02x37 - Awakening of Evil, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x37 - Awakening of Evil, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on yu-gi-oh...

let the duel begin.

It's time
to duel.

Let's do this!

I'll play
temple of the kings.

What's the deal
with that
building, marik?

Within this , -year-old
sanctuary lie

The greatest treasures
of the kings of egypt.

Thinking: these fools
will never suspect

That I am the one they
fear and despise so greatly!

And while I hide
safely in the shadows,

Odion will fight
my battles for me.

Prepare to experience

The power of
an extremely rare
breed of card

That's known
as a trap-monster.

Come forth, my beasts!

What am I gonna do?

You're at the end
of your rope, mr. Wheeler.

And as soon as
my creatures attack,

You'll see exactly
what I mean.

You're finished!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh is
king of game ♪

♪ It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel ♪

I got to squash
these snakes

Or I'm out of
the finals!

Come on, man.

Joey's life points
are low, so he's got
to protect himself.

Marik may attack
with his serpents

In his next turn,
and joey has to be ready!

Hey, guys,
what can joey do

To get rid
of those
gross things?

It's not easy.

The first thing that
boy has to do is keep
his life points safe.

Odion: your chances of
victory have vanished.

You'll never recover
from the triple onslaught

Of my embodiments
of apophis.

Oh, yeah?

I'm gonna have to
disagree with you.

So take this.

I place one card

And change
alligator's sword

From attack
to defense

That seems like a final
desperate move to me.

Well, we'll
just see.

Thinking: as soon
as mr. Personality
over here

att*cks me,

I'll activate
my scapegoat
magic card.

It'll absorb
the hits of all of
his slimy reptiles,

Leaving me safe
and sound.

You're about to feel

What real power
can accomplish,
mr. Wheeler.

Now, my beasts, attack!

Joey, no!

Marik, you're in
for a surprise.

Go, scapegoat!

My scapegoats
will absorb

All three of your
snake att*cks.


Joey's smarter
than I thought.

I see. Good move,
but not good enough.

Eh? What's that?

Observe. My magic jammer!

No way!

Bad news, guys.

I'm afraid marik's
magic jammer trap card

Cancels out
the effect of joey's
scapegoat magic card.

That evil creep
can't win this.

It's time
to say farewell

To your furry friends
and hello to my serpents.

Then I'm toast!

Apophis, attack!

Destroy rocket warrior...

And alligator's sword!

Now attack his
life points directly!



[Odion laughing sinisterly]

Get up, pal!

He almost lost the rest
of his life points.

Odion: you've lost all
your monsters.

And now you're down
to life points.

One more attack
and it's over.

Yugi: you can
do this, joey!

You promised to help
me defeat marik.

And if you win this
duel, he's finished!

Thinking: wrong, you fool!

I'm marik.

And your friend's
about to lose

At the hands
of my servant--odion!

The end's near.

this duel can't end

Until marik plays
his egyptian god
card. I must see it!

Odion: what a shame.

It looks like you made
it all the way to
the battle city finals

Just to lose
on your knees.

Well, you may
as well stay down,

Because I'm about
to take away

The few life points
you have left!

Odion: one more attack,
mr. Wheeler,

And your tiny portion of
life points will be gone.

Don't give up!

Tristan, joey can still
win this duel, right?

Sure, he can.

Mai: well, if you say so.

what do you mean?

Yeah, mai!

Look, guys.
I want joey to win,

But the odds in this duel
are completely against him.

Face it, serenity.

Marik still has
all of his life points.

And your brother is
down to his final .

But, mai--

Well, there's
a slim chance, but joey
might have lost hope.

Your brother needs
a serious confidence boost.

Odion: I'd suggest
forfeiting to
avoid humiliation.

No way.

Don't you even think about
listening to this nut-job!

Why not?

Well, is that
how you got here,

By just giving up when
the odds were against you?

Or did you keep on fighting
until the very end?

Just think about it.

You got a good
point there.

Thinking: I won some pretty
tough duels to get here.

Now that you're
a battle city finalist,

You're gonna
throw it away?

Then I guess you'll
always be a runner-up
instead of a champion.

And your sister
will always remember
how you wimped out.


Joey, you can still win!


I don't know anyone
stronger than you.

And you inspire me
every single day.

If it hadn't been for you,

I wouldn't have gotten
my sight back,

Not because you paid
for my surgery,

But because you
gave me the courage
to go through with it.

Hang in there!

Then when it was over,

You gave me
the strength I needed

To take off my bandages
and face the world.

When everything was dark,
you gave me light.

You've never
given up before,

And you shouldn't
start today.

I won't.

Joey: bet you
never had anyone

Who cared about
you like that, pal!

I did. But that was
a time so very long ago.


A baby

In these parts?

Oh, you poor
sweet child.

There, there.

Who would leave
you all alone
in the cold?

It's much warmer
down here, my child.

Odion, voice-over:
she rescued me
from the darkness

And cared for me
as if I were her own.

So yes, mr. Wheeler,

I know what it's
like to be loved.

Joey, you always
pull through.

And I know
you can beat him!

Thanks, sis.

All right, then.

