!

They started giggling again.

Going back to
stash your loot, huh?

Excuse me?

Get inside.

What's going on?

Come on.

What are you doing?

This is my cabin.

You've been having yourself
a picnic, haven't you?


We'll see now.

Hey, those are mine.

Not exactly the crown jewels,
but not bad for a rookie.

Listen, I don't know
what you're talking about.

I'm talking about jail.


I've been watching you, kid--

watching your act
in the dining room--

strictly amateur-hour stuff.

I'm going to see that
they fix you for good.

I promise I'll
never do it again.

I'll take back
everything I took.

But don't turn me in, please.

Why shouldn't I?

This is the first time I've
ever done anything like this.

I'm not a thief.

Please, I'm just a kid.

Give me another chance.

I don't know.



All right.

You're lucky, because my wife
thinks you look like somebody.

No sign of gopher, merrill.

Oh, I can't believe it.

We've looked
everywhere, sir-- nothing.

Julie, are you sure you
saw gopher after we sailed?

I'm positive, sir.

Well, if he sailed
with us, where is he?

You don't think
it's possible--


Julie (over loudspeaker):
Ladies and gentlemen,

we are now arriving
in fabulous acapulco,

the glamorous jet-set resort.

From the la quebrada
cliff divers

to the white Sandy beaches,
adventure awaits you.

Will purser Smith please report
to the captain immediately?

Captain Tobin: Aye!


It's an old party
trick, gopher.

Does this mean I
win a purple heart?

You've already got
my heart, gopher.

I ordered you some breakfast.

Here you go.

Oh, food.

It's about time.

I'm starving.

Grapes, figs, oysters, olives,
dates, pistachio nuts--

all known aphrodisiacs.

They'll fill you with desire.

So it's either
starvation or violation.

I'll take my chances.

Are we going into town or not?

No, I'm too tired.

I didn't sleep well last night.

It's a little
hard to sleep when

you're leaning against a wall.

Lay off, Louise.

Let's just sit around the pool.


So you can see Patti
in her new bikini?

She's got a new one?


But you promised
you'd take me into town.

Can't we just take
a nap on the deck?

I've never seen acapulco.

We could go parasailing
or scuba diving.

Well, it's up to
Fred and Louise.

Oh, uh-uh.

Fred had an earache last night.

We didn't get much sleep.

Now you're all
pooping out on me.

I may never get to Mexico again.

On second thought,
I'll take you.

I'll bring you back a souvenir--

a little wooden monkey.


Hiya, gorgeous.

We're still on for
acapulco, aren't we?

Well, that's what
I came to tell you--

I can't, not until
we find gopher.

But I'll see you later.


I see you've got a great
appetite this morning.

Why not?

I'm a growing boy.


Growing out of some of
your bad habits, I hope.

Is that all?

Or am I going to have to listen
to a whole series of lectures?

Getting pretty cocky again.

It's a big jump from
last night's teary scene.


Look, I could
still turn you in.

Aw, I don't think so.

Now that you have the stuff,
it's your word against mine.



No, sir.


Well, I hate to disturb
all the passengers,

but I have no choice.

Search every cabin?


And get every available
member of the crew to help.

I want this ship
turned inside out.

Yes, sir.


Julie (over loudspeaker):
Ladies and gentlemen,

our ship's crew will be
making a brief inspection

of your cabins.

Please excuse any
inconvenience this may cause.

Will gopher Smith please report
to the captain's office right


Mr. Burns: Honey, is that you?

Hey, what are you doing in here?

Uh, I'm sorry.

I must have the wrong room.


yeah, and you also
got the wrong pin, too.

Stay right where you are, fella.

Don't try anything funny.

Yeah, this Mr. Burns
in promenade .

Can you send some
help right up here?

I just caught a
thief in my cabin.

Julie (over loudspeaker):
Purser Smith,

please report to the
captain's office immediately.

Gopher, this is urgent!

No, no, no, sir, nothing
to be alarmed about.

Just a routine inspection
of all the cabins.

Thank you.




I'm sorry to disturb you,
but I have orders to check

all the cabins on this deck.

What's the trouble?

Uh, no trouble.

May I just check your
bathroom, please?

