06x15 - The Captain's Replacement/Sly as a Fox/Here Comes the Bride - Maybe

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Love Boat". Aired: September 24, 1977 – May 24, 1986.*
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Set on the luxury passenger cruise ship MS Pacific Princess, and revolves around the ship's captain Merrill and a handful of his crew, with passengers played by guest actors for each episode, having romantic and humorous adventures along the way.
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06x15 - The Captain's Replacement/Sly as a Fox/Here Comes the Bride - Maybe

Post by bunniefuu »

[Music playing]

Theme song: Love, exciting
and new, come aboard,

we're expecting you.

And love, life's sweetest
reward, let it flow,

it floats back to you.

The love boat soon will
be making another run.

The love boat promises
something for everyone.

Set a course for adventure,
your mind on a new romance.

And love won't hurt anymore.

It's an open smile
on a friendly shore.

It's love.

Welcome aboard, it's love.

[Phone ringing]

Your cabin is right down
there to the left, ok.

Excuse me.

I'm looking for kindly
old doc bricker.

Oh, I'm sorry.

We only have one
doc bricker here.

But he's young and dashing.



Nice to see you.

How beautiful to see you.

Isaac, this is Erica dupont.

Oh, hello.

Nice to meet you, Erica.

Thank you.

Erica and I go
way back together.

She's like a little
sister to me.

Doc was telling me that
we're going to be working

together on this cruise.


I can hardly wait
to get started.

What should I do first?

Well, why don't you meet me in
the supply room in minutes.

I'll get you some uniforms and
tell you what you have to do.


Thanks, Isaac.

Adam, you know you're
really are a lifesaver.


I couldn't help my
parents pay for my wedding

if it weren't for this job.

Oh, I'm glad to do it.

But you haven't told me
about the lucky guy yet.

His name is
Robert wallingford.

He's gorgeous, Ivy league,
rich family, the works.

Well, it sounds like
a dream come true.

All except for one thing.

He thinks that I'm from
a rich family, too.

Well, why would he think that?

Well, you see, it
all happened so fast.

I met Robert when I was house
sitting for a friend of mine

on the beach.

He thought it was my
house and my Mercedes

that I was driving around in.

Oh, and when he heard
your name was dupont--

he assumed that I
was one of the duponts.

I was going to tell him,
but before I knew it

we were engaged.

That fast?

Swept off my feet.

I guess that's the expression.

I even had to tell
Robert I was spending

this week at my grandmother's.

Well, it doesn't exactly
sound like a great way

to start your lives together.

You don't know
Robert's parents.

They're very socially conscious.

They'd never let
Robert marry me if they

knew that I was from the
wrong side of the yacht club.


Watch your step, Mary Frances.

Here, lean on me.

Lean on me.

I don't want you to twist
that pretty little leg.

The only thing that's going
to get twisted around here

is your big fat neck.
[Forced laughter]

Well, hello.

Welcome aboard.

I'm Julie McCoy,
your cruise director,

and this is Vicki stubing.

Hi, welcome aboard.

I'm Mary Frances bellflower.

The future Mrs. Henry Greg.

Henry fantasizes.

You don't have to explain.

Any intelligent person
knows that a lady

of your beauty and
taste would never marry

an extraterrestrial like this.

I am, uh, Ben Phillips,
and I am her fiance


Oh, will you two stop it.


Isn't she pretty
when she blushes?

The very essence of
feminine pulchritude.

Oh, brother.

What Ben is trying
to say in his bumbling

way is that, without
Mary Frances,

the mocking bird stops singing,
the magnolia starts molting,

and the whangdoodle
mourneth its lost young.

I'm not sure what
that meant, but it

certainly sounds romantic.

Uh, could I have my
cabin number please?

I think I may be ill.

Oh, of course.

Let's see.

Miss bellflower, you're on
the promenade deck, cabin .

Uh, Mr. Greg, you're on
the fiesta deck, cabin .

And, Mr. Phillips, you're on
the fiesta deck, cabin .

- All right.
- Oh, here.

Let me show you to the cab--

I will escort
her to her cabin.

Uh, take it easy.

You're stretching my bones.


Ah, well, you're in the vip
suite on the promenade deck.

That's the best
cabin on the ship.

That is what we paid for.

