07x03 - Bricker's Boy/Lotions of Love/The Hustlers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Love Boat". Aired: September 24, 1977 – May 24, 1986.*
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Set on the luxury passenger cruise ship MS Pacific Princess, and revolves around the ship's captain Merrill and a handful of his crew, with passengers played by guest actors for each episode, having romantic and humorous adventures along the way.
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07x03 - Bricker's Boy/Lotions of Love/The Hustlers

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme - Jack Jones, "the love
boat theme"]

Theme song: Love,
exciting and new.

Come aboard, we're
expecting you.

And love, life's sweetest
reward, let it float,

it floats back to you.

The love boat, soon we'll
be making another run.

The love boat promises
something for everyone.

Set a course for adventure,
your mind on a new romance.

And love won't hurt anymore.

It's an open smile
on a friendly shore.

It's love.

Welcome aboard, it's love.

All arrangements have been
made for your photography

sessions, Mr. O'Neal.

Thank you, captain.

It's very important
that everything go well.

I just opened up my
own advertising agency.

Glow tan suntan lotion
is my first account.

Oh, I always use glow tan.

Don't tell my
client that, Vicki.

I want her to think that
I'm selling all of it.

Excuse me, captain,
my models are here.

Oh, yeah.

This way, girls.

I'd like you to meet
the captain, girls.

Well, welcome aboard, girls.

I see you've already met Mr.
Smith and Mr. Washington.

We sure have.

They've been very helpful.

Yes, I'm sure they have been.

Enjoy the cruise.

Excuse me, please.

Vicki, can I see what cabin
the ladies are in, please?

Thank you.

Fiesta deck, cabins
, , and .

Excellent choice.

Oh, I know exactly
where that is.

As chances have it, so do I.

Speaking of
cabins, Mr. O'Neal,

you're on the promenade
deck, cabin .

I asked for a cabin
close to Mrs. Parker,

the president of glow tan.

Was that arranged?

Mrs. Parker and miss Parker.

Miss Parker?

Oh, that must be her daughter.


Oh, there they are now.

Excuse me.

Mrs. Parker, so good to see you.

Hello, Andy.

And this must be your sister?

See why I hired him?

Now that is salesmanship.

This is my daughter Sandy.

Sandy, Andy O'Neal.



This is really a
big thrill for me.

Advertising was my
major in college.

Isn't that nice?

Sandy's very bright.

She can probably help
you with our campaign.

Why don't I just
go and check us in?


Oh, I can't wait to talk to you
about the glow tan campaign.

I think I have a
lot of great ideas.

I'm sure you do.

In my years of advertising, I
found boss's daughters always

have a lot of great ideas.

Enjoy your cruise,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas.

Thank you.

We will.

Gary, I don't think
this is such a good idea.

Nobody's going to believe
you and I are married.

Why not?

Because they'll think i'm
not good enough for you?

No wonder the people at
the escort service said you

were their best.

You certainly know how to
flatter an older woman.

I know how to
flatter a younger

woman too, Arlene, which
is the way I think of you.

I have a feeling you know
how to flatter all women.

I'm going to go to the cabin.

It takes us older younger women
a while to get it all together.

Ok, I'll be down
in a few minutes, ok?

Fran, honey, you wait here.

I'll go get our
cabin [inaudible]..

All right, Roy.

May I help you with that bag?

Oh, no, I'm fine.

Thank you.

Yes, I see you're fine.

That's why I offered to help.

You on a cruise
with your father?

Oh, yes.

Maybe I'll see you later?


Oh, I'd say maybe
more than maybe.

Here you go.

Who was that?

Just a young man trying
to help me with my bag.

Let me give you some
advice, stay away from the man

who helps you with your bag.

Stick with the man who
helps you with your rent.

Excuse me, miss?

I'm looking for
Dr. Adam bricker.

He's usually around
at boarding time,

but I don't see him.

May I help you?

I don't think so.

I'll just wait for Dr. Bricker.

Are you a friend of doc's?


Oh, you mean Dr. Bricker.

I guess in a way you could
say I'm a friend of his.

Why don't I just wait
over here for Dr. Bricker?

Yeah, well, while you
wait, I'll just check you in.

Can I have your name, please?

Why don't I wait for Dr.
bricker, then I'll check in.

You are taking this
cruise with us, aren't you?

Well, sure.