Is something wrong
with my bathroom?

No, no.

Just looking.

I'm sorry to have bothered you.


Listen, while you're here, would
you mind taking this for me?

Oh sure, no problem.



By the way, what
are you looking for?

It's not a what.

It's a who.

It's safe to come
out of the closet now.

I think it's safer in here.

Florence Dolan: I don't
understand it, captain.

I knew retirement
would be hard on Edgar,

but I cannot believe that he
would do something like this.

Oh, quit your yapping,
will you, Florence?

This is a serious matter.

If you can't explain
your actions,

I'll have to report
you to the police

when we return to San Pedro.

Captain, it must be some
sort of a mental breakdown.

I-- I promise, I'll
have him see a doctor

just as soon as we get home.

Florence, why don't
you go out on deck?

Captain and I will
talk about this.

All right, dear.

So let's get on
with it, captain.

I forgot how much fun
riding a motorcycle was.

If you had any more fun
you'd be one big band-aid.

How was I supposed to know
that an "una sola direccion"

meant one-way street?

Fred was so cute.

He did a wheelie right
through a mariachi band.

And then he took me
to a wonderful lunch

at a cute little cafe.

We really had fun,
didn't we, Freddy?

You're a real sport, Freddy.

I hope you weren't too
bored while I was away.

Not at all.

We had a marvelous day.

Didn't we, Artie?


Vicki, hey.

Where you going?

I was hoping you'd be
spending your time with me.

I'm sorry, Alan.

This has been a
really weird cruise.

What's wrong?

Not only is gopher
still missing,

but now there's this
business with Mr. Dolan.

What about Mr. Dolan?

Well, haven't you heard?

He was caught stealing
jewelry this morning.

He was?

Can you believe it?

He seemed like such a nice man.


Well, I guess you can't
trust anybody these days.

Julie (over loudspeaker):
Ladies and gentlemen,

light up your nightlife
in exciting acapulco.

Delicious food and glittering
discotheques await you.

Buen tiempo.

[Upbeat dance music]

Isn't anybody going to talk?

Weren't we talking?

Oh, well, I didn't notice.

Louise, you could have
come with us to acapulco.

I wasn't asked.

Nobody asked me, either--

until Freddy.

Until Freddy.

You got your trip.

And who knows what you got?

Watch it, Freddy.

All I did was sit
and read my book.

And what did Artie do?

Turn the pages for you?

Hey, Freddy.

Don't try to blame it all on me.


Well, Patti and I were just
having some innocent fun.

All I wanted to
do was see acapulco.

All I wanted to do was relax.

I just tried to be helpful.

I just wanted to read my book!

Mrs. Dolan?


Oh, it's you.

My name is Alan braithwaite.

I heard about your
husband, and I'm sorry.

Thank you.

Maybe they have the wrong man.

Oh, I wish that were true.

Alan: Maybe there
was someone else--

you know, maybe an accomplice?

I don't think so.

My poor Edgar.

I-- I'm sorry.


Please, Mrs. Dolan, don't cry.

I'm going to miss him.

Mm, I know.

Remember when he got stuck
in that suit of armor?

He was just like
a brother to me.

Hey, what's this?


It's an epaulette.

It's a purser's epaulette.

Where'd these
pistachio nuts come from?

I got them out of some cabin.

Let me see-- which one
did I get them out of?

Come on!

I remember.

Ok, gopher.

You're the winner.

I don't think
I want the prize.

What I'm trying to
say is, I give up.

You're free to go.

You mean it?


I mean it.


Oh boy.

What is it, bernice?

You find somebody new?

You sure this is where
you picked up the nuts?


, though--
that's captain Tobin.

There was nothing
unusual going on in there

when I searched.

Wait a minute.

When she boarded, she said
she was anxious to find a man.

You think she
found gopher instead?

We'll soon find out.

This may turn out to
be a medical emergency.


You've been here all
the time, doing that?

And we were so worried!

Now wait a minute.

I know it doesn't look
like it, but I have

been held here against my will.

You expect us to believe
that this lady forced

you to stay in her cabin?


You were a prisoner?

Exactly, prisoner.

Oh, gopher, cut it out.