In that case,
enjoy your cruise.

Oh, Harold, what a wonderful
surprise this cruise is.

Well, I thought
that with Robert

and Erica's wedding
coming up you

could use a little
time to relax.

Oh, I just hope I can relax.

There's so much to think
about before the great day.

Stop worrying.

Remember, the bride's family
is responsible for all

the details.

I'm sure the duponts
will do a fine job.

The duponts.

Our Robert has done us proud.

It'll be the social
event of the year.

You're going to be our
cutest waitress ever.

You're joking.

I'm serious.

Come on.

The deck was renovated
after our last cruise.

Oh, here's someone
I want you to meet.

Enjoy your cruise.

Captain donahue, I
want you to meet Julie

McCoy, our cruise director.

- How do you do, sir?
- How do you do?

Captain donahue is
going to be with us

on the cruise as an observer.

Oh, it's our pleasure, sir.

Well, it's my
pleasure to be here.

But, uh, captain stubing
is much too modest.

The line didn't send
me here to observe him,

but rather to learn from him.

I'll be taking over
a new command soon.

Captain stubing is the
best captain sailing,

so you've got a
marvelous teacher.

Remember, your first
lesson is to train your crew

to say nice things about you.

- Right down there to the left.
- Excuse me.

Welcome aboard.


Who is that with
captain stubing?

Oh, that's captain donahue.

I met him a few minutes ago.

That's who I thought it was.

You know, he seems
like a really nice guy.

And he seems smart enough to
be willing to learn all that he

can from captain stubing.

Oh, yeah.

I'll say captain donahue
is willing to learn.

A friend of mine
served under this guy.

And oddly enough, every
person that captain

donahue learned
from wound up being

replaced by captain donahue.

Or as he's been better known,
double dealing donahue.

Well, do you think
we should let captain

stubing know about this?

It's going to be
hard to convince him.

The way old double dealer
operates, you don't even

know he's cut you until
you take your hat off

and your head comes off with it.

[Ship's horn]

Now, listen.

When a passenger
signs for a drink,

make sure you get
their signature

and their cabin number.

Signature and cabin number.
I think I've got it.


Not quite.



A pen.

Thanks, Isaac.

Hey, and hurry back because
I'll have a big order for you.


Gopher, what are
you talking about?

Captain donahue isn't
after merrill's job.

He's only on board
to have merrill check

him out for another command.

Doc, come on.

I'm not talking about
any captain donahue.

I'm talking about a
guy whose nickname

is double dealing donahue.

Speaking of nicknames, you're
becoming the paranoid person.

Oh, there's captain stubing
and his replacement now.

And this is the lido deck, one
of our seven passenger decks.

Well, it's just terrific,
captain, just terrific.

You know, she's
a beautiful ship.

Thank you.

I'm very proud of her.

Well, you have every reason to
be from what I've seen so far.

You've been doing a
great job, captain.

Well, thank you,
captain donahue.

Come this way.

I'll show you something
very interesting.

It's our dining room.

It's art deco.

Uh, for a man
and his assassin,

they sure seem to be enjoying
each other's company.

Well, doc, if you're going
to s*ab somebody in the back,

it's always helpful if you
put your arm around them

so you can find the right spot.


Winner takes Mary
Frances to dinner.


Looks like you're going to
be dining alone, friend.

Oh, yeah?


Gee, Mary Frances, it
must be exciting to have

two such ardent admirers.


Yes, it must be.

But I wouldn't know.

Those two aren't after me.

They're after Louise.


Excuse me.

Gentlemen, gentlemen.

If you two don't stop,
I'm not going to have

dinner with either one of you.

See what you've done.

You have Mary Frances all upset.

The only thing that's
going to be upset

is her stomach if she
has to eat with you.

Well, you're not
going to be eating

anything because I'm going to
give you a knuckle sandwich.

Oh, yeah, well--

hold it.

Hold it.

Go back to what you were doing.

I would rather hear
you grunt than bicker.

Excuse me.


You should have seen the
look on Jennifer's face

when I told her that our
son is marrying a dupont.

Margaret, you are terrible.

I know.



There you go, young fella.

I'm so sorry.

Adam, Adam, they're here.

- Who's where?
- Here.


The wallingfords,
Robert's parents,

they're here on the ship.