Well, I'm going to go talk
to that ship's officer right

over there.


Excuse me.



Somebody is looking for you.


It's nice to be wanted.

It's the young
man just behind me,

and he seems pretty vague
about what he's doing here.

Well, that's natural enough.

I sometimes wonder what
I'm doing here myself.


I'm Dr. Bricker.

Can I help you?

I hope so.

I'm your son.


Love the bottle.

Love the lotion.

Make me feel it.

You got it.

That's great.

Let me see the bottle.

There you go.


Keep it at point.



All right, we want to create
a feeling of excitement,

the sun, the sky, the sea.

All of you soaking up the
atmosphere while your skin

soaks up the product.

Ok, Brenda, let's
see you sell it.

Uh, Brenda, I'm getting
a bit of a shadow.

Drop the bottle a touch.

How's that look, Mrs. Parker?

Wonderful, Andy.

Seeing it actually
happen is a lot different

than being in a classroom.

Well, you bet.

Ok, girls, apply the lotion
sensuously, like a caress.

A little more sensuous.


Like a caress.

That's great.

You know if there's such
a thing as reincarnation,

I want to come back
as suntan lotion.

Like that pose, Mrs. Parker?

I love it.

Don't you, Sandy?

Yes, I think it's
pretty effective, except--

except what, dear?


Except what?

Except it might be even
more effective if Brenda

was posed on the upper deck.

That way her blond hair would
make a dramatic contrast

with the blue of the sky.

Well, I mean it's just an idea.

That's marvelous.

I told you she had
some fantastic ideas.

I know you did.

Ok, Pete, we're going to
have to move everything

to the upper deck
so that Brenda's

blond hair will make
a dramatic contrast

against the blue of the sky.

Do you think this
boy could be your son?

Or is he just some kid
trying to get a free cruise?

I don't know, merrill.

But if he really is
my son, I wouldn't

be that unhappy about it.


Excuse me.


Oh, David.

Julie told me
to meet you here.

Come on in, David.

This is captain stubing.

How do you do, David?

Fine, thank you.

Look, I don't understand.

I came on this ship
to find my father,

and I haven't been able to
spend a minute alone with you.

Now I find myself talking
to the captain of the ship.

One reason you're
talking to the captain

is because you came on
my ship without a ticket.

But more importantly,
you are here because you

claim to be Dr. Bricker's son.

I am his son.

I'm not doubting you, David,
but this is not a surprise

that's been sprung on me.

It's not the kind of
thing I hear every day.

David, perhaps you can give
us some more information.


Do you remember being
stationed at Norfolk, right?

Of course.

And I'm sure you
remember Mary Tanner?


I remember Mary Tanner.

Are you telling me
that she's your mother?

Mary Tanner was someone
I was very much in love

with when I was in the Navy.

She was very much
in love with you too.

All right.

If you give me your
mother's telephone number,

I'll call her.

Whatever Mary Tanner would
tell me, I'd believe.

Would you give me
her phone number?

I'm afraid it
wouldn't do any good.

She died six weeks ago.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry too.

I'm also sorry that you
don't believe I'm your son.

Arlene, why don't you go
put your bathing suit on?

You look as if you
haven't been exposed

to the sun in a long time.

I haven't been exposed
to anything in a long time.

Go get us a couple
of drinks, will ya?


Arlene, would you
care for a lemonade?

That would be nice.

Coming right up.


When we were boarding, I
didn't catch your name.

I'm Gary.


I told you I was on the
cruise with my father,

but you didn't tell me
you were with your mother.

She's not my mother.

She's a client.


I'm a bodyguard.

Oh, she's a very,
very wealthy woman.

Tell me what exactly
does a bodyguard do?

Well, for example, if you
weren't wearing that bikini

right now, I might have to
frisk you to make sure you

weren't carrying anything.

As it is, I won't have to frisky
because I can see that you're

carrying everything.

Here you go.

Oh, thanks.

Oh, I better go.

My father is looking over here.

He's very protective.

Can I meet you
for a drink later?

My client gets dressed
for dinner around : .

I'll meet you in
the Neptune bar.

Well, I'll see,
but right now I

have to get back to my father.

Bye bye.

Here's to the new ad slogan
of the new glow tan campaign.

All right, Andy, stop
keeping us in suspense.

What is the new ad slogan?

Ok, you ready for this?