It's bad enough you made us
turn the ship upside down.

And do your work for you.

And now you have
the gall to tell us

that this beautiful young lady--


Excuse me, but i'm
through visiting.

I'm with you, Isaac.

Me too.



I know this may sound
strange, but, um,

could I come back later?

Absolutely not.

I want to see some of the ship
before the cruise is over.

I'll come to your cabin.

Ok, thanks.

Dutch says they
haven't seen gopher

anywhere near the engine room.


Come in.

Hi, Alan.

Hi, Vicki.

Captain stubing, there's
something I have to say to you.


Um, captain, you're
holding an innocent man.

Mr. Dolan didn't steal anything.

I did.

Alan, it's very nice of
you to come to his aid,

but he was caught in the act.

Yeah, in the act of returning
the stuff that I stole.

When he found out, he
decided to give me a break.

This is a very
serious offense, Alan.

I know.

And I'm sorry.

I took all that stuff
because I wanted Vicki

to think that I was a big shot.

Do you remember
that movie with Gary

Cooper and Audrey hepburn, the
one we saw on the late show?


"Love in the afternoon."

It was about an
older man and a younger

woman who were in love.

Worked in the movie,
but this is real life.

I can't keep up with you.

But you said
you wanted someone

who was peppy and active.

You said it made you feel young.

That was my ego talking.

My body wasn't listening.

You mean this youth kick
wasn't what you wanted?

I'm afraid I was just
trying to act your age.

I'm a lousy actor.

You know, just because
I'm young doesn't mean

I don't enjoy relaxing, too--

going to bed early
once in a while--

to sleep.

I just wanted you to love me.

But I do love you.

Wait a minute.

You mean you're
willing to accept

a man in his middle years
who loves you very much?

Why not?

Someday maybe I'll have
some middle years, too.



you like it?

It's-- it's not you.

Oh, don't be silly.

Now, I have it all planned.

When we get back home,
we're going to take up hang

gliding and maybe even surfing.

Whoa, Louise.

Fred-- I'm not going
to ruin our marriage.

If you want young,
I'll give you young.

Louise, all I want is
someone warm and comfortable.

And since I've got that, i'm
never, never going to lose you.

So captain, the
kid will be ok?

Yes, he will.

And the stolen property?

All returned to
the rightful owners,

and no one is pressing charges.

And it's all thanks to
your husband, Mrs. Dolan.

Well, that's true.

But what amazes me is after
years with the force,

you'd think he'd have enough
finesse not to get caught.

I thought the
same thing myself--

unless he wanted to get caught.

Now, captain, why would
I do a thing like that?

Well, you might have done it
to give a confused boy a chance

to redeem himself
by coming forward

and publicly
admitting his guilt.

Mrs. Dolan, would
you like to cut a rug

with an over-the-hill cop?

No, but I'd love
to dance with you.


Mr. Dolan, thank you for
everything you've done.

I'm not sure I even deserved it.

I am grateful.

Rules of the house, kid.

We've all got to have
a little understanding.

I think we all
need to be reminded

of that every now and then.

And I think you're
right, captain.

Bye bye.
Bye bye.

- Bye bye.
- Bye now.

- Bye, captain.

Guess who?

The green bay packers?

Hey, you peeked.

You better write me soon.

I'll do better than that.

You can expect a
package in the mail.

Please, a letter
will do just fine.


Bye, Vicki.
- Bye bye.

See ya.

See you later.


Hey, let's get
together next Thursday

and go out for
some Mexican food.

Yeah, we could all go
out and paint the town.

I don't think so.

We'd rather stay at home.

I've reached
that age where I've

got to start taking it easy.

And I've reached that
age for a second time.

Well, you certainly made
this a very interesting

cruise, captain Tobin.

Particularly for gopher.

This should cover
all the breakage

in the cabin, plus a little
extra for the crew emergency


Oh, thank you.

That's very generous of you.


Goodbye, gopher.

Goodbye, bernice.

It's been a pleasure--

a real pleasure.

It was a pleasure for
me, too, once I became

a volunteer and not a draftee.

We have a slogan in the army--

"be all that you can be."

And you certainly were.

[Theme - Jack Jones, "love boat]
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