Oh, Adam, if they see me working
here, the wedding is off.

What am I going to do?

Erica, they're bound to find
out the truth sooner or later.



Ever since I've
known you, you've

always been smart and rational.

Thank you.

Those are two things about
you that I've never liked.

Thank you.

I better go see
who wants drinks

on the other side of the ship.

Maybe the ocean.

Good idea.

Gopher, you have got
to tell the captain.

Aw, I don't know.

I think maybe I'm overreacting.

Maybe doc's right.

Maybe old double dealing
donahue has really changed.

But what if he hasn't changed?

And what if he's really
after the captain's job?

And the captain has
a right to know.

All right.
I'll tell him.

- Good.
- Tomorrow.

No, now.

Tomorrow may be too late.

How do you tell a man that
someone is out to knife him?

You just knock on that door.

He says, come in.

You march right in, and
you spill it all out.

Or else on the next cruise,
double dealing donahue

may be your captain.


Come in.

Sir, I have something
very important to tell you.

Captain donahue--


Nice to see you.

- What is it, gopher?
- Nothing.

It can wait.

Gopher, whatever you
have to say you can say

it in front of captain donahue?

He's family.



Sir, um, this is very important.

Yes, yes, yes, what is it?

Well, sir, how about all
that bad weather this cruise--

gopher, what's
the matter with you?

All the weather reports
have been perfect.

Ah, yeah, I may be wrong
about those weather reports.

Nobody's perfect.

But how about these
bizarre reports of pirates?


Yeah, I don't
believe it either.

I, I've got this little
tickle in my throat,

and the medicine gives
me weird thoughts.

Gopher, if you have
something to say, say it.

Otherwise I'd like to
get back to our game.

Yes, sir, well, I
think that somebody--


Thank you, gopher.

Thank you.

Now will you please
tell me what you wanted

to say that was so urgent?

Well, sir, I
wanted to say maybe

you should switch to checkers.

Thank you.



Wait right here.

I, uh, I understand
that your pineapple

mystiques are memorable.

Yes they are.

May I please have two of them?


How are the tips coming?

I'm doing real well, Isaac.


Erica, this is for table six.



Well, I like these so
well I got four of them.

Oh, that will
be good for Jenny.

Here are your drinks, sir.

Oh, girl, let me.

Oh, my goodness.

There you are, my dear.

I bet you've never seen one
of those before, have you?

There we are.


Alone at last.

I wouldn't bet on it.

So this is where you
sneaked her off to.

Do you mind?

This is a table for two.


Excuse me.

Now it's a table for three.


Thank you.

Will you two stop
playing musical chairs?

You're attracting attention.

Well, we wouldn't
if you got rid of him.

You could with just one word.

Say yes to me.

You don't love me.

I love you.

You both love Louise.

Now, that's not true.

You're the only one for me.

And I'm the only one for you.

Oh, right now he's
the only one for me.

Waiter, could we order, please?

Thank you.

So, how do you like our
ship so far, captain donahue?

She's magnificent.

I only hope my new ship
is half as imposing.

So do you know
your new command yet?

Well, um, I, um--

as part of the same
family were all interested.

Well, actually, i'm
unable to tell at this time.

But I promise you,
captain, that you

will be the first one to know.

Well, whatever command
you're given, I'm sure

you'll do yourself proud.

In the meantime,
I'd like to pose

a toast to our distinguished
colleague, captain donahue.

May you be as happy on
your ship as I am on mine.

Hear, hear.




Oh, Adam, I'm so sorry.

It's just that I'm so
scared Mr. and Mrs.

Wallingford are going to come
walking in here at any minute.

Oh, you can stop
worrying about that.


Well, Mrs. Wallingford
had a headache,

so I dropped some aspirins
off in their cabin.

I think, I think they're
in for the evening.

Are you sure?

Well, I didn't lock them
in if that's what you mean.

Could that be arranged?

I'm here from the society
for the prevention of cruelty

to women.

This woman obviously
needs assistance.

Don't trample all over her.

I don't want to marry a
woman with mashed feet.

- I just cut in on you.
- Oh, really?

I didn't notice.

Hi, goph.


Want to know if you'll
do me a big favor.



I want you to go over there
and dance with captain donahue.