Glow tan lotion,
it's sunsational.

And to go along with
the sunsational,

we put a picture of the sun
on the cap of the container.

I love it.

Don't you love it, Sandy?

I think it's
wonderful, except--

oh, never mind.

Except what, Sandy?

I didn't spend all that money
sending you to the best schools

to have you just
come up with except.

Well, I was thinking
the top of the cap

might be a little mirror so you
can see your face while you're

applying the lotion.

Sandy, that is
a terrific idea.


Sandy, you've done it again.

You know, this
may sound foolish,

but I feel like everyone
in the room is watching us.


Because you're so
young and attractive.

It's the same old story.

Older woman, young man is
frowned upon, whereas, an older

man with a young woman is fine.

Like that gentleman over there
with his sweet young thing.

Oh, that's not his girlfriend.

That's his daughter.

How do you know?

Do you know them?


I mean, she looks
like his daughter.

It's just like if I
saw you on a cruise

with a very handsome
older gentleman,

I would naturally assume
that you were his daughter.

Oh, Gary.

Beautiful fish.

Adam seems rather tense
having dinner with that boy.

Well, it can't be easy for
him not knowing whether or not

that boy is his son.

Hey, so what do you think?

Do you think this kid's
claim is on the level?

I don't know.

Adam tried to call
some of his old friends

but apparently the
numbers were outdated.

If he does turn out to be
doc's son, he's a lucky boy.

Wash your car?

I shouldn't even be
polishing these hubcaps.

David, if Mary--
if your mother had

my son, how come in all these
years she never contacted me?

I don't know.

I just found out I was
your son a few weeks ago.

She always told me
my father was dead.

I guess when she was dying, she
decided to tell me the truth.

But you still don't
believe me, right?

David, you've got to be
able to see this from my side.

All of a sudden a complete
stranger walks up and says,

hi, I'm your son.

I understand.

Would this help?

My mom said when I
saw you to tell you

she never took another
sentimental journey.

I don't know what that means,
but that's what she said.

"Sentimental journey,"
that was our favorite song.

David, would you be willing
to take a blood test?

Would that prove
that I'm your son?

No, but it might
eliminate the possibility

that I couldn't be your father.

Well, let's do it.

Half a dad's better than none.

You think I should keep my
ideas to myself, don't you?

I didn't say that.

You did.

I try to control it.


It's just that when an
idea pops into my head,

it pops right out of my mouth.

It's been that way ever
since I was a little girl.

You know something,
holding you

close like this has set a few
ideas popping in my own head.

How about a walk on the deck?

Oh, I'd really like
that, Andy, except--

except what?

Except nothing.

Let's go.


Oh, hi.

Why don't we go to the cabin?

We could relax.



Let's go.

You dropped your napkin.


Here you are.

They still don't look like
father and daughter to me.

So what is it?

Well, it seems we both
have the same blood type.

Well, I'm not surprised,
even if you are.

Listen, David, I didn't
do this test to prove you're

not my son.

As a matter of fact, in a
way, I kind of hope you are.

You really mean that?

Yes, I do.

However, as I told you,
having the same blood

type only shows I
could be your father.

It doesn't necessarily
prove I am your father.

You sure keep looking
for a way out, don't you?

Look, David, you can't
just throw all this at me.

It's different for you.

You came on the ship
certain as to who you were,

but I have to be
sure to, don't I?



Look, next time,
why don't you try

giving me a lie detector test?

Look, David, I was only--

[door slams]


Your note said you had to see
me about something important.

What is it?

I have to get back to my father.

It's about us.



What's important about us?

You and I should be together,
that's what makes us important.

What's the matter with you?

You were supposed to
meet me minutes ago.

Well, i--

uh, sir, Fran came to meet me.

And, sir, I want you to
know that my intentions

are honorable.

In fact, I think I may
love your daughter.

Do you mind telling
him we're not related?

We stay in the same
cabin because we're

both afraid of the dark, Sonny.

Come on, Fran, let's
go scare ourselves.



Andy, sh.


We have to be quiet.

My mother's asleep
right behind that door.

Oh, then I'm going to have
to kiss you very quietly.

I've got a good idea
for the campaign.

Use the crew.

The ship's crew.

We'll use them in our ads.

Oh, I've done it again.

I'm sorry.

But it's really great idea.

The real ship's will
add color, romance.

