02x24 - Double Duel, Part 4

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x24 - Double Duel, Part 4

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: previously
on yu-gi-oh...

Mokuba: come on,
let's go, tea!

Now's the chance!

Tea: I'll stay!

You go and find your
brother and yugi!

Hey, you!

I'm going!

Man: rise and shine.


Keep your grubby paws
off of me, will you!

If you touch me,
you'll be sorry!

With joey wheeler
as my mind sl*ve,

Little yugi's egyptian god
card is as good as mine.

Kaiba and I make
a powerful team,

And you two rare
hunters are no match

For the combined
strength of our decks!

I summon
des gardius!

And now that des gardius
has been unleashed...

There's no stopping it!

So, forget about
rescuing your friends...

They belong to marik now!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh, yu-gi

It's time
to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

Lumis: one of you two
fools is about

To feel the fury of
my ultimate creature,

Des gardius,
but which one?

If I attack you, yugi,

My beast will wipe out

The rest of your life points,

And if I choose you, kaiba,

Your blue eyes will be a meal

For my des gardius.

Umbra: and don't
forget what happens

When your life
points reach zero.

Your shadow box will destroy
the surface below you

And send you
plunging into

The shadow realm
for eternity!

And your
friends will join

Our army of
rare hunters

And serve
master marik!

Now the time has come
for me to decide

Which one of you
pathetic nitwits

To attack with
des gardius!

Who will it be?

Do you give up?

I choose you,
yugi moto!


We're supposed to
be a team, lumis!

That means we both get
a say in this decision!

While I agree we
have to destroy yugi,

Leaving kaiba's blue-eyes
white dragon on the field

Would be an extremely
foolish mistake!

No! It's my move,
and I choose yugi!

Kaiba: I knew it!

I was wondering
whether you would

Have the guts to challenge
my blue-eyes white dragon,

And now I know.

Know what?

That you're all
talk and no action.

Only a coward would
take the easy way out,

Instead of flexing
his muscles

And attacking
my monster.

[Thinking] kaiba must
be trying to save me.

He knows
without my help

He'll lose this
duel for sure!

[Thinking] maybe
kaiba's right.

Attacking yugi first
could be a mistake.

His monsters are weak,

And I can destroy
them at any time.

Why waste my creature's
first attack?

[Aloud] all right, there's
been a change in plans!

Des gardius, destroy
kaiba's blue eyes!


Guess you were
wrong, kaiba!

No one calls me a coward
and gets away with it!

[Thinking] yugi better not
make me regret saving him!

Destroy them, yugi!


Umbra: remember, thanks
to mask of the accursed

And mask of dispel

You lose another
, life points!

Fine, this duel is
almost over anyway!

You'll regret not
attacking me!

When I play the card in
my hand and destroy you!

What? It can't be!

Attacking blue-eyes
was a big mistake

'Cause now yugi
has something

Even worse in
store for you!

It's a lie!

You can't summon
high power monsters

Because of our
trap card.

Your trap card
only prevents us

From sacrificing...

But that's not
the only way

To summon powerful
monsters, umbra!

So, I play this!

Gamma, the magnet

And now that I have

Magnet warriors on
the field at the same time

I can activate
their special ability!

Monster transform!

Both: transform? What?

Yugi: yes!

All creatures
will now transform

Into one mighty warrior

With triple
the attack strength!

What is that?

Yugi: behold valkyrion,
the magna warrior!

Consider this
attack payback

For destroying my
blue eyes, lumis!

Fine, kaiba!

Kaiba: yugi's
valkyrion has

More attack points
than your des gardius!

So, with one swing
of it's sword

It can completely
annihilate your
masked beast!

Tough break, lumis!


It's time to
take our revenge

For my blue eyes
white dragon!

So, what are
you waiting for?

I've been patient
long enough!

Stop stalling
and attack them!

Now prove you're
not scared

And avenge
the destruction

Of my blue eyes
white dragon!

[Thinking] it's true that
in a head-to-head battle,

My magna warrior
could easily defeat

Their des gardius.

And they don't
seem to have

Any hidden trap
cards on the field...

But lumis and umbra don't
seem nervous at all!

do it, yugi!

Destroy their
monster now!

Lumis: go ahead,
yugi, make your move!

[Thinking] could their
masked monster des gardius

Have a hidden ability

That might
block my attack?

[Thinking] as soon as that
fool att*cks my monster,

He'll be in
for a surprise...

And a one-way trip to
the dreaded shadow realm!

Kaiba: make
your move, yugi!

What are you
waiting for!?

I gave up my
blue eyes for you,

And let you summon
your monster,

And this is
the thanks I get?

Now, destroy
their monster

So I can move
one step closer

To finding my
little brother!

And do it right now
or you'll be sorry!

Yugi: I'll place
one card facedown.

Kaiba, if you ever want
to see mokuba again,

We have to duel

Anger will only
cloud your reason!

You're wrong.