It is vitally important I
speak to captain stubing alone.

You got it.

Excuse me, captain.

I wonder if you'd do a girl
a favor and dance with her.

It'll be my pleasure.

I thought you'd never ask.


Well, gopher.

Any new word on the
pirates in the area?

No, sir.

No new word.

Same pirates around
here as before.

Mary Frances, you're
everything beautiful to me.

I look at a beautiful
sunset, but I see you.

A full moon can rise, you know,
one of those big orange ones,

but I don't see it.

It's you I see.

When the birds sing and
the breeze has honeysuckle

on its breath, I see you.

You know that it's love.

All right, time's up.

My turn.

Mary Frances, how
do I love thee?

Let me count the ways.


Hi, Adam.

Rough day?



I made terrific
money in tips, but I

kept expecting Mr.
and Mrs. Wallingford

to come sneaking up behind me.

Well, maybe I'll
hang bells on them

and tell them it's standard
procedure on a cruise.

Oh, Adam.

Robert and I love that song.

I wish he were here
dancing with me.

Well, if you don't
mind an older substitute,

I'll do my best.

I'd love to.

You're so wise to suggest
coming out on deck, dear.

I feel sure it will
help my headache.

I think it will.

Besides, it's such
a lovely night.

Doesn't that look like--

well, yes.

But it-- well, it couldn't be.

Adam, I just had
a terrible thought.


What would happen
if Robert tries

to call me at my grandmother's?

Oh, Erica, don't worry.

I'm sure Robert trusts you.


Good lord, it's she.

Why, I'm going
right down there

and give that young
lady a piece of my mind.

No, you're not, Margaret.

This is Robert's problem.

I think I'll just call him up.

It's my time to see
Mary Frances to her cabin.

And it's my time to see
that you stop at the door.


That is something you
don't have to worry about.


You know, you have made
this some enchanted evening,

I want to tell you.
- Oh, I did?

Yes, you did.

Oh, oh!

I can't stand any
more of your bickering.

Oh, Mary Frances, relax.

Enjoy it.

Most women would love having
two men fighting for her.

No, I told you before, Julie.

They're not fighting for me.

They're fighting for Louise.

All right.

Now, who is this Louise?

Well, I'll show you.

She must really be something.

Confidentially, she's a dog.

There-- sweet Louise.

She is a dog.


A foxhound.

The greatest in the world,
Ben and Henry think.

My father left her to me when
he died not too long ago.

And ever since then, Ben and
Henry have been courting me.

The only reason they want
to marry me is to get her.

Maybe that's all in your mind.

Maybe they really do love you.

Well, maybe.

But they love her more.

I find that pretty
hard to believe.

Well, I am going
to find out for sure,

even if I have to
stay up all night

figuring out a way to do it.

So what do you think about
our satellite navigation

system, captain donahue?

Well, it's certainly more
impressive than anything

I've ever worked with before.

Captain stubing, could I
have a word with you, sir?

It's kind of important, and--


Captain donahue.


I didn't expect to see you
on the job this late, sir.

Captain stubing,
you're such a workhorse

that, uh, you
probably don't even

realize that a man that even
is as finely conditioned

as captain donahue here probably
has a hard time keeping up

with you.

Well, uh, i'm
just fine, gopher,

so don't you worry
yourself about me.

Well, actually, I'm concerned
about captain stubing, sir.

I would hate to have him
brought up on charges

for working you to
death trying to keep

up with his man-k*lling pace.

Uh, well, I didn't
know it was so late.

Maybe we should
continue this tomorrow.

Captain stubing,
I'm just fine.

No, no, no.

Gopher is right.

Sometimes I forget how hard
I drive myself and others.

I'll see you in the morning.

Well, if that's what you want
captain stubing, good night.

Good night.

Good night.

Captain stubing, nobody wants
to believe this, but it is true.

Captain donahue
is after your job.

I know.

People call him
double dealing donahue.

He pretends to be your friend.

And then-- what do
you mean you know?

You know that he's
after your job?

Yes, gopher.

I know.

Good morning.

Well, hi, Julie.

Where are the lovers?

Oh, they're trying to k*ll
one another off jogging.


Have you figured out a way
to prove that they really

love sweet Louise and not you?

I'm about to lay
that trap right now.