What do you do about romance?

You just messed up a kiss.

What's going on, Sandy?

Oh, sorry to interrupt.

Oh, that's ok, mother.

Andy and I was just getting
all excited over a marvelous

idea he had.

He thought he might use
the ship's crew in our ads.

Mrs. Parker, i--

it's a great idea.

Congratulations, Andy.

Well, great ideas
are my business.

I told you he was brilliant.


She loves it.

Well, I don't love it.

I hate it.

Sandy, you've done it again.

David, I've been
looking for you for hours.

I've been looking
for you for years.

I haven't meant
to hurt you, David.

I know.

I'm getting off
the ship tomorrow.

I'm going home.

Oh, you don't have to do that.

I want to.

By the way, my mom asked me
to give you these dog tags.

I know they don't
prove anything,

like the blood test
didn't prove anything,

like nothing proves anything.

Well, maybe there is one
thing that does prove something.


The fact that you're
leaving the ship.

It makes me believe you didn't
claim to be my son because you

wanted something from me.

But I did want
something from you.

I wanted a father.

I believe that now.

You do?

Yes, David, I believe
you really are my son.


Girls, you look terrific.

Brenda, that's terrific.

Beautiful, girls.

Oh, that's terrific.

Andy, using the crew makes
it all look so authentic.

Nobody but you could
have thought of that.


No one but me.

Roy, I'm sorry
about last night.

I just wasn't in the mood.

Well, that's what I
bought you that dress for,

to be in the mood.

I'm really sorry.

Maybe I'll feel better tonight.

I hope so.

Listen, I'm late
for my manicure.

I'll see you in about an hour.


Bye bye.


Oh, hello.

Gary, please, I
have to talk to you.

I don't think there's
much to talk about, Fran.

Yes, we do.

I know you don't respect
me because of Roy,

but you have to understand.

I lost my job.

They took away my car.

I couldn't pay my rent.

Roy offered to help me.

Well, I'm glad I found
out what the situation was.

Because before that, I was
falling in love with you.

Here you are,
merrill, have a cigar.

It's a pound boy.

Thank you.

I'm glad I don't smoke,
because this cigar

looks as old as the boy is.

It's a big day for you, doc.

It's a big day for all of us.

You know, you're
really starting

to look like father and son.

No, I think we look
more like brothers.

Is that a good kid or not?

Oh, doc, hey.

Congratulations, dad.


David, listen, has doc
told you about the birds

and the bees yet?

Oh, I haven't had a chance,
but now might be a good time.

You see-- which were the
birds and which were the bees?

I never did get that straight.

Come on, dad, I'll
explain it to you.


It's like this.


All right, honey.

I'm all yours.

I thought you were going
to change into something

more comfortable?

Well, if you don't mind
I'm more comfortable in this.

Don't be silly, come on.


Let me help you.

No, no, Roy, don't.

Look, I thought we got this
all straightened out at lunch.

Look, Roy, I know you've
been very generous with me,

but, well, I just can't
go through with it.

But I promise, I'm going to
pay you back all the money

that you gave me.

But right now, I just want to
go up on deck and clear my head.

All right, you go up on deck.

I'll take another cold shower.

I hate to admit it, but
your idea of using the crew

was great.

Well, I was just building
on all your great ideas.

Thank you.

I started to wonder if there
was anything about my campaign

that you liked.

Oh, I liked everything
about it, except--

except what?

Oh, never mind.

Forget I said anything.


Except for the slogan
it's sunsational.

It would be a lot better if
it were about the fragrance

of the product.

How about glow tan lotion,
it's scentsational?

That's scentsational
all right.

It stinks.

You know, you're just too
much of an egotistical monster

to admit that anyone besides
you can have a worthwhile idea.

Vicki: Buenos dias, ladies and
gentlemen, welcome to acapulco,

the dynamic sun capital
that never sleeps.

Skies are clear
and the temperature

is a breezy degrees.

A little wine for
a special occasion?

Before you think about anything
else, I'd like to suggest,

if it's all right with you,
that you think about college.

Dad, I never did
like school that much.

Well, we don't
have to decide today.

Maybe I can get you
a job on the ship

here with me so we could
be together all the time.

Dad, I don't want
to be a killjoy,

but I get kind of seasick.


You know what that is?


The only reason I came
on a ship this time

was to find my father.