You must try to put
your frustration aside

And trust in the heart
of the cards.

Unless you do,

You'll be playing
right into the hands

Of the rare hunters!

That's nonsense!

We have to
crush them now!

You're losing
focus, kaiba!

If you want to win,

You must believe
in your deck.

[Thinking] heart
of the cards--

Who needs it!?

The only way to
win this duel

Is to play my
egyptian god card,

the tormentor!

But in order
to summon it

I need to sacrifice

And as long as their
mask of restrict is in play,

We're not allowed to
sacrifice anything--

That's it!

Its right in
front of me!

A way to summon my
egyptian god card

Even with their
mask on the field!

But it can only
work if yugi's

Willing to give
up his monster

I gave up my blue eyes
white dragon to help him,

So it's only fair
he makes a sacrifice.

I don't like depending
on anyone but myself,

But I'll do what
I have to do

To save my brother!

Yugi, we can win.


the magna warrior,

Attack their
monster now!

He took my bait,
and now he'll regret it!


It's gone.

Lumis: you may have
destroyed my beast, yugi!

But you've also activated
its special ability.

What special

When des gardius is
sent to the graveyard

It leaves behind masks,

Which combine to form a new,
more powerful mask--

The mask of remnants!


As revenge for your attack,

This mask allows
me to control

One of your monsters
as if it were my own!

And since you only
have one monster,

It's a good thing
its one size fits all!


Valkyrion the magna warrior
belongs to me now,

And you're in trouble!

Excellent work!thank you!

You're through,

Your defenses
are gone

And the shadow
realm awaits!

Destroy yugi on
this turn, umbra,

Then I'll take
out kaiba myself.

With pleasure.

I'll make sure kaiba

Never sees his runt
of a brother again

When I send him to join
yugi in the shadow realm!

Let's do it.


Farewell, yugi.

I activate

With this magic
card in play,

I'm able to control
one of lumis' monsters

As if it were
my monster!

So, my magna warrior,

Attack and destroy your
former master, yugi!

Both: good-bye!

Don't celebrate
just yet.


Reveal my face
down card!


It will break down
your monster

Into its
separate parts

And destroy
your mask!

Oh, no!

Our attack
just failed!

Are you shocked?

I'm afraid
you're no match

For our combined
skills, rare hunters!

It's my turn.

Behold my
egyptian god card!

Not quite!

As long as my
mask of restrict
is in effect

You can't
summon it!

You would have to
sacrifice monsters

And my mask
prevents that!

Kaiba: wrong!

Your mask only stops me from
sacrificing my own monsters.

But I plan to sacrifice

Your monsters instead,
lumis, with this card!

Now I activate
the magic card
soul exchange,

Which let me sacrifice
your magnet warriors!

Don't let them
get away with this!

Do something, lumis!

We're finished!

If kaiba summons
obelisk the tormentor,

We'll have no hope
of winning this duel!

We must stop him

Or marik will
be furious!


I warned you
two clowns!


This is for my
little brother!

You've been talking about

Wining my egyptian
god card this entire duel!

Now it's time for you
to experience its power!


Obelisk the tormentor,

Arise and wreak
your ultimate revenge!

Kaiba: its payback time
for kidnapping mokuba!

So, prepare to feel
a force like no other!

And now it's time!

Obelisk, attack umbra's
life points directly!



Umbra! No!


Hey, umbra,
are you all right?

He's fine for now,

But thanks to my
egyptian god card

His life points
don't look so good.

It seems like
you've fallen victim

To your own trap,
rare hunters!

[Both gasp]

When my life point
counter reaches zero,

I'll plunge into
the shadow realm!



Umbra, come back,

You can't
leave me here!

Too late for that.

It looks like you're dueling
alone now, doesn't it?

The odds are certainly
against you, lumis.

And you're powerless against
our egyptian god card.

If you want to avoid
any further danger,

Then you had
better surrender!

Don't let him
off the hook yet,

My monster is just
getting warmed up...

And lumis needs to pay
for what he's done!

He disrespected
my family!

Stop, kaiba!

Revenge isn't going to
help you find mokuba!

Perhaps if we allow
him to surrender

He'll tell us where
they're hiding the prisoners.

Yugi, wise up!

We must destroy
him right now!


No, master!

Please don't be angry!

We tried our best!

What now?

please don't...

No, marik,
I'm sorry!



I see that you have
defeated my rare hunters.

That's all right.

They did their job.

What have you done
with my friends, marik?!


This rare hunter's
gone mad.


This rare hunter
is under the control

Of a man named marik!

That is
ridiculous, yugi!

Marik's power
is very real!

And he's the one
holding mokuba c*ptive.

Well, tell me where
this so-called
marik is hiding!


Wouldn't you
like to know, kaiba!

Well, I'll give
you a hint.

I'm closer than
you think I am!

I hope you enjoyed
the special duel

I set up for you.

You fared better
than I thought.

But don't think
just because

You beat my
rare hunters

That you'll be rescuing
your friends and family

Anytime soon.