Well, good luck.

Thank you.

See you later.

Good morning.

Boy, is he out of shape.

Am I out of shape?

Will you both
please sit down and be

serious for just a second.

I've had some bad
news from home.


Mother called.

Sweet Louise didn't
come back from a hunt.

They're afraid she's
lost in gum swamp.

Gum swamp?

She let them run sweet
Louise in gum swamp?

Your mother ought
to do time for that.

I'm the only one that
knows that place.

You got lost in that place.

I got you out, remember?

I'm the only one
that can find her.

Well, there's always
the national guard.

That's it.

We'll call out the
national guard.

Never mind the national guard.

It sounds like a job
the nd airborne.

Didn't I tell you
guys that donahue

was after the captain's job?

Didn't I tell you that?

Now calm down, gopher.

You knew all along, merrill?

Yes, Adam, I knew.

The captain business consists
of a very small group.

So if a man does something to
earn him the nickname double

dealer, it just stands
to reason I'd know him

and of his methods.

Listen, captain, we'll take
care of that guy for you.

Please, please, I don't
want you to do anything.

The way I look at it, the only
real way to fight for your job

is to do your job.

That's exactly what i'm
going to go out and do now.

And today, just like
every other day,

I'm going to love doing it.

Sir, why won't
you let us help you?

Well, how, Julie?

I appreciate all your concern.

But I'm going to let my
record speak for itself.

See you around.

Well, g*ng.

Looks like the captain
doesn't want our help.

So we'll help him
in spite of himself.


We'll make this the
kind of ship old double

dealing donahue wouldn't
want to be caught dead on.


We'll get that Benedict
Arnold on our own.

Oh, I can hardly wait to give
that double dealer a fast show.


Women can be vicious.

(Julie): Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to fabulous puerto

vallarta, a beautiful day awaits
you in this Mexican paradise.

Hi, Mary Frances.

Did your plan work?

Oh, I don't know yet.



Oh, hi.

Have you seen Mr. Henry Greg?

He got off the ship.

It worked.

Oh, I had the feeling
Ben would be the one

who would stay behind with me.

Oh, but they left together.

They said they were flying home.


Is there something wrong?


Thank you.


Well, I guess I asked
for it, didn't I?

They're both gone.

Well, I guess that
proves you were right.

Sort of hard losing
out to somebody

with long ears and fleas.

Isaac, I got your message.

What can I do for you.


I know that you are
going to be taking

over the command of a ship.

Now, nobody knows which
ship it's going to be.


Anyhow, just between
you and me, I

might like to be the chief
bartender on this mystery ship

you're going to
be taking command

of, if you know what I mean.

Well, Isaac, uh, I have been
very much impressed by you

and the rest of the crew.

But, uh, I thought you were all
very loyal to captain stubing.

Oh, we are.

We are.

But there is loyalty, and then
there is ridiculous loyalty,

if you know what I mean.

Anyhow, just in case you will be
looking for a chief bartender,

I'd like you to
taste my pi a colada.

You're going to love this.

To the future.

To the future.

It has won awards.

Isaac, what did
you put in there?

It's, it's terrible.

It's absolutely vile.


May I help you?
- Yeah.

Do you have a Erica
dupont as a passenger?


I'm telling you, Howard, the
way Robert sounded on the phone

that marriage is as good as off.


Well, we'll soon find out.

Oh, Robert.

Ah, hello, mother.

Hi, dad.

Thank goodness you're here.

Yeah, well, I think
you made a mistake.

I just checked with an
officer, and Erica's name's

not on the passenger list.

Oh, she's here all right.

We saw her.

We sure did.

And the way she was
clinging to that sailor,

you'd think she was a drowning
woman and he was a-- well,

he was a life preserver.

Are you sure you
just didn't see

someone who looks like Erica?

Son, we would not have called
you if we weren't certain.

Well, then let's go find her.

If that's what you think
is best, Erica, then do it.

Thanks, Adam.

If Isaac can replace me,
I'll fly home tomorrow.

Every time I turn around
I'm afraid I'm going to bump

into Mr. and Mrs. Wallingford.

Then it's simple.

Don't turn around.


So this is what you call
being at grandmother's.

He's the one.

Robert, I can
explain everything.

It's not what you think.