That's enough for me.

Well, until we figure
out the next step,

how'd just like to live in
my apartment in Los Angeles?

That would be great.

Of course, it's great.

What did you expect
from a great dad?

Nothing less, great dad.

All right.

Gary, can I talk to you?

Where's Roy?

There is no more Roy.

I left him, and I'm going
to find a way to pay back

all the money that I owe him.

But that's not important now.

The important thing is that
I have my self-respect back,

and I owe that all to you.

What do you mean?

Well, before you said you
were falling in love with me.

You made me feel
I was worth more

than I gave myself credit for.

Gary, where have you been?

You're late for the
bridge tournament.

I'm sorry.

Fran Smith, I'd like you
to meet Arlene kimper.

How do you do, Mrs. Kimper?

How do you do?

You're a lucky woman to
have such a wonderful man

for a bodyguard.


Well, that's one
way of putting it.

Come on.

I'll be there
in a few minutes.

I don't understand.

Look, Fran, I might as well
tell you the truth, all right?

I'm not her bodyguard, and she
sort of pays me to be with her.

You mean, you're a hustler,
and you were criticizing me?

Julie (over pa): We hope you
enjoyed your stay in acapulco.

Our next destination is
the port of Los Angeles.

Merry Christmas,
happy birthday,

and all those other festive
days we've missed together.

Is all this stuff for me?


Thanks, Teddy.

I was wondering why you
went into town without me.

Well, go ahead, open one.

I don't know which
one to open first.

Oh, wait, before you open
one, I've got something for you.

This was only a cheap pocket
watch when it was bought

a long time ago, but your
great grandmother gave it

to your great grandfather,
and it's been passed

down in the family ever since.

There's nothing inscribed on
it, but, oh, there's family

love all over it.

Why don't you keep it?

No, David, I want
you to have it.

You're the family heir.

You've given me
something to work for,

even something to life for.

What's wrong?

Uh, well--

well what?

What's the matter?

Well, the matter is that
you're family heir isn't.

I'm not your son.

I don't understand.

What's not to understand?

I'm not your son.


But what about all
those things you told me?

About Mary Tanner, your mother,
our favorite song, "sentimental

journey," all of that?

I used to work in a
gas station in Norfolk.

It was owned by Jimmy Burton.

Jimmy Burton.

I haven't heard
that name in years.

We were Navy buddies.

Jimmy used to sit around
drinking beer reminiscing

about the good old days.

He's the one that told me
about you, Mary Tanner,

journey," everything.

I guess you forgot you left
your dog tags at Jimmy's house.

But why would you
come all this way

to lie and say you're my son?

I figured you'd be
embarrassed to think

you had an illegitimate
son, maybe give

me some money to disappear.

I don't know.

But instead, you treated
me like a father would.

Here you go.

Andy, cheer up.

How can I cheer up?

Months of work went
into these ads,

and then Mrs. Parker's
daughter comes along and ruins

everything in two seconds.

Oh, don't worry, they're
going to turn out great.

She's probably telling her
mother what an ogre I am.

Why would she do that?

Well, as she says, once
something pops into her head,

it pops right out of her mouth.

That's because she hasn't got
a brain to get in the way.

She seems pretty smart to me.

You may be right.

She may have been plotting
from the beginning

to get me off the campaign
so she can take over.

No, that's not
what I was saying.

You don't think
she's capable of it?

I can just see her now with her
mother turning on the tears.

Well, I'm not going
to wait around

while she has the satisfaction
of getting me fired.

Andy, where you going?

Where am I going?

I'll tell you where I'm going.

I'm going to march straight
down to Mrs. Parker's cabin

and tell her what she
can do with that account.

Can I talk to you alone?

Well, now, we don't
have to keep any secrets

from my old buddy Roy here.

That's right, Sonny.

You see, I have been
telling this lovely lady

how you and your little
friend had been fooling

around behind our backs.

Well, I don't think
he told you everything.

I don't think he
told you that I quit,

and I'm not just
quitting you, Arlene, i'm

quitting the whole business.

Well, I guess that leaves
just you and me, Mrs. Kimper.



Mrs. Parker, it's Andy O'Neal.

The door's open.

Ok, so I'm a monster.

Ok, so I'm a monster
who won't listen

to your daughter's ideas.

Well, you don't have
to fire me because i'm

taking myself off the account.