Are you going to stay
down on your knees
and accept defeat...

[Odion chuckles]

Or be a fool

And prolong your suffering
by making a move?

I suggest you give
in and face reality.

I can't.

I've come too far
to give up now.

Because if I quit,

I'll be letting
down everyone who
ever believed in me,

Not to mention
letting myself down.

It's true.

I've been in
tighter spots

And I still
pulled through...

Jinzo, attack!

Say good-bye
to your life
points, roba.



Time to exterminate
your insect queen.

Yeah! There goes
my pest problem.

Your fisherman's

Best of luck
in the finals.

Thanks. You're
all right, mako.

I fought my hardest

To get where
I am right now.

And I never let anyone
get the best of me,

Even when all hope
seemed lost.

So why should I
start now?

Hey, marik, you think
I'm gonna lose to you?

Well, you better
guess again, tough guy.

I came to the finals
for one reason--to win.

And that's
what I'm gonna do.

Joey wheeler's back!

Way to go!

Listen, I defeated
of the toughest
duelists out there

To earn my way
onto this blimp,

You light-bulb head!

And I'm not
gonna let you or
your shiny skull

Stop me
from finishing
what I started.

That's right!

You tell him!

Thanks a lot, guys.
You rock!

And don't worry.
I'll win this.

Let's go!

It seems you're more
foolish than I thought.

Time for you
to lose shamefully.

So make your
final pathetic move.

Let's go!

it's time to remind joey

Of the importance
of his victory.

Save the world.

Thinking: oh, yeah!

If I beat marik,
his plans are crushed.

The power is
in your hands.


Your scheme
ends here.

I promised
yugi that I'd
help him stop you

From achieving
whatever sick
and twisted goals

That you and your
rare hunters
have, marik.

And I'm gonna
keep that promise

By knocking your
bald cranium out of
the finals, got it?

Here goes.

All right, let's see.

Hope you're ready to say
good-bye to everything.

false threats

frighten me.

I place two cards

Then I summon

Swordsman of landstar
in defense mode!

Now back to you,

Thinking: his determination
is surprising.

How can he retaliate
with only life points?

My serpent swordsmen
will easily finish him off.

Marik: what are you
waiting for, you
incompetent buffoon?

Attack him!

I hope you've enjoyed

Your brief experience
as a battle city finalist.

And now, my embodiments of
apophis, triple attack!

Not so fast.

Time to skin
your snakes.

So go now!

My foolish
burial magic card

Lets me put one card
from my hand into
your graveyard.

And next I'm gonna
reveal this...

My trap card,

Now you plan to rob
my graveyard?

Wow. Did you
figure that out
all by yourself

Or did someone hand
you a cheat sheet?

Yes, einstein,
I'm gonna rob
your grave!

Ha ha!

And look.

I've taken back the card
I just put in there.

Now, reveal jinzo!

Oh, no.

He's summoned
an extremely powerful
monster to the field!

That's right.

I remembered
your snake
creatures were

A special breed
of monsters

That also happened
to be trap cards.

Your slimy reptiles
have all the strengths
of trap cards,

But they have all
the weaknesses, too.


Jinzo's special

Lets him
destroy trap cards.

Jinzo, wipe out
his serpents.

You know, I won jinzo
in my very first
battle city duel

Against a real opponent.

Yeah. That's
the way, joey.

Good job.

Yes. Joey seems to be using

What he's learned from
his past victories.

Now, then,
do you still think

I'm an amateur
or did you learn
your lesson?

I'm not through with
you yet, mr. Wheeler!

I still have
all my life points.

Not for long, marik.

See, with my man
jinzo by my side,

You and your
trap cards are
ancient history.

Oh, yeah!
Ha ha!

Joey, you go!

I knew that you'd
pull through.

Now show him who's boss.

Thinking: if it weren't
for all of my battle
city victories,

I wouldn't be
here right now.

I won jinzo by
defeating espa roba,

And now his card is
giving me the strength
to beat marik.

Thinking: looks like
wheeler got lucky.

Perhaps he'll
survive this duel
long enough

For me to see
marik's egyptian
god card after all.

Here we go!

Look out! Check it
out, bald wonder.

Now I summon
battle warrior

In attack mode!

But wait, because
that's not all.

I also switch

My swordsman
of landstar
into attack mode.

And then
there's jinzo.

Attack his
life points


There's more where
that came from.

Now, battle warrior
and swordsman
of landstar,

Move in with
a direct attack.

Awesome! He got marik's
life points down to .

It's a good thing
I inspired him.

you the man, joey.

Now finish him off.

I knew it.
You rock!

Now, then,
you don't feel
so tough, do you?

Maybe you
should have
protected yourself

A little better.

Attack me all you want.

You can't win.


I still possess my temple
of the kings card,

A card that has ancient
powers so strong,

It can't be stopped.

Just wait until you
experience its
unparalleled force.

Your palace
doesn't scare me.

I think
I've already proven

That joey wheeler
doesn't sit back

And let people
walk all over him.

So bring it on!

Hear me?

I can take whatever
you got and dish it
right back, buddy.

So go ahead
and make your move.