You stay out of this, grandma.

Robert, Adam is
just an old friend.

Not old enough.

Well, gopher, Vicki said
that you have a cable for me.

Oh, yeah.

He said it was important.

It's in there somewhere.

What is this garbage dump?

If this is a dump,
you should have seen

it before we cleaned it up.

All right.

All right.

I want my cable.

Captain, if you can find
a cable in all this junk,

you're a better guy than I am.

You find that
cable, you hear me?

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

Oh, listen, would
you like some banana.

No, thank you.

Just the cable.


Now, if I were a cable in all
this junk, where would I be?


Hold your hands
out, just like this.

Hold them.

You see it in there?

You find that cable, and
you bring it to my cabin


Got you covered.


Come on, you guys.

Let's get this place cleaned up.

(Julie): Ladies and gentlemen,
we hope you've enjoyed

your stay in puerto vallarta.

Our next stop is the
port of Los Angeles.



You're expecting
the nd airborne?

I thought you flew home.

So did Henry.

Just an act.

I figured it was the only
way I could get rid of him

so I can be alone with you.

But you went with him.

I went to the
airport with him.

And when we got on the
plane, I sneaked back off

and doubled back to the ship.

Oh, you are awful.

What about sweet Louise?

I thought you were
more interested in her.

I was just using
her to get to you.

Besides, she's-- she's the
smartest dog in the world.

She'll find her
way back home, just

like I found my way back home.

You're home Mary Frances.

Believe that.

I do, Ben.

The next one, we have to make
an appearance at the governor's

charity benefit.

I can arrange for you
to take Mary Jo dempsey.

That's the dempsey family.


Of shaker heights.

Robert, you're not
even listening to me.

I'm sorry.

I can't stop
thinking about Erica.

After the way that girl
took advantage of you.

I'm not sure
about that anymore.

I was awfully hard on her.

Maybe I should
have heard her out.

Here are your drinks.


What are you doing
in that outfit?

Working as a barmaid.

I got this job to help my
parents pay for our wedding.


Oh, I can't believe your
parents would have any trouble

paying for a wedding.

Just 'cause my last
name's dupont doesn't mean

that I come from a rich family.

You mean, you're--
you're not--

your father isn't a--

sorry to disappoint you.

What about the beach
house and the car?

You assumed that
they were mine.

I was too afraid to tell
you that they weren't.

The truth is, Robert, i'm
just an ordinary daughter

of an ordinary autoworker
from a very ordinary town.

My family's just as
good as anybody else's.

Here's your ring back.

I was wrong to let you think
that I'm somebody that I'm not.

Well, i--

I'm glad we found out that
she wasn't worthy of you

before the wedding.

Is that what
you think, mother?

Because she's not rich,
she's not good enough for me.

Now, Robert.


Let me talk.

Did you marry dad
because he was rich?

I may be a little
old fashioned, but I

want to marry a woman
because I love her,

not because she
qualifies for top billing

in the social register.

Vicki, I don't understand.

If gopher found my cable,
why didn't he bring-- why,

why, why, why didn't he bring
it to me instead of sending

you to bring me to him?

Well, you see,
captain donahue, gopher

thinks it's your
cable, but he's still

trying to fit all the little
pieces of paper together.

He's what?

Welcome direct, I'm board
Julie, your coy cruiser.


Welcome aboard.

I'm Julie director,
your cruise McCoy.


Welcome aboard.

You're on fiesta
deck, cabin .


Welcome aboard.

You're on the aloha
deck, cabin .


Welcome aboard.

You're on the coral
deck, cabin .


Welcome aboard.

I'm Julie mccruise,
you're coy director.



Welcome a-cruise.

I'm Julie McCoy,
you're coy director.

(Whispering) Doc,
what's going on?

Welcome direct.

I'm board Julie,
your coy cruiser.

Uh, every so often Julie has
a cruise director break down.

Nothing serious.


Welcome aboard.

I'm Julie mccruise,
your coy director.


Welcome McCoy.

I'm Julie cruise, your
board of directors.


This'll calm her
down in no time.



Welcome abroad.

Hi, welcome aboard.

Hi, welcome aboard.

Hi, welcome aboard.


That really felt good.

Mary Frances, I loved
you like a sister.

But that Henry started after
you just to get to sweet Louise.