You see, I've
been preparing

For the next
phase of my plan.

And I've been studying
each of your decks

Through the eyes
of my rare hunters.

As for your egyptian
god card, kaiba,

Obelisk pales
in comparison

To my winged dragon
of ra card!

I'm afraid there's
no way it can stop me.

And once I defeat you,

Obelisk will be
in my deck!

And I haven't
forgotten you, yugi.

Your egyptian god card

And millennium puzzle
will be mine as well!

And since my
rare hunters failed,

I've come up with
the perfect plan

To defeat you once
and for all!

By playing upon
your greatest weakness--

Your loyalty to your
pathetic friends.

Don't worry;

They're safe and sound
right here with me.

But I don't think they're
on your side anymore.

It seems their allegiance
now lies with me!

It's funny how our friends
are so quick to turn.

I'm the one you
want, marik,

So leave my
friends alone!

Too late!

I'm afraid those fools
belong to me now, yugi!

You're a coward.

Why don't you
face me already

Instead of hiding
behind your mind slaves?

But controlling peoples'
minds is so much more fun!

And thanks to
my millennium rod,

Yugi's closest friends are
already my mind slaves!

Once I turn them
against him,

Yugi will surrender
everything he has to me!

Leave my friends
alone, marik!

And tell me
where they are!

Kaiba: look, I don't
know who you are...

But you better tell
me where mokuba is!

I won this battle...

So release my
little brother

Just like you said
you would right now!

You trust me?

What a fool!

Let him go!!

Yugi: stop!

You're wasting
your energy, kaiba.

He obviously
has no intension

Of helping us find
mokuba and the others.

Very perceptive!


He's gone.

All right then...

We're going to have to

Track them down
on our own, kaiba.

Maybe your satellite
system can help.

Look, yugi,
first things first.

I think this rare hunter
owes us something.

This was an official
battle city duel.

That means
the losers have to

Give up one locator card
each to the winners.

There's one for
each of us.

That means we
both have .

We're each
guaranteed a spot

In the battle city
finals now.

Kaiba, how can
you begin to

Think about
the tournament

After what
marik just said?

We have to
find my friends

And your brother
right now!

I'm well aware
of that, yugi!

Then help me
think of a plan!

Every second counts!


Yugi: isn't that one of
your helicopters, kaiba?

It's me!

It's mokuba!

He escaped!

Tell me, are
you all right?

Mm-hmm, but I had
to leave tea behind.

Is tea ok?

And what about
joey and tristan?

Well, I'm not so sure
about joey or tristan,

But up until
she helped me escape

From the rare hunters,
tea was doing all right.

We gotta
go back there!

Get in
the chopper, now.

Sounds like
your friend tea

Saved mokuba's life,

And as much as I
hate getting involved,

I hate owing someone
a favor even more.

Thank you.

It's finally here.

Woman over p.a.:
This is jefferson station.

Take all of your belongings
and watch your step.

I need something
to go, quickly, please!

It'll help if you tell
me what you'd like!

Umm, I don't know, just
give me one of everything!


Come on, less yakking
and more packing,

I got a train
to catch!

Woman over p.a.: All aboard!

Step in and stand clear
of the closing doors.

Next stop: town of domino!"

Oh, no,
where's tristan?

I hope he didn't
miss the train!

Guess whose back?

Hope you like food,

'Cause I just
brought back plenty!

How 'bout a cheeseburger
and french fries?

Come on,
burrito supreme?

Macaroni and cheese?

Sushi? What?


Excuse me.


What is it,

Well, I'm still nervous
about what will happen

When I take
my bandages off.

I know that
the doctor said

I can take them
off tonight,

But I'm worried
the operation didn't work.

Nah, you're gonna be
just fine, serenity!

You gotta have a little
faith, that's all.

I know, but I want to
see so badly, tristan,

And there's a part of me
that's too frightened

To face this alone.

I bet you think

I'm just acting like
a scared little baby.

Come on, we all
get scared sometimes,

But if you think
about it,

The things that seem to
freak us out the most

Are usually no big deal
at all, serenity!

Yeah, and I think
I'll feel better

Once we get to
battle city and find joey

Because I need him to
give me the courage

And the strength to face
the unknown one more time,

Like he did when I first
went to the hospital.

And I'll tell
you something,

I think joey needs
you right now

Just as much as
you need him.

You'll give him
the courage he needs

To win the finals!

Ah! That's
so perfect!

We'll inspire
each other,

And together we'll both
overcome our doubts!

Thanks for listening
to me, tristan!

I can't wait till we
get to battle city!

No sweat!
Don't mention it!

Is our satellite
tracking system working?


I'm picking up a weak signal
from joey's duel disk.

It's coming from
the same spot

Where those rare hunters
were keeping me and tea!

We should be there
in about minutes!

[Thinking] joey
and tea better be ok.

Hang in there guys!

We're on our way
to save you!

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