With great pleasure,
foolish boy.

Marik: listen
to me, odion!

You've allowed
joey wheeler
to come too far.

Now destroy him
at once

Or face severe

Yes, master marik.

He's worthless,
you fool.

Now finish
him off!

Not to worry, master.

I won't disappoint you.

In fact, I've
already figured out

A way to render
his monsters useless.

Let's go,
potato head.

the hold up?

Odion: this should
hold you up.

I play my swords
of revealing light!

Hey, what's the deal,

That's not good.

Marik's swords
of revealing light

Traps joey's
monsters for
whole turns.

But joey
can still win, right?

I hope so. But not
attacking for
turns won't help.

That's true, mai.

But joey can still
sacrifice his monsters

To summon
stronger ones,

And although his jinzo
can't attack,

Its special ability
does remain in effect.

That means marik still
can't use his trap cards.

Make your move.


Here goes.

I may not be
able to attack,

But I can
still do this.

I sacrifice
my battle warrior

In order to summon
the legendary fisherman.


I know how much
this card meant
to you, mako,

And I promised you
I'd use it well.

And before I end
my turn,

I'll switch all
of my monsters
to defense mode.

Prepare to lose!

[Laughing sinisterly]

What's this?!

Why do you seem
so shocked, odion?

If you're
posing as me,

You should have
my card in
your deck. Right?

That's why I
slipped it in
before the duel.

But, master, this
card is too dangerous.

And I'm not meant
to control its great power.

You can't possibly
expect me to play it.

Please reconsider,

I beg of you!

Stop whimpering.

You sound pitiful.

I command you
to play that card.

It's the only way
to win this duel.

You must place
it within
the ancient ark

On the temple steps.

And when the time
is right,

You will release
its rage!

Hey, marik,
I'm getting tired
of waiting around.

First I'll place
this card facedown
on the playing field.

Now prepare
yourself, mr. Wheeler,

For the next card
I play

Will be the final
instrument of
your destruction!

Do it, odion.

Play the card
I added to your
deck right now.

As soon
as you place it

the sacred ark on
the temple steps,

be invincible.

And if you refuse
to play it,

You'll have
to answer to me.

The choice is
yours, odion.

Don't be a fool.

I must obey
master marik.

It is my sworn duty.

Tea: something
strange is
going on

Up there, guys.
Check out marik.

He looks really
freaked out.

I think tea's right.

Ever since marik
drew his last card,

He's been acting
really strange.

I wonder if it
has something to do

With that ancient
temple behind him.

When he first played
temple of the kings,

I had a bad feeling

About that box at
the top of the stairs--

The one with the egyptian
symbols on it.

What could it be?

For some weird reason,

It seems familiar to me,
but I'm not sure why.

Be careful, joey!

Man, this is like
the longest move
in history.

Good moves take time,
but how would you know that?

And now I seal
this card

In the sacred
ark of the temple!


You have no idea
what I've just done

By securing this
all-powerful card

Within my
ancient sanctuary.

By sealing this card
of the gods,

I have also sealed
your fate!

Card of the gods?!

That ends my turn.

A wise move, odion.

Here I go!

Time to bring back
a monster
from my graveyard

With monster reborn!

Bring back my
alligator's sword!

And now I sacrifice

My alligator's sword
and my swordsman
of landstar

So I can
summon this--

My insect queen!


I won this card

From a feisty
little germ named
weevil underwood.

Every one of
my battle city

Is paying off
right now.

Those duels
got me incredible

My tournament's
done wonders
for wheeler's deck.

Look at that.

Joey was able to summon

Every rare monster he
won in the tournament
all at once.

Yes, joey
has come a long
way as a duelist

Since the battle
city tournament
began, mai.

Look out, marik,

Because your swords
of revealing light

Will lose their
power next turn.

And when those
lights go out,

There'll be
nothing holding
my monsters back.

And since you
have nothing
to protect you,

You're finished.

You think

Just because you
were able to acquire
a few strong monsters,

You can defeat me.

You're so naive,

For I am about
to summon a beast
that you can't destroy.


While your monsters

Were trapped in my
swords of revealing light,

I was able to
prepare for the arrival
of my ancient creature.

And this all-powerful
entity will serve

As the guardian
of the sacred temple
of the kings,

my ancient sanctuary

And all of the secrets
that lie within.

Say that again
with small words.

You can't win
once I play this--

Cup of sealed soul!

Then I reveal my facedown
card--seal of serket!

When these two
magic cards are played

Along with temple
of the kings,

They are able to awaken

A great creature from
its ancient slumber,

A being like none
you've ever seen before!

What is it?


You're about to find out.

Please hear my call,

Guardian of the temple.

Now, mystical beast
of serket,

I summon thee!

I got a bad feeling
about this, you guys.


That thing's

What am I
gonna do?

That creature
is minute

Compared to what lurks
within my sacred temple.

Then tell me now!

What monster did
you hide inside
that ark, marik?

Within the sacred ark lies

My egyptian god card,
the winged dragon of ra!

Joey, thinking: with
that thing outside

And his egyptian
god card inside,

There's no way
I can win!

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