Oh, now, Ben, don't
be too hard on him.

I'm not.

I'm not.

He brought me to my senses.

I mean, then I saw you
in a whole new light.

And I said to myself, I love
her more than I do that dog.

And that bum's going
to get both of them.

You really are a romantic.


So, uh, can I come in?

No, not tonight.

We have plenty of time for that.

And I have had a
hard day, believe me.

I know.

Good night, sweetheart.

Good night.


Where have you been so long?

What are you doing here?

Well, I've been
waiting for hours

to spring this surprise on you.

And you are
surprised, aren't you?

Oh, yes.


I, uh, I thought you flew home.

Oh, that's what that
dummy Ben thought, too.


The whole thing was
just a little idea

of mine to get rid of him.


And i-- I'll just bet that
you put him on that plane,

and then you sneaked off.

Well, it wasn't hard.

He was so intent on getting
back to sweet Louise.


Now you know who
really loves you.

Yes, I think I do.

You know what?

I forgot to ask you to marry me.

What are you doing here?

I left you on the plane.

What are you doing here?

I left you on the plane.

Hold it.

Hold it.

Sit down.

Come on, sit down.

The winner takes
me to breakfast.

I'll be here early.

Don't count on
it, ginger bird man.


Erica, I came to tell you
it doesn't make a difference

to me if you're rich or poor.

I love you.

And I want to try
and pick up where

we left off before the cruise.

But one thing.

If you, if you've
found another guy--

oh, Robert.

Adam's just an old friend.

But that's not our problem.

Our marriage would never work.


Because as your mother would
say, when you marry a man,

you marry his family, as well.

I couldn't stand the
thought of waking

up every morning being
judged for all the things

that I'm not.

Then I'll just have to insist.

Robert, I told you that the
marriage would never, ever--

this isn't the ring
that you gave me.

This is my mother's,
the ring my father gave

her when they were engaged.

She wants you to have it.

Your mother?

After what
happened last night,

she was afraid the other
ring might have some,

some bad memories attached.

She said that this ring is
nothing but good memories.

And we'll give it
even more good memories.

Uh, captain stubing,
there is something--

captain donahue,
didn't they teach you

at the maritime academy
to knock on the commanding

officer's door?

Well, need I remind you I still
am the captain of this ship.

Oh, I know that you are
the captain of this ship.

Who else would take
a job like this

with that weird crew of yours?


They happen to be
the best crew afloat.

The best crew--

well, then you had
better check this ship

because it must be sinking.

Captain donahue, is
this part of your strategy

to oust me from that chair?

That chair.

You must be kidding.

That chair?

I wouldn't take
command of this ship

now if my life depended on
it, not with that looney

tune crew of yours.

You know, captain stubing,
at your next port of call,

you ought to drop them
off at a funny farm.

Funny farm.



I, uh, I wonder if any of
you knows what caused captain

donahue to develop a sudden
aversion to taking command

of the pacific Princess.

I have no idea.

I don't know why.

In any event, I'd like to
thank each and every one of you

for doing whatever you
did that none of you

knows absolutely anything about.

You're welcome.

[Talking over each other]

Are you kidding me?

Oh, thank you very much.

This has been a wonderful trip.

It certainly has been,
all things considered.

Well, have you
made your choice yet?

No, not yet.

But I will be back
for a honeymoon

trip with one of them.

Well, bigamy can be fun.

With these two?

No thanks.

- Give my best to Louise.
- Yes.



Thanks, Adam.

You've been such a good friend.

You're welcome.

I'm just happy you and
Robert got together again.

Not half as happy as I am.

When's the big day?

Three weeks, four
days, and, uh, two hours,

but who's counting?


Bye, Adam.

Oh, bye-bye, doctor.


Goodbye, captain donahue.

I hope you learned
something as an observer.

I know I did.


Well, thank you very much.

Oh, here they come.

Bye, captain.

And good luck, which
you are going to need.

Goodbye, captain donahue.

See you later.

So long.

Thanks for sailing with us.

What did you all do to
make him react like that?

Nothing, sir.

He just observed
us doing our jobs.

Yeah, just like always.

None of you seem
that strange to me.

But maybe that's because
we're all used to each other.

[Music playing]

[Theme music]
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