And I'll tell you
something else,

your daughter is an irritating,
exasperating, maddening

big mouth.

And I'll tell you
something else,

I'm in love with
that irritating,

maddening big mouth.

He loves me.

So it would seem.

He really loves me.

I've got to go talk to him.

May I suggest, darling, this
time when you talk to him,

keep your mouth shut.

You know, merrill, he really
had me convinced he was my son.

I'm sorry, Adam.

You know, I resisted at first,
but the idea of having a family

made me want to believe.

I'm sorry you've
been hurt, Adam.

I'm sorry for David too.

Oh, come on, merrill,
the kid's a scam artist.

Well, if he were
really a bad boy,

he never would have confessed.

Maybe you're right.

You know, it's too bad
you're not his father.

Poor boy, to do what he did,
he must really need one.

I hope you're happy?

Now you can have the glow
tan campaign all to yourself.

For someone who's
supposed to be brilliant,

you're not very bright, are you?

How could you think i'd
bad mouth you to my mother?

Didn't you?

I have some faults, but
disloyalty isn't one of them.

You mean I just
quit my best account?

My only account, for nothing?

I went in there and made
a total fool of myself.

Oh, I don't think
there's anything foolish

about you saying you love me.

I was listening at the door.

I love you too.

You do?

Of course, well, that's
why it meant so much for me

to impress you with my ideas.

Do you think we could try
last night's kiss again?

That's a sensational idea.

Also a sunsational idea.


Go away.

I know that you
don't think much of me

because what I do for
a living, and maybe I

don't think much of me either.

But I want you to have this.

What is it?

Oh, no.

I can't take your money.

No, I'm not giving it to you.

It's a loan, so
you can repay Roy.

Why are you doing this?

Because I have faith in
you, and because I don't

want you to end up like me.

But you can't afford this.

Sure, I can.

I'm very good at what I do.

I have dates lined up
for the rest of my life.

Take it, Fran, I may not be so
great but the money is good.

Ok, but it's a loan.



Have you?

Hey, Gary, I need my key.

Since you quit, I am
going to allow old Roy

here to escort me to my cabin.

Ok, here you go.

Listen, instead of me
escorting you to your cabin,

why don't you escort me to mine?

Why don't you
tell me you quit?

Because I was afraid if I did,
you wouldn't take the money.

Oh, Gary, I love you.


Dr. Bricker.

Beautiful evening.

What are you doing up
here all by yourself?

I came up here to keep out of
everybody's way till we land.

What are you going
to do when we do land?

Probably try to keep out of
everybody's way till I die.

You know, when I
thought you were my son,

I felt something I
never felt before.

I like that feeling.

So maybe, I need a son.

You need a better son than me.

David, I telephoned my
brother, and if you want to,

you can go and live with him.

I think it could work for us.

You mean, after I
told you all those lies,

you still want to
treat me like a son?

Well, I got you all those
gifts and I can't return them.

So if you think
you can handle it,

I'd like you to
be my foster son.

I'd like that a lot.

Julie, we'd like to
thank you for everything.

We had a wonderful time.

Excuse me.

We were up all night.

Oh, that's right,
gopher couldn't

find you that extra cabin.

No, we were up all
night because gopher

could find us that extra cabin.

Oh, Roy, before you go,
I want you to have this.

It's the money you gave me.

No, honey, you keep that.

That money is a small price to
pay for the lesson I learned.

You can't buy love.

You can't even rent it.


Mrs. Parker.


Andy, thank you.

These are for you.

And I think the things you did
with the campaign on the ship

were just great.

I think all the things you
did on the ship were just great.

Listen, Mrs. Parker, some of
those great ideas were Sandy's.

I know.

Sandy told me.

So tell me, what do
you think about finding

her a job at the agency?

I think it's a
great idea, except--

except what?

Except I think I should
also find her a husband.


Consider yourself found.

Goodbye, David, hope
to see you real soon.


Goodbye, Vicki.

You know, doc, your
foster son is very cute.

Now, just a moment, young
lady, what are your intentions?

And I'll have to know
more about your family.

For example, what
does your father do?

My father is a sailor, sire.


Well, we'll put you
on the list anyway.

Actually, we'll put you
at the top of the list.

David, we're always
at the top of the list

since I'm the captain.

Oh, I always
wondered what you did.

[Theme